MC Bear My Baby (Beartooth Brotherhood MC) (16 page)

BOOK: MC Bear My Baby (Beartooth Brotherhood MC)
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h fuck
…” Tate groaned in his sleep, shifting slightly on the sweaty sheets. “That feels amazing…”

Whatever he was dreaming about had just kicked it up a fucking notch…or eight. His blue balls were being alleviated in a big way as a slick, tight mouth worked over his dick in double time. He gripped the sheets into tight balls in his fists. Jesus, the girl had a mouth on her and he didn’t even need to see her to enjoy it.

Wait…didn’t need to see her…wasn’t he dreaming…so he should be able to see…

“Fuck! Fucking Christ! Molly, what the fuck are you doing here?”

Tate sprung up from the cool sheets with a low hiss. The movement sent his hard cock slip-sliding down the back of Molly’s throat. He blinked hard, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Nope, she was still there, right between his legs going to town. Every part of him wanted to tell her to keep going, to lean back and close his eyes and let her continue. She looked up at him seductively and mumbled something.

“Molly. Get my dick outta your mouth and talk to me.”

Slowly, she pulled back. “I’ve missed this,” she whined, sitting back on her knees right there on the floor.



“What exactly, Moll?”

She started in on him with her tight little fist, in a motion that made him buck his hips whether he wanted to or not. “This.”

“Fuck,” he groaned, not knowing what the hell to do or say with her fisting his shaft and driving him close to the edge. She probably wouldn’t believe him if he admitted he hadn’t slept with a soul since she packed up her bags and left the clubhouse over two weeks ago.

“Shut up and let me touch you,” she rasped out, switching up her technique as his head fell back onto the bed.

Fuck, there was something so right and so fucking wrong with this picture. His scrambled brain tried to shove the pieces of the puzzle together. It sure would help him out if the mother of his child would stop purring like a contented cat, because the vibrations were soaking up into his balls. He couldn’t think past the twisted ecstasy pulverizing his man parts.

“Oh yeah, that’s it, baby,” he groaned, then bolted upright in the bed again. “Oh, shit! Nope, nuh-uh. Thanks Molly, but we ain’t doing this unless you and I have a chat.”

She released his dick and glared at him. “Please don’t give me that bullshit. Just because I’m carrying your baby doesn’t mean everything between us has to be serious. I don’t care if you’re fucking all the twisted claws. We can use a condom before you—”

“Stop right there,” Tate said, cutting her off. He hadn’t slept with anyone else, yet he wasn’t ready to admit to that. “You and me, we need to talk.”

“And I told you I don’t want to discuss anything, Tate. Jesus H. Christ, I came all the way here for this, and you have to turn into some prude-ass
we need to talk

Wow, she had her claws on.

“It’s three in the morning, woman.”

“Wasn’t I doing it the way you like?”

“Don’t go there. You never disappoint… Jesus, will you stay on the topic?”

“What’s the problem?”

She pouted…awww, hell. He was going to lose it. Her perfectly moisturized hand returned to his shaft, idly working his dick. Tate moaned and cleared his throat, settling into her sure, supple movements. God, she was gifted. He closed his eyes, then opened them again to enjoy the image of Molly’s head between his legs. There was absolutely nothing to be ashamed of when his dick was getting devoured by this woman who before now, knew every which way to please him. No need to think or question. Tate groaned beneath her touch. Maybe if he weren’t acting like such a passive douchebag, things would look up. After all, he knew where she lived. He could have gone and seen her, demanding answers. Glad she was here now, working her magic, he shoved his hand down and gripped the back of her head with a handful of her hair, directing her motions as she whimpered.

“That’s it, right there,” Tate groaned, briefly forgetting what the hell he was whining about earlier. He bucked his hips bringing her head down hard on his cock. He heard her gag then moan with pleasure. “Take it, baby. Aw, fuck yes. Just like that…”

The girl had such enthusiasm, and he shuddered from a surprise lick as he let up on her hair, giving her some free reign to do her own thing. Molly never shied away from her creative side where sucking his dick was concerned.

“Jesus, Molly,” he gasped when she did something insane with her tongue and the suction of her mouth just about took him over the edge.

But he didn’t want to come in her mouth. He wanted to get up inside her, nice and deep, to own her again. Shit. He leaned forward and pulled her up, practically lifting her on top of him. The move revealed one reason why she was moaning and enjoying herself so much. She was naked from the waist down and soaking wet from touching herself. She stretched her hand up to the top drawer of his night table, pulling out the condoms he kept there at the ready. She ripped the side of one open with her teeth, looking him dead in the eye as she rolled it slowly over his rock hard cock while he tried to figure out a nice way to get her off his junk so he could—

Wait, so he could what?

Tell her how he was feeling?

Not be casual with the woman who may or may not still be carrying his kid?

The last part made him shudder. He almost didn’t want to know if she was still pregnant. If she went and got rid of his boy, it would tear him up.

How the ever-loving hell did any of it make any damn sense?

Molly was here. He wanted her here, yet he was partway turning down one hell of a blowjob, then a hand job, and probably her sweet tight pussy now, because why exactly?

“Aw, shit…”

“Just tell me what you’re thinking, Tate” she cooed, still gripping his wrapped dick. “Then we can go back to me getting a piece of this.”

That was what made him snap out of it. He was almost spitting mad now.

“You haven’t answered any of my calls since you left here two weeks ago. I have to rely on Axe or Silas to know you’re fine. And I’m the father of that baby I hope to God you’re still carrying!”

“Excuse me?”

Suddenly his cock was very cold and he jolted up in bed again. His little wildcat for the night had yanked her hand away and practically vaulted off her spot on top of him, giving him the eye as she stood there, sexy and mad as hellfire. Good thing she wasn’t armed.

“What the hell do you want me to think, Molly?” They needed to work this out and fast. “If you have to do what you have to do, I’m not fine with it, but dammit I have a right to know.”

Molly found her panties and jeans and dragged them up her body faster that he could have ever taken them off. “Call me again when you get your head out of your ass or you figure out how the hell you want to handle this baby mama drama, Mr. Sensitive.”

Why in the fuck was she running off every time he tried to fucking talk? Did she even know how hard this all was for him too? Probably not. She didn’t let him say another word, stomping out and slamming the door behind her. He was stuck with a deflating hard-on and more than his fair share of a twinge of guilt. He rolled his eyes, tried to shove his cock down, and grimaced when it didn’t work.

Fuck this shit.

I need a drink.

Tate threw on some clothes and stuck his piece in the side of his pants waistband. When his hand landed on the door to leave, it was thrown open the same time. Slightly startled, he took a quick step back, and his fingers flew to the gun at his side.

“Calm the fuck down, bro. It’s meeting time. Panthers are ready for the sit-down.” Axe shoved his thumb in the direction of the stairs and eyed Tate’s hand on his gun. “You need to leave that here too. President’s orders.”

Axe left, and Tate was still standing in the same spot, blinking at an empty hallway. His fingers still gripped the piece. After he stuck the gun in his safe and straightened his cut, he couldn’t really get his head on straight. Not after Molly came and turned his world upside down—again. What the hell was going on with her? He’d probably have to lock her in a room to get some answers. He got downstairs to the guys all waiting at the doorway with grim expressions. They must have seen Molly make her pissed off exit.

“I would have taken her cookies, jackass,” Cole fucked with Tate’s hair and he ducked to get away. “It’d be worth the beating she’d put on your ass when you two finally make up.”

“All right,” Silas shouted. “That’s enough. We’ve got shit to handle.” He clapped Tate on the back and ushered him outside with Axe and Cole in tow. “Everyone needs to get their head on straight for this peace treaty talk. The last thing we need is another firefight, okay? Especially as we’re going there unarmed.”

“You got it, boss man.” Tate made a failing attempt at a salute, and then he frowned when he glanced over at his empty parking spot. “Still can’t get over this shit, man. We let that Jett fucker live? Fucking piece of shit destroyed my ride…”

“Yeah, we’re working on a new one, buddy.”

“Unless you want the money to go toward a kickass baby shower.” Axe laughed and squeezed Tate’s shoulder, but quickly took a step back when he noticed the death glare shooting out of Tate’s eye sockets. “What the fuck, man? You need to tone that shit down, looking like you’ll go all axe murderer on a brother.”

“No one mentions my baby.”


A nice, threatening blanket statement for everyone within earshot.

That did it.

Axe grunted and shook his head. “Si, you sure you want this raving lunatic motherfucker in this Panther meeting? I don’t know if we’ll even make it through the front door.”

“He’ll be fine.”

Tate walked off and hopped up into the truck with Cole, who shot him a sympathetic smile.

“Let’s ride, brother.”


, this pat down was a little less sexual, but no less involved as a panther felt him up from ankle to ass to shoulder. Tate grunted when the guy shoved a hand near his ribs a little too hard. He didn’t move an inch to clock the guy, which just showed his willpower. Now, if only he could get his head in the game. He trailed behind the rest of his brothers and sat at the opposite end of a long, knarled wooden table.

“So, how’s this thing going to go down? We going to smoke a joint as a peace pipe or some shit?” Tate sat back in his chair and lit up a smoke with an arched eyebrow.

“You’ll have to excuse this joker over here. He’s always this cranky.” Silas gave him a warning glare as he addressed Kitt Reese, the panthers’ MC president, yanking out a cigarette of his own, which he played with between his teeth. “We don’t want any trouble. I think we all know that, right?”

“That’s all fucking well and good, boss,” Kitt replied. “You already know we didn’t attack your MC for the heck of it. We had a backer who was paying us handsomely for the pleasure, you get my drift?” He cocked his head and rubbed his light brown beard as if in some kind of deep thought. As if there was something to think about after revealing the attack on the Beartooth Brotherhood headquarters was all just about money to him.

“You think it’s that simple?” Tate piped up, blowing smoke out of his nostrils. He hated this diplomatic bullshit. “You fuckers are slick, aren’t you?”

Kitt cleared his throat and leaned forward, folding his hands. Tate wasn’t afraid of him. No one could intimidate him right now, not with this Molly situation still hanging over his head. He was about ready and willing to fight if Silas gave the order, but just then, all hell broke loose. A single shot rang out in the warehouse, then an explosion went off nearby and the men around the table were thrown out of their seat from the force of the blast. Chaos ensued.

“Oh shit!” Tate dropped his cigarette, shoving his boot on top of it as he ducked under the table for cover like most everyone in the room. What the hell? God damn, he knew they should have kept their weapons. They were all unarmed and useless, bear and panther shifters alike. He shuddered at the situation. Neither clubs would attack with their presidents in here. A quick peek over the table edge and he saw the panther president in a bleeding heap on the floor while his guys dragged him to safety on the other side of the warehouse behind a huge ass storage container. It looked like the fucker had been sniped through the side of his neck.

Great, fucking fantastic. They’d been so careful to keep their meeting safe no one had secured the building? See, this was why the bear shifters should have come armed with their own perimeter security team. To round out this fuckery. Tate glanced over at all his brothers. Everyone was spic and span with no holes, plus there’d only been one shot. So someone wanted to send a clear, less than subtle message.

“Consider the message received, shredded, and burned,” he muttered to himself.

Silas made hand motions for them to start checking the area now. Tate, Cole and Axe went off to scan the upper parts of the warehouse before they heard the commotion and had to return to the meeting room where they left Silas and the rest of the panthers.

“What the fuck! Why did you do that?” Asher Morgan, the panther’s second-in-command thundered out. It echoed around the large wide open space. “I thought there was going to be peace between us, you broad-ass grizzly bear motherfuckers!” He pushed Silas backward, nearly growling so hard the heat from the big cat’s shifter energy poured off him in waves.

“Whoa, back the fuck up! You think we had something to do with this? All of my guys are accounted for right here. You want us to help you ferret out this fucker or what?” Silas threw his hands up in the air and got in the man’s face. “We came here for peace, nothing else on the docket.”

Axe was not a happy camper when Asher, his panther vice president counterpart, pressed his forehead up to Silas’s and started growling with his teeth bared. Axe lost it. The power of his bear surged forth, contorting his body, growing dark brown bristly fur and his big bear snout, morphing fingers and toes to claws, and shredding all his clothes and shoes in between until his human had completely receded inside him. Axe took a step forward, growling as it jostled Silas back behind him with his muzzle.

Tate came to stand beside Axe. “Easy, boy. Let’s not shred any panthers to bits during this peace pride rally. Just ignore Asher. Everyone already knows he’s a dipshit. I can handle him good.”

Finally, Asher took a step back. “All right, you fuckers.”

Silas did too. “Now can we please figure this shit out before your boy bleeds to death?”

“You’ve got some nerve, asshole,” Asher muttered to himself.

Everyone heard him, including Tate. “I’ve got nothing to lose.”

After he said that, he froze. A flash of Molly’s face when he told her she was pregnant whipped through his mind. He wasn’t fast enough to banish the memory. Hell yes, Tate has shit to lose now. Still, this was the time to keep his head in the fucking game.

“Okay everyone,” Silas boomed out so loudly it could have shaken the walls. “Stop this fucking bullshit. I’m the fucking alpha dog in here, and this is how it’s gonna go. Asher, get your men to shift and heal Kitt. He won’t come back from that injury by himself. If you have enough men, send them with Axe, Cole, and Tate to check the place. I’ll stick around here.”

Everyone went about their orders, panther and bear shifters alike, some tending to Kitt and others moving through the sprawling warehouse. What Tate wouldn’t give for a fucking gun. It would be handy with a random killer on the loose. But oh no, they had to go and fucking agree to showing up for a sit-down with no weapons and become sitting ducks, playing it safe and not hurting each other. And now they were moving through a warehouse with hiding places everywhere, looking for a guy who was probably still aiming his sniper rifle at any fucking one of them.


Tate ignored the boom sound in his ear from the crackling of all the shit that was burning in the warehouse on account of the explosion. Adrenaline flooded his veins and he relied on his heightened shifter senses to make sense of the attack. From the neck wound on Kitt Reese, the sniper’s vantage point had to be on the main floor behind the panther president. He split off from everyone and went back there, certain that if it were the main floor, the shooter would not have stuck around long enough to get hit by his own shrapnel. Chances were they weren’t going to find the sniper, but maybe he left a trail behind.

He pivoted around a corner and partway shifted his bear snout, sniffing everything out. If the shooter was a shifter, he’d smell them out. If they were human, he’d smell fear a mile away. There was a shuffling off to his right a few minutes later. A small ping from above. Tate glanced up with his heart clogging his throat. No shadows. Not a damn thing. And there was no noise from the other guys either, all was quiet except for the tread of super silent sneakers on concrete. A low growl trickled past his bear lips and he circled the suspected quadrant of the warehouse again, tracing and retracing his steps, looking for some kind of evidence the assassin had left behind.

A bullet struck from behind and ripped through one side of his chest in a burning blaze of pain. He barely had the breath to scream as he fell to the floor. His bear rose up on all fours inside him with a war cry that would have scared any other animal for miles. It was too late.

* * *

n and out
. In and out. In and out.

Small bits of the world flashed back and forth into his brain. Every now and then, a jolt of fresh fucking pain spread through his body. It felt like his lungs were cannibalizing themselves and there was just not enough strength to breathe before everything went black again, sending him into unconsciousness before it started again.

In and out.

“…almost there, bro. Hang on…”

Snippets of conversation.

Phone static.

Blinding white lights.

An overwhelming heat pouring through his veins until he thought his skin might melt from his fucking bones. His bear was trying to heal. There was something bad about that…something he couldn’t put his finger on yet. There were hands all over him. Lots of ‘em. Crisp night air rushing across his chilled skin like jumping in a river in the middle of winter on a dare. His teeth rattled in his head.

“Lay him out here…”

“Fuck, is he…”

“Quick…we need to be quick with this healing…”

“No! Don’t. The bullet wasn’t a through and through…”


Out again.

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