Michelle: Bride of Mississippi (American Mail-Order Bride 20) (11 page)

Read Michelle: Bride of Mississippi (American Mail-Order Bride 20) Online

Authors: Cindy Caldwell

Tags: #Historical, #Romance, #Fiction, #Forever Love, #Victorian Era, #Western, #Fifth In Series, #Saga, #Fifty-Books, #Forty-Five Authors, #Newspaper Ad, #Short Story, #American Mail-Order Bride, #Bachelor, #Single Woman, #Marriage Of Convenience, #Christian, #Religious, #Faith, #Inspirational, #Factory Burned, #Pioneer, #Holiday, #Christmas, #Seasonal, #Christmas Time, #Mistletoe, #Mississippi, #Cousin Josephine, #Sewing Skills, #Clothing Business, #Twin Sister, #Deceased, #Twins, #Tight-Fisted, #Wealthy, #Family Life

BOOK: Michelle: Bride of Mississippi (American Mail-Order Bride 20)
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Chapter 26

ichelle’s heart
fluttered as she sat on the park bench and watched Anthony give gifts to the many families lined up across the park, the girls handing him toys that they thought would be appropriate for the ages of the children.

As the toys dwindled and the families headed toward home, she couldn’t help but smile at the joy on the faces of Anthony and the girls as they came to sit beside her on the bench.

Missy climbed on her lap as Anthony walked over to the buggy to place the empty bags in the back.

“Look, there’s the lady we took home the other day.” Mattie pointed as she rested her head against Michelle’s shoulder.

“You’re right, it is.” Michelle said and she stood as the woman approached, carrying her toddler who clutched a wooden train in his hands so tightly his fingers were white.

“Hello,” she said as she reached them, smiling down at the girls and then back up at Michelle.

“Hello,” Michelle replied. “It’s nice to see you, and I’m so glad that you got a train.” She patted the boy’s cheek as he smiled and grabbed the train even tighter.

“I saw you sitting here and I just wanted to thank you for your kindness the other day. Both the ride and the money.” Her cheeks turned crimson and she looked down at her scuffed shoes. “Tommy’s never had a Christmas present before, so today was even extra nice.”

Anthony walked up and put his arm around Michelle, the young woman’s eyes growing wide as she saw him.

“Oh, my, I was just thanking your wife here for the ride home and the money she gave us. She saved me, and I was able to feed the boys until their father got home.”

Michelle tugged at her hat as heat crept into her cheeks. “Please, think nothing of it. I was happy to help.
were happy to help,” she said, squeezing the girls’ hands as she smiled up at Anthony.

The woman looked at Anthony and cocked her head, suddenly breaking out into a smile. “Ah. It must run in the family,” she said as she pulled the scarf around her son’s neck tighter.

Puzzled, Michelle looked over at Anthony, his eyes cast downward.


“Yes, ma’am. Your husband here saved me and my kids on the same day. Got caught out in the storm of the morning, and he gave us his umbrella and scarf. Even gave his hat and gloves to my older boys. We’d have froze if he hadn’t. Very grateful to you, too, sir,” she said, and she gave a small curtsy. She smiled and turned away, and Tommy waved at them over her shoulder as they walked toward home.

Michelle looked up at her husband as he reached for the girls’ hands and led them over to the buggy. She followed slowly behind, thinking about how much she thought she’d known about this man, but really hadn’t. Actually, her first instincts about him--that he was kind, caring, generous--were correct, and she kicked herself for behaving so badly about the gift-giving tradition. The one they’d just completed, with great success.

The girls fell asleep on the short ride home, the day and the excitement exhausting both of them. Michelle smiled as Mattie’s head bobbed on Anthony’s shoulder and Missy’s on hers, comforted by her warmth close against her.

“You know,” she said quietly, “I wish Adelaide could have seen this. She’d have been proud of the girls--and you.”

Anthony wrapped his arm around Mattie, pulling her closer against the chill. He looked up at the bare branches waving in the breeze and the bright sun shining down. He turned to Michelle and smiled. “Somehow, I have a feeling she’s with us anyway.”


ichelle picked
up the mug of eggnog that Mable offered her and took a sip. Over the rim of the cup, she watched Mattie and Missy playing with the new dolls that had sat on the fireplace hearth when they’d woken up. Such simple things could bring such great joy, and she knew that the twins knew that better than just about anyone.

The previous evening had been all too brief as the twins were so tired after all the excitement. Their beaming, joyful faces would be forever etched in her memory, and she and Anthony had tucked them in, their eyelids heavy before they’d even closed the door behind them.

She tingled at the memory of what had happened after she and Anthony had gone downstairs, her hand in his as they sat by the fire, laughing and talking as they explained what had gone on during the previous week, each in their separate worlds. And when he’d kissed her cheek at the top of the stairs as they said good night, she thought her heart might actually skitter right out of her chest, and she’d slept deeply, feeling that the possibility that they’d become a real family was very real.

The day had been perfect so far--except that Anthony hadn’t wanted to talk about any kind of future the night before or today, for that matter.

“Today was so wonderful and tomorrow’s Christmas. We have a turkey for supper and all is right with the world. There’ll be plenty of time to decide what to do after Christmas,” he’d said, and she’d left it at that, trusting her husband and knowing they’d have time to figure it all out.

Anthony frowned at a knock at the door and stood. “Who would be coming by on Christmas Day?”

“I have no idea,” Mable said as she went to the front door, returning with a smiling Mr. and Mrs. Banks.

“Please excuse us dropping by unannounced, especially on Christmas Day,” Mrs. Banks said as she reached for Michelle’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “Mr. Banks insisted that he had business with Anthony of an urgent nature and that no, it in fact could
wait.” She nodded at her husband, her eyes narrowed but all smiles, nonetheless.

“Hello, Mrs. Banks,” Mattie said as she stood and crossed into the woman’s open arms.

“Hello, my dear. Merry Christmas,” she said, and she pulled two wrapped packages from her reticule. “One for you,” she said as she handed the package to Mattie, “and one for you, too.” She held the other package out for Missy, who took it and nodded at Mrs. Banks.

“Thank you very much. May we open them, Uncle Anthony?” Missy looked at him with hopeful eyes, smiling as he nodded.

The girls removed the paper, squealing at the sight of candy canes.

“There are two for each of you. One for the tree, and one to eat,” Mrs. Banks said as she clapped her hands.

“Thank you,” each of the twins said, hugging Mrs. Banks in turn and running to the Christmas tree to hang their treasures.

Mr. Banks cleared his throat and said, “Anthony, could we have a word? It’s about the business.”

Michelle stood, ready to leave the room with Mrs. Banks who was following the girls into the other room to supervise the hanging of the candy canes, but she stopped when Anthony held up his hand.

“I’d be happy to discuss anything with you, Mr. Banks, but Michelle will stay. Anything you have to say to me will be said in front of my wife. We have no secrets.”

Anthony reached out his hand to her, and Michelle moved to his side, her heart full that whatever they were going to hear, they would hear it together.

Mr. Banks smiled and nodded. “Very well. Anthony, you know I’ve been corresponding with some consignment companies in New York about your inventory.”

“Yes, and I’m very grateful. There’s so much in the store, lovely things, but no one here seems to be interested,” Anthony said.

“Well, these things happen, dear boy,” Mr. Banks said. “‘I’ve always felt that there might be some other type of business you could run from that location that would do much better, regardless of the downturn in business.”

Michelle’s ears perked up. Anthony had mentioned that there was nowhere in town for people to take things to have them repaired--either clothing, drapes, furniture or even well-loved dolls.

“Thank you for making inquiries on my behalf. I suppose there’s been no word.” Anthony sighed and glanced at the girls in the other room.

“On the contrary. Anthony, I’ve sent a detailed list of your inventory to a friend in New York, and he telegraphed this morning. He wants it.”

Anthony’s eyebrows rose, his eyes wide. “He does? All of it?”

Mr. Banks smiled and clapped Anthony on the back. “All of it. Every last item.”

Michelle squeezed Anthony’s hand, her heart tugging as he looked down at her, his relief radiating from his smile.

“I...I don’t know what to say, Mr. Banks. Thank you.” He reached out to Mr. Banks and gave him a hearty handshake.

“Oh, Anthony, it has given me great pleasure. I always told your father he was in the wrong business, but he’d never listen. I’m happy to help relieve you of that burden. Now you can make your own course, the way you want to.”

Mr. Banks bowed slightly to Michelle and she curtsied as she shook her head, marveling at their good fortune.

“Now I will fetch my wife and we’ll be on our way. We can settle the details in a few days,” Mr. Banks said as he shook Anthony’s hand again and went into the parlor.

“Don’t forget to come for tea and Merry Christmas,” Mrs. Banks said as her husband pulled her out the door, closing it behind him.

Michelle gasped as Anthony turned to her, wrapped his arms around her waist and twirled her around. She laughed, her head back and her curls escaping their pins. She didn’t even want to try to gather them back up. The joy on Anthony’s face made everything else pale in importance.

He set her down gently, but instead of releasing her, he pulled her closer, his eyes not leaving hers. “Michelle Chandler, everything has changed since you came. Everything.”

She laughed as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “For the better, I hope,” she said. His arms around her warmed her heart, and she looked down for a moment, overwhelmed by emotion.

She closed her eyes as she felt his warm touch on her chin as he lifted her face up toward his. Her eyes fluttered just as he lowered his warm lips to hers, his kiss soft and sweet.

He pulled away, his eyes not leaving hers. “Absolutely for the better. In every way.”

“Ahem,” Mable said as she entered the parlor, her smile wide.

Michelle frowned and looked at Anthony. He shrugged his shoulders and they both looked at Mable as she set what looked very much to Michelle like Anthony’s mother’s silver tea set down on the table, steam swirling from the spout of the teapot.

“I made you all some coffee,” she said as she winked at Anthony.

“Mable, is that--”

She held up her hands, stopping him. “Yes, it is. And before you say a word, I wanted you to have it. It belongs here.” She turned to Michelle and nodded. “And so do you, Mrs. Michelle.”

“Mable, you shouldn’t have,” Anthony said as he ran his hand through his hair.

“Mr. Anthony, I’ve been part of this family for as long as you have. Some traditions are not made to be broken, and this tea set can serve as a reminder of how the family used to be.”

She glanced into the other room and smiled as the twins giggled. “And now the two of you can start new traditions. With your new family,” she said as she smiled and went to see the girls.

Anthony reached for Michelle’s elbow, turning her toward him as Mable left the room. “Well? Will you, Michelle? Make me the happiest man on Earth and join this family? Our family?”

“Oh, Anthony,” Michelle said. She took a step toward the parlor where the girls were, and he walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. She sighed and leaned back onto his shoulder. “There’s nothing I’d like more. I’m finally home.”


Thanks so much for reading this story and I hope you enjoyed it. If you’d like to hear about new release discounts, promotions or contests, sign up for my new release alerts at:


To read more of the American Mail-Order Brides series:


Books by Cindy Caldwell in the

Wild West Frontier Brides series.

Wild West Frontier Brides Serie

The Chef’s Mail Order Bride

The Wrangler’s Mail Order Bride

The Bartender’s Mail Order Bride

The Teacher’s Mail Order Bride

The following book is part of the unprecedented, 50-author American Mail Order Brides series.

50 days, 50 books, 50 states.

Series begins November 19, 2015

Josephine: Bride of Louisiana

This book has gone through numerous proofreaders, professional and otherwise. If you find any typos or grammatical errors, I’d love to hear about them. I want this to be the best it can be. Please let me know at:

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Michelle: Bride of Mississippi is a work of fiction. Characters and events in this novel are the product of the author’s imagination. Any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

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