MC Chronicles: The Diary of Bink Cummings: Vol 2: (Motorcycle Club Romance Novel) (35 page)

BOOK: MC Chronicles: The Diary of Bink Cummings: Vol 2: (Motorcycle Club Romance Novel)
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“What are you doing here?!” She’s
shrill, and I know she’s talking to me. I don’t have time to deal with this

I try to turn around. Big’s arms
tighten around me, as if by doing this he is protecting me from whatever is
about to unfold. I don’t need his protection; I can take care of my damn self.

I open my mouth to tell him as much,
only to be cut off when he speaks.

“Get back in your car, Lindy Sue. You know what’s gonna happen if you don’t,” Big warns in a tone I’ve never heard before. It’s so deep and sinister it’s downright frightening. Like the dumbass my mother is, she doesn’t heed his warning.

“Shut up, Big. I’m not talking to
you,” my mother snaps.

Oh hell no!

Now I really try to pull away. I’m
going to kick her teeth in. Nobody talks to him like that except me!

“Let me go, Big,” I grumble, pissed
off, and dig my fingers into the back of his cut for him to let me go. He acts
like he doesn’t hear me and tightens his arms around me even more, to the point
I can hardly breathe. His own breathing accelerates, and I start to feel the
thumping of his heart through my breasts that are pressed firmly to his

The evil bitch just keeps on talking.
“I just got off the phone with Marshall crying his eyes out that you left him.
You are such a stupid bitch, Eva, if you don’t go home to Marshall. Get far,
far, away from here and away from Richard. He’s no good for you. Live your

If I didn’t know any better, she
almost sounds like a caring mother as she speaks
. Almost.
I know better, and I know she is nothing but a
back stabbing, prissy bitch that can rot in fucking hell.

“Don’t speak another word to her,
Lindy Sue,” Big gruffly threatens.

It goes quiet for a moment, like
everyone is waiting for the other shoe to drop. My heart hammers in my chest
with pissed off rage. I can’t believe her!

“That baby of hers, Big, we had this
talk after I found out it was yours. You knew the rules, and you knew what was
going to happen if you broke them. So Eva either listens to what I say, or you
both will pay. Do you hear me?! I will make you both pay for deceiving me and
breaking that contract, Richard Darcy!” my mother’s shrill voice shouts.

Oh, the nerve of this fucking bitch!

I go to yell back only to have Big’s
hand swiftly reach up and shove my head so hard to his chest that my mouth is
smashed to him, making me unable to speak. I thrash in his arms to try and
break away. It doesn’t work. He holds on to me for dear life and explodes into
a wild rage of fury.

“You fucking cunt!” he booms, louder
and scarier than I’ve ever imagined him sounding. “You get back in that car
right now and never speak to my woman again, or so help me, I will put a bullet
in your brain, like I shoulda done a long fuckin’ time ago,” Big promises. It’s
not a warning. I can feel it, as his body shakes with so much anger that I
decide it’s better that I keep a hold of him and not try to get away, in fear
he will exact his vengeance on her now.

“You don’t scare me, Richard Darcy. I
will get what I want. Mark my—”

The next few seconds move in warp
speed, and I don’t even see it coming.

Big curls me to the side, behind his
back, and out of his way. He yanks open his cut, pulls out his gun, and doesn’t
even think. He aims and fires. I scream, my eyes on him, before shifting to my
mother, who screams in terror as the blacktop a mere inch from her foot is
blown to smithereens.

Big raises his hand higher and aims
his gun straight at her forehead.

Oh my god!

I am so stunned I can’t even move,
think, or speak. He’s going to shoot her! I am going to watch my mother die.

“If you ever, and I mean ever,
fuckin’ threaten my woman or my daughter again, this ends up in your head!
We’re done here! You leave now! And I’ll have Gunz arrange for you to get your
shit out of the house and off this property where you are never to set foot
again. Are we clear?!” Big booms, his voice so deep I feel every word penetrate
deep down into my soul. I begin to shake.

The door to the clubhouse is thrown
open with purpose. I turn my head to see my daddy stride out to stand next to
Big, his body blocking me from my mother’s piercing eyes.

“It’s time for this to be over, Lindy
Sue. We’re done. You’re done. No more,” my daddy speaks harshly, and my eyes
get even bigger, if that’s even possible. He’s standing by Big, not my mom.
What the hell is going on here?

Big’s gun is still trained on her.

“But… Rodney…” My mother starts, only to be cut off by another gunshot. She screams a blood-curdling shriek.

I remain silent, still trembling in
shock. I can’t believe this is happening.

“Gunz,” Big snips, half irritated,
half laughing.

My mother loudly huffs and stomps her
foot on the ground. “You shot my car!” she screams, like she’s having a temper
tantrum. “You shot my fucking car!”

“Yep,” Gunz says, a smile in his
voice. I can’t see him; he didn’t come out of the side door. I can only see
part of Big and my daddy’s Sacred Sinners cut covered back.

“If you don’t get back in it and
leave, I’ll do a whole lot more then put a bullet through your trunk,” Gunz warns.

The sounds of a woman screaming,
utterly pissed off, her heels rapidly clicking the ground, and a car door shut
just before she speeds off are the last I hear of her.

Once she’s through the gate, the men
start laughing, like it was the funniest thing they’ve ever done. I remain
frozen in shock.

“Aww, babe,” Big’s loving tone breaks
me from my strange fog as his arms go around me, hugging me to his chest. My
arms stay at my sides, and I turn my head, nuzzling my cheek to his chest.

“It’s alright, Sugar Tits. She’s
gone,” Big says, tenderly rubbing his hand up and down my back.

“Don’t worry, Bink,” my daddy says
just before I hear the clubhouse door open and close.

A hand touches my shoulder and lips
kiss the back of my head, as I feel a warm presence at my back. “Don’t worry,
we’ll take care of it,” Gunz soothes, and he takes off. I hear the clubhouse
door open and close once more.

I glance up, my chin on Big’s chest,
and his eyes gaze down, dazzling of warmth and the purest love I’ve ever seen.

“What did she mean?” I whisper.

“Don’t worry about her. We’ve got it
covered,” Big leans down and kisses my mouth, cementing his reassurance.

I know he might not answer me now,
but I want answers and I’m going to get them one way or another. If not today,
tomorrow. There is more to this shit then he’s letting on, and I’ve got to know

Lifting onto my tiptoes, I reach up
and circle my arms around his neck. Big takes my invite to lean in and brush
his lips across mine with an ear-to-ear smile.

“You know I’m not gonna let this go.
You’ll tell me what I want to know one way or another, Mister,” I threaten
lightheartedly, meaning every word.

“Oh yeah?” he tests.


“Well,” Big teases. The next thing I
know Big bends forward, grabs my ass, and lifts me from the ground, so I’m
forced to wrap my legs around his waist. He takes off down the driveway. “Then
I guess I’m gonna have to fuck you until you forget this ever happened,” he

I open my mouth to protest, and he
shuts me up by possessively shoving his tongue down my throat and kissing me
until I am panting to catch my breath and ready to give him whatever he wants.
I guess I’ll have to fight with him later. Wish me luck.


Keep a
Lookout For:

The Diary of Bink
Cummings Vol 3

Coming 2015


If you get a chance, please post a
review on Amazon and Goodreads.

And if ya want, check out my pages.


I run a group of
facebook called
Biker Bitches at Bink
Cummings Clubhouse

It’s a fucking amazing group of like-minded women. We hang, I interact daily, and you aren’t judged. There’s no drama allowed.

You’re welcome to join
our sisterhood.

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