Marks on My Skin (Love & Ink #1) (2 page)

BOOK: Marks on My Skin (Love & Ink #1)
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“Well, if ya bothered ta listen ta yer messages or return my calls ya’d know I was in town fer a shoot. I was worried since I hadn’t heard from ya so I thought I’d stop by. Where’s Kendall?” Niall glanced around the foyer to the living room and the kitchen, an eyebrow going up at their equally haggard states.

“She left.” I shrugged. “Just me here now.”

Niall leaned close to me as I came up to him and wrinkled his nose.

“Feck. When did ya last take a shower?”

I shrugged and shoved my hands into the pockets of my bathrobe. He narrowed his pale blue eyes at me, his lips thinning into a straight line.

“I can appreciate that as a writer ya get ta stay in yer jammies all day, but I’d like ta think that doesn’t excuse ya from personal hygiene. Why don’t ya go upstairs and grab a shower? I’ll take ya out fer something ta eat. Ya look like ya need a proper meal as well.”

I frowned at him, reluctant to be taken out for a pity meal. “I’ve got food around here…somewhere.”

“Kier, don’t make me drag ya upstairs and bathe ya myself. I’ll do it. I won’t be happy about it, but I’ll feckin’ do it.”

I glanced back to the broken lock on the front door, then to Niall with a look of defeat. “Fine. Give me ten minutes.”

Niall had been silent throughout the whole meal, simply listening to me recount Kendall’s swift and dramatic exit from my life. Strangely, I didn’t find myself getting emotional at all. The only thing I did feel was embarrassed and numb. How had I not seen it coming? After what happened with my older brother the night before our wedding, I should have seen it then. Kendall didn’t love me anymore, and I was starting to wonder if she ever had.

“I hope ya got checked after that shite. Who knows what kinds of arseholes she’s fecked behind yer back.”

I cringed at the thought, but nodded. “I did. I’m clean.”

“Well, thank God fer that at least. Ya know what I think ya need?” Niall spoke up, a thoughtful look on his face as he fidgeted with his phone. “I think ya need ta get away from this hellhole. For at least a bit.”

“And where do ya suppose I should I go?”

“Come ta Midtown.”

I looked up at him to be sure he was serious. “What? With ya and Liam?”

“Yeah. Why not? It’s a nice place and it’s about time ya two jackarses iron things out between ya.”

“Right. I’m sure that’s exactly what he wants too.”

Niall shrugged and brought a beer to his lips. “Don’t let his grumpy exterior fool ya. He misses having ya as a brother, even if he won’t admit it.”

“I don’t know. Kendall already made me feel like a jackarse. No need ta let Liam gloat that he was right about her.”

Niall frowned at this. “He won’t gloat. He’s yer brother. Seriously ya should think about coming.”

“I’ll think about it, I guess.”

“Good, ‘cause I just bought ya a ticket fer tomorrow night. I have ta head back in a couple hours and my flight was already full.”

I choked on my drink and glared at him. “I can’t leave tomorrow. I have work ta do.”

“Ya’ve got a feckin’ laptop, don’t ya? Last time I checked, ya could take those with ya.”

“And if I don’t want ta go?”

“Then yer an arsehole for wasting my hard-earned money.” Niall grinned and placed cash on the table for the waitress. “I emailed ya the ticket confirmation. Now, go home, shave that feckin’ beard so ya don’t look like a bum, and get on that flight tomorrow. I need ta get goin’.”

“Fine, whatever.” I groaned and followed him out of the restaurant. He gave me a discerning look before hailing a cab.

“I’ll pick ya up at the airport tomorrow night, alright? Ya better feckin’ show.”




I like to leave a lasting impression on people. It’s part of the reason I got into tattoos. Some had deep, meaningful symbolism behind them. Others, like the ridiculous baby tiger I was tattooing on this Scottish man’s groin, not so much. Still it was sure to be a funny story.

“Feck, donnae get tae close there, love!” He squirmed and tried to peer down at the work in progress but the other two guys who accompanied him held his shoulders.

“Ye’ll see it soon enough there,
.” The other Scottish guy, a handsome man with shaggy light brown hair, snickered as he patted his shoulder. Nolan—the other man and a long time client of mine—smirked, his eyes glassy from one too many drinks.

“You know I wouldn’t normally do this.” I lifted a stern eyebrow at him and attempted to hide my own amusement beneath an unconvincing frown.

He flashed me a sheepish look, “but I’m yer best customer and it’s the night of my bachelor party.”

My lips eased into a grin at the mischievous gleam in his eyes. “If he freaks out tomorrow when he sees this, I’m sending him right back to you.”

“That’s fine. I’ll handle the little shithead.”

“Oi! I’m no’ a feckin’ shithead, ye arsehole!”

“Quit moving around, Grant! Yer goin’ ta make her mess up.” Nolan laughed and pressed the Grant’s shoulder back down. He let out a grunt, glaring up at Nolan. “Don’t give me that look. Ya lost the game fair and square. A bet’s a bet. Camden already got his nip pierced like he said he would.”

I tried to wipe the grin off my face, setting my attention back to the doe-eyed baby tiger I was shading in. Liam, my best friend and business partner, poked his head into the room, curious from all the noise. He and Nolan nodded at each other and he peeked over my shoulder to watch my work.

“Is that a feckin’ baby—”

“Shh!” The other Scot, Camden snorted. Liam pulled his lips straight, doing his best not to laugh and ran a hand through his dark brown hair.

“Ya goin’ ta be okay if I head out now?” He asked.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” I looked up at him. Agitation was clear on his features as his dark blue eyes watched me.

“I got a text. My brother’s comin’ in from Cali. He needs me ta pick him up.”

“Who, Niall? I thought he got back yesterday?”

“No, my other brother.”

I stopped tattooing again and raised a curious eyebrow at him. “Your other brother? I only thought you had one.”

Liam sighed, scrubbing a hand over his stubbled jaw and grimacing. “We don’t really talk anymore. It’s a long feckin’ story.”

“I’m listening.”

He glanced down at his watch. “Maybe later, I need ta get goin’ if I’m goin’ ta make it there in time. Ya still up for a couple drinks later? I have a feelin’ I’ll need it.’

“Of course.”

“Thanks, Shayne. I’ll see ya in a bit.” Liam winked at me and went for the door.

“Make sure the front is locked up!” I called after him, then smiled at Nolan.

“Shame on you guys for keeping me here late.”

“Ohh come on. Ya know I’m a good tipper, Shay shay.”

I glanced up at Nolan. “Shay shay? Really?”

Both he and Camden exchanged looks and giggled in a rather unmanly way.

“I’m sorry. I’m a bit drunk.” Nolan admitted with a lopsided grin and a well-timed hiccup.

I shook my head, adding white highlights into the tattoo and ignoring the giggle from the Scot laid out in my chair.

“Ye kin, love, yer hand’s gettin’ awfully close ta ma’—Ow!” Grant winced and glared at Nolan. “That hurt, ye bloody Irishman!”

“Don’t be disrespectful ta Shayne then, ya jackarse. She’s a good friend. We used ta go ta school together.” Nolan smiled at me and ignored the grumbling from Grant. We hadn’t been best friends or anything, but unlike most my other peers, Nolan and his friends had always been nice to me when we were younger.

“Been a little while since you got some ink.” I nodded at him, keeping my eyes on my work.

“I’ll probably get something again soon. Maybe add a bit more ta my sleeve. Might bring the wife in too, after she has the baby. She’s been thinkin’ about getting one.”

“Well, I’d be happy to make something for her.”

Thirty minutes later, I’d finished the tattoo. I was just taping the dressing over it when my cellphone buzzed with a text message.

:We started drinking already. Hurry up. I need reinforcements. Meet us at The Motorhead.:

“Oh dear.”

“What’s up?” Nolan looked over at me.

“Liam. Him and his brother are drinking. I have no idea if that is a good thing or a bad thing. I’ve never met this brother.”

“Hmmph. Two drunk Irishmen with a grudge? No, that’s never good.” Nolan shook his head and handed me cash. The other two stumbled out of the room behind us. “Ya want us ta walk ya ta yer car? Can’t be too careful.”

“Yeah, I’d appreciate that, just let me turn off all the lights.”

I made my nightly rounds, checked the lock on the front door, and followed them out back to the small lot where my midnight blue 87’ Thunderbird was parked.

“Be safe, Shay shay.” Nolan laughed and gave me a hug.

“You too. And remember what I said about that one.” I nodded toward Grant. Unfazed by my stern look, Nolan beamed at me. The drunk and freshly tattooed young Scot flashed me what might have been a flirtatious grin and swayed on his feet unsteadily.

“Ye ken, love. If ye liked whit ye saw when ye were down there tattooing me, gimme a call—Feck! Stop hitting me ye big oaf!” He attempted to whirl on Nolan but instead stumbled into my car.

Nolan wiped a hand over his face, trying to rid himself of the satisfied grin as Camden steadied the younger Scot.

“Oh I’m sure it won’t be ya he comes swingin’ at when he wakes up tomorrow.” Nolan assured me.

“Right. Take care. And tell Harley I said hi.” I smiled

before getting into my car and heading for the bar.



Bait and Switch

I took another drag from my cigarette and glanced around the pick-up area of the airport. I didn’t see Niall yet. I was relieved it was him picking me up and not Liam. Just the thought of seeing Liam made my stomach clench. I hadn’t talked to him in five years, all because I was an idjit. I took another drag then coughed as the cigarette burnt down to the filter and singed my fingers.

“Feckin’ shite! Lil’ bastard.”

“The feck are ya doin’ flailin’ about and talkin’ ta yerself?” Liam stood next to an older black Charger in the pick-up lane. I pulled my fingertips from my lips and wiped them on my shirt as my stomach did an uncomfortable flip.
Feckin’ Niall. I should have known this was a set up.

“I burnt myself.” I grunted, avoiding my older brother’s stone-cold gaze.

He came around the back of the car but didn’t make a motion to offer me any sort of brotherly greeting. Instead he grabbed my suitcase and flung it into the open trunk.

“I thought ya quit smokin’.” He glanced at me over the roof of the car. I got into the passenger side and pulled out another cigarette.

“I did.”

He laughed, watching me. “What’s wrong, Kendall got yer knickers in twist?”

The cigarette broke in half in my fingers.

“I don’t really want ta talk about her right now. Can we just go?”

He let out a grunt but put the car in gear and drove toward the interstate. I hadn’t been to Midtown before, but both he and Niall seemed to like it. Maybe I would too. Not like I had anything waiting for me back home.

“Ya know, ya can’t just show up here after castin’ me out like ya did and say ya don’t want ta talk about the very reason ya did it.” Liam said, his eyes staying on the road.

“It’s just...could we talk about it after a couple drinks or something?”

“Feck off, man. Yer lucky I came ta get ya. Now tell me why the feck ya just decided ta show up here out of the feckin’ blue.”

I took a slow drag and let it out through gritted teeth. “Fine. Ya were right. That’s why I’m here.”

He let out an incredulous snort. “The feck does that mean? I was right? Right about what?”

“Ya were right about her.”

“That she was a stupid manipulative bitch? That she was just using ya? What?”

“All of it. Feckin’ all of it.” I drew in a sharp breath.

“Leave it ta ya, the feckin’ writer ta be all cryptic. Just tell me what the hell she did that has ya clear on the other side of the country from her.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to keep the anger from resurfacing. Liam gave me a sideways glance then rolled his eyes.

“Just feckin’ say it.”

“Five guys! FIVE FECKIN’ GUYS! That’s what she feckin’ did!”

The car jerked to the side and Liam’s eyes went round before he returned the car to its current lane.

“Ya the same time?”

Another cigarette broke in half between my fingers before I could light it.

“Jayhsus feckin’ Christ. Ya
need a drink.” He blinked, still stunned, and returned his attention to the road. I pulled another cigarette from my pack, lit it, and took a long drag.

“I need a whole feckin’ bottle of whiskey is what I need.” I grumbled, staring at the passing scenery as smoke snaked past my lips, curling and twisting into the air.

Liam turned onto an exit and ten minutes later we were parked outside of a bar called “The MotorHead.”

“What the feck is this place?”

“It’s more of a biker bar. My friend Shayne digs this place. Should be on the way ta meet us.” Liam strode toward the front, passing a long row of bikes parked out front. “They’ve got excellent wings as well.”

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