Midnight (McKenna Chronicles Book 1) (45 page)

BOOK: Midnight (McKenna Chronicles Book 1)
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don’t want to distract him so I wander, but not too far away, remaining in his
line of sight so he knows where I am. Out of the corner of my eye I see Ella
and John have arrived, and with them Alex Miller. Not sure what to think about
that, I round to the back of the room to watch the three of them together,
their actions that of long-lost friends. They’re talking animatedly, smiling,
along with the occasional laugh. At one point, their conversation turns
serious, and Ella searches out Colin on the far side of the room, Alex and John
staring in the same direction. Ella leaves the two of them and makes her way to
Colin, leaving John and Alex to have a short but intense conversation. In a
moment John disappears behind a curtain.

more about Ella than I do Alex, my eyes shift in her direction. She’s pressed
tightly against Colin while he leans down, close, to hear something she’s
whispering in his ear. My blood boils to see her in such an intimate proximity.
I know she wants him. Colin looks indifferent, listening intently to what she
has to say, his face remaining passive.


Trying on a smile I don’t feel, I turn in greeting. “Alex, what a nice

didn’t realize I would be here or I would have mentioned it yesterday,” he says
with a genial grin. Alex is much more formally dressed than when I saw him at
the pool, this time in a dark brown tailored suit. He’s wearing glasses, which
has taken him from casual to smart. “I spoke with Ella last night and when we
discussed the debate, I couldn’t resist asking if I could come. She was kind
enough to secure me a place in the audience.”

thoughtful of her.” I try to hide the sarcasm.

you in Florida the remainder of the week?” he asks curiously.

we’re leaving in the morning. What about you? Are you sticking around for a

nods, ignoring my question. “Where are you off to next?”  

Colin is moving on directly, he’ll campaign hard from here on out.”

you getting tired of the constant travel? I would think the never-ending
upheaval would wear on you.”

haven’t found it difficult. Actually, it’s very interesting. For a girl who
rarely traveled prior to this, I feel fortunate to have had the chance to see
the United States.” I don’t know why, but it feels like he’s interrogating me.
I try to change the subject back to the debate. “Is this the first . . .”

about you? Is he making time for you in his busy schedule?”

an odd question. I answer honestly, purposefully telling him I’m most
definitely with Colin, leaving little room for him to wonder what our relationship
entails. “We’ve found time for each other everywhere we go, relaxing and
enjoying one another.”  

nods, his lips pressed together in a hard line. “I’m glad to hear it. It seems
he doesn’t let you out of his sight very often.” His voice is caustic, almost
angry, and his eyes harden as they focus on something behind me.

not surprised when I feel the pulse of electricity before Colin's hand touches
my lower back. Alex’s gaze flicks toward the fingers now kneading my hip,
Colin’s arm resting low on my waist.

they shake hands, Alex says, almost frostily, “Colin, nice to see you again so
What’s this? Why does Alex hold so much animosity toward Colin?
It doesn’t make any sense. His sudden hostility is strange.

would you excuse us? I need to speak with Charlie in private, and I only have a
few minutes before we begin.”

doesn’t wait for a reply and I don’t have time to say anything in farewell.
Gripping my hand, he pulls me quickly behind him.

a commanding voice he asks a conference staff member for a private office, his
tone clipped and his face impassive. We’re escorted to a small room. Always the
gentleman Colin motions me in before him. His hand is pressed into my back,
gently guiding me forward, eyes hooded so I can’t gauge his mood.

be back for you in five minutes, Senator McKenna.” And with that I’m shut into
the room with Colin, just the two of us, silence stretching on like an
eternity. I begin to fidget with my fingers, waiting for him to say something.
His eyes are burning, slow embers of shimmering fire, penetrating and piercing
in their intensity.

he finally speaks his voice is deliberately controlled, yet exasperated. “Why
is it every time I turn around Alex Miller is next to you?”

shake my head. “That’s not true. It just happens he’s the only other person I
know and he came by to say hello.” I can’t believe he’s jealous. Did I not
profess my love to him only hours ago?

my arms Colin pulls me flat against his chest, his hand reaching to grasp my
butt, pulling me up and into his groin. I can’t help my gasp. Oh, how I love
Colin’s reaction when he gets jealous. I’m tempted to talk with men more often
just to get this response.

I can form another coherent thought his mouth is on mine, his tongue demanding
entrance. I groan as he begins to sensually banter with me, nipping and sucking
on my lips. My heart falls into my stomach and I begin to ache for him.

brazenly lift my skirt, clutching his neck as I jump up to wrap my legs around
his waist and grind against him. He groans, matching my desire for only a
minute before slowing the kiss to diminish our growing passion. I know his plan
is to withdraw, so I use all of my strength to cling to him, reveling in the
sensations of his mouth on mine, our bodies pressed tightly together. Colin
chuckles deep in his chest and before I’m ready to stop, his lips barely touch
mine, his tongue a faint caress. When he breaks contact I thread my fingers
through the back of his hair as he lays his forehead against mine, our breath
coming in heavy waves.

it again,” he whispers harshly, one of his strong hands cradling the back of my
neck to hold me steady, his other rubbing the exposed skin of my lower back.

stare into his eyes, this time looking into the deep pools of blue when I say,
“I love you.” My voice is low, steady and sure. I do love him, so very much.

gaze is smoldering. In a moment his eyes close as he leans into me for a light,
gentle kiss.

a knock sounds on the door I quickly release my legs from his waist and slowly
slide down the front of his hard body. I smooth his suit and hair, but there
really is no need. He looks perfect.

raises his hand to my face, running it slowly from my cheek to chin, his finger
rubbing my bottom lip sweetly. “I’ll be with you soon, baby.”

heart falls into my stomach again as he turns to open the door.


watch Colin from backstage with Evan, the Montgomerys choosing to do so from
the audience with Alex.

exceptional, with confident, educated answers to each question. The opposition
is clearly flustered when they can’t break his calm response with their
goading; his patience and certainty are evident and unbreakable. It’s
astounding to watch actually and embarrassing for his opponents, their
performances lackluster when compared to him, and I’m not just saying that
because he’s my boyfriend.

to Evan during a break, out of the blue I ask him, “Did you have anything to do
with Colin’s current perspective on us?”

doesn’t look surprised by the question and smiles a knowing, lighthearted grin.
“No, Charlie. I just help him see exactly what’s in front of him.”

mean me?”

nods. “That may be a part of it.” Turning to face me, Evan’s eyes capture mine.
“I’ve told you this before: you’re good for Colin. I know it, his parents see
it, and he’s getting used to it.”

brow furrows at the latter part of this explanation. “Getting used to it?”

he says, “It’s taken a long time for him to allow anyone to get close to him
and you’re right there; it’s been a natural fit. I just happen to point it out
periodically, help him focus on the positive, not slide back into bad habits.”

you,” I whisper sincerely.

takes my hand, squeezing it gently. “I should be saying the same to you. He’s a
new person since meeting you and it’s so good to see him get back to himself.”

want him to be happy.”

winks and smiles a true, heartfelt smile just as our attention is drawn back to
the platform.

the end of the debate it’s another hour before I’m able to see Colin. When he
eventually walks back into the room the gravitational pull is instantly in
place and it’s embarrassing, my face flushing when I look at him. Through the
congratulations, handshakes and hugs from all of his supporters he works his
way through the crowd. When he reaches me his hand seeks out mine, clasping my
fingers in his strong, warm grasp. A thrill runs down my spine at his touch and
small smile.

I love his simple greeting.

am I kidding? I love everything about him.

yourself.” I can only hope my return is as powerful for him as his was for me.
“You were amazing. You’re lucky I practiced with you earlier, sharpened your
responses so you could do so well.” I’m just able to keep a straight face.

I would agree I’m very lucky.” His eyes are mischievous and light, when he
leans in to place a brief kiss on my forehead, breathing deeply for just a
moment. He remains content and happy, keeping my hand held firmly in his as he
has more congratulatory moments. He confidently introduces me to everyone as
his girlfriend, continuing to astound me with the sincerity in which he says


forgot it was customary for Colin’s advisors, including Evan and the
Montgomerys, to return to the hotel to re-watch the debate, picking it apart
and determining how well Colin faired. For me it’s nonsensical because he was
fabulous, but I’m no expert. My mood turns sober knowing tonight is my last
night with him for nearly a week and it’ll be spent not alone with him, but
with six of his closest team members.

know I need to get used to this; his life will only get busier and busier, and
time alone will be harder to find.

lay my head into Colin’s side, his arm draping protectively around my
shoulders. He dips down periodically to breathe into my hair, running his lips
against my temple, and my heart falls. Who knew three months ago that I would
be completely, head over heels in love? And no one could have guessed who I’d
be in love with.

hands remain linked as we walk into the hotel and to our room, where we have
minutes before guests arrive. At some point after we left, Phil’s men came to
claim the flowers and card, room service taking care to refresh the entire

soon as the door shuts behind Colin I turn, my arms cinching his muscular
waist, resting my head on his chest. He feels so, so good and I’m consumed with
thoughts of missing him. I know he’s thinking the same thing when his arms grip
me, desperately smashing my body into his.

won’t be here long, baby.”

smile into his chest; he knows me so well. For a moment I forget about the
company soon to arrive. My only focus is Colin and his body pressed tightly
against me, his eyes connecting with mine.

reach up to his neck, pulling his lips to meet me. Molding together, we share a
sweet, gentle kiss that heats as the flames lap languidly between us, ready to
ignite into an inferno. He pulls away and I follow, not ready to let him go. A
smile pulls at the corners of his mouth as he gives in to desire, finding me
again, but slowing my pace, a tender offering. He draws away again to tease me
and I get more aggressive in my hunt, my hands feathering into his hair only to
drag him down. His lips hover against mine, the soft tip of his tongue lazily
tasting my bottom lip.

insides flutter, butterflies exploding as desire rages. I groan into his mouth.
I want more. I always want more when I’m with him. Finally he gives in and
sinks down into a fervent, smoldering duality of will. His hands roam, skimming
and kneading the bare skin of my back. Moving my position, he holds me so his
hand can sweep around to squeeze my breast, still jailed by dress and bra.
Finding my nipple hidden beneath the fabric, he rolls his palm over it,
pressing and squeezing my breast until my knees weaken. I moan again, my hands
gripping and pulling his hair.

sharp rap sounds at the door. I ignore it, pressing myself into Colin’s growing
erection, willing him to ignore it too. For a moment I believe he’s convinced,
but then the knock sounds again and he pulls away, his eyes heaving with lust
and something else I can’t quite pinpoint. Nipping my swollen lips once more,
he sighs and pulls away to get the door.

don’t take any time to pause, steeling myself away into our bedroom to change
out of the pretty blue dress, careful to hang it up in the closet. The cleaning
staff neatly folded all of my beachwear from yesterday on the long eight-drawer
dresser, my bathing suit, hat and beach bag sitting next to the rest of my things.
I’ll need to change and pack quickly so I can return to Colin while they watch
the debate.  

light knock brings me back from my trance and Colin sneaks in, his eyes
registering shock, not expecting the state of dress he finds me in. Taking a
moment I know he doesn’t have to appreciate my barely-clad form, he fixates on
my bustier and lace panties. Smiling at his reaction I walk slowly toward him.
“Want to finish what you started?”







mine. They’re filled with temptation. He closes them tightly,
almost as if he sees me he’ll cave in and give me what I want, what we both

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