Mastering Kyla (Stone Cellar Erotica) (4 page)

BOOK: Mastering Kyla (Stone Cellar Erotica)
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And then Kyla discovered there were two more leather straps she hadn’t noticed. Jackson fastened one around her waist, pulling the leather tight until she was barely able to wiggle on top of the bench. She gave a little moan of fear.

Jackson put a hand on her back, comforting her. “Remember. If it gets to be too much, use your safe word.”

Kyla nodded, not trusting herself to speak. Jackson reached under the bench near her head and pulled the last strap around her neck. This strap he left loose enough that it didn’t interfere with her breathing at all—but it eliminated the last bit of mobility she had on the bench. She was well and truly bound to this thing, and that knowledge filled her with an almost schizophrenic mix of anticipation and dread.

Jackson left her and crossed to the bookshelf. She couldn’t turn her head to see what he was picking up. In a few moments he had returned to her. Kyla waited, knowing she was at his mercy.

“Kyla, have you ever been butt-fucked?”

Kyla’s heart turned over in her chest. Instinctively she struggled against the bonds holding her, suddenly feeling trapped in a way she hadn’t moments before.

“Answer me,” Jackson said. A stern note entered his voice. It froze Kyla in her struggles.

“No, sir.” Kyla felt her face flushing with horror. Butt-fucked? Was he kidding?

Instead of speaking, Jackson slipped two fingers into her wet folds. Kyla, unprepared for this penetration, gasped. Jackson worked his fingers in her and Kyla felt the now-familiar burn of a slowly approaching orgasm.

“Oh, sir.” Kyla struggled in vain, unable to escape the thrusting of Jackson’s fingers. But she was also afraid, knowing Jackson wouldn’t have asked if he didn’t intend to do something. “I’ve never had anything in—” Kyla had to bite back a scream as Jackson’s fingers found the tight bundle of nerves in her clit and worked it relentlessly. “I don’t think I can—”

“Trust me, Kyla.” Jackson withdrew his fingers suddenly and Kyla slumped against the bench. She felt something warm and slippery cascading down between her cheeks, and something small and firm pressing against the tight ring of her anus.

Kyla groaned in terror and strained against the leather cuffs holding her nearly perfectly still. “Sir, please. Please—”

But Jackson ignored her. He pushed the object into her ass, inch by inch.

“Relax, Kyla. This is a butt-plug, and it will go in a lot easier if you stop clenching.”

“I can’t.” Kyla panted with the effort of fighting him. “It’s too... it’s too big.”

“If it was easy, it wouldn’t qualify as punishment, now would it?” Jackson slipped his fingers back into her core and started fucking her with his hand, slowly and rhythmically. Kyla fought him, struggling against the welling sensations he was kindling. It was a losing battle, and Kyla’s eyes widened as she felt another flood of warmth escaping her pussy, coating the padded leather bench beneath her. As her essence spilled across the padded bench, her anus relaxed.

Jackson took full advantage of the moment and pushed. Kyla groaned as he slid the butt-plug all the way into her back passage. When it was securely packed inside, Jackson chuckled. “Well now. You took the full plug on your first try.”

Kyla’s heart was racing, but it never even occurred to her to use her safe word. Jackson kept finger-fucking her with one hand. He placed his other hand on the small of her back. It was warm and steady, and it calmed Kyla, even as her body responded to his fingers. After a few minutes, Kyla’s breathing slowed. And—shockingly—she found she didn’t mind the plug. In fact, the feeling was strangely good. A pleasant fullness.

As if reading her mind, Jackson pulled his fingers out of her. A moment later, she heard the distinctive buzzing drone of a vibrator. Unable to turn her head, Kyla couldn’t see what was coming.

“Kyla, listen to me. You are not allowed to orgasm without my permission,” Jackson said. “Do you understand?”

“How am I supposed to keep from—?” But before Kyla could finish her question, Jackson rammed a massive, vibrating dildo into her slick pussy, all the way to the hilt. Kyla sucked in a sharp breath, but it quickly turned into an urgent moan as Jackson pumped the bulging dildo in and out of her furiously.

Kyla lost herself in the sensations of fullness from the butt-plug and the dildo. She was only faintly aware of the sounds escaping her throat, hoarse, urgent grunts with each deep thrust of the dildo. The sensations multiplied, grew, until they threatened to overwhelm her. Kyla tried to buck on the bench, but she was too securely bound.

“Kyla, fight it,” Jackson warned. But it was no use. Kyla gritted her teeth, trying to hold the orgasm back, but it was too strong. It crashed into her, sending her flying over the cliff. Kyla screamed with the intensity of the sensation.

Jackson pulled the dildo out instantly, but Kyla, still quivering in her orgasm, barely noticed.

“You came without permission.” Jackson’s voice was cold. His disappointment penetrated the haze in Kyla’s mind.

“I’m sorry, sir. I couldn’t help it.”

“You forget, this is about punishment. You haven’t earned your reward yet.” There was an ominous tone to Jackson’s voice. “So we’ll just have to try this another way.”

Jackson crossed to the bookshelf again. Kyla heard his footsteps returning, and the whistling snap of something that sounded suspiciously like a whip.

“Jackson?” she asked, her voice cracking with fear.

Jackson came into view and held something up for Kyla to examine. It looked like an over-sized collar with a ball about the size of a racquetball built in. “This is a ball gag. I’m going to put this in your mouth and you won’t be able to scream out.”

“Why?” Kyla’s mouth went dry for a second time. “What are you going to do to me?”

“Sir.” Jackson’s eyes glinted. “I won’t remind you again.”

“Sir,” Kyla echoed. “What are you going to do to me, sir?”

“You won’t be able to say your safe word, so if you want me to stop, hold up two fingers. Do you understand? Show me.”

Kyla held up two fingers, and Jackson nodded.

“Open your mouth.”

When she obeyed, Jackson slipped the ball gag into her mouth and buckled it tightly around her head. She could breath through her nose, but the ball gag plugged her mouth quite effectively.

“I know it’s intense, Kyla.” Jackson leaned closer to her, dropping his voice and nuzzling against her ear. It sent a delicious shiver through her. “But you’re doing so well. Now brace yourself. It’s time for the real punishment to begin.”

His words sent an icy rush of fear through Kyla. She squeezed her eyes shut, expecting to feel the biting pain of a whip. Instead, she felt something soft caressing her backside. Kyla focused on the sensation, trying to place it. It felt like ribbons of suede. A sudden fist clenched in her middle—a flogger.

At that moment, Jackson whipped the flogger across Kyla’s ass. Kyla jerked in her bonds and tried to scream—but the sound couldn’t escape past the ball-gag.

“Remember, Kyla. You asked for this. You wanted my help. This is what you need,” Jackson said. He cracked the flogger against her thighs, three times in quick succession. Kyla’s muted screams did her no good. She squeezed her eyes shut again and hot tears of pain slid down her cheeks. “You’ve been torturing yourself since your wedding day, haven’t you?”

Kyla’s eyes snapped open, his words burrowing through the pain to sear themselves into her mind. Jackson worked the flogger over her again, trailing stinging pain from the backs of her knees to her ass.

“Relish this pain. You’ve earned it, but you had no way to mete it out. Listen to me, Kyla. It’s no longer your job to punish yourself for what happened with Michael. It’s my job now, and when I say your punishment is over, it’s over for good.” The flogger bit into her tender flesh again and again. “After tonight, you are never again allowed to hate yourself for almost marrying that bastard. After tonight, that debt will be paid.” Kyla squeezed her hands into fists, fighting through the agony. Because Jackson’s words resonated deep inside her soul.

As he flogged her, Kyla pictured Michael and every glaring warning she ignored. Tears rolled down her face in a near-constant stream, but Kyla fought the urge to surrender, keeping her fists tightly balled. When the blows stopped raining down on her, Kyla quivered. Her skin felt hot enough to catch on fire.

Jackson knelt before her and wiped away her tears. “You did so well, Kyla.” He unfastened the ball-gag from her mouth and Kyla took a ragged breath, too shaken to speak.

“Thank you, sir.” Her voice shook with pain and something else—a flood of powerful emotion. “Thank you.”

Jackson walked behind her and blew gently onto her stinging flesh. Softly, and ever so carefully, he began to rub her skin with some kind of oil. It lessened the sting, and Kyla let his hands lull her into a near-trance.

When his fingers slipped into her again, Kyla shuddered. Her core still ached for him. And even though the skin all along her backside still screamed in agony, the sensation was starting to feel almost good.

When Jackson bent forward to lick her, Kyla couldn’t stop herself from moaning. He went to work, putting as much effort into laving her wet folds as he had just spent working the flogger over her. Kyla began to shudder under his efforts.

“Oh, please.” Kyla squeezed her eyes, every nerve in her body on fire. “Please, sir. Fuck me.”

“Not yet. We’re not done with your punishment.”

Kyla could barely process what he was saying. “Sir?” She felt a tug as Jackson pulled the butt-plug out. Kyla heard the sound of another condom package as Jackson ripped it open. “Sir?” Kyla knew what was coming, but she was unable to move more than an inch in any direction.

“Remember your safe word, Kyla.”

Kyla felt another wash of lubricant across her ass and braced herself.

Jackson placed the head of his cock against the tight ring of her anus. “Open for me.” He began to push into her slowly. Kyla groaned as he filled her inch by inch. “That’s it. Relax, Kyla. I won’t go all the way in this time.”

Kyla found herself trying to relax for him, nearly shaking with the effort. She heard herself groan like an animal at the sensations of him pushing inside.

“That’s good, Kyla.” Jackson reached up and undid the straps holding her neck and waist to the bench. “Push back onto me, take as much of me as you can.”

Kyla hesitated, frightened. But stronger than her fear was her desire to please Jackson. She pushed back against him, trying to breathe. She felt him sliding in farther. He was so much bigger than the butt-plug. But then, somehow, she found the rhythm. Jackson felt it, too.

“That’s it, Kyla. You’re a natural.” Jackson started pumping his hips in time to Kyla’s rhythm, his cock sliding deeper and deeper into her ass with each slow thrust, until she felt his balls brushing against her wet folds. Jackson grabbed onto Kyla’s waist. “I was wrong. I am going all the way in this time.” He pulled her back onto his cock, burying his shaft deep into her ass. “Clench around me, Kyla.”

Kyla squeezed her anus muscles and Jackson gave a jerk at the sensation. She was gripping him so tightly, his jerk shook them both, and Kyla breathed in sharply. It felt amazing.

“Oh, shit.” Jackson panted, struggling to maintain control. “I want you to fuck me with your ass, Kyla. Take me as deep as you can, then squeeze like you just did.”

“Yes, sir.” Kyla focused on the task at hand, leaning forward to slip him out, then pushing back on all fours, burying Jackson’s cock deep and squeezing. Pain blended into pleasure, intensifying the ache in her core. She felt dizzy with the need to come, but gritted her teeth and plunged onto Jackson’s cock once more. After half a dozen slow thrusts, Jackson bucked against her and she realized he was on the knife’s edge of an orgasm.

Without warning, Jackson pulled out of Kyla. She could hear him behind her, breathing hard.

“That was good, Kyla.” Jackson’s voice sounded hoarse with effort. “It’s time for your reward.”

He unfastened the cuffs at her wrists and ankles, picked her up, tossed her over his shoulder, and carried her out of his playroom.


Chapter 5

Kyla hung over Jackson’s shoulder, feeling for all the world like spoils of war. Jackson had claimed her completely, and she was unable—and unwilling—to resist him any longer. He carried her through his exquisite home, but she couldn’t spare the energy to marvel at the elegant lines of the space. Her attention was focused on the throbbing sensations in her core, her ass, the warm tingling of her skin and the flogging she’d just taken.

Jackson carried her up a flight of open wooden stairs to the upper level of his home. The entire upper floor was a sprawling master suite, one wall of which looked out over Puget Sound. Rain sheeted across the window but it couldn’t blur the amazing view. Kyla stared, struck by the beauty of Jackson’s home.

He ignored the view and walked straight to his bed, laying Kyla down gingerly on the edge of the mattress. She hissed as her still-tender flesh made contact with the sheets.

“How are you, Kyla?” Jackson’s eyes searched her face.

Kyla felt a warmth spreading through her chest at his concern. She bit her lip, and then smiled. “I’m good, sir.”

“You can call me Jackson, now.” He smiled, but this smile was dazzling, free of the smug arrogance she used to hate. He looked deeply happy, and that made Kyla’s heart soar.

“Okay, Jackson.”

Jackson placed his hands on her knees and spread her legs open. Kyla reached up and started undoing the button of his fly. Jackson chuckled softly and—while she worked his pants open—undid the buttons on his shirt. In moments, Jackson was kicking off his clothes.

Kyla marveled at the sculpted muscles of his chest. She hadn’t known he was so built. His chest tapered from broad shoulders to a firm, incredibly defined stomach. She let her eyes drift down to his cock, which she’d only felt up to this point. “Oh,” she breathed. It was even bigger than she’d imagined, long and full and standing at the ready. Jackson slid another condom out of his nightstand drawer and ripped the package open. But before he could roll it over the head of his erection, Kyla sat up and took it from him.

BOOK: Mastering Kyla (Stone Cellar Erotica)
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