Micah (10 page)

Read Micah Online

Authors: Kathi S Barton

Tags: #paranormal romance, #fantasy, #paranormal, #erotic romance, #panther, #panther shifter

BOOK: Micah
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Well, I guess the mighty
Micah Bentley has spoken.” Her temper was coming back; good or bad,
he wasn’t sure just yet. “In the event you might have hit your head
at some point, I’m not related to you. I don’t even like you overly
much. You’re too sexy for your own good, you’re bossy, a pain in
the ass, and I fucking don’t like the way you order me around. I’m
not even sure why you got it into your thick head that you should
even try. But he is my brother. Mine. And I will decide where he
goes, when he goes, and what is good for him.”

You think I’m sexy?” Her
low growl did things to him he’d never experienced before. He
wanted to pull over, strip her down, and fuck her. Hard and quick.
“I’m only looking out for you. It’s my job now.”

now? Oh, and why do you…you know
what? I don’t really give a crap why you think anything. I’m going
to transfer Boyd where I said. You have nothing to say about

They abuse him, did you
know that?” He hated to bring it up like this, but he’d been in
Boyd’s mind and knew what the kid was going through. “They don’t
feed him at times. Because there is no way for him to complain,
they just miss him when there isn’t enough time. His meds, too, are
sometimes given to him too soon or not at all. And there are
medical supplies in his room that shouldn’t be there, like I said.
Those are just a few of the things that I could point out to you
that make it so he needs to be moved. And taking him to county will
only be worse, if that’s even possible.”

No. That’s not right. How
the hell would you even know that?” Micah glanced at his brother
and she turned to look at him. “How do you know this? Boyd doesn’t
talk. He can’t even…he doesn’t even know me.”

He knows you.” Reggie
turned to look at him but stayed turned in the seat. “Boyd doesn’t
understand who you are, but he knows that you’re his. He loves you
very much.”

Don’t do this, please. I
can’t do this now. Not on top of everything else.” Micah nodded but
didn’t stop telling her what he knew.

He doesn’t remember
anything about the invasion. It’s completely gone from his mind.
The people he interacts with at the home, where he is now, mean
nothing to him. None of them have formed a bond with him. For the
most part, he’s lonely. There are bits and pieces of your parents
there. Again, he doesn’t know who they are, but their love for him
is there. And his for them.” She was crying as he pulled into the
parking space. Joey got out, but he didn’t go far. “I can read his
mind. Yours too. I know your feelings, your emotions. I know what
those men did to you, how they hurt you. I can see how you watched
them abuse your brother those last days, beat him until you

Stop.” He snapped his
mouth closed as she sobbed. He thought about reaching for her,
pulling her into his lap, but he knew at this moment she needed to
let it all go; whatever was building up in her, she needed to let
it go. “I don’t have any money. Nothing at all. They took me to the
house the day I’d been released from the hospital after nearly a
month. They wanted to know where I’d been hiding, what I’d been
eating. I never entered the kitchen, I told them. I didn’t…I’d not
made it that far when I went in search of things to snatch. Snatch,
in my own home. But they took me there. Told me what had happened
to my dad. Showed me where his blood was dripping onto the floor,
and mentioned his eyes in the refrigerator. Who does that to a
seventeen-year-old who has just lost everything? I wanted…they
touched everything, and I didn’t want it.”

My dad was a cop. He was
there when you were all found.” She looked up at him from her hands
where she’d been crying. “I never knew who you were until recently,
but my dad was one of the first officers at the scene when the call
came out. He never told me what he’d seen, but we all knew that it
bothered him more than anything he’d ever been involved in. And if
you remember those cops’ names, any of them, I’ll make sure they
know the errors of their ways. And for the record, you should know
that the house has been demolished. It wouldn’t sell and they
figured the lot would be easier to do something with.”

Even if they were to sell
it…if they could…I’d never go there. Fresh house or not, it was
still where my life was ruined.” She looked at him before
continuing. “You can’t read his mind.” Micah nodded. “Then what am
I thinking right now? What is going on in my mind?”

You’re pissed at me. At
my family. You’re terrified about what is going to happen with
Boyd.” She told him that was obvious. “Okay. You want me. You’re
not sure why but you do. You wanted to lick me in the hospital, run
your tongue over my nipple and see if I tasted as good as I looked.
You wondered if you lived with my mom, would you be sharing a room
with me or not. You want me to make love to you, but you’re
terrified at the same time.”

How?” He leaned forward,
pulling her face toward his. “You didn’t answer me. How are you
doing that?”

I want to taste you,
Reggie. Kiss you again so I can taste you slowly.” She moaned when
he ran his tongue over her lips. “I want to strip you down, pull
you onto my cock, and have you ride me. Ride me taking your
pleasure while I feast upon your nipples.”

Please.” He pulled her to
him and set her as close to him as he could get her while he pulled
her blouse open. Her bra was pure lace and silk, and he needed to
taste her through the silkiness of it. Micah lifted her up, sat her
on his covered cock, and suckled her breast into his mouth. Christ,
she tasted delicious, and he wanted more of her.

Fingers tangled in his hair, and all
he could think about was being inside of her. As she rode him, her
hips moving back and forth in quick, hard strokes, he cupped her
ass and brought her to him so that she was riding his cock. When he
bit down on her nipple, tasting her blood as it filled his mouth,
she cried out her release and he growled at her to come

Nuzzling her neck, Micah thumbed her
nipples. They were hard and thick, and he wanted to have them bare
in his mouth. But the need to mark her, make her his, was making
his cat scream at him. As soon as she came again, screaming out his
name, Micah let his cat take his part of her and felt the savage in
him bite her deeply. Her second scream nearly had him coming in his

He held her to him. Micah felt his
heart still pounding in his chest, and he had to work hard at
calming his cat. But right now, both of them were satisfied that
they had marked her. When she lifted her head, he could see that
he’d missed a few drops of her blood and leaned in to lick them off
her. Her moan had him sucking hard on her flesh until she started
to ride him again.

If we stay here much
longer, I’m going to lay you out on this seat and drink from your
pussy. I can smell you. You’re aroused, wet, and hot.” She stopped
moving, and he put his hands on her hips to give him just a little
more of her. “Do you have any idea how much I want you?”

I can feel your cock. So
I’d say, yes, I can tell.” He stared at her for several seconds,
then laughed. “This isn’t funny. And if you think this is going to
distract me from what you said to me, you’re fucking

I am at that. And no, I
don’t think it’s going to distract you.” He kissed her again,
taking his time moving his tongue over the darkness of her mouth,
absorbing her into his as he rocked up into her heat. “Never would
I use sex to make you forget what’s going on around us. No matter
how tempting you are.”

You read my mind.” He
nodded but didn’t speak as she sat there. “Is Boyd really being
mistreated, or was that just a way for you to get what you want?
I’m not saying that you’ll get it, but did you do that to be…I
don’t know, to have something that I’d owe you for?”

I don’t do that.” She
stared at him, and he wondered what she saw there. He knew he was a
good looking man, but other than that, Micah rarely thought of what
he looked like. “Do you understand what a mate is? Do you…are you
ready for more information?”

No.” Micah nodded. “I’m
not sure I’ll ever be ready for whatever it is you think I need to
know. Right now…I’d like to take care of my brother. I’m not sure
about this other place you’re talking about, but I need him moved
if he’s not getting the care that they’re supposed to give him. I
need him to be safe.”

I understand. We can put
him in this place that I was talking about until you make the final
decision.” She eyed him as if she didn’t quite believe him. For
now, he was all right with that. But they would have to talk.
“Reggie, if we stay here much longer, I’m going to make good on my
threat and lay you down and eat you. I want to drink from you until
I’ve had enough, then fuck you.”

She moved off his lap and got out of
the car. As she made her way into the nursing home, he sat there
trying his best to gain some sort of control over his body. Christ,
he was so needy right now that he was sure if he freed his cock,
he’d come almost instantly. The laughter at the other door had him
turning. Joey was standing there with a grin on his

She get you all tied up?”
Micah growled. “Yeah, well, I’m thinking that those people inside
are going to pay for her frustrations. You might want to go in and
save a few of them. Not that I think you’re going to be able to
stop her.”

Micah got out and heard the first
person yelling. It wasn’t Reggie; her style was more of the calm
tear-your-throat-out sort of anger. He looked at his brother and
grinned as they made their way inside.

She’d make a hell of a
cat.” Joey agreed. “I’m almost…she’s not going to go easy at
anything, is she?”

Nope. And I’m loving
every minute of your suffering.” Micah told him his day was coming.
“I don’t care. Really, I don’t. I can see where she’s got you all
twisted up, but I’m not going to let that happen. I’m going to…be

Micah laughed. Yeah, he thought, good
luck with that. Micah had a feeling no matter how different you
wanted to be with a mate, it all came down to one thing. They ruled
the den.

Chapter 6


I don’t understand. Where
is she?” Nessie looked at his brother. He’d shown up earlier, and
it had taken him over an hour to try and figure out what he was
saying. “You said that her house is gone, or she is?”

Both, I would imagine. As
I have said to you numerous times, the house that she was staying
in is burnt to the ground. Even the building next to it is gone.”
Keith sat down, and that was when Nessie noticed the long scratches
on his face. When he asked about it, Keith waved him off. “My love
is not taking well to my new home for her.”

She hurt you?” That was
uncalled for. Keith was a good man. A woman—
woman—would be lucky to have
him in her life. “What did you do to her to show her you are in
charge? Mother always told us that we are the men and we are in
charge. This woman must learn her place. You know that is the only
way to have her come to love you.”

Yes. Well, she won’t be
hurting me…I had to take care of her. There was no training her as
a proper wife.” Nessie felt his heart break for his brother. He’d
been with this woman for only a short time, but he had really loved
her and now she was gone. Another issue that needed to be dealt
with. “She’s at the farmhouse now. I’m supposing that we’re going
to have to get a second kiln before long. There is much…I had many
things that needed to be disposed of. I had not realized how much
she had touched or had been touched by her. I needed a clean

Oh yes. I understand.” He
showed his brother his pictures so as to ease his mind. Nessie’s
heart broke for his brother. “I have so much time invested in these
that I don’t know what I’d do to have to start again. But I wanted
her to feel at home. I think this time, with this woman, it will

One of the other issues that had been
taken care of had said that it wasn’t their home, it was his. He’d
had to think for a long time what she’d meant on that one. When
he’d looked around at the shell he’d been living in before this
woman had come into his life, he’d realized how much better things
were looking. Keith sat there looking off into space, as if he were
thinking hard on something. Nessie let him, going into the kitchen
to brew them both a cup of tea.

Nessie pulled down the two cups and
saucers and set them on the tray. He’d been the one who had brewed
tea for their mother, and even though she was gone now, he had
never gotten out of the habits that she’d liked.

The cups were turned to the right, the
tea pot to the left. The sugar bowl was only half full so as not to
have someone greedy take all your cubes. Polishing the silver
utensils, he made sure there was not a spot on them twice before
putting them on the linen napkin, the last of its kind since their
mother no longer stitched them. As he was putting the hot water
into the pot, his brother came into the room and sat down. Reaching
above his head for the spirits—his mother had always kept them in
the same place at their home—he put it, too, on the tray before
moving it to the table.

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