Mason: Inked Reapers MC (7 page)

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Authors: Heather West

BOOK: Mason: Inked Reapers MC
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Any one of these girls would fuck the shit out of you right here if you just winked at them.”


I laughed. “What’s wrong, Massy isn’t giving it up so easily now that there’s a ring on that finger?” 


“Hormones.” He rolled his eyes.


“You could-” I waved my hand in the air, mimicking his gestures.


“Right. I could also lose my balls.” He scoffed. He pretended it was a pain in the ass


having a woman who wouldn’t share, or look the other way- but I could see he wouldn’t take on another piece of ass anyway.


              I laughed just as blondie walked up to me, her eyes hungry and lips pursed into a come here grin.  She rubbed up against me in greeting, like a cat in heat. A stray cat.


              “Hey.” She ran her fingers through my hair. “Haven't seen you around here in a while.” She ran her fingers over my cheek. I could still smell the nail polish from her manicure.


              “Not tonight.” I pulled away.


              “You’re not pining over that Disciples chick, are you?” Tick raised an eyebrow at me. Fuck. That’s exactly what I was doing. I looked over at the blonde and then pushed away from the bar.


              “Let’s go.” I grabbed her hand and pulled her toward my room. I barely had the door shut before she had her hands on my pants, unbuttoning, and unzipping them. 


              I managed to get her over to the bed, where I leaned against the mattress and shoved her down to her knees.  I wasn’t fucking her, but I’d use her mouth. Some relief would do me good. 


              She moved down to her knees with practiced skill, licking her lips as she situated herself.  I yanked down my jeans far enough for my cock to bounce free. She giggled, grasping my shaft with both hands and began to stroke it. “Fuck, Mason.” She flipped her hair behind her shoulders and began to run her tongue over my shaft.


              “Don’t toy with it, just suck it.” I growled and pushed into her mouth.  She took me deep with ease. No gasping for air, no surprise in her eyes at the depth I could sink into her throat. Her eyes looked up at me as she bobbed, sucking and licking me, but I felt nothing. I closed mine. Another set of eyes came into my mind. Large. Brown. Soft. 


              It was her mouth I wanted, her tongue I needed on my cock.  I held the chick’s chin down, opening her mouth to allow me to fuck her throat.  Lucy wouldn’t take my dick like that, she wasn’t as skilled. But this chick, she could handle anything. And a quick face fuck is what I wanted.


              “Mason, Jayson- Oh!” That voice. My eyes flew open, I turned to the door to find Lucy standing there.  Her eyes settled on the blonde kneeling in front of me, my dick still between her lips. Lucy’s face reddened with embarrassment then she swept her eyes up to mine. 


              “Lucy.” I breathed, pulling out of the chick’s mouth. 


              She squared her shoulders and thrust out her chin. Hurt flashed in her eyes for a split second before it was replaced with a hardened stare. “Sorry. Jayson wants you. I was told to get you.” She glanced back at blondie, who was wiping her chin with her back of her hand. “Uh. I’ll tell them you’ll be out in a minute.”


              “Wait.” But she was gone before I could say anything else. The door shut quietly behind her and I could hear her take controlled steps down the hall. “Fuck.”


              “Mason-” I pulled my jeans back up and shook my head.


              “No. We’re done.”


              I looked at the closed door and wondered how fast Lucy would manage to escape the clubhouse and get back home. 















              The image of Mason’s cock inside that blonde tramp’s mouth wouldn’t get out of my head.  Nothing I did worked. I reminding myself over and over again that he wasn’t mine. We didn’t belong to each other. We had no say in each other’s lives. Hell, it's not like Jayson stopped sending members my way, or stopped himself from slipping into bed in the middle of the night.


              No logical reasoning could be used to explain why the heavy weight of jealousy dragged me down.  Yet, there it was. I had no choice in my situation. I came to terms with the fact that I spread my legs for the MC, but with Mason it had been different.


              The last time he’d come over, he’d been so intense. Strung so tight. He didn’t just want a fuck, he needed me, and I was there for him. Of course, it cost me. I couldn’t let Jayson know I didn’t ask for the money, I dug out what little cash I had on hand and handed it over. Now I was paying to fuck Mason- the idea made me laugh when I walked away from Jayson that night. I would have paid twice the amount, it had been so intense.


              Of course, I didn't delude myself into thinking Mason and I had anything other than a physical thing going. That would be really stupid. But still. Seeing that girl on him, kneeling where I had knelt only days before- it hurt.


              “Hey baby doll,” Jessica knocked on my door. Jessica rarely came to the back rooms, so right away I worried for the worst. She must have seen my concern because she shook her head. “Nothing bad.”


              “Good.” I smiled. Of all the people in the club Jessica kept me sane.  “What’s up?” I finished the braid in my hair and faced her. She sat on the edge of my bed, legs crossed and put her hands up in the air.


              “I’m gonna ask you a question, and know that whatever the answer- I will not go to Jayson.”


              I gripped the edge of the dresser that I was leaning on and swallowed. “Okay.”


              “Do you have a thing for Mason Day?”


              “What?” I scoffed already feeling my cheeks burn. “Why would you think that?”


              “Because he’s here and he’s asking for you.”


              I did my best not to look surprised. After the other night, the last thing I thought he’d do is come around looking for me. “He’s probably just meeting with Jayson and looking to kill some time.” I fiddled with the buckle on my skirt. “That’s what I’m here for, right?” I tried to give a smile, but I couldn’t quite make it.


              “Jayson’s not here.” She stood from the bed. “You’re playing with a fire that will get you killed, baby girl.”  Her hands smoothed over my shoulders. “Be careful. Lucas is out there talking to him.”


              “Send him away.” I ignored the pain building in my chest. “Or just tell him to come back when Jayson’s around.”


              “Lucas told me to come get you.” Her hands dropped from my shoulder, and she gave a little shake of her head.


“Okay, then.” I pushed away from the dresser. I wouldn’t show my hurt. I’d shove it deep down, bury it where it would have to stay. 


“Sometimes I wish I could go back in time to when you first showed up here with Kerri.


I’d kick your ass out. Never let you hang around.”


“Why?” I paused in the hallway. She tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.


“Jayson’s an asshole, always has been. If it weren’t for Lucas, he probably would have


me under the same shit he has you, after helping me out. But I had my brother as a sort of currency- you were so innocent. No one to save you from big bad men like Jayson. But I’m telling you, stay away from Mason. He’s only going to break you, if Jayson doesn’t take care of it first.”  She left me standing in the hall alone.


I heard her tell Lucas I’d be right out, and for a moment I was tempted to run back to my room and lock the door. “Lucy.” Mason’s voice got my feet moving. He hadn’t seen me yet. “Come here.” I rolled my eyes at the cockiness in his voice. Like I would just come because he snapped his fingers.  And damn my legs for being so damn obedient and taking me right to where he sat with Lucas. 


Lucas turned his cool gaze on me and gave me a soft smile. “This asshat here wants


to talk with you. Jayson isn’t here to give the okay, so you’ll be taking him into the pool room there.” 


“Thanks, Lucas.” The room that was set off from the main lounge had two pool tables. Although there was a door, the walls were all windows. He’d be able to see us the entire time. Which meant Mason would have to keep his hands off me.  A small part of me was disappointed, while the sane part felt relief.


Mason shut the door to the room and I leaned against the pool table. “Wanna play nine


ball?” I asked with a smile. He kept his back to the door and his narrowed gaze on me. Like he was pissed at me for something.


              “I wanted to talk to you about the other night.”


              “What for?” I picked up a ball from the table and rolled it between my hands. “I’m sorry I walked in on you, Jayson sent me- probably because he wanted me to find you with her.” I shrugged a shoulder. No sense in letting him see how finding him with his cock in some other girls mouth had affected me.


              “That girl, she’s just-”


              “A whore.” I nodded and dropped the ball on the table, watching it roll across the green felt until it bounced back toward me. “Like me.” I gave him a smile and walked around the table. Having it between us felt more comfortable. A barrier.


              “You are no whore.” His eye narrowed even more, the muscles of his arms tensed over his chest, where they were crossed. The stance he held looked more like a war pose than a guy just wanting to get laid.


              I laughed. “You’re an idiot if you think that.”


              “There’s something else going on. You aren't some club groupie out to fuck the guys until you get made an old lady. Fuck, the other day you made it sound like you'd rather die than be married to a member.”


              I looked up at him, he dropped his arms, his hands now shoved into his jeans. He didn't’ look any less dangerous in that stance. “That’s about right.” I nodded and picked up the ball again. “Look, if you feel guilty about getting your dick sucked by someone else- stop. It’s not like I haven't had another cock in me. We aren’t a thing-”


              “What other cock?”


              “Mason. We aren’t a thing- a couple, or anything else. For fuck sake, Jayson gave me to you the first night you were here. Did you think you were special? That you were the first and only guy he’s done that with?”


              “I want to know why.” He walked over to the table, putting his fists on the felt and leaned over toward me. His lips thin, his eyes dark. “I want to know what the fuck you are doing here with Jayson. You don’t like the MC, you hate Jayson. Why don’t you just leave? Just run away?”


              My breath caught in my chest. Run away. Like I hadn’t thought about a few dozen times. I had no money, no friends or family out there waiting to rescue me. Without the club, as much as I hated it, I had nothing.


              “Mason.” His eyes didn’t waver as they centered on me. I took a breath, a long, slow breath. “It’s not that easy.”


              “I want to know what Jayson has over you, and I want to know now. Or, you’re gonna find out what a discipline spanking is.” 


              I felt the heat of embarrassment on my face. He wouldn’t do that. “Lucas can see us.” I reminded him, pointing toward the windows with my head.


              He stood up, resting his hands on his belt buckle. “I don’t give a fuck. I’ll have you bent over this table and a give you a good dozen lashes before he gets in here. And then, he’ll probably let me finish, so long as I let your tits hang out of that shirt.”  His words were crude, more so than usual because they were probably true.


              I eyed Lucas, still sitting at the same table. Jessica had taken Mason’s chair. They were taking, but Lucas glanced over at me now and again. Even if he did put a stop to it, Mason probably would get as far as he threatened.


              “You’d get your ass kicked.” I grinned, an empty threat. These Disciples didn’t give a shit for me. Most of them didn't even know my name.


              “Maybe.” He looked like the idea didn't’ bother him in the least. Probably because it would take half a dozen of them to take him down- and he knew it. “If you think these windows will keep me from putting you over the table, you’re wrong. You know it. But you also know that you’d fucking love it.”


              I wouldn’t argue that fact. I would love it. Damn him.  “Why are you so hung up on this?”


Relentless in his pursuit of the truth, but to what purpose. “I’m just a clubhouse whore-”


              “If that were truly the case, your eyes wouldn’t show such disgust for Jayson when he walked into the room.  You wouldn’t have to hide your repulsion for the other members when they talk to you at the bar. You are no clubhouse whore.”


              “A whore nonetheless.” I shrugged. He needed to let this go.


              “Maybe. For me at least. The best kind.” His words made my skin tingle. The way he said them, with a raspiness to his voice, the low manner in which he spoke. As though he only wanted me to hear, really hear him.  “You have thirty seconds.” He began to unbuckle his belt. I watched his fingers pull the leather back, work the metal clasp.  Lucas had walked away, sitting at the bar with Jessica. His back was to us now.


              “Okay.” I put my hands out as the leather strap slowly began to be pulled from the belt loops of his jeans. “Fine. You want to know. Fine.” My temper flared. Fuck him. Fuck all of them. “Kerri, my friend. She brought me here when I needed a place to stay.  Jayson was nice at first, real accommodating.” I swallowed hard. His attention fully on me, his hands stilled on his belt, but didn’t let go. “I owe him. After Kerri tried leaving, he turned on me. Said I had to pay him back for the room and board.” I told him everything; every stupid detail, every humiliating moment. My surprise that Jayson would suggest something so horrible, much less actually mean it, to the moment he walked in and I was handed to him.


His expression remained stoic throughout my ramblings, though his jaw clenched several times. When I had finished, I dropped the ball back on the table letting the loud clank of it sit between us.  I waited for a reaction. A look of disgust, a laugh. Anything.  Instead, he ran his hand through his hair and creased his brow. “How much are we talking?”


“What?” I looked at him, confused.


“How much money does he say you owe him?”


“I don’t know, I thought one number, but it seems to be some other magical amount.”


“I’ll talk to him.” He gave me a nod, as though that solve the problem. He would just take care of it.


“No. You won’t.” I tried to give him a hard glare, but the lazy smile he gave me told me he wasn’t all that intimidated.


“I’ll pay off the debt.”


“You’ll buy me?” I wanted to throw something at his face. Something to wipe off that arrogant grin.


“No, I’ll pay off the debt and you’ll go free. He gets his money and you get to get out of here.”


“You think he’ll take to that idea? He’ll just be fine with an Inked Reaper buying one of his girls? No. He won’t. He’s already pissed that I’ve even been talking to you. I’m not going to be the cause of some war between the two clubs. You guys all act like you’re getting along, but I know you hate each other. It would be just the thing for Jayson to use against you. No. I won’t do that.”

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