Modern Times: The World From the Twenties to the Nineties (154 page)

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A.J.P.Taylor, English History 1914–45
(London 1970 ed.), 74, 169.

114 See Dulles’s essay, ‘Reparations’ in
These Eventful Years
, vol I.

115 Karl Popper,
Conjectures and Refutations
(London 1972 ed.), 367–9.

116 Stern, op. cit., 119.

117 Martin Kaplan and Robert Webster, The Epidemiology of Influenza’,
Scientific American
, December 1977.

118 Lee Williams,
Anatomy of FOUT
Race Riots 1919–1921
of Mississippi 1972).

119 S.W.Horrall, ‘The Royal NW Mounted Police and Labour Unrest in Western Canada 1919’,
Canadian Historical Review

120 Jones,
Whitehall Diary
, 1132–6.

121 For this and the following paragraphs, see Roy Mellor,
Eastern Europe: a Geography of the Comecon Countries
1975), 65ff.

122 Quoted by Norman Stone,
Times Literary Supplement
, 2 October 1981, 1131.

123 Mellor, op. cit., 73.

124 H. and S.Seton-Watson (eds),
R.W.Seton-Watson and the Yugoslavs: Correspondence
, 2 vols (London 1979), II 97.

125 Mellor, op. cit., 75–7.

126 4 January 1918. Stephen Roskill,
Hankey: Man of Secrets
3 vols
(London 1970–4), 1479.

Statistics of the Military Effort of the British Empire during the
Great War
(London 1922), 756.

128 See S. F. Waley,
Edwin Montagu
(London 1964).

129 Barnett, op. cit., 144ff.

130 Nicholas Mansergh,
Commonwealth Experience
(London 1969), 256.

Report on Indian Constitutional
, Cmnd 9109 (1918), 3; quoted in Barnett, op. cit., 147.

132 Ibid, 120; quoted in Barnett, 148.

133 See’ History and Imagination’, Hugh Trevor-Roper’s valedictory lecture, Oxford University, 20 May 1980, published in Hugh Lloyd-Jones
et al
. (eds),
History and Imagination
(London 1981).

134 S. W.Roskill,
Naval Policy
Between the Wars
2 vols (London
1968), 170.

135 John Gallagher, ‘Nationalism and the Crisis of Empire 1919–22’, in Christopher Baker
et al
. (eds),
Power, Profit and Politics: essays on imperialism, nationalism and change in twentieth-century India
(Cambridge 1981).

136 C.E. Callwell,
FM Sir Henry Wilson
, 2 vols (London 1927) II 240–1.

137 Jones,
Whitehall Diary

138 Philip Woodruff,
The Men Who Ruled India
, 2 vols (London 1954), 1370.

(London), 21 September 1981.

140 Percival Griffiths,
To Guard My
People: the History of the Indian
(London 1971), 243ff; Dyer’s entry in the
Dictionary of
National Biography;
Alfred Draper
Amritsar: the Massacre that Ended the Raj
(London 1981)
, and the review of it in
, September 1981, by Brigadier Sir John Smyth, who was also commanding security forces in the Punjab in April 1919.

141 Gilbert: op. cit., IV, chapter 23, 401–11.

142 Jawaharlal Nehru,
(Indian edition 1962), 43–4;
India and the World
(London 1936), 147.

143 Woodruff, op. cit., II 243.

144 Griffith, op. cit., 247ff.

145 Quoted by J.P.Stern,
(London 1978), 93. The passage is from the fifth part of
The Joyous
translated as
The Gay
(New York 1974).

2 The First Despotic Utopias

1 For a discussion of
see G.Katkof
The February
(London 1967).

2 There are various eye-witness accounts of Lenin’s return to Russia. See Edmund Wilson,
the Finland Station
(London 1966
ed.), 468ff.

3 Carr, op. cit., I 77 (and footnote 2), 78; Wilson, op. cit., 477–8.

4 David Shub,
Lenin: A Biography
(London 1966), 13–16.

5 Ibid., 39.

6 J.M.Bochenski, ‘Marxism-Leninism and Religion’ in B.R.Bociurkiw
et al
. (eds),
and Atheism in the USSR and
Eastern Europe
(London 1975).

7 V.I.Lenin, ‘Socialism and Religion’,
Collected Works
, XII 142; all the relevant texts are in V.
I. Lenin ob ateisme i tserkvi
(V.I.Lenin on Atheism and the Church) (Moscow 1969).

8 Krupskaya,
Memories of Lenin
(tr. London 1930), 35.

9 Maxim Gorky,
Days with Lenin
(tr. London 1932), 52.

10 Lenin,
Collected Works
, iv 390–1.

11 G. V. Plekhanov,
Collected Works
, XIII 7, 90–1.

No. 70, 25 July 1904.

13 Isaac Deutscher,
The Prophet Armed: Trotsky 1879–1921
(London 1954), 91–6.

14 Shub, op. cit., 137.

15 Ibid., 153—4.

16 Ibid., 180.

17 Ibid., 88.

18 Lenin,’Materialism and Empiro-Criticism’,
Collected Works
, xiv 326.

19 Nikolai Valentinov,
My Talks with Lenin
(New York 1948), 325.

20 Lenin,
Collected Works
, xx 102, xxvi 71.

21 Trotsky, O
(Moscow 1924), 148.

22 Jean Variot,
Propos de Georges Sorel
(Paris 1935), 55.

23 F.Engels,
The Class War in Germany
, 135.

24 Lenin,
Collected Works
, v 370ff.

25 Lenin,
Collected Works, IV
447, 466–9.

26 Vera Zasulich in
, 25 July 1904.

27 Rosa Luxemburg,
Neue Zeit
, XXII (Vienna 1903–4).

28 Rosa Luxemburg,
The Russian Revolution and Leninism and Marxism
(tr. Ann Arbor 1961), 82–95.

29 A.JamesGregor,
Italian Fascism and Development Dictatorship
(Princeton 1979). Olivetti’s article was published in
Pagine libere 1
July 1909.

30 Benito Mussolini,
Opera Omnia
, 36 vols (Florence 1951–63), II 32, 126.

31 Ibid., I 92, 103, 185–9.

32 Ibid.,V 69.

33 Ernst Nolte,
Three Faces of Fascism
(tr. London 1965), 155; see also Nolte’s essay ‘Marx und Nietzsche im Sozialismus des jungen Mussolini’,
Historische Zeitschrift
, cxci 2.

34 Nolte,
Three Faces of Fascism
, 154.

35 Mussolini,
Opera Omnia
, v 346.

36 A.James Gregor,
Young Mussolini and the Intellectual Origins of Fascism
(Berkeley 1979); Denis Mack Smith,
(London 1982), 10–12, 17, 23.

37 Lenin,
Collected Works, XVIII

38 Ibid., XIX 357.

39 Stalin,
Collected Works
, vi 333–4.

40 The ‘April Theses’ were published in
, 7 April 1917.

41 Carr, op. cit., I 40–1.

42 Ibid., 82.

43 John L. H. Keep,
The Russian Revolution: a study in mass-mobilization
(London 1976), 9.

44 D.J.Male,
Russian Peasant Organization before Collectivization
(Cambridge 1971); T. Shanin,
The Awkward Class: Political Sociology of the Peasantry in a Developing Society: Russia 1910–1925
(Oxford 1972); Moshe Lewin,
Russian Peasants and Soviet Power
(tr. London 1968).

45 Keep, op. cit., 172–85.

46 Ibid., 207ff., 216.

47 M.Ferro,
La Révolution
(Paris 1967), 174, 183.

48 Carr, op. cit., I 80.

49 Ibid., 83–6.

50 Ibid., 89.

51 I asked Kerensky in a BBC TV interview why he did not have Lenin shot. He replied: ‘I did not consider him important.’

52 Lenin,
Collected Works
, xxi 142–8.

53 Carr, op. cit., I 94–9.

54 Stalin,
Collected Works
, vi 347.

55 John Reed,
Ten Days that Shook the World
(Penguin ed. 1966), 38–40, 61, 117.

56 See decree in Mervyn Matthews (ed.),
Soviet Government: A selection of official Documents on Internal Policies
(London 1974).

57 Boris Pasternak,
Doctor Zhivago
(London 1961), 194.

58 Quoted in Victor Woroszynski,
The Life of Mayakovsky
(London 1972), 194.

59 Nicholas Sukhanov,
The Russian Revolution
(Oxford 1955), 518.

60 G. Vellay (ed.),
Discourses et Rapports de Robespierre
(Paris 1908), 332.

Karl Marx-Friedrich Engels: Historisch-Kritische Gesamtausgabe
, 1
Teil, VII 423; see Carr, op. cit., I 155.

Bericht über den Gründungsparteitag der Kommunistischen Partei Deutschlands (Spartakusbund)
(Berlin 1919), 52.

63 Figure quoted by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, speech in Washington, 30 June 1975,
Alexander Solzhenitsyn Speaks to the West
(London 1978).

64 Carr, op. cit., I 153, footnote 2.

65 Lenin,
Collected Works
, IV 108.

66 V. Adoratsky,
Vospominaniya o Lenine
(1939), 66–7; V.Bonch-Bruevich,
Na Boevykh Postakh Fevral’skoii Oktyabr’skoi Revolyutsii
(1930), 195; both quoted in Carr, op. cit., I 156–7 footnote 4.

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