Mating Instinct: A Moon Shifter Novel (30 page)

BOOK: Mating Instinct: A Moon Shifter Novel
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Chapter 20

Four days later

at tossed her keys onto the kitchen table, shrugged out of her jacket and threw it over one of the chairs. Rolling her shoulders, she went straight for the refrigerator and pulled out an unopened bottle of white wine.

Just what the doctor ordered

The past four days had been a blur of paperwork and interviews with the FBI, the local cops, and even reporters. She hadn’t wanted to talk to the media at all, but since she’d been the kidnap victim of what the media were now calling a crazed hate group, Connor, the North American Council, and even the local police had thought it was a good idea for her to tell her side of the story. They needed public opinion on their side. Of course Jayce hadn’t cared what she did as long as she was happy and safe.

Which was one of the many reasons she loved him.

Kidnapping, attempted murder, and a whole mess of other things were being tacked on to the list of crimes of the men who’d participated in her abduction. The Feds were still pissed that Fletcher Monroe and his mate had disappeared. Connor, her pack, and the locals were pretty angry too, since Fletcher was wanted for four murders in Fontana. It didn’t matter that he’d been forced into doing it; he’d still committed murder. At least the locals weren’t angry at her pack anymore. There had been a definite change in the energy toward them.

Kat had no idea where Fletcher was, and she was thankful for that. She didn’t want to know because she didn’t want to knowingly lie to the police. They’d asked her more than once about his whereabouts, but they were treading carefully since she’d played a huge part in their sting operation. Not to mention that she was now officially known as the enforcer’s mate. They might not admit it, but she’d seen fear and respect in the eyes of most of the law enforcement guys when they encountered Jayce.

As she unscrewed the cork, she heard the door open and immediately scented Jayce. She’d spent most of the day at the ranch, staying out of the limelight and getting to know her packmates, including Leila. Kat had come to adore the teenager and was glad the girl would be staying on at the ranch. Jayce was still annoyed that Leila had hacked into the enforcers’ forum, but Kat could tell he was also impressed.

“You better be naked by the time you get in here,” she called out while pulling down a wineglass from one of the cabinets. She knew he’d grab a beer.

“That might get a little uncomfortable for everyone,” a deep, very familiar voice said.

Nearly dropping the glass, she set it down on the counter, then swirled to find her father standing in the doorway with Jayce. Without thinking, she launched herself at her dad, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug. They might have had their issues in the past—his criminal enterprises being the biggest one—but he was still her dad. After everything that had happened in the past couple of months, it suddenly hit her how much she’d missed him.

Her incredibly tall and muscular father stumbled back under her assault and she cringed; she’d forgotten that she had to watch her strength now. “What are you doing here?” She sniffled, pulling back and trying to ignore the embarrassment she felt for what she’d just said to Jayce in her father’s presence.

“I have to find out my daughter was the kidnap victim of some crazies from the news?” Pale blue eyes so similar to her own stared down at her, more than a touch of hurt in them.

That surprised her, but maybe it shouldn’t have. Her father never let his emotions show. But she should have called him.

“Why don’t you guys head to the living room? I’ll bring our drinks in,” Jayce said, already moving to the refrigerator, stopping only to drop a kiss on her forehead.

Moments later Jayce walked in carrying a glass of wine for her and two beers. He smoothly slid onto the couch next to her and pulled her over so that she was sitting on his lap. This was his not-so-subtle way of telling her father what was going on with them. Though she figured he already knew, since she and Jayce were living under the same roof.

Her father lifted a dark eyebrow. “I see you two are back together and evidently serious?”

She nodded. “We’re . . . mates.”

“Soon to be bondmates,” Jayce said, a touch of heat in his voice as his grip on her waist tightened.

Her father smiled. “Good. I want you with someone who can take care of you. And you
take care of her.” Her father looked at Jayce, a razor-sharp edge to his voice that promised certain death if Jayce ever hurt her. He’d never been good with subtle.

While she loved her father, his overprotectiveness was infuriating even on a good day. “Dad—”

Jayce squeezed her thigh, but kept his gaze steady on her father. “It’s fine, Kat. I’ll take care of your daughter for as long as I’m alive.” No flowery promises or explanations of how he would do that. Just a statement that he would. Anything else wouldn’t sound real coming from Jayce.

“Good.” Her father surprised her by standing. “I just wanted to stop by on my way to the Armstrong ranch, but I’ll let you two have your evening.”

Kat turned to look at Jayce in confusion. “He didn’t come with you?”

Jayce shook his head while her father answered. “We arrived at the same time. After I saw the news I contacted Connor Armstrong, and he’s offered me a place to stay. I’ll be in town for a few days, so we’ll have plenty of time to catch up.”

She started to protest, to tell him to stay for dinner, but Jayce squeezed her leg again and moved so that they both stood. He held out a hand to her father. “We’ll be by the ranch early tomorrow morning.”

After hugging her father again and saying good-bye, Kat shut the door and swiveled to face Jayce, hands on her hips. “Why didn’t you invite him for dinner?”

A slow, sensuous smile curved Jayce’s lips, sending heat curling through her body. She recognized that look very well. “Because the only thing I’m eating in the next few minutes is you.”

It didn’t matter that he’d seen her naked too many times to count and kissed every inch of her body. His words made her cheeks heat up. “He probably thinks we were being rude.”

Jayce’s grin remained in place as he stalked closer. “I had a talk with him in the driveway before we came inside. Stop worrying.”

She wasn’t worried about her father; she was worried about what was supposed to happen that night. The sun had already set and it was a full moon. “Oh, well, I’m going to get my wine, then.” Trying to brush past him, she found herself caged by his strong embrace, his arms wrapping tight around her waist.

“Are you really thirsty?” he murmured, nipping her ear.

She shook her head and let out a sigh. Might as well be honest. “Just nervous.”

Her words made him momentarily freeze. Then he pulled his head back. “About tonight?”

The slight catch in his voice made her fingers clench on his shoulders. “Well . . . yeah. Aren’t you?” Bonding was stronger than marriage. Stronger even because they couldn’t separate. Not that she wanted to, but still, bonding was forever. Considering their life spans, that was a pretty long time.

“No.” He didn’t even hesitate.

Which soothed her immediately. “I just don’t want you to have any doubts. We can wait until the next full moon. There’s no rush.”

“I’ve been waiting forever for you, Kat. I’ll wait as long as you want, but I’m ready here and now. When you left me, it ripped my heart out. Like someone literally carved into my chest.” He paused, his eyes darkening to storm clouds. “I don’t need time. I just need you.”

Jayce wasn’t big with words, so hearing that confession made her heart beat about a thousand times faster. “I don’t need time either.” The moment the words were out of her mouth, she knew they were true.

All doubts she’d had disappeared the second he’d told her he lied to her because he was afraid of her becoming a target. And if she’d held on to any tiny remnants, they would have disappeared at that moment in the old textile plant when he’d offered to give up everything for her.

He grabbed her and lifted her so that she had to wrap her legs around his waist. Before she could blink they were at the top of the stairs and Jayce was heading for her room.

Her mate moved so fast that she was flat on her back in a blur of motion that had her gasping for breath. Inhaling the deep, rich scent of his lust, she grinned, knowing what he had in mind as he knelt between her legs.

Keeping his gaze on her, those gray eyes hot enough to burn, he slowly slid her boots off. Her body felt on fire as he carefully, way too slowly, removed each piece of her clothing until finally she was naked and splayed out in front of him.

It was hard not to squirm under that intense gaze, especially when he was still clothed. “Not fair that you still have clothes on,” she murmured, propping herself up on her elbows as he stared down at her.

Lifting one of her legs, he pressed his lips to her inner ankle, nipping her skin gently. “If I’m naked, I’m inside you,” he murmured against her. But at least he took his shirt off, giving her a perfect view of all those hard muscles.

His simple explanation made her smile. That sounded about right. Falling back against the pillow, she shivered when he raked his teeth against her inner thigh. Quickly he followed up with a teasing swipe of his tongue along her folds.

Fisting the covers beneath her, she arched her back at that first tantalizing feel of his mouth on her most sensitive area. Parting her folds, Jayce dragged his tongue along her heat and she nearly vaulted off the bed. Her hips jerked at that slow, teasing stroke.

“Fuck, you taste good,” he growled against her.

Those blunt words lit her on fire. She loved everything about him, especially the rawness of his need for her. No romantic words, just a purity that was all Jayce.

His fingers tightened around her thighs, anchoring her, reminding her that tonight was all about his domination and her surrender. Something that might have scared her at one time. But not now.

Jayce would never hurt her. He would only protect and pleasure her. Not caring that she was abandoning all control, she cupped her breasts, tweaking her nipples while he continued pleasuring her.

“Are you trying to kill me?” he rasped out in between decadent kisses.

“I could ask you the same thing.” She arched her back as he inserted one of his fingers and began slowly stroking her.

“No touching yourself,” he ordered before circling her clit with his tongue.

Even though it was instinctive to ask him why not, she understood him. He wanted to be the one giving her all the pleasure tonight. Lifting her arms, she grasped the headboard and held on. Considering that she’d had fun teasing him more than once in the past, turnabout was fair play.

They’d made love so many times and in so many positions during the past four days that she should’ve been tired, sated, but she couldn’t get enough. The feel of his finger dragging against her inner walls made her clench with a scorching need that threatened to singe all her nerves.

Heat burned low in her belly, and each time he drew his finger out, he flicked his tongue over her pulsing bud with just the right amount of pressure, guaranteed to drive her insane. If only he would go just a little faster.

“Faster,” she demanded, unable to restrain herself.

He chuckled, the feel of his laughter skittering over her clit and making her moan. She thought he might tease her, but instead he pushed another finger into her and began working her body in a rhythm that had her arching off the bed.

Unable to stay still against his delicious torture, Kat threw both legs over his shoulders and dug her heels into his back.

He growled something unintelligible against her wet core as he increased his pressure on her clit. Pleasure shot to all her nerve endings as his tongue worked its magic.

The headboard shook under her trembling. When Jayce so very lightly nipped her clit with his teeth, she lost it. Her orgasm was abrupt, slamming into her with unexpected force as waves of pleasure ripped through her.

She curled her toes against his back as the aftereffects of the climax swept her entire body. Kat wasn’t sure if it was a mate thing or a Jayce thing, but the man barely had to stimulate her and she came.

As the orgasm slowly ebbed, she relaxed against the covers, letting her body go completely limp. Keeping her eyes closed, she grinned as she felt Jayce begin to climb her, dropping kisses as he moved. When he sucked one of her nipples into his mouth, she automatically arched into him, giving him better access.

What the man could do with his tongue should be illegal.

When he nipped her ear, her eyes flew open. Propped up on his forearms, he stared down at her, his gray eyes full of desire and love. For the first time since he’d admitted his feelings for her, she could actually see the love in his eyes.

He was finally letting all his guards down with her tonight. That knowledge touched her on a level that reached deep into her soul. She cupped his cheek, brushing her thumb over his scar. “I’m ready,” she said, knowing he needed to hear the words.

Before she’d even closed her mouth, his lips covered hers, stroking, teasing, claiming. Raking her fingers down his back, she enjoyed the feel of all that power humming underneath her fingertips.

There was an intangible edginess surrounding him tonight and she understood why. His primal side needed this claiming as much as hers did.

When his hands grasped her hips in a tight hold, she allowed him to guide her until she was on her belly. Pushing up onto her knees, she looked over her shoulder at him, anticipation and hunger washing through her in equal waves.

Her inner walls clenched, her body still not satisfied, despite her recent orgasm. Every inch of her was pulled taut with longing. Only Jayce could fulfill what she needed.

“I don’t know if I can be gentle.” Jayce’s voice was strained, as if saying that much had been a struggle. His gray eyes had darkened to almost midnight black.

“Don’t hold back.” That wasn’t what she wanted. Not tonight. Tonight was about the two of them bonding, about giving up parts of themselves to join with the other.

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