MILF: The Naughty Neighbor

BOOK: MILF: The Naughty Neighbor
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The Naughty Neighbor


By Emma Scarlett


© Copyright 2016 by Emma Scarlett- All rights reserved.


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Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.


This E-Book contains sexually explicit material and is intended for mature audiences. All characters are 18 years or older and all sex in this story is consensual. This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is entirely coincidental. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


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Emma Scarlett

Chapter 1


              Leanna plopped down on the Johnson’s couch. She had been looking after the house for Kent and Jennifer, her neighbors, for the past three summers. Leanna’s only son had decided on spending his summers on summer abroad trips. That and a divorce from Eddie, Kent’s best friend meant she spent a lot of time alone so the Johnsons made use of her loneliness. At least Jennifer and Kent had nice things. They had rebelled against the cookie-cutter look of all of the one-story single family homes in the cul-de-sac. They had a two-story brick house with a screened-in porch and a bright bed of lavender flowers. It was extremely homey and always clean, to Leanna’s surprise, since Kent was the one that stayed home. He was a salesman and Jennifer was a marketing executive that was, quite frankly, never home. It was Kent who suggested that Leanna house sat during Kent and Jennifer’s frequent vacation. Leanna and Kent spent many afternoons chatting about everything. Leanna worked from home to and after her divorce from her husband, Eddie, Kent had been a rock for her, but he never made a move besides offering a friendly shoulder for her to lean on.

              Leanna pulled one of the decorative pillows to her chest, taking in Kent’s woodsy smell. He often sat on this sofa with his laptop and his feet kicked up. Many times, with Jennifer at work, Leanna would come over with her laptop and they would keep each other company. It was strange, to Leanna, how right it felt. Often Kent would let it slip how lonely he felt when Jennifer worked late, which was almost every night. And Leanna would imagine what it would be like to take Jennifer’s place.

              “God, this sucks,” Leanna said to her self, throwing the pillow.

              She only had one more day and then she wouldn’t feel so saturated with Kent’s pheromones. Her ritual of checking her house and then Kent’s house often led to her touching his clothes, and letting her mind wonder. If Jennifer did not appreciate the men she had then Kent should be with a woman who could handle him.

              Kent was in his early forties, but looked much younger. Even though they were all living in the suburbs in Arizona, Kent was a California boy at heart. He was bronze-tanned with dirty blonde hair and he was tall and muscular. The amount of times she had spied on Kent going his runs, shirtless, was borderline embarrassing.

              Leanna jumped when she heard the front door slam. She whipped around to see Kent standing in the foyer with a duffle bag slung over his shoulder.

              “Kent, what are you doing here? Where’s Jennifer?” Leanna asked rising from the couch.

              “Hey, sorry if I scared you. Jennifer is staying in New York with her family for a couple days,” Kent said, dropping the duffle on the ground.

              Kent took a deep breath and seemed to force a smile.

              “Kent, what’s going on?” Leanna asked, walking over to him.

              The fake smile fell and he seemed to age five years. He raked his hands through his hair, and leaned back on the wall.

              “I’ll tell you over a drink. Let’s head to the kitchen.”

              Leanna nodded and followed him to the kitchen. Kent was slamming things around the kitchen grabbing glasses and a bottle of scotch. Kent had often joked it was the Sadness Scotch. It was not the first time they had poured it together.

              “Yikes, that bad, huh?” Leanna asked, sipping the scotch.

              “Worse. I feel terrible bursting in here like that, but—”


I’m kind of glad to see a friendly face. Jen and I are—having a rough patch. Her parents are fucking horrific. Like monsters. They, they actually think I don’t have a
job. Her dad is old school and the idea of a man ‘staying at home’ is apparently making me a pussy.”

              “What? You’re the smartest guy I know, and software is super lucrative right now. Hell, you and Jen have the nicest house in this neighborhood.”

              Kent scoffed, draining his glass.

              “Jen’s dad ganged up on me about my company and this time was different.”             

              “How so?”

              “Jen joined him in mocking me. She was saying all this stuff about wishing I was more like her dad, but in a nasty way. It was like she regretted being with me or something.”

              “Kent,” Leanna said, grabbing his hand.

              To her surprise, Kent did not pull away. In fact, he squeezed her hand, sitting at the kitchen island next to her.

              “I don’t know what I would do without you these past years. She’s not the same person anymore, you know? I know guys aren’t supposed to say this sort of stuff, but it would nice to be able to just do this, just sit and talk instead of screaming all the time.”

              Leanna pulled Kent into a tight hug, breathing in his rich, masculine smell. His muscles tensed and relaxed under her as the hug dragged out.

              “Sorry, for unloading on you,” Kent said into her ear.

              His voice was low and husky, and Leanna was trying desperately to pull away. She forced herself back, staring into Kent’s green eyes. He seemed to have a storm clouding in those dark eyes of his. Leanna touched his face, dragging her hands down his square jaw, and touching his broad chest.

              “Jennifer is lucky. If it were me—”

              “If it were you?”

              Leanna leaned in, kissing him. He groaned into her kiss, pulling her body close to his. His hands roamed her body, touching her breasts, cupping her ass. Leanna pulled at the hem of his shirt, desperate to have his naked body on top of her.

              “Wait, wait. God, shit, I can’t” Kent said, grabbing her hands.

              Leanna’s stomach fell into the throbbing, wet spot between her legs. He was rejecting her. She stepped back, giving him space.

              “I’m sorry,” Leanna said, combing her long brunette hair behind her ears.

              “It’s not you. You’re beautiful, but—I’m married and—”

              “I get it,” Leanna said, feeling her cheeks get hot.

              No amount of a tan was going to hide the fact that she was probably as red as a tomato.

              “I’m gonna go,” Leanna said, storming out of the kitchen.

              Kent called after her, but she was too humiliated. She had wanted him for so long. They had flirted for so long and now she had her chance and blew it. Jennifer did not even give a damn about Kent. She never seemed to know how good she had it. Rumor around the neighborhood was Jen, the workaholic, was also having an affair with one of the neighbors. As a matter of fact, Leanna was sure she saw Leanna’s Lexus a block over at Jim Gregory’s house around the time she was supposedly ‘running late’ from work. Leanna slammed her front door and marched down the hallway of her empty house into her bedroom. She collapsed on the bed, covering her face and feeling the weight of what she had done. It was so unfair to her. She knew she and Kent would be great together. For the past three years they were just as much a married couple just without the sex. They bonded on everything from taste in music, food, movies and there was nothing sexier than Kent’s dirty humor. He made her laugh and blush so hard that she would blush bright red and snort with laughter at the same time.

              “Get it together, Leanna,” Leanna said to herself.

              The words did nothing to stop the wetness pooling between her legs. Her clit was so swollen she could barely think straight. All she needed was the release. She pulled down her yoga pants, pulled her thong to the side and slipped her hands between her legs. Leanna bit her lip, savoring the feeling of her fingers on her pussy. It felt so good. In her head it wasn’t her hand but Kent’s. His fingers were diving deeper inside of her. No, not her fingers but a rock hard cock, thick and long, not for Jennifer, but for her. It was Kent’s strong hands on her breasts, touching her nipples as he grinded into her.

              “Oh, God,” Leanna came hard on her hand, arching her back as the orgasm rippled through her body.

              As Leanna came down, she sat up on the edge of the bed, not feeling relief as she expected, but anger and frustration. Kent should be here with her. Yes, he was technically married to someone else, but only out of obligation. The marriage had ended long ago. She felt her resolve deepen. If Kent would not make the move, she would have to take matters into her own hands and not just pathetic masturbation sessions alone in her room. She was going to have to show Kent that they belonged together. He was going to fuck her and like it if it was the last thing she did.


Chapter 2


              Leanna peered out the window as Jennifer’s Lexus pulled into the driveway. Jennifer’s skinny oval faced was mashed into a scowl as she slammed the car door closed. It did not take long for Leanna to hear screaming. Within the hour, Jennifer was changed into her power suit and skidding out of the driveway. Leanna was already ready for the next phase of her plan. Anytime Leanna went over, she was usually wearing a sweatshirt and yoga pants. Today, however, Leanna pulled out a green summer dress. She had tanned, olive-skin that just glowed against the fabric. To make it even better, it was short, and wearing heeled sandals would make her curvy legs look even longer. Leanna watched the Lexus peel down the lane and then walked over to see Kent.

              Before she could even knock on the door, Kent opened it. His eyes seemed dull and had dark bags under them. He was in low-hanging pajama bottoms and no shirt. He scanned her up and down and Leanna smirked.

              “Can I come in?” Leanna asked, keeping her focus on his face not his abs.

              “Um,” Kent said, clearly still looking at her legs.

              He rubbed the back of his neck, and nodded.

              “Thanks,” Leanna said, walking pass him.

              Leanna stood in the foyer, leaning on one of the pillars and still smirking at him.

              “Wow, you–look great. A bit early for dresses, huh?” Kent said, shutting the door.

              “Nope, not when you have a date later. I was just trying things on. I just wanted to clear the air first.”

              Kent seemed frozen and a bit stunned that Leanna said ‘date’ which made her feel confident. Kent pointed to the leather sofa, a spot they had both spent many afternoons sitting and having coffee. Leanna intentionally sat further away on the sofa than she normally would have. Not just because she wanted to make him feel awkward, but she wanted him to have a clear view of her legs.

              “So, um, what’d you want to talk about?” Kent asked, stealing another look at her legs.

              “It’s been days since I’ve heard from you—”


              “Let me finish, handsome. I’m not mad. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and I’ve put too much pressure on you to be a replacement to my ex-husband. I’ve wanted you for a long time. I won’t chase you out of this shitty marriage because no one could make me get out of mine. You have to make that choice. I just miss you.”

              “I miss you too, but, um, what’s this about a date? That doesn’t sound like you.”

              Leanna felt her stomach do loops, but she had to stay on target. She crossed her legs as he leaned in, clearly bothered by the prospect of her getting away.

              “Look, Kent, life is short. I can’t sit around, waiting for a man who doesn’t want me as bad as I want him. I mean, you turn me on so much Kent, but—”

              “Leanna, you know it’s not that easy. I’m married.”

              “When’s the last time she fucked you?”

              Kent’s cheeks went pink and then cleared his throat.

              “Well, we had sex at her parents—”

              “Not sex. I mean fucking. I mean sweaty, hair pulling, fucking.”

              “Things change when you’re older, when you’re married—it’s just different.”

              “It shouldn’t be though. I’d be on my knees for you if I woke up seeing you look like this in the morning.”

              Kent dipped his head down, rubbing the back of his neck again. When he looked back up at Leanna his once sleepy eyes were alight with mischief. He was looking her up and down with a lopsided, sexy smile and Leanna could see the wheels in his head turning.

              “Why don’t you then?” Kent asked, leaning back in the chair.

              Leanna looked at him, studying the curves of his toned body. She wanted to kneel between his legs and suck on the long thick cock she could see hardening under his pajamas. She could already see her tongue stroking the shaft. She could feel his strong hands on her head, shoving him deeper into her throat. And her dress was just short enough that all he had to do was pull her thong to the side and her soaking wet pussy would be filled by the sexiest man she had ever seen. No, she knew she could not make it too easy.

              “I’ll tell you what, Kent. I have plans today, but if you really want to do this, meet me at the Hilton. It would be my treat. The address is in your pocket.”

              “When?” Kent asked, touching his hard dick through the pajamas and then pulling out the paper.

              It was just making Leanna feel wetter, but she wanted this on her terms after he embarrassed her the other night and rejected her advances.


              “Why not today?”

              Leanna raised an eyebrow at him, surprised that Mr. Rules was giving in to his naughty side. She had to keep her resolve.

              “Because I’m busy. You didn’t really think this whole time I was waiting around for you did you?”

              Truth was, she was, but he did not need to know that.

              “I guess not.”

              “Look, I want you, Kent. I want to fuck you. I want to make love, but after what happened, I need to know that I turn you on as much as you turn me on, okay?” Leanna asked, rising to her feet.

              Kent stood too and was all but about to rip his pants open with his cock. Leanna walked over and kissed his cheek, slowly stroking his dick. He moaned and turned his face to kiss her lips. Leanna smiled into his kiss, but stepped back.

              “Show me you want me and I’ll make it worth it,” Leanna said, giving his member a tight squeeze.

              She turned to leave and when she reached for the door, she heard Kent clear his throat.

              “What time should I be there?”

              “Noon. Bring whatever you want. I don’t judge.”

              “I don’t want to wait until tomorrow. You said we’ve been doing this dance forever so let’s do it.”


              “Yes. Right now. Hell, I don’t need a hotel, Leanna. Just stay here with me.”

              Leanna could here the want in his voice. She could here she was pulling him in. Good. This is what she wanted for it to be his choice. That was true seduction, not just getting in his pants, but getting in his head.

              “Fine, meet me at the hotel
At noon, but we drive separately. No games, Kent. If you let me down that’s it. You will be alone. I’ll cancel my plans.”

              “I’ll be there. Wear that dress. I like it.”

              “Yes sir,” Leanna said, offering a mock salute.

              She crossed the lawn with an extra pep in her step. A pang of guilt hit her, not about Jennifer, but for making Kent went. Poor guy was about to come all over himself, but it was the only way to maintain her field of power. Leanna knew this was usually where women messed up. They get the slightest sign of interest from a man and then they give the man all of their focus and change all of their schedules with no compromise on the man’s side. To keep it sexy and interesting for both of them Leanna had to keep the push and pull going.


BOOK: MILF: The Naughty Neighbor
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