Moirai (14 page)

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Authors: Ruth Silver

BOOK: Moirai
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Chancellor Collins sighed, knowing that sending Joshua
without me or vice versa was a disaster waiting to happen. “You two are
inseparable,” he remarked. “Fine, you'll join them. Is there anyone else who
would like to tag along?”

No one raised a hand.

Chancellor Collins nodded. “Good, now that's settled.
Olivia, you and Jaxon will travel from Torv to Genesis after you help Chloe and
Elsa with the pregnant women. I see no reason to bring you all the way back to
Shadow when you're most of the way there already.”

I didn't see any reason to disagree. I knew Joshua wasn't
happy with my decision to return to Genesis, even if I was glamoured and
pretending to be someone else. It had to be done though. “Okay,” I answered.

“Joshua and Elsa, you both will return back to Shadow
when Olivia travels to Genesis. How far have you come with the drones? Will you
be ready in time to use them to attack the Governor's mansion?”

Joshua stared at Collins, no hint of humor on his face.
“I was ready yesterday.”

“Good,” Collins smiled, “that's what I like to hear. You
will be responsible for manning the five drones. Can you handle all of them on
your own or will you require additional help?” Even though Collins was asking,
I suspected there wasn't anyone else capable of manning the drones.

“I've got it covered,” Joshua assured the Chancellor.
“Anything else?”

“It will only take you a few hours to travel to Genesis
by plane. The rebel soldiers will need a head start. Can you handle your duties
alone in Shadow?”

“I told you, I've got it covered. I've already done a
test run with the drones. Obviously I can't test the bombs but I can fly from
here to Genesis undetected.”

“When did you test the drones?” Hazel asked. She was as
perplexed as I felt.

“Yesterday, and again this morning. I assure you,” he
glanced from Hazel to Chancellor Collins, “if I didn't know what I was doing,
Cabal soldiers would be all over Shadow by now.”

A soft murmur of chatter erupted throughout the room.
Collins held up his hands to hush everyone. “Very well. On the matter of
clothing,” he glanced at Aidan, “we're running low on supplies. I think it's
time you took a short trip home to Fora. I feel confident they can provide us
with enough cotton and materials to run our production through summer. In
return we'll send food with you from our orchards. We have more than enough in
the greenhouse.”

Aidan nodded. “I'll leave first thing in the morning.” It
was too late today to head out and back before nightfall.

The Chancellor glanced around. “Is there any other order
of business we haven’t discussed?” No one called to attention any other ideas
or problems. “Then we will meet again the same time next week for those who
will be here. Our meeting is adjourned.”

I stood up, following Joshua down the stairs and outside.
“You want to come to Torv with us?” I wasn't surprised but wanted to make sure
the decision was entirely his.

“You want me there, don't you?” Joshua stared at me.

“Of course!” I couldn't believe he'd ask me that. I wrapped
my arm around his waist, resting my head on his shoulder as we walked together
down the main dirt road. “It goes without saying. I just wonder if you're going
because you want to or you think you're doing it to support me.”

“What's the difference?” Joshua shrugged. “I want to be
there for you, and the two of us together, we're unstoppable.” He smiled. “You
want me to come along, don't you?” he asked, giving me that boyish look that
melted my heart and made my stomach flop.

I laughed. “Of course I do. I just know you've been busy
lately, but if you have it all handled,” I insisted, “I'm happy for your

He leaned in, brushing his lips against mine. “Are you
ready for another adventure on the road?” I laughed nervously, unsure what to
anticipate. I wasn't thrilled with having to help a woman deliver a baby, and
had even less confidence on how I could keep her from dying.

He kissed my forehead once more before taking my hand as
we walked back to our home. “After Haven getting destroyed the last time,” he
shook his head, “this trip should be a breeze.”



We piled into the vehicle, Joshua in the backseat with me
and Chloe up front beside Elsa, who drove us towards Torv. We had packed enough
food and water in the trunk for the journey east. The top was down and sunlight
streamed in as we headed east, glaring as Elsa struggled to see the road ahead.

I was thankful to have Joshua in the back to myself. My
hand rested on his thigh as I kept my lips sealed.

I'm glad you're here
. I thought to him, knowing
only he could hear my thoughts. It was nice to be able to talk without Chloe
listening. I still didn't trust her, and it wasn't as though Elsa needed to
hear us conversing either.

Nowhere else for me to be
. Joshua smiled at me. He
squeezed my hand.
We doing this the whole trip?

I laughed under my breath, glad the wind was loud as I
tried to stop myself from laughing aloud.
I wanted to ask you something, for
only us to hear.

Joshua shifted and sat facing forward, his eyes on the
road in front of us, pretending nothing was transpiring. He didn't want Chloe
to suspect anything, especially if we both started laughing for no apparent
This better be good
, he teased me.

It always is
, I thought to him.
Do you think
we'll find the need to use our abilities in Torv?

Joshua glanced at me.
I hope it doesn't come to that.
In fact I'm pretty sure we should be careful
to stand out. If anyone
suspected what we're capable of, I'd hate to think what they'd do to us.

I swallowed the knot in my stomach.
You think someone
would intentionally hurt us?
I didn't want to consider Joshua might be

Promise me no matter what you won't use your special
. Joshua stared at me, waiting for an answer.

I shifted anxiously in the backseat. I didn't intend on
doing anything, but things happen. When my emotions ran high, I tended to
react. Joshua knew that about me. I could see the concern in his eyes.
be careful
, I reassured him. I just had to keep reminding myself that I
couldn't show my abilities. In Shadow I'd gotten used to it; often I felt as
though it had become a part of me. I had to watch myself around strangers. Our
abilities were one of our biggest defenses in fighting the government and were
an even greater offense.

. Joshua smiled. He leaned closer, moving his
hand from mine as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. His lips tickled my
ear. “We should both probably behave,” he whispered.

I laughed, turning my head as our mouths brushed against
each other. “This is behaving?” I raised an eye and saw the look in Joshua's

“It is,” Josh nodded. My hand moved to rest on Joshua's
thigh. “Now look who is misbehaving,” he teased me.

“Au contraire!” I laughed. “I am behaving quite well
considering being locked in the backseat with you for days on end.”

Joshua removed his arm from around my shoulders and
crossed them defiantly. “I'm bored.” He sighed loudly, making sure Chloe and
Elsa could hear. “And Olivia is being mean.” His voice was dripping with

“Seriously?” I knocked his leg hard. “How old are you?”

Elsa laughed. “Do you kids need to be separated back

“Please!” Joshua groaned, teasing me.

Chloe turned around, raising an eye and watching us
curiously. “So are you two…?” Her words trailed off.

Elsa glanced at Chloe. “They're engaged. Two of the
biggest kids imaginable, but they are sweet together, and no,” she glanced at
Joshua in the rearview mirror. “You're sitting back there with your fiancée.”

I laughed, slugging his shoulder. “See! You get to sit
with me for the entire trip.”

Joshua groaned. “It's torture back here.”

I patted his thigh and felt his fingers lace with mine.
At least it helped pass some of the time.

As night began to fall, we stopped the car and ate a
quick dinner that we'd packed before switching seats in the vehicle. Joshua
drove and I sat in the front seat with him as Elsa and Chloe slept in the back.

“You know where we're going?” I knew we were to head
east, but I didn't want us getting lost on the way.

“I got us to Shadow,” Joshua reminded me with a smug
grin. “I think I can handle the map, considering I drew it.”

“Okay. Okay.” I held up my hands in mock surrender. “You
win.” We continued to head east as we drove further into the desert. I was
grateful it was late March and the weather hadn't warmed up enough to make this
trip unbearable. “Let me know when you get tired,” I offered.

“Why, so you can tease me some more?” Joshua glanced at
me. “I'm okay for a while. It's dark, you should try and get a few hours of
sleep.” I felt his hand on my arm and knew he wasn't joking.

I nodded weakly. “Thanks.” I tried to get comfortable in
my seat before I shut my eyes. It wasn't long until I drifted to sleep.


We drove nonstop, except for the occasional bathroom
break and to switch drivers. Solar energy powered the vehicle throughout the
night. I read about it once in a textbook back in Genesis. Fossil fuels had
grown near extinct and with wars breaking out over the last remaining oil
wells, the government demanded production of energy-efficient, solar and wind
powered vehicles. I remembered the solar symbol and saw it etched on the

I was sore beyond belief, cramped up in the car for
nearly thirty hours. It felt like thirty years. As we drew closer to Torv, I
could see the city stretch out in front of us. The air here had grown warmer,
humid. I peered out the side, taking in the sight of the town.

We drove through the main city iron gates: they stood two
stories tall and surrounded the entire town. “So this is Torv?” I mused. It
reminded me of Haven, which had been situated a few hours north.

Chloe beamed proudly. “Home sweet home.”

We drove through the tall gates and further into the
cobblestone-paved streets. My eyes moved over the buildings. The town looked
lavish in comparison to everything else I'd seen. The buildings looked
well-kept and lights shown through their windows as they used electricity to
light their town.

It wasn't that Shadow didn't use electricity, but it was
used sparingly. Generators ran the older parts of town and the newer homes in
Shadow operated using solar technology with blackout capabilities for the
windows. The city center never had been upgraded. Seeing Torv, it reminded me
of Haven and I felt my stomach somersault. My fingers gripped Joshua's arm,
digging into his flesh, unable to stop myself.

“This is…” My mouth was agape as we turned the corner and
the buildings grew taller. Neon lights flashed and pulsed for the local
theater. “Wow.” I didn't know what else to say. I'd never seen an actual
theater with movies or actors. I'd read about it in a fantasy novel but I'd
never experienced it. Torv was lavish, even more so than Haven had been. “How
many people live here?”

Chloe thought about it for a moment. “Not sure. We're not
a particularly small town,” she confessed, “but we always have enough for

We pulled to the corner of the street, parked the car,
and piled out. I couldn't believe how humid and warm it was outside. Joshua
pulled open the trunk and we grabbed our bags. Chloe grabbed her testing kits
as we followed her inside, and I was thankful for air conditioning. I couldn't
imagine how the weather was in the summer here if it was warm already! We
walked down the corridor as I slowed to take it all in. The carpet was plush
and pale. The walls were freshly painted in a light blue with white trim boards
that stretched from ceiling to floor. My feet sunk into the cushioned
carpeting; I was surprised by luxury wasted on the ground. I stood with my bag
in hand as we approached the elevator. I'd never been in one but remembered
them from Haven. “How many floors are there?” I asked as Chloe pushed the arrow
to head up.

“Eighty-seven,” she boasted proudly, as if she had
anything to do with its construction. I stifled a laugh.

“How do you run this place with electricity? Our
generators would never keep up.” The doors slowly creaked open and Chloe
stepped in first, followed by Elsa and then Joshua and myself. The elevator
looked well-kept and I grabbed the railing inside as the doors closed. Chloe
pressed the button for floor forty-seven. My ears popped as I felt us being
catapulted faster and higher, watching the numbers rushing past, until we
slowed to a stop at our floor.

Chloe gave me a funny look as if I was an idiot for not
knowing the answer. “The entire building runs on solar energy. There are panels
on the roof. Much like your homes back in Shadow.” Chloe was either observant
or someone had explained to her how we'd run our town. Either way I wasn't
impressed by her knowledge. Instead, it made my stomach somersault, wondering
what else she'd figured out about us.

Chloe and Elsa stepped out onto the forty-seventh floor
and Joshua followed behind her. I took a minute to glance around before I heard
a sudden ding and jumped out past the closing doors. I didn't want to be left

“Where are we going?” I questioned, walking cautiously
down the long corridor. I had no idea what awaited us in Torv.

Chloe didn't so much as glance back at me. “Just follow
me.” She knew where she was heading and kept the pace as we walked past closed
doors. My eyes scanned over the plaques on the doors. They looked new
considering the age of the building. I wondered who these people were, and why
there was a room with their names attached. Was it a hospital of some kind? I
was aware Chloe would take us by to see the pregnant women, but I had hoped for
a quick shower and change of clothes first.

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