Mercenary Little Death Bringer (9 page)

Read Mercenary Little Death Bringer Online

Authors: Catherine Banks

Tags: #adventure, #action, #fantasy, #young adult, #chick lit, #teen, #elves, #ya, #goblins, #ogres

BOOK: Mercenary Little Death Bringer
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Neither Favian nor I moved. I
move. I couldn’t look at his face. I couldn’t be angry or sad. I
couldn’t do anything, but shake in fear as my best friend held his
knife to my throat. Would this be what came of us? Would we end up
killing each other in the future?

Slowly his knife was pulled away and so I
pulled mine away as well.

“You’re bleeding,” Favian said in his normal
worried voice. He reached out towards me, but I backed away from
him, keeping my eyes downcast to avoid looking at anything but his
face. I pulled my shirt down to expose the wound as Master Sean
came towards us.

Master Sean examined the wound and frowned at
me. “You should have told me you were injured after your fight with
Christopher. Go to the healing building.”

“Have I passed the trial?” I asked as I
started walking out of the arena.

“The Masters and I are going to discuss your
performance and I will let you know tomorrow,” Macon said as he
walked beside me towards the healing building. “You did well
though. I’m proud of you.”

“Thank you, sir,” I said. I was truly happy
to receive such praise from Macon. It was a high honor.

Macon pushed open the door and the healer, a
short man with thick glasses looked at me and smiled. “I figured ye
would be here soon. What did you make bleed this time?” I sat down
on the examination table and pulled my arm out of my shirt so he
could get a good look at the wound. He scoffed. “That little
scratch is what brought you in here? Usually you won’t come here
unless your arm is hanging out of the socket or cut in a billion

“I was ordered to come here,” I said

“Ah, that explains it then.” He went to work
cleaning the wound and then started stitching it up. I hissed in
pain a few times, but managed to hold it in so as not to appear as
weak as I truly was. In truth I wanted to cry uncontrollably from
the pain of the stitches and the pain at the fight with Favian. I
felt alone and I didn’t like it at all.

“All done,” he said. “Now go to bed.”

“Yes, sir,” I said as I put my arm back in my
shirt and walked out of the healing building. Students were milling
about, trying to have a little bit of fun before we were ordered to
our quarters for the night. Some gave me thumbs up while others
glared at me. I ignored them all.

Several of the other students congratulated
me or told me good job, but none of it mattered. I made it to my
dorm and stepped inside to find Favian sitting on my bed. I
immediately turned around and headed towards the stables.

“Marin!” he called after me, “Wait.”

I ignored him, trying my hardest to hold in
the tears that I had been holding in since the fight. I only wanted
to go to my dorm, bury my face in the pillow and let the tears
flow. Now I couldn’t even do that. I was almost to the stable when
he grabbed my arm and stopped me. I turned my face away and tried
to hide the tears falling down my face. “Release me,” I said

He released my arm and I bolted around him
back to my dorm. My only hope was that I would be able to lock the
door before he could get in.

Sadly I didn’t have good luck. He stepped
into my room and closed and locked the door behind him, trapping me
inside. I sat down on my bed and calmed myself by taking deep
breaths to stop my tears.

He squatted down in front of me and wiped my
face. “Why are you running from me? What have I done to upset you

How could I answer that? I couldn’t say that
he’d frightened me and hurt my feelings, could I? I couldn’t tell
him that I felt alone. Fresh tears spilled from my eyes and he
whispered, “Tell me what you are thinking and feeling, please.”

“Swear not to laugh?” I asked softly.

“Of course,” he said seriously.

“You’re mad at me and not talking to me and
then when we fought you looked at me like you didn’t know me. You
looked at me with cold eyes and like you didn’t care if you hurt me
or not.”

“I frightened you,” he guessed.

“Yes. I was shaking and I couldn’t look at
you. I couldn’t see your cold eyes directed at me. It was like you
weren’t my friend anymore.”

“I was ordered to do that,” he whispered.

“I feel so alone and scared. I am scared
because I could die next month and I don’t want to die. I’m scared
because I feel like I’m losing you and if I lose you…”

Favian wrapped his arms around me and hugged
me against his chest. “I’m sorry, Marin.”

The damn tears wouldn’t stop coming and as I
wrapped my arms around him they turned my body into hard, body
shaking sobs. Why was this happening? Why was my life changing so

He held me while I cried and then wiped my
cheeks once the tears had stopped. “You aren’t losing me,” he
whispered, “I’m sorry that I was so upset with you, but it was only
because I am worried about your safety. And I am very sorry that I
frightened you.”

I relaxed against him and said, “I’m sorry I
got emotional.”

“Don’t apologize for being a girl,” he said
as he released me so that he could face me on the bed. “You should
have told me you were feeling this way.”

I wiped my cheeks more and then grabbed the
leather pouch the goblin twins had given me.

“What’s that?” he asked.

“What Lucias and Lucian gave me,” I answered
as I pulled out the pain medication and put some on my tongue.

“Is that how you healed your rope burns so
quickly?” he asked as he took the medicines to examine them.

“Yes,” I answered, “Otherwise I would have
gotten slaughtered at the trial today.” The trial worried me. I had
no way of knowing if I passed. I had done well, but that didn’t
necessarily mean they would agree to allow more girls in. Not that
I cared if more girls were allowed in or not. Truthfully I only
cared if I graduated. “How do you think the trial went?”

“It’s hard to say,” he answered me honestly,
“but you did very well. I was surprised you beat the first years so
easily though.”

I punched his arm and laughed. “Shut up.”

He laughed and then met my eyes. “Are we

I shrugged. “Are we?”

He smiled and then his serious face was back
and he reached forward and grabbed my chin to force me to stare
into his eyes as he met mine. “My number one mission is to protect
you, do you understand? I will never stop being your friend and I
will protect your life with my own. I’m sorry I frightened you, but
you must know that I would never hurt you, even if I was mad at

My heart was fluttering in that new weird way
and my eyes kept dropping to his lips as he talked. Why? What was
happening to me? I met his eyes again and then wrapped my arms
around him to keep from kissing him like one part of my brain was
telling me to do. “Thank you.”

Someone knocked on the door and I jerked away
from him in surprise. Favian walked to the door and unlocked it.

Micah walked in and held out a piece of paper
towards me. “Your new schedule.”

I took it and groaned. “I have training with
Masters Martin and Sean before the morning wakeup call and training
after dinner.”

“They want to be sure you are fully
prepared,” Favian said bitterly.

“Favian,” I whispered, “I know you don’t like
this idea…”

He shook his head and smiled. “Don’t worry
about it. I trust Macon.” He meant the words, but I could sense he
wasn’t being completely honest when he said them about this
instance. “Oh, I sent word to Father so we should be hearing back
from him shortly.”

“Lights out!” the blacksmith yelled from his

“Goodnight,” Micah said, “And good luck

“Thanks, I think I’m going to need it,” I
said with a bitter laugh.

“You’re alright?” Favian asked.

I nodded my head and smiled. “Yes.”

He smiled back. “Good. I’ll see you at
breakfast.” I walked him to the door and then locked it so that no
one could sneak inside. I wasn’t afraid of being kidnapped inside
the Academy’s grounds, but I was afraid of people playing pranks on
me. I’d had it happen a couple of times and learned that you cannot
get berry juice out of shirts after they’ve been soaked overnight.
I’d had to wear a purple shirt for the rest of that semester, which
had irritated the Masters more than me. I lay down and hoped I
slept well since I would need all of the energy possible to make it
through the next day.






“You have to get out of the ropes without
tightening the ones around your throat,” Master Sean said as I
struggled to do that very thing. “If you struggle too much then you
will end up choking yourself until you pass out, or completely
cutting off your blood supply and killing yourself.”

“I’m trying,” I said through clenched teeth.
I wiggled my left hand and finally got the first loop over my
wrist. The rest was easy and I was soon out of the ropes
completely. “Yes!” I said happily.

“Good job,” Master Martin said, “Your next
objective is to get out of that situation in less than thirty

“Thirty seconds?!” I asked in shock, “Is that
even possible?”

Master Martin smiled, “My record is fifteen

That was simply amazing and ludicrous at the
same time. I straightened my spine and nodded my head. “Alright,
then I’ll learn to do it in ten seconds.”

Master Martin smiled and patted me on the
back. “That a girl! Let’s get to work.”

I stood still as the two Masters tied me up
and then helped me sit on the ground, completely immobile. I
recalled all of the advice they had been giving me and then nodded
my head. “Okay, start the count.”

“Go,” Master Martin said.

I wiggled my hand slowly and precisely, being
mindful of the rope around my throat which tightened if I wiggled
too much. The rope around my right wrist slid down slightly, but
wasn’t far enough.

“Ten seconds.”

I struggled harder and faster and the rope
moved farther down my wrist, but the rope around my throat was
tightening… and I blacked out.

I woke up and the Masters were laughing as
they finished untying me. “We told you not to move too much.”

I took a deep breath and tried to clear my
foggy mind. “I know.”

The bell sounded for breakfast and for the
first time I wanted to stay in training longer. “Go eat and attend
your other trainings. After dinner we will work on this more,”
Master Sean said.

I knew better than to question them or beg
them to reconsider so I bowed to them and walked towards the food
hall. At least I wasn’t as sore and rope burned as I had been the
previous day. The lessons were working and I was learning a lot in
a short time.

The hall was crowded as everyone stood in
line to get their breakfast. I felt irritated that they were all
whining for food when they hadn’t even had to train yet. My
frustration grew as the line moved slowly forward and my hunger
continued to gnaw at my belly.

“Marin,” Favian called. I looked around the
room for him, finally spotting him sitting down at a table with
Micah. He waved me over and I shook my head and pointed towards the
line. I hadn’t gotten my food yet, why would I leave the line? He
held up an extra bowl of oatmeal and smiled at me.

I walked quickly over to him and took the
bowl. “Thank you,” I said seriously and then began stuffing my

“How’s training?” Micah asked.

“No talk, just eat,” I said around the food
in my mouth.

Favian slid my bread roll and a mug of water
over in front of me. “Slow down or you’ll upset your stomach.”

“Yes, father,” I said between gulps of

“How did you know I was here if you hadn’t
seen me?” Father asked.

I jerked my head up and stared in shock at
the Elf King standing in the doorway of the food hall.

Favian stood up quickly and walked to him.
“Father, I did not know you were coming.”

Father sat down across the table from me and
said, “How could I not come when I heard Marin was in danger?”

I stopped with the spoon halfway to my mouth
and smiled. “I’m safe here.”

He patted my hand. “We’ll talk after you
finish eating. You’re obviously very hungry.”

I nodded my head and went back to eating my
bread and oatmeal. I was interrupted again when Mother walked
inside the hall and every male turned to gawk at her. She found me
and hurried over, sitting down beside me and hugging me. “Marin,”
she whispered.

I fought the tears that wanted to come at her
show of affection and Father noticed my issue. “Amadis, let the
poor girl eat. We will talk with her afterwards. Favian, we will be
at Macon’s office. Come there when Marin is done.”

“Yes, sir,” Favian said as he sat down next
to me again. Mother kissed my cheek and then patted Favian’s cheek
before following her husband out of the food hall.

“That was fun,” I whispered before tilting my
bowl of oatmeal up to eat the last little bit. I was glad Mother
had left because if she had seen me using such poor table manners
she would have chastised me. I could have not stood the
embarrassment and teasing from the others had they witnessed that.
I chugged the water in my mug and then picked up the bread roll.
“We better head over before Mother threatens Macon for his

“Was that the Elven King and Queen?” Micah
asked in shock.

I nodded my head. “Yep.”

“She’s incredibly beautiful,” Micah said.

Favian rolled his eyes. “Yes, she is. Come on

I followed him out of the room with the sound
of gossip behind us. I was truly shocked both of our parents had
come to the Academy and also honored even though I wouldn’t admit
that to anyone. We knocked on Macon’s door and he called us in
immediately. Apparently we had come just in the knick of time
because Mother looked ready to murder Macon.

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