Midnight (McKenna Chronicles Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: Midnight (McKenna Chronicles Book 1)
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gazes at me, his eyes untroubled and his smile in place as we connect for an
untold moment. His mood is light from Evan’s story. I’m drawn to him,
undeniably bewitched.

about you, Charlie? What trouble did you get into?”

face falls, the smile and levity leaving as soon as his question registers.
Momentarily I’m speechless, not sure what to share about my unconventional
childhood. There’s not much to say. “Nothing terribly interesting. The normal
teenage stuff. Ali and I would sneak out at night to hang with friends at a
beach close to our house where kids from school would gather for bonfires and
beer.” I smile at the memory. What I don’t share is I only went to appease Ali.
She is always the center of attention; wherever Ali is she’s sought after by
men and befriended by women. She exudes confidence. I was her insecure tagalong

never did anything bad, never got in trouble?” He’s teasing I know, but his
question hits too close to a home I’m not comfortable with and my stomach
turns. There is one thing, but it’s one thing I’ll never tell.

not really. I’m a rule follower,” I say, my tone heavier than before. He’s
aware my comfort level changed, but his eyes don’t leave mine. Evan orders
another round, so I take the opportunity to change the subject.

didn’t tell me what made you get involved in politics?”

lifts his shoulders in a nonchalant shrug. “When I was young, maybe ten years
old, my dad took me to a campaign rally for Ronald Reagan at a local high
school. I remember being enthralled by the whole thing. Reagan himself was
engrossing; the passion of the people intrigued me. I asked my dad why so many
people would go see one man speak and his response was, ‘because he can change
the world’.” He leans in, elbow on the bar, close enough I can see the faint
smudges of laugh lines below his eyes. “That was a defining moment in my life.
Many children are enthralled with superheroes; I was the anomaly preferring
presidents.” He grins. “They became my real-life heroes, their ability to save
the world and change people’s lives. When they’d falter, I was so disappointed.
I decided at a very early age I wanted to assist in shaping the world we live in:
change the world
as my dad says.” I’m struck by how passionate he is;
it’s mesmerizing.

do you hate politics so much, Charlie?”

surprises me with the question. I shrug as he did, not sure how to explain my
perspective. “It’s been my experience politicians lie, abuse power, and
implement change based on the highest bidder—not the right thing to do. I know
I’m stereotyping and that may not be fair, but I’ve lost faith in the political
system and the people within it.” I sigh as I finish because technically, given
his position, I’ve just called him a liar and a power whore. Lifting his
bottle, Colin looks at me over the raised rim with hooded eyes, contemplating
my explanation.

whistles low. “Sounds like you’ve got a nasty impression of poor Colin.” He
claps him on his back twice, hard, the beer at Colin’s lips sloshing over the
rim so he jumps back to avoid the liquid claiming the front of his shirt.

at Evan, he turns to me, eyes softening. “I hope I’ll change your opinion of
the system, Charlie, and the people in it. The United States political system
is really the best in the world. It’s true, some politicians lie and some are
caught in terrible scandal. Those are things I hope to change, I will always be
honest with you and the people I represent.” He says this with so much
integrity I absolutely believe him.

caught in his spell, unable and unwilling to break the connection. I don’t know
why this man captivates me in such a way. Wait, yes I do, because he’s hot and
passionate and honest. He commands attention. Not just from me, but from
everyone in the room. His gaze remains intent as if trying to see inside of me,
and capture answers before I’m willing to give them or even know the question.

phone rings. He answers, holding up his hand, indicating he’ll be right back as
he walks from the room. “Running for president is pretty boring. What will you
do for fun on the campaign trail?” I ask playfully.

he murmurs, thinking, his stare hard and steady. The lightheartedness leaves me
immediately. “I engage in many activities, Charlie,” he says heavily. “I’ll
spend time in the gym.”

I mouth as I did when we had breakfast last month. “That’s not fun; it’s more

tries to stifle a smile. “I’ll ski in Colorado.”

contemplate that. “You could run into a tree. Very dangerous,” I reply, shaking
my head in fake consternation.

in Florida . . .”

out for sharks. I heard they like the taste of flesh in the Keys,” I add with
mock conviction.

hike in Arizona.”  

they’re very venomous.”

to the theatre . . .”

gape at him. “Have you ever heard of John Wilkes Booth? No theatres!”

laughs a deep, genuine laugh that warms me all over. In a moment he continues,
his tone returning to an intense timbre. “Sail in San Francisco.”

are the perils of sailing? As I ponder this, Colin’s eyes darken, a smoky haze
clouding the vivid blue depths to the color of a tornado.

I can come up with a witty response he asks, “If life is so hazardous, what
would you have me do to enjoy my free time?”

heat in his voice reverberates through my chest, past my stomach and beyond,
tightening muscles I don’t recognize.

preamble, Colin grabs my hand firmly and pulls me from the bar, his pace
quickening as we make our way to the elevators. He pushes the button to call
for the car and the doors open immediately, then he drags me in behind him. As
they close, the heavy, electric pulse is there between us, smoldering in the
small space. It’s impossible to ignore. I have never before felt anything close
to the longing building deep within my heart and it frightens me.

says nothing as we climb. Flight after flight flies by and he remains deep in
thought, jaw clenching. It seems before I can breathe he's pulling me down the
hall, stopping abruptly to swipe a key card. When the door pops open, he spins
and pushes me against the back of it.

on either side of my face and his body flush with mine, he presses his erection
hard into my belly.
Oh, hello.
Wow, now there’s something and by the
feel of it, it’s something big.
I pause, a warmth flowing into every limb
as his heat radiates through me. The only noise in the room is the loud erratic
thrum of my heart, thumping to an arousing beat, an awakening of some sort. He
smells enticing, a heady mixture of a crisp, clear day, sandalwood and Colin.
All man. A beautiful musk permeating every breath I take in, temptation in the
purest form. Gulping in his scent, I look at him with wide eyes, frozen and unable
to move.

draws closer, staring at my lips and I run my tongue along their length,
moistening them while they remain parted in wait. A moan rumbles low in his
chest. His fingers reach into my hair, thumbs brushing lightly along my mouth
and I settle in, relaxing against the hard contour of his body. A delectable
shiver runs slowly down my spine as his lips hover over mine, our breath mixing
luxuriously together.

breathe you, Charlie,” he whispers so faintly I don’t know if I hear him
correctly. He inhales. Taking me in and out of his lungs, deeply, profoundly,
as if I’m his lifeline and without me he couldn’t survive. My knees weaken at
the intensity and I lean even further into him.

eyes connect and his head dips a fraction, asking for permission, begging me
for it. My only answer is to lift my head infinitesimally in acknowledgement.

his lips are on mine, pushing hard as they mold to the delicate flavor of my
mouth. He’s soft, but firm at the same time. I gasp from the surprising passion
in the kiss and he takes that moment to delve his tongue inside. Hesitantly, I
reach out with mine and his answering groan empowers me to push further,
engaging him fervidly until I’m panting into him.

this moment I have no doubt this is where I belong: with him, his hands
and lips taking me. It’s perfection and I’m at peace. Feelings of inadequacy
and insecurity from a past I can’t let go float delicately away until there are
absolutely no thoughts of them anywhere. I’m free, for the first time in
fifteen years. I’m free from pain, and it’s because Colin is where I’m meant to
be. In this moment, right now, I’m certain of it.

sweet, succulent, so I bear down on his lower lip, grabbing it between my
teeth to nip the fullness and suck him leisurely. He groans again and his
tightly bound control slips as he licks and bites into my mouth, driving
pleasure from the piercing sting until my cry rebounds against the walls. I’m
at his mercy. With his silent insistence, I accept my fate and dive in. Wrapping
my arms around his head, my fingers plunging into his hair, I pull him closer,
matching him need for need. We’re crushed together in a hungry, frantic,
pleading kiss. Something I have never experienced before.

knock on the door startles me and I make to pull away but he doesn’t release
me, holding tight. He continues to nip and pull at my lips, his tongue dipping
to touch mine seductively. After another moment, he gentles the kiss, as if he
can’t pull away cold turkey. It’s a slow, sensual descent from heaven to earth.

knock at the door, more urgent this time, and he breaks contact. “I’ll be right
there,” he says loudly, and none-too-kindly to the unwanted caller. Glaring at
the door, he turns back to me. His hands cradle my head close to his, thumbs
caressing my cheeks.
Holy hell

should go,” I say breathlessly, not fully comprehending what just happened
between us. He straightens to his full height, releasing my body, yet his hands
remain in place. We’re both panting.

his thumb gently over my bottom lip, he whispers, “You’re so beautiful.”

knock fractures the strange pull between us. Finding my voice, I loosen my grip
on his hair and say loudly, “Thank you for the information, Colin, this will
help immensely with the website.” I hope my fib will fool whoever is at the

releases me, the soft swell of his lips downturned, and three lines burrow
between his eyes as he watches me. He’s studying my mouth and sweeping along my
cheek and hair as if he's memorizing the moment. With one last look into his
eyes I turn, pulling the door open only to find Ella glaring at me.

sighs loudly. “What do you want, Ella?”

slide out of the room. “You have an early day tomorrow. I’ll leave you two to
talk. Good night,” I say lamely, practically running down the hall.

in my room I shut the door behind me, exhaling deeply. Running my finger over
my swollen lips, his passion is evident in the plump swell of my skin.

fucking shit. What happened back there? I just made out with the hottest man on
the planet, possibly the future president of the United States. I don’t make
out with anyone. I’ve never really wanted to, too scared by my past to let men
get close. Well, that thought didn’t even cross my mind—not tonight, not with him.

that I’m alone I can think clearly and decide what to do. He’s running for
president. I’m no good for him. Actually, I could harm his campaign; scandal is
the last thing he needs. My head falls into my hands. I can’t let this happen
again, not with Colin McKenna.







bright the following morning. I’m quick to shower, then straighten my hair and
pull it back tightly in a high ponytail, a style to last the entire busy day
ahead. Taking a final look in the mirror, I look stylish in black dress pants,
a white collared shirt and a pinstriped tight vest, a homage of sorts to Colin
and his three-piece suits. Slipping into my black heels, I grab my camera and
jacket before running out the door.

quick review of the schedule confirms Colin’s already completed a breakfast
meeting with a local businessman right here at the hotel. We’re now heading to
tour a manufacturing plant, moving on to a lunch meeting at a large medical
center with its CEO to discuss healthcare reform, a brief speech in the
hospital’s auditorium, and finally slowing down for an evening dinner with the
governor and his wife. Colin is a busy man.

is waiting in the lobby; Colin turns as he glimpses me stepping off of the
elevator. Struck by a flashback, I remember the last time I saw him: his lips
on mine, the taste and heat of his mouth . . . I try not to look him in
the eye, but his presence demands it.  His expression gives nothing away,
no emotion displayed, poker face steadily in place. I can’t help but sigh; this
was never going to be an easy assignment, and now there’s an added
complication— I have Colin McKenna himself to contend with. This whole scenario
has the makings for a shit-show, and I have to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Bitchy continues with her hatred death stare from last night. What’s her
problem? I’ve spoken a handful of words to the woman and her shit is already
pissing me off. Thankfully, John Montgomery is nowhere in sight this morning.

exit the building and head to the car. Evan is welcoming, sliding in next to me
in the furthest row of the large SUV, Colin and Ms. Bitchy are just in front of

doesn’t mention last night or that Colin and I disappeared when he stepped out
for a phone call. He remains intent on an aggressive texting match, going back
and forth with an unknown someone. I wonder if it’s a girlfriend. Hunched over
his phone, he finally gives up, tossing it on the seat between us. Mumbling to
himself, he looks out the window irritated.

BOOK: Midnight (McKenna Chronicles Book 1)
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