Molding Clay (9 page)

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Authors: Ciana Stone

BOOK: Molding Clay
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abandoning all control. It was so supremely feminine and submissive that it threatened

his tenuous control. Primal need took over and he stroked hard and fast, her cries and

gasps driving him faster and harder until he felt control fading like mist in sunshine.

Knowing that he was perilously close, Clay slowed his pace and lowered her legs.

Coming forward, he captured her mouth with his. The kiss was slow but passionate,

matching the motion of his hips. Together they danced a primitive dance, each naturally

matching the rhythm of the other. Clay lost himself in the moment, wanting it to last

forever. Nothing in his life had ever felt so right as this moment, and this woman.

As Rusty deepened the intensity of the kiss and wrapped her legs around his waist,

his motions became harder. He drove himself into her wet core. She pushed against

each thrust, driving him deeper into her. Her legs tightened around him as her body

went into climax. Wetness poured between them, her pussy clenching around him, her

belly contracting. Her head arched back, eyes closed in abandon. Clay slowed his

movements, enjoying the feel of her orgasm.

Rusty went limp and sank into the feeling of Clay kissing and sucking her neck. He

pulled out of her as his mouth traveled to her breasts. He teased her nipples as his hand

continued the journey down her body and slipped under her ass. With expert motion,

he rolled her on top of him. He ran his fingers down between her cheeks, over her anus


Molding Clay

and up to swollen lips. He fingered her clit gently as he sucked her breasts. Just as

another orgasm began to ripple through her body he shifted her and drove himself into


Rusty cried out and at that moment the power of the female asserted itself. She

whispered words foreign to his ears that made his skin burn and his mind explode with

light and sensation. She took him, setting the pace and rhythm, riding him like a

runaway stallion. Sweat poured from both of their bodies. His hands pulled at her hips

as his eyes raked over her body, stopping to stare into her eyes. With eyes locked and

bodies connected, they traveled together to a shared climax that left them both spent

and exhausted.

Rusty lay down on him, the side of her face against his broad chest, listening to the

rapid beat of his heart. She felt his arms circle her protectively. Relaxing into his

embrace, warm against his skin, she fell asleep.


Ciana Stone

Chapter Eight

The delicious sensation of fingers dancing across the skin of her back woke Rusty.

She opened her eyes and remained still, enjoying the feel of Clay’s warm, solid body

beneath her, a cool breeze wafting across her and his hands moving slowly down her

back to cup her rear.

She raised her head and looked into his eyes. “Anyone ever told you that you’re

about the most beautiful thing that ever walked this world?” he asked in a low, slow

drawl that sent a shiver racing through her.

“Not that I recall, Mr. Russell.”

“Mr. Russell?” he asked with an arch of his brow. “Honey, we’re way past that.”

“Hmmm, maybe,” she teased.

“Maybe hell,” he chuckled and rolled them over so that he had her pinned to the

ground. “No more Mr. Russell. It’s Clay. Come on now, it’s a short word. Only one


“Nope,” she said with a shake of her head and pushed him away so she could sit.

She stretched her arms over her head and arched her back, sighing as the muscles

loosened. Clay watched with glittering eyes, propped on his side on the ground.

“Aw now, Fancy, what’s a man to think if you won’t even say his name after a night

of lovin’?”

Rusty laughed. “Well to start, it was morning. And to say a night of lovin’ implies

that it was something that lasted for hours on end and as I recall…”

Clay growled and silenced her when he sat and grabbed her hair to pull her face to

his for a kiss that sent fire singing in her veins. His tongue parted her lips and


Molding Clay

plundered her mouth, staking his claim not only with the kiss. With his left hand fisted

in her hair, he held her captive, running his right hand slowly up her bare inner thigh.

Rusty returned the kiss with equal passion. Having sampled the delights of making

love with Clay, she was anticipating what was to come. She thought perhaps to just let

him have his way when his questing fingers stroked her clit, bringing it immediately to

life. But then she changed her mind. Maybe it was time to let Clay feel some of her fire.

“Wait.” She pulled back from his kiss and stilled his hand. “I want you to come

with me.”

“That’s where I was headed, darlin’,” he replied as she stood.

“No, come with me somewhere.”

For a moment Clay didn’t move. “Please,” Rusty said and extended her hand.

Clay got to his feet as Rusty slid on her boots and gathered up her clothes. “You

might want your boots,” she commented as she started picking up his clothes from the


“Uh, you plan on stomping around in the woods in just your boots, honey?”

Rusty gave him a sassy smile. “You got a problem with that, Mr. Russell?”

Clay rolled his eyes. “Darlin’, I’d rather look at you naked than just about anything

I can think of, but don’t you think it’s a little risky running around naked in the


“Oh I get it, you’re chicken,” she teased. “Well okay, fine. Get dressed then.”

Clay cursed and grabbed a boot. In seconds he was standing with his boots on and

his fists on his hips, looking so darn delicious that she almost changed her mind.

“Okay, where to?” he asked.

“Follow me, cowboy,” she said and started hiking up the hill.

Clay had logged plenty of miles hiking the countryside in Arizona but never in his

life had he hiked naked. He wouldn’t be likely to admit it to anyone but it was kind of


Ciana Stone

exciting. The wind was cool but the sun warm on his skin. And watching Rusty’s

enticing little ass sway in front of him was an added treat. So much of a treat that he

paid little attention to the direction they walked. He was far too caught up in watching

that tight ass, and the sway and bounce of Rusty’s breasts when she turned occasionally

to look at him.

His dick was at full attention, pointing ahead like a compass, aimed directly at

Rusty’s backside. He sure hoped they didn’t encounter anyone. He didn’t like the idea

of trying to explain running around in the woods buck-naked, sporting a champion


Rusty beckoned him as she pushed back thick branches of cedar. “This way.”

Clay followed her through the thick stand of cedar. They emerged into a clearing

and he stopped dead in his tracks. A rolling pasture sloped downhill from where they

stood, the sun lighting the tall grass into golden fronds. Tall oaks and ancient cedars

grew in random stands and the land stretched in all directions as far as he could see,

guarded over by a sky so blue it seemed painted on.

At the foot of the hill they stood upon was a small lake, glistening in the sunlight.

As he watched he saw a fish breach the surface of the water and fall with a splash back

beneath the surface.

“Are we trespassing?” he asked, feeling sure that the land had to belong to


“Nope,” she grinned. “Welcome to Blackhawk Ranch, Mr. Russell.”

Clay grinned at the teasing tone in her voice and the emphasis she put on his name.

He’d not had time to ride the whole of the ranch and had no idea the spread was so

beautiful. “It’s beautiful, Rusty.”

The teasing quality left her voice. “It’s home.”

Clay’s grin faded. What he heard in Rusty’s voice spoke of roots that ran deep, of

belonging to and being one with a place. It was something he understood to a degree.

He had a connection to the land of the Circle R. But understanding came from knowing


Molding Clay

his brother Chase. When Chase looked out over the land of his own spread, his home,

his face wore the same look as Rusty’s wore now. It was an expression that said “this is

where I belong”.

Rusty broke the somber moment. “Race ya!” she shouted and took off running

toward the lake.

Clay’s long legs ate up the distance her head start afforded her in short measure. He

scooped her up with one arm and without breaking stride, tossed her over his shoulder,

clutching his clothes in his free hand. She laughed and screamed all the way to the foot

of the hill.

When Clay neared the edge of the water he tossed his clothes onto the soft grass

and without slowing plunged into the water, boots and all.

Rusty had time to drop her clothes and shriek before they both went under. The

water was cool and dark. Rusty kicked away from Clay and swam toward the middle of

the lake. When her head broke the surface of the water, she looked around for Clay. He

was nowhere to be seen.

A sudden yank on her leg alerted her to his location. She surrendered as he pulled

her beneath the surface and wrapped around her. For a few moments they remained

locked in each other’s arms, their legs moving in time.

Clay kicked his powerful legs, propelling them to the surface. Rusty pushed away

from him and swam toward shore. He caught up with her when she was chest deep in

the water and turned her to him.

“Not leaving the party so soon, are you, honey?”

Rusty grinned. “Why, Mr. Russell, who said anything about leaving? I just needed

to sink my toes in the mud to do this.”

She put her hands on either side of his face and locked eyes with him. With infinite

slowness she moved closer, her body, cool from the water, sliding up against him. Her

breasts flattened out on him as her legs moved to circle his waist.


Ciana Stone

Clay moved his hands beneath her, cupping her ass to pull her more firmly against

him. The feel of her hot sex against his belly had him heating up fast. With those violet

eyes holding him prisoner and her hot body sliding up and down on his, it was only

moments before he was itching to get inside her. He started to reposition her to do just

that but she stopped him.

“Not yet,” she said softly and pulled his head down. Her lips caressed his, her teeth

nipping at his lower lip before her tongue flicked out to soothe the small ache and slide

into his mouth. The kiss was slow, deep and wet and would be the mark of what he

would forever judge a kiss against. It lasted a moment, an eternity. He didn’t know

which and didn’t care. The whole of his existence was wrapped up in that kiss. His

body was on fire. He’d never wanted a woman as bad as he did her in that moment.

When she released him from the kiss, she leaned back to lock eyes with him. It was

as if she was seeing inside his soul. He felt exposed, raw and more in need than he’d

ever been.

“Rusty, darlin’,” his voice rumbled, rough with need.

“Mr. Russell,” she said with a hint of a mischievous smile.

Clay had never cared what a woman called him. Stud, darling, honey, baby. It had

never mattered. But with Rusty it did. He wanted to hear her whisper his name, say his

name, scream his name. “Darlin’, please—no more Mr. Russell.”

She studied his eyes for a long moment. He was starting to think that she wouldn’t

speak and then she very softly whispered, “Okay…cowboy.”

His hands tightened on her flesh and his cock pulsed against her. “I want you,

Rusty. More than I’ve ever wanted a woman. God as my witness, I want you beyond


She smiled and stroked his face softly. “Enough to surrender?” she asked.


“Yes, surrender.”


Molding Clay

“To what?”

“This,” she replied and softly chanted,
“Quicquid didiceris, frequenter repete, en menti

tuæ infige, de multum discas non multa: quia animus humanus non potest omnibus par esse.”

If anyone had ever told Clay that reality could explode, he would have laughed or

accused them of doing drugs. But that’s exactly what happened. Reality splintered.

There was no earth, no sky and no cool water lapping against their bodies. All that

existed were Rusty’s eyes, big and luminous, dancing with lights that spilled out and

danced in a whirling dervish around them, tingling his skin with energy that was

electric and completely sexual.

It was as if every inch of his flesh had transformed into an erogenous zone. The

stroke of her fingers down his face and neck left a trail of electricity. His nipples burned

as her nimble fingers circled and stroked, then moved lower.

Clay couldn’t contain a moan when her hand slipped between them to encircle his

dick. She rubbed the head against her wet channel, the warm fluid from her sex

lubricating him so that his dick slid easily against her. He felt her sex opening, felt the

flutter that started in her belly as she eased the head inside her.

His breath rasped out hard as she pressed down, taking more of him into her tight

little pussy. Her fingers dug into the flesh of his shoulders as she worked herself onto

him, inch by slow inch, taking the length of him inside her.

She started moving on him, slow and steady, up and down, her pussy slick, hot and

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