Metal Urge (25 page)

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Authors: E.D. Wilbourn

BOOK: Metal Urge
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So much had gone wrong since their arrival in Bilston, she wondered if each event had been a warning sign.  Deanna looked at the beautiful garden decorated with colorful flowers, their fragrance permeating the soft breeze.  She looked at Thom standing beside her, a tower of strength: her guardian, her champion, her lover, and her best friend.  “I do love you,” she whispered, clutching the bouquet so tightly she could hear the flowers rustling in her shaky hands.

The vicar began the service and when he entreated the groom to kiss his bride, Thom’s lips covered hers in a sweet promise of joy and happiness; a promise so loving and earnest it strengthened her resolve.  When he broke their kiss, Thom whispered that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on.  Indescribable warmth spread through her, easing her doubts and fears when she saw the love shining in his gorgeous blue eyes as he gazed at her with wonder.  Squeezing his arm, Deanna smiled and felt the heat of her father-in-law’s disapproving gaze.  As Thom walked his new bride past the congratulatory shouts and whistles, she couldn’t ignore the disappointment darkening Ian McCordy’s handsome features as he watched his son lead Nigel’s ex-girlfriend into the house where Nigel’s wife, his precious daughter Chloe, had taken her own life nearly seven years ago.


Chapter 32


It hardly seemed worth driving all the way to Brighton for a two day stay so Deanna suggested they spend their brief honeymoon in the bridal suite at the hotel where she worked.  Thom thought it was a brilliant idea, waiting impatiently by her side like an excited child as she grabbed the phone to call her employer.  After a quick conversation with her manager she was able to book the posh room at a special rate with some extra amenities thrown in free gratis due to her status as an employee.

While Thom loaded their suitcases in the boot, Deanna tried to ease Ian McCordy’s doubts about his new daughter-in-law by telling him again how much she loved his son, but his stubborn Irish streak held fast, and she could see that he distrusted her completely.  Although he acted like the loving father-in-law in front of Thom, his eyes held a dire warning for her.  It was obvious that it would take time to win Ian McCordy over again, and she would try even though she thought it was unfair that he held her short relationship with Nigel over her head like the proverbial Sword of Damocles.

One day he would know the truth.  His son was her hero, he had saved her life, and taken her into his home to help her heal and put her life back together.  She loved him for that and so much more.  Shouldn’t that be all that mattered?  Ian held his son and frowned over Thom’s shoulder at Deanna in one last attempt to show her that he meant every word he had said.  She got into the Mini and waited for the two men to say their final goodbyes, grateful to be leaving Bilston behind her.  As they drove away from the bustling neighborhood, she glanced at the Guilford house trying to imagine the two boys and the little dark-haired girl playing innocently together, never imagining the horror that would touch their lives someday.  She grudgingly accepted the terrible tragedy as the cause of Ian McCordy’s overly protective and loving concern for his son even if it was completely unfair.




Mims met the newlyweds at the door yowling displeasure at being left behind with Jayson and Penny for four long days.  The couple had stayed at the Chelsea flat so they could feed and pamper the spoiled cat, but their attention wasn’t enough; Mims wanted her mum and dad.  At least that was how Jayson explained her endless crying, and scouring the flat for Deanna and Thom.  It was Thom who picked her up first murmuring apologies in her ear and kissing her fuzzy head.

“I thought you didn’t do well with cats,” Deanna teased him.

“I sort of fell in love with her, I s’pose,” he said sheepishly as Jayson laughed and made kissing noises.

Penny smacked Jayson on the back of the head and told the newlyweds that he spent several nights rocking the cat like a baby so she would go to sleep.  Everyone burst out laughing with the exception of Jayson who quickly headed for the kitchen to get out of the line of fire.

“You might as well get everyone a lager while you’re hiding in there,” Thom called.

Deanna and Penny took the suitcases upstairs so that Deanna could fill her friend in on the details of the wedding and honeymoon.  She told her about the garden wedding---leaving out the disagreeable bits---the last minute change in honeymoon plans, and how beautiful the bridal suite turned out to be.  The newlyweds had taken advantage of free champagne along with fresh strawberries and whipped double cream, along with pampering facials and expert massages that were a wedding gift from hotel management.  It had been a marvelous two days and she was pleasantly worn out from the expert and loving attention her new husband had lavished on her.

Penny fussed over Deanna’s beautiful rings then showed off her own engagement ring that Jayson had given her the night before last.  The girls laughed and hugged each other, delighted that their lives seemed to have turned out perfect in every way.  Penny was ecstatic as she told Deanna that she had quit her job to go on the road with Jayson.  She was anxious to see America with the love of her life, but it went far deeper than that.

“There's no bloody way I'm gonna let Jayson out of my site while he's touring with that randy lot,” Penny said, crossing her arms almost defiantly.

“He'd never cheat on you,” Deanna laughed half-heartedly, wondering if she was being ridiculously naive.

Penny looked at her, blue eyes wide with disbelief.  “You're jokin', right?”  She stood up and looked in Deanna's mirror.  Fluffing her hair, she exhaled noisily and turned back to Deanna with a slight frown, “Ever heard of sex, drugs, and rock n' roll?”

Deanna nodded, feeling sick to her stomach.

“It's all part of life on the road,” Penny shrugged.  “I've heard that road managers, even record companies, ply bands with drugs and women to keep the myth alive.”  Penny sat down and patted Deanna's arm.  “Being on the road is like living some mad fantasy.  Tearing up hotel rooms, getting so wasted they don't know what city they're in.  And the women...,” Penny shook her head.  “Musicians shag groupies.  It goes with the territory, lovey.”  She smiled ruefully and walked to the door, sighing heavily at the look of sick terror on Deanna's face.  “Tales of rock bands’ sexual exploits keep their silly male fans coming back for more.  You’ve seen them Deanna; legions of pathetic, spotty lads hoping against hope that it'll be them up there on that stage someday just minutes away from the best blow job they've ever
had.”  Penny tried to smile with assurance at her poor, guileless friend.  “Don’t worry, Deanna.  Thom’s a married man now, yeah?  That’s bound to keep him on the straight and narrow.  I mean, he’ll get lonely and all…”  Her voice trailed off when she noticed Deanna’s frantic gaze, and with an apologetic shrug, Penny left the bedroom.

Was Penny right?  Deanna chewed on a nail as she imagined those predatory little whores waiting in the wings to pleasure her handsome husband.  Of course Thom would get lonely on the road.  All he’d have is a few memories of their last days together.  Those painfully brief hours couldn’t possibly keep him warm and satisfied for long.  Could he really resist the temptation?  Deanna jumped up and paced the small bedroom.  He was leaving for Glaston Hall in the morning to record Metal Urge’s new single.  The worst part was that they would have only one day together after he returned from Wild Bill's Shropshire estate before leaving for America where the band would spend two months touring.  It might as well be two thousand months.  As the endless days dragged by it would begin to feel like an eternity.  She felt the loneliness creeping in and settling inside her like an unwelcome guest.  This was only the beginning: Metal Urge would record their second album after Christmas, and Andy Trent had promised them a world tour opening for some as yet un-named super group.  Thom told her that could mean ten or twelve months on the road.

Maybe marrying a musician wasn’t the greatest idea.

How could Penny take it all in stride?  She was going on the road with Jayson, that's how.  Tears threatened to betray Deanna's resolve to stay calm and trust Thom.  With shaking hands, she wiped her eyes and pushed back her long hair.  God, how she wished he was a banker, or a window washer...anything but the lead guitarist in an up and coming metal band headed for the road and an endless parade of hot girls hungry for sex with a gorgeous musician.




Nigel struggled out of bed, put on his dressing gown and answered the knock on his bedroom door.  He was momentarily angered when he saw Maggi standing in the hall wringing her hands, dressed in jeans and a cropped T-shirt, hair tousled and looking about twelve years old.

“What do you want?”  He growled.

“Can I come in and talk to you for a minute?  Please?”

“Bad idea,” he mumbled but stepped aside so she could slip past. “Where's Nick?” he asked, remaining by the door to stay as far away from her as possible.

“He’s at a meeting with Beastrage and Andy Trent.”

She looked close to tears which made his heart race with the awful memory of what had happened the last time she cried in front of him.  “I think you should leave.”

She held her hands out beseechingly, “Please Nigel, I need to talk to you about something really important.”

Since Nick wasn’t there he thought it was a good idea to head for the living room.  He started down the hall, hearing Maggi trailing behind him.  Waiting until she was seated, Nigel sat in a chair across from her and folded his arms.  “Get on with it, yeah?”

“I know I have no right to ask anything of you but…”  Tears started to roll down her flushed cheeks.  “It’s just that I don’t want Nick to find out what happened between us, you know?”

“And why is that?”

Maggi tried to wipe the tears away with a hand that was less than steady.  Nigel narrowed his eyes at her dramatic show of emotion and tossed a box of tissues to her.

“Thanks,” she sniffed.

“Just tell me whatever the fuck it is that’s got you crying those bloody crocodile tears so I can get back to bed.”

“They’re not crocodile tears,” she whimpered, wiping her eyes with a tissue.  “I…I finally understand what Deanna meant when she said she loved you more than anyone or anything on this earth.  I feel that way about Nick, and I don’t ever want to lose him.  If he knew about us…”

She might as well have sucker-punched him in the gut when she repeated what Deanna had said about him.  When?  When had she said it?  It had to have been a bloody long time ago because now she was Thom’s wife, and the thought plunged a knife straight into his heart.  The dreadful pain made him want to lash out and hurt someone, anyone, and Maggi deserved his rage.  “You're such a slag,” he snapped.  “While Trevor rots in rehab, you conveniently run into Nick, luring him in with sex.  Now you have the bollocks to say you love him like you've never loved anyone else.”  Nigel began to laugh while Maggi stared at him incredulously.  “What a hypocritical twat you are,” Nigel sneered launching himself out of the chair as Maggi ran after him.

“Please Nigel.  Please don’t tell Nick.  I
love him!  So very much.”

Nigel stopped abruptly, turning slowly to face Maggi with a look that made her back away from him quickly.  “I don’t give a toss that you say you love him.  He should rid himself of you before your evil destroys him.”  Nigel's gaze traveled over her, his expression filled with disgust.  “It won’t be me who tells him what a lying, back-stabbing bitch you are.  You’re bound to muck up the relationship yourself.  You can’t help it; you’re fucking rubbish.”

Stunned by Nigel’s vicious outburst, Maggi ran back to Nick’s bedroom and grabbed her purse, leaving the flat in a hurry.  She couldn’t let Nick see her in such a state.  He'd want to know what was going on, and Nigel might decide to tell him the details of their fling right in front of her just for the pleasure of destroying her and Nick’s relationship.  She didn’t know what was wrong with him, but he was acting like a total psycho and she didn’t want to be in the flat with him for one more second.


Nigel slammed the door to his bedroom, chest heaving with rage and pain.  He could only imagine how that bitch would react if she knew Deanna had married Thom.  He'd never hear the end of it as she wallowed gleefully in his helplessness and anguish.  He threw himself on the bed, pulled out a bottle of Vodka from his nightstand, and took a hefty swig.  It had taken half of that bottle to fall asleep; now he was wide awake thanks to Maggi.  As he downed a good portion of the leftover Vodka, the throbbing ache in his heart mocked him, the pain indescribable.  How in bloody hell was he supposed to get it together before that bollocks recording session at Glaston Hall?  That bloody session would bring him face to face with Thom McCordy, Deanna’s new husband, and there wasn’t one sodding thing he could do about it.  “Maggi!  You fucking slag!” he yelled and took another drink.  Laying back on the pillow he let the hot tears come, not bothering to swipe them off of his face.  Deanna had loved him once and he pushed her away.  Now she was his old mate's wife.  He turned over and clutched the pillow, sobbing out his grief for the first time in six long years.


Chapter 33


Heathrow airport was crowded with tourists and Brits on their way for one last holiday in Spain or the Maldives to escape the British Isles rapidly dropping temperatures.  Some of the members of Metal Urge and Beastrage lounged in the cozy seats watching the waves of people roll by while a few of them drank a pint or two in one of the over-crowded lounges to pass the time before their flight to New York City.

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