Missionary Position (Masters of the Prairie Winds Club Book 7) (21 page)

Read Missionary Position (Masters of the Prairie Winds Club Book 7) Online

Authors: Avery Gale

Tags: #romance menage, #BDSM, #Romance, #ex military, #ex navy seal, #mfm menage, #action adventure

BOOK: Missionary Position (Masters of the Prairie Winds Club Book 7)
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Fischer felt the searing fire of his release shoot from deep in his balls before blasting from his cock in hot jets. The muscles of Lara’s throat tightened around him pulling him deeper each time she swallowed and for a few seconds he thought his orgasm might never end. “Holy fucking Christ that was unbelievable. Thank you, baby, you are far too good at that.” And wasn’t that the understatement of the century? Hell, he’d gone over much sooner than he’d intended to, but he could tell by Peter’s muffled curses he wasn’t far behind.

Peter felt the first flutters of Lara’s climax just before he gave her the command to come, knowing there was no way she’d be able to pull back after Fischer had come. He didn’t want to punish her for coming without permission and damn it all to hell, he wasn’t going to be able to hold out anyway. Peter slid his arms under her legs, hooking her knees over the bend of his elbows, changing the angle of penetration so the hard ridge of his cock head pressed against her G-spot with each thrust and Lara’s gasp let him know just how much she’d appreciated the shift.

“Your responses feed my pleasure in a way I’d have never imagined possible,
mi amõre
. Come with me, let’s go over the edge together.” Before he could even take a breath Lara’s muscles locked around his cock like a vise trying to pull him deeper into her body and he was lost. His vision actually blurred and darkened to the point he wasn’t sure his legs were going to continue holding him up. He’d never had sex without a condom before Lara and he knew he never wanted to give up the intimacy of the skin-to-skin contact. Peter couldn’t imagine a world without Lara in it—hell, he didn’t even want to think about it.

Even in his sated state, Peter wanted to rage at the situation they’d found themselves embroiled in. Damn it all to hell, for a bunch of former Navy SEALs, they sure weren’t making much progress finding Lara’s parents. And as soon as they got her settled in to rest and his legs would carry him back down the hall, he planned to start making calls. Neither he nor Fischer wanted to move forward with the relationship until Lara was free to make decisions without being under the unnecessary stress of worrying about her parents. But he was getting damned tired of waiting and she obviously needed the security of knowing where they stood.

After cleaning up and settling their very drowsy, but sated sub in to rest, Peter stalked into their home office and hit the speed dial number on his phone assigned for Micah Drake. After a short conversation that told him abso-fucking-lutely nothing, Peter swiveled around in his chair to lean back and looked out the window behind his desk that looked out over the city. He didn’t believe Lawrence and Rita Emmons were
—it was far more likely they were hiding out, waiting for their daughter to remove the contents of the safe deposit box so they could step in and reclaim the contents. Peter knew Fischer felt obligated to give Lara’s parents the benefit of the doubt—as the strongest empath in the family, Fischer had always been the most compassionate simply because he understood others’ pain so well.

Thinking back on their childhood and how much Fischer had struggled, until their parents had finally pulled their youngest son out of public school, Peter couldn’t help but wonder how his younger brother had managed to hold out as long as he had. After that, their mother had homeschooled him, their grandmother had worked to help Fischer build shields to help protect him from the barrage of psychic energy he was exposed to in public places. Fischer had been able to attend private high school and college, but had known he couldn’t follow his brother into the armed forces. Peter had not only understood, he’d encouraged his brother to follow another path—even though he was kept out of combat situations whenever possible, his exposure to intense emotions couldn’t be completely avoided. As the least powerful empath in the family, Peter had known how much more his younger brother would suffer, and he’d spent a lot of time encouraging Fischer’s pursuit of other ways to fulfill his need to help others.

Peter felt his brother enter the room before he heard him. “I’m not sure I ever thanked you for you that, you know. You saved my sanity and probably my life. I’m grateful for all the time and energy you spent encouraging me to find my passion.” Fischer settled into the large leather chair behind his own desk and swiveled to face Peter. “And oddly enough, you were the only one who didn’t seem surprised when I took the job Cam suddenly offered me, don’t suppose you’d want to tell me why I got that offer?” Peter wanted to roll his eyes at Fischer’s thinly veiled insinuation.

“We’ve been over this—a couple of times as I recall. I got you the interview, but you landed the job all on your own. Hell, you know Cam as well as anyone, do you really believe he’s the type to hire a second-in-command as a favor?” Peter knew his brother had always felt as if he’d been “given” the job and then earned it later, but that simply wasn’t the case. He might have asked Jax and Kyle to help Fischer get an interview, but his younger brother had earned the position he’d gotten.

“And I wasn’t surprised that you were interested in working at a kink club because we’d shared women a few times and I knew how much you enjoyed it.” And the more time Peter had spent with Kent and Kyle West after they’d married Tobi, the more interested he’d become in a polyamorous relationship. Jax and Micah’s marriage to Gracie had also served as a motivator, and Peter smiled as he thought about the two women he now considered to be close friends.

Neither Tobi nor Gracie was a particularly well trained submissive—despite their husbands’ best efforts. But both of them had big hearts and were loyal friends. And according to Fischer they’d both quickly befriended Lara when Cam and Cecelia Barnes first introduced them—hell, that alone would have earned the two sweet subs his favor. But the truth was, it was damned fun watching them run roughshod over his friends. Their combined military experience and records were nearly legendary and their reputations as sexual Dominants was almost as impressive. But when it came to their wives, all four men were putty—and Peter was nothing but envious.

Chapter Seventeen



Fischer wanted to laugh as he listened to his brother’s thoughts wander in an ever-widening arc. Peter might have started out thinking about Lara’s case, but he’d quickly become distracted by the woman herself. It was not like Peter to be so unfocused, the challenges facing Lara had certainly derailed him. And her ability to shake him clearly showed how much different Lara was from the other women the two of them had shared—she was “the one” and Fischer was thrilled she affected Peter as much as she did him.

Peter and the others seemed to be ready to throw Lara’s parents to the wolves for the danger they’d exposed their daughter to, but Fischer was withholding his judgement until he knew exactly what had taken place. His mind kept rewinding to a comment Lara had made when she’d seen her father’s Bible in the box that had been delivered. She’d remarked that her dad would not have sent it unless he believed he wouldn’t be coming back. It was her insistence that he wouldn’t have willingly parted with it unless he’d been forced to, Fischer kept coming back to.
Forced? Or perhaps he was trying to send a message?

“I think we should look through Lawrence Emmons’ Bible again. I just can’t stop thinking about it and that usually means I’ve missed something important.” Fischer moved to the table where they’d left the things Mr. and Mrs. Emmons had sent to their daughter. Picking up the black leather book, Fischer was almost knocked off his feet by the negative energy surrounding what should have been a book filled with hope and joy. “Did you touch this when it arrived?” Peter moved quickly to his side—no doubt having heard the shaking in his voice.

“No. One of the other’s put everything in here and I haven’t taken time to look through it. Why?” Fischer didn’t bother answering, he simply held the book out for his brother and watched as his eyes widened in surprise when he set the small book in his palm. “Holy shit. There was some serious shit going down when this was packed up. See what you can get while I call Kyle, this changes everything.” Fischer was grateful his brother’s team already understood Peter’s gift and respected it enough to take what he said seriously. So often people didn’t accept what they couldn’t see or feel themselves, so they didn’t take warnings seriously—warnings that could have easily saved them a lot of trouble.

While Peter spoke with Kyle, Fischer took the Bible to the small sofa facing the fireplace at the other side of the office and focused his thoughts trying to center them on the book in his hands hoping to determine where Lawrence and Rita Emmons had been when they’d quickly packed the small box of valuables for their daughter. He hadn’t realized he was speaking aloud until he heard Lara’s soft voice relaying the information to Peter. When she started filling in the missing pieces of information, Fischer knew she’d figured out her parents’ last known location.

“Bolivia,” she said simply, “they were in Bolivia, I can tell by your description. I don’t know why they were there…it’s not even on the same continent as the location they’d given me, but considering what I’ve learned about them recently, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.”

“Are you sure? Fischer’s information was a little vague.” Peter’s comment didn’t offend him because it was the truth—even as he’d been relaying what he felt, it hadn’t seemed very clear.

“Yes, you described La Paz perfectly as well as the Yungas Road, also known as the Road of Death. That thirty-eight miles traverses some of the most spectacular scenery in the world, but it also claims almost three hundred lives every year. I had to make that trip twice and I can tell you I have never been more terrified in my entire life. But to be honest, it was your description of the Saler de Uyuni Salt Flats that convinced me.” Fischer watched as her eyes became slightly unfocused as she let herself fall into what was obviously a far more pleasant memory.

“There is no place else like it, it’s truly remarkable. Over four thousand square miles of salt flats and formations that make you feel as if you’re no longer on earth. There are areas so perfectly flat after a rain it’s like standing on a mirror your reflection is so crystal clear.” Fischer watched as her eyes cleared and he saw her hesitance before she proceeded, “If they were left out there, there really is little chance they made it out alive. I’ve heard a lot of stories about condemned people being left out in the midst of the flats to die. It’s not a pleasant way to go and I’m praying that isn’t what happened to them.” Pulling her into his arms, Fischer absorbed her shudder of fear before kissing the top of her sweetly scented hair.

“Why would they have been there? Any ideas?” Fischer hadn’t directed his question to either Peter or Lara specifically and he wanted to laugh when they both answered at the same time.


Peter gestured for Lara to continue, but she simply shook her head so his brother explained, “The Bolivian government has closely guarded their mineral reserves because their culture is so important to them, and they know other countries would exploit their vast resources. And since they are sitting on almost fifty percent of the world’s lithium, they could easily call the shots setting up their own mining and refining facilities.”

Lara nodded, “All of that is true, and since poverty and corruption are so closely linked it won’t come as a surprise to find out governments are still trying to buy their way in. I don’t know for sure, but I’d bet that is why we were
there several times over the years. I hate to think of that time in a negative context—because I have to tell you, Bolivia is one of the most amazing places I’ve ever been. The people are just as colorful as the goods they make, and the city of La Paz is breathtaking.”

Peter decided to give Micah a head’s up, but planned to wait until they met with everyone at Dark Desires to let the rest of the team in on what they’d discovered. It didn’t take them long to dress and get on the road and Fischer was glad the penthouse was close to the club. Within the hour they were all seated around the large table in the conference room and Lara was recounting every detail she could remember about their time in Bolivia.

Fischer was amazed at the wealth of knowledge among the team members and when they’d done a conference call with Jen McCall, he’d seen why the Wests’ had recruited her. Jen’s knowledge of the political climate in Central and South America was astonishing. Peter explained to both he and Lara that Jen had worked for the State Department and was stationed in Costa Rica for a time, but she’d been trained to work in several nations, Bolivia among them. The instant rapport between Lara and Jen was a pleasure to see, and since he’d met Sam and Sage McCall when they’d been on Peter’s SEAL team, he felt like he knew them as well.

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