Mark's Not Gay [Brac Pack 11] (6 page)

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Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

BOOK: Mark's Not Gay [Brac Pack 11]
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The mates had also told Caden that they were treated like a piece of fragile glass, and if he wanted it harder, he would have to tell his mate.

Caden had asked Maverick about the claiming, worried that it wouldn’t work if Mark topped him. The Alpha said as long as he bit Mark, it would work. When Caden asked about George and the whole

“Tank has to top him” thing, Maverick had confided in Caden that he had told Tank that because of a dream he had.

When Caden tried to get Maverick to explain, the Alpha had refused, telling Caden he didn’t need to know any more details of another mated pair then he already revealed.

The mates also told Caden that they were

“You okay, baby?” Mark was taking it slow, and Caden nodded.

Mark pushed in slowly until he was all the way in. Caden’s whole body shivered as Mark’s lips traced a sensual path to ecstasy.

Caden was shocked at his own eager response to the touch of Mark’s lips.

Caden felt transported on a soft and wispy cloud, praying Mark never left his side again.

Mark’s Not Gay


Chapter Four

He had to move. Please let Caden tell him he could move. Sweat broke out on his body, and his muscles quivered with tightly held tension, his hips begging to thrust.

Mark laid his forehead against Caden’s, smiling down at him as he concentrated on his mate’s comfort.

“I’m okay.” Caden bit his bottom lip and smiled shyly as his eyes lowered.

Mark took Caden’s mouth in a slow and drugging kiss as he began to move inside of his pup. Mark pulled Caden’s right leg up, holding it to his mate’s chest as he snapped his hips.

“Harder. I won’t break, promise,” Caden begged.

Mark took him at his word. He slammed into Caden’s ass. Mark liked the fact that Caden, unlike a woman, wouldn’t complain about him being too rough.

He let loose, watching his mate’s face just in case he
being too rough. Caden only showed glassy-eyed bliss. Mark grabbed Caden under his other knee, pushing it back with the other one as he hammered away.

Shit, this was heaven.

Mark felt like he couldn’t get enough of Caden’s soft body under his. Their lips met, and Caden’s tongue sent shivers of desire racing through Mark.

He wasn’t sure what attracted him to Caden, but he was hooked now. Just one encounter and he knew he’d be coming back for more.

Mark was about to lose control from the sensual way Caden was moaning and pulling at Mark’s arms and shoulders. Mark’s fingers

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glided through Caden’s hair, his fingers massaging his mate’s scalp as his cock made love to Caden’s body.

Mark inhaled Caden’s scent as his lips explored every inch of Caden’s neck and chest.

“Mark. I feel like I’m sitting on a star, staring down at you.” Caden arched his back, groaning as he turned his head to the side.

Mark’s lips parted as his mouth met Caden’s. He was drawn to a height of passion he had never known before.

He softly bit Caden’s bottom lip, tugging on it as Caden stared up at him adoringly. Mark smiled and released it, trailing his tongue along the stinging lip.

“Do you accept me as your mate, Caden?” Maverick had also given Mark the words to recite. He prayed the Alpha knew what he was talking about.

“Yes, Mark.” Caden grabbed Mark’s shoulders, hiking his hips higher.

Mark leaned forward, allowing Caden to bite him, feeling a passion rising in him like the hottest fire, clouding his brain as he grabbed Caden’s hair, holding his mate’s head to his neck.

Caden sucked at his neck, his hands everywhere. Mark hammered hard into Caden’s ass as he roared his release. He felt something inside of him pull away then flutter back inside of him, and a part of Caden was with it. He could feel it. He was afraid it wouldn’t work with him being human.

“I feel it, Mark. I feel you with me.” Caden dug his nails into Mark’s forearms.

“Me, too, baby.” Mark ran his lips over Caden’s. Caden shivered and then stiffened, yelling into Mark’s mouth as he came.

Fuck if this wasn’t some hot ass sex. Mark looked down, breathing heavily as he saw Caden’s spunk between them. He ran his fingers through it, tasting it.

“You look so hot doing that.” Caden panted, easing his nails from Mark’s flesh.

Mark’s Not Gay


Caden opened his mouth when Mark ran his fingers through it again, this time offering it to his mate. “Salty,” Caden commented like a connoisseur.

“But good.” Mark chuckled at the playful way Caden was behaving.

“Do you regret this?” Caden asked as he lowered his eyes. “I know you aren’t gay and that only the pull brought you to my bed. Do you hate me for it?”

Mark could feel the tension making Caden rigid. After what they just shared, he wasn’t going to allow it. He answered his mate honestly. “Not one second, love. I don’t hate you, baby. Just a little confused. “Mark kissed him, and then he pulled free, both groaning as Mark’s soft cock left Caden’s body.

Mark pulled away from Caden and got up, going to the bathroom and bringing back a hot towel. He cleaned Caden up, tossing the towel at the bathroom door.

“Scoot over.” Mark crawled in behind him, spooning the smaller man. Mark tucked Caden’s head under his chin as he ran the palm of his hand up and down Caden’s chest and abdomen.

“You’re opening a shop here?”

“Yep, found a place too, right next to the post office.” Caden cuddled closer. “I know the building you’re talking about.

Great location. You’re going to clean up around here.”

“Not looking to become rich, just want to do what I like.” Mark thought about something else Maverick had told him. Now that he was mated to Caden, he would live to be a thousand years old. Fuck, man. That’s a really long time. What would he see over the next ten centuries? What events of history would he witness? He had no family anymore. His granddad had been the last. Could he fully open up to Caden now that he knew the smaller man wasn’t going to leave?

It was just him now. Well, him and Caden. Mark chuckled. His granddad would have kicked his ass if he told him about mating Caden. Charlie was an old-fashioned man and didn’t believe the same

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sex should be together. His granddad complained many times that the body parts didn’t fit, especially for women. If his granddad only knew how well his and Caden’s bodies fit together. Mark pulled Caden tight to him for a quick hug.

“What’s so funny?” Caden asked as he turned in Mark’s arms.

“Just thinking how lucky I am to have you and how shocked the people I know would be.”

“You don’t have to tell them. I understand how the world works, how some people would treat you if they knew. I don’t want you to lose any friends.”

“Do you think I’m ashamed of you?” Mark was amazed Caden’s thoughts went there. “I would never hide you.” There was no one in his life worth hurting his mate over. “I said the people I knew, not friends. I’ve only known you for a full day and would choose you over anyone in my life. What does that tell you?”


“Don’t sound so shocked. You’ll hurt my feelings.” Mark laughed as he pulled them out of bed. “Come on, mate. Time to face the music.”

“But I don’t wanna,” Caden cried.

“You are adorable when you whine.” Mark pushed his mate to the bathroom, getting him under the shower. “Everyone will be relieved to see that you’ve made it through the attack and haven’t gone feral.”

“Yeah, then they’ll kick my ass.” Caden pouted.

“Stop cursing. It doesn’t sound right coming from you.” Caden crossed his arms over his chest. “Fine, I hope you like your meat well-done because that’s what I’ll be when the warriors are done with me.”

Mark grabbed Caden’s ass. “As long as this is still intact.”

“If it feels like magic being with you every time, I’ll make sure it is.”

* * * *

Mark’s Not Gay


“Well, at least you survived the attack.” Maverick gestured for Caden to have a seat. They were in the den, the entire pack sitting there to witness his shame. Mark sat next to him, laying his hand on Caden’s thigh. He gave a light squeeze, telling Caden all would be okay.

“Yes, sir.”

“I could have sworn I told a certain wolf not to go to the city.” Maverick walked around the den, hands behind his back. “What punishment do you think you deserve for disobeying me and nearly getting yourself killed?”

“I–I don’t know, sir.” Caden was terrified. Would his Alpha make him leave his pack? Would he take Mark away from him? He had never disobeyed Maverick before, but he remembered what his Alpha had done to his assistant. When Lonny tried to kill Cecil, Maverick’s mate, the Alpha had killed Lonny. Was that the price when angering the Alpha? Caden shivered. “Just please don’t kill me.” Maverick crossed the room and stood in front of Caden, his eyes softening. “Do you think we would have fought so hard to keep you alive only to turn around and kill you?” Maverick knelt down in front of Caden, his voice tender. “There was a reason I forbid you to go.

You’re not old enough yet to be on your own.”

“I’m not a baby.” Caden pouted and crossed his arms over his chest, getting ticked off that everyone looked at him like that.

“That may be, but I think I’ll leave the punishment in your mate’s hands. I trust you won’t have a repeat now that he’s here.” Maverick winked up at Mark. Standing, he ushered everyone into the dining room for dinner.

“What’s my punishment?” Caden looked up at his mate. At least he wasn’t being kicked out of the pack. He could handle anything else. It’s not like he purposefully sought out the vampires. All he had wanted was his mate.


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* * * *

“We’ll discuss it after dinner, in private.” Mark led Caden down the hallway, caressing the nape of his neck. They would discuss it after dinner because Mark had to think of something.

It wasn’t as though he dealt out punishment on a regular basis.

What did you do to someone who was only running behind him?

Mark felt like he was just as much at fault in this. He hadn’t left a note, hadn’t explained what he was doing. He was just as irresponsible as Caden had acted.

* * * *

“So, I heard this thing people do around here called cow tipping.

We’re gonna go out and try it.” Cecil stared at each mate. He had excluded Lewis and George. Being older, they would have protested and more than likely tattled.

“Cow tipping?” Caden asked, “Doesn’t sound right. You mates know you shouldn’t be out running around at night.” Caden narrowed his eyes on Cecil, who was going to ignore the look.

“Are you one of us now or not?” Cecil put his hands on his hips.

He was bored to tears, hadn’t gotten out in so long he could tell you how many new hairs had grown on his eyebrows.

Caden puffed his chest out, jamming his thumb into it. “Even though I’m a mate now, I’m still a Sentry. I have to be responsible and tell you I disapprove. Even though your idea sounds intriguing, my butt’s still sore from the spanking Mark gave me.”

“Did you like it?” Blair nudged him.

* * * *

Mark’s Not Gay


The only thing Caden could do was blush. He
liked it, a little too much. It surprised him that he came from the punishment. Maybe if he followed the mates, Mark would spank him again.

Eight silhouetted figures crept by the front of the house, running down the gravel drive. They made it a mile down the road, hopping over the first fence they came to.

“Now, the guys that were at the diner said cows sleep standing up, and that if you nudge them, they fall over.” Cecil pushed his shoulder into the cow, but nothing happened.

“Maybe you aren’t big enough.” Drew joined him, pushing with his hands.

“It doesn’t seem to be working.” Caden stated the obvious. If he snuck out and went against everything he’d been taught, at least the damn tipping should work. What was he doing out here? He knew better. Why had he crumbled under peer pressure as soon as he was mated? Did he want to be accepted as a mate that badly?

“Let me try.” Caden helped Drew and Cecil. If he was gonna get into trouble, it better be worth it.

The only thing that happened was the cow reorienting its footing.

“They were full of cow manure.” Johnny pouted.

“It was worth a try. We just debunked that myth.” Cecil laughed as they stood around the cow. The creature moved out of their way and walked a few feet away.

“So we’re going to get chewed out for nothing?” Caden asked in a peeved voice.

“We got out of the house.” Cecil held his finger up as he pointed this fact out.

“Who’s out there?” a gruff voice shouted, a flashlight beam dancing across the dark pasture.

“What do we do?” Johnny panicked, running around in circles.

“Run!” Caden yelled. They all shot across the field, the opposite direction from the way they came. They had to stop twice when Keata fell.


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“You don’t have boobies. You shouldn’t be falling,” Johnny shouted over his shoulder.

They made it to a big red barn, where Tangee found a small access door. He held it open as the mates scrambled through it. All eight mates huddled by the door, peeking out to see if they had been followed.

“What the hell?”

They turned at Oliver’s question, and a collective gasp sounded through the barn. Three. Caden counted three naked bodies swinging slightly from individual nooses. He stepped closer, a chill racing down his spine at the pasty white complexion each held. Their lips were an odd shade of blue.

Caden couldn’t look at the eyes. He knew that if he did, they would haunt him for the rest of his life. His eyes darted past the hanging corpses. A table was set up with shiny knives of all sizes laid out.

What the hell was going on here?

The whimpering of some of the mates barely registered, and the smell was nauseating. Caden lifted his foot, looking down to see blood was clinging to his boot. Looking further down past the heel, he saw a pool of the thick, sticky blood. These men had been drained.

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