Marek (Knights Corruption MC #1) (32 page)

BOOK: Marek (Knights Corruption MC #1)
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“Oh, God, Cole . . . Yes,” she gasped, writhing under me and gripping the sheets in ecstasy.

Wanting to taste her desire for me once again, I licked her slowly, reveling in the way my touch made her feel. She cried out, calling my name over and over again until she finally clenched on my fingers and rode out her orgasm, my lips wrapped around her clit to draw out every last drop of pleasure.

Her satisfaction painted my face when I finally crawled up her body, pushed my sweats the rest of the way off, gripped myself and teased her opening with my thickness.

“Are you on any kind of birth control?” I inquired, praying she was so I could take her bare. I had condoms readily available, though, just in case.

A quick look of sadness infiltrated her eyes, putting me on guard instantly. “No, but I can’t have kids anyway. So. . . .” She stopped talking, a sudden embarrassment stealing the rest of what she was going to say.

“How do you know that?”

“Trust me. I can’t get pregnant.” She turned her head so I couldn’t see her beautiful browns. “Please don’t make me talk about it right now,” she pleaded.

I would get to the bottom of
statement, but I agreed with her, now wasn’t the time. Instead, I chose to make sure this was what she wanted, asking her again for her consent.

She turned her head back to look at me and gave me a simple nod, a bite of her lip showing me she was ready and willing.

Pushing myself inside her, inch by agonizingly slow inch, was the best feeling in the world. Her tight walls gripped me like a fist, strangling the pleasure out of me before I even started. Making sure to take it slow so I didn’t explode too soon, I stopped halfway in and leaned down to kiss her.

“I can’t move right now or I’m gonna be done before I even start.” I was in the middle of counting in my head when she thrust her hips up toward me, sheathing more of me than I was ready to give. “Fuck!” I yelled. It was another five controlled breaths before I was ready to stake my claim on her. Possess her with everything clamoring inside me.

“Goddamn it! You’re too tight,” I groaned, throwing her leg over my waist to open her up some more.

“Does it not feel good?” she worried, her fingers gripping my arms while I bucked into her.

“It feels
good. That’s the problem.”

“That doesn’t sound like a problem at all,” she said, her quiet laughter dying when I pulled out and pushed back inside her roughly. “Oooooo . . . Oh, my God . . . Do that again,” she demanded.

Of course I gave her what she wanted.

Over and over, and over again.

Ten minutes and a lot of exertion later, I could tell she was close to detonating. Her moans had become more intense, her demands on my body more aggressive. I would have never pegged her for someone who would take such an active role during sex, her otherwise quiet demeanor indicating quite the contrary.

Pinning her hands above her head, I thrust deeper, letting go of the last strand of my control, punishing her body with my own, driving out every last cry and plea from her throat. Reveling in her pleasure, a cocky grin spread across my face as I nipped at her bottom lip, demanding entrance into her tempting mouth.

“Sully . . . I . . . I can’t hold out any longer. Fuck! You’re too much,” I growled, pushing her further up the bed with my intensity.

“Make me come.” She writhed beneath me, flexing her hands in my hold. Wrapping my free arm around her waist, I held her back off the bed and drove into her like some kind of wild animal, shouting out her name as soon as I felt her pussy clench around me, shivers of bliss firing off inside both of us. My vision actually went hazy, chasing after my own goddamn air just so I could breathe.

I buried my head in the crook of her neck, waiting while I came back down to reality. Licking at her salty skin, I realized right then that I would never get enough of her.

Her mouth.

Her skin.

Her pussy.

Just . . . her.

Everything about her called to me, and not strictly in the carnal way. Something inside her spoke to me. It was unknown what she was trying to tell me, but in due time I knew I would uncover the unspoken messages.


Lying fully sated in Cole’s arms was like a dream, the connection between us more than physical. Granted, we didn’t really know each other that well—yet—but there was an undeniable attraction pulling us together. While he was the most beautiful man I’d ever laid eyes on, there was something within him which beckoned to me.

I felt it when he looked at me.

I felt it when he touched me.

I felt it when he called out my name.

The pain he tried to shield from me broke free when he thought I wasn’t paying attention, his vulnerability where I was concerned teetering between awareness and obscurity.

My ears pricked to listen to his breathing, trying to determine whether or not he’d drifted off to sleep. He’d taken me twice more, once on top of the bathroom vanity and again in the shower. Each time was more exhilarating than the last, my fear of my new life abandoning me as I gazed into the promise of my future. Although my new husband had upset me with his words on occasion, I knew it was simply because he didn’t know how to act.

Was I making excuses for his behavior? Yes.

Did I understand what it was like to have my world flipped on its ass, scrambling around to try and make sense of Fate’s warped sense of humor?


Although Cole Marek was the man who’d kidnapped me, he was the same man who’d essentially saved my life.

He’d forgotten to shut off the bedside light, its soft illumination dancing over his relaxed form. Propping my head on his chest, I stared up into his handsome face. His eyelids fluttered in his sleep, a half-smirk resting on his full and inviting lips. Breaths of soft, warm air hit my cheek, while his heart fell into a steady, easy rhythm. His body heat warmed me. The only thing we had draped over us was a thin sheet, the rest of the blankets were strewn over the bed in a crumpled mess, but I was nice and cozy lying half on top of him.

“If you don’t stop admiring me, I’m going to be forced to take you yet again,” he muttered, startling me from fantasizing about that very same thing.

“I thought you were sleeping.” When I tried to move, he quickly changed positions until he had me pinned beneath him. As soon as I was on my back, I spread my legs wide so he could snuggle in between. The man was insatiable, but I quickly realized I was too.

“How can I sleep with you next to me? I’d be a fool to waste one precious second dreaming of you when I could have the real thing right now.” He grinned, his self-assuredness quite the turn on.

To be desired, truly coveted, was the most intoxicating feeling in the world. I’d never had anyone look at me the way he did, even when he was upset with me, or confused about our new situation together. His blue eyes pierced me with the knowledge that he’d come to save me. Whether he was aware of it or not, I wasn’t sure, but his soul spoke to mine.

His lips traced a line from my collarbone to my ear, a place he loved to tease with his tongue before making me break out in goose bumps, the contrast of wet skin against warm breath enough to make me squirm in delight.

“I wanna ask you something, and I pray you’ve come to trust me enough to tell me the truth,” he prodded, his soft kisses on my skin a distraction to what was coming next.

Did I trust him?

I was beginning to.

Was I afraid of what he was going to ask me to reveal?


He withdrew his body from mine and sat back on the bed, pulling me up until I was in a seated position myself.
I can only imagine what he’s going to ask me.

“Earlier tonight, when I asked you if you were on the pill, you told me you couldn’t have kids, to not worry about it. When I tried to ask you to elaborate, you shut down, a sadness filling your eyes I’ve unfortunately seen before.”

I noticeably stiffened, preparing myself for the conversation he was going to force me to have.

I’d only told Cole a few things about what I’d experienced at the hands of Vex and my father, but he didn’t know the half of it. Shit, he didn’t even know a quarter of it, if I was being honest. He’d seen the scars covering my body, and I’d told him how some of them got there, but there was so much more to my story. A story I was ready to burn in the hottest fire, then watch as the embers of my tragic past floated away on the wind.

Instead of delving too far into the past, I decided to give him part of the truth. Steeling my nerves, my eyes flitted over his face but avoided his eyes. I knew if I looked directly at him, I would weaken and falter. I’d end up pushing myself back into the darkest parts of my mind, a place I never wanted to venture into again.

“Well,” he prompted. “How do you know you can’t have kids? You’re a young woman, around twenty or so, right?” It was funny he wasn’t sure, and I wasn’t positive of his age either, yet there we were, sitting across from each other on the bed after a night of passion. Newly married and still discovering the little details about each other. “So what makes you think you can’t pop out a few rugrats?” He grinned, his smile softening his callous choice of words.

Wrapping the sheet tighter around me so I wasn’t so vulnerable, I fidgeted with my hands while I tried to find the right words. His stare burned through me and I knew he wouldn’t wait long for me to respond, patience definitely not his strong suit.

I stared at my hands while I spoke, an action he didn’t approve of; his finger moved to lift my chin so he could see my eyes. Taking the deepest breath, my anxiety expelling from me in waves, I mustered up enough strength to start.

“A few years ago, I was bl-bleeding pretty badly, so I was taken to the hospital. My father refused at first because he didn’t want any outsiders in our business, but when he saw how bad I was, he reluctantly agreed.” I tried to look away again, but his hold on my chin was strong. “The doctor told me there was too much damage, that the chances of me having kids were so minute, I would have more luck being struck by lightning. Twice.” A lone tear escaped and trickled down my cheek. I hated that my past still terrified me, but I hadn’t been in the company of the Knights Corruption very long. Even if they were basically keeping me safe and sound from my own club.

I hadn’t allowed myself to give into the paranoia of what Cole had mentioned earlier, about being on guard and waiting for the Savage Reapers to come and collect what was rightfully theirs.


“But I don’t understand. Why was there any damage to begin with?” His question was sincere, but his eyes told me he knew the worst part of the story was yet to come. By the look of expectancy on his face, he knew
was the cause of my dreadful tale.

I couldn’t help it.

I broke.

“Cole . . . please,” I begged. “Don’t make me. . . .” I couldn’t finish, my body shaking while tears streamed down my face. He’d finally released his hold on my chin, his body closing in on me and bringing me in for a hug.

“It’s okay, Sully. No one will ever hurt you again,” he promised, holding me so close he almost crushed me in his arms. “But I need to know. You have to tell me.”

“Why?” I cried, pushing myself away from him. “Why do I have to tell you? Why do you want me to relive it? Why can’t you just let it go?” I wanted to run, to barricade myself inside the bathroom for the rest of my life. I was ashamed and mortified that he was going to find out yet another awful thing that happened to me. Pity wasn’t something I thought I could bear. Not from him.

He made a move toward me but I only backed up, desperately needing the added space if I was going to continue. Although I didn’t think I would be able to.

“Because,” he seethed, “when I finally put a bullet between their eyes, I wanna make sure they know
the reasons their lives are being snatched from them. Trust me, there’s a long list as it stands, but to know their fate was sealed because of the damage they did to one of their own, will sink their souls into the deepest pits of Hell.”

He said ‘their eyes.’ There was no mistaking he was talking about my father and the guy who’d tortured me for six long years. Vex.

BOOK: Marek (Knights Corruption MC #1)
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