Man to Man [Wolf Creek Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) (23 page)

BOOK: Man to Man [Wolf Creek Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)
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“Donovan, I don’t know if I can”
—Jim ran his tongue over his lips as if they had suddenly gone dry
—“I don’t know if I can see them and not have them.”

“We can move,”
Donovan suggested.
“Maybe find another pack.”

He would hate to have to move again after they had gotten settled in together at Jim’s place, but he would if he had to. It would mean leaving all of Jim’s family behind as well as most everyone Jim knew. But making Jim happy was more important than staying.

“You’d do that?”
Jim asked silently.
“You’d move away from here after you just got settled?”

“Baby, I’d go anywhere for you. Don’t you know that by now?”

“But what about Reece and Keeley? They just moved into their new house. And Chase is getting settled, too. Devlin will be back soon and he’ll be here, too. Most of your family will be. How can you leave all of them?”

Donovan grabbed Jim’s face and held it between his hands, tilting the man’s head back so he could see Jim’s gray eyes.
“You’re more important, Jim. If you’re not happy here in Wolf Creek, we’ll go somewhere else. It’s as simple as that.”

Jim seemed to calm at Donovan’s words. He wiped his eyes and then heaved a heavy breath. “Okay, then,” Jim said out loud. “I can do this. Carrie and Joey need our support. They need to understand that we still love them no matter who adopts them, and they need to know that we’re happy for them.”

Donovan couldn’t agree more. As much as he desired to have the children belong to him and Jim, Carrie and Joey needed their support. If the children thought they were happy for them, then maybe they wouldn’t put up too much of a fuss for their new parents.

“Come on, love, put a smile on that handsome face of yours and let’s go say good-bye to the kids.”

Jim’s smile wobbled when it curved up the corners of his mouth, but at least it was there. “I can do this,” Jim said again, but Donovan was pretty sure the man was speaking to himself.

He grabbed Jim’s hand and folded their fingers together and then turned to face Jim’s family. He wasn’t surprised to see that they had stepped inside while he had been talking to Jim. It was still early out, and it was cold outside.

He couldn’t stand the grin on Daniel’s face, and it was all he could do not to knock it off—with his fists. He knew the alpha thought he had made the best choice for Carrie and Joey that he could, but he didn’t need to rub it in Jim’s face. Jim was devastated enough as it was at the loss of the two toddlers.

Jim pulled away and went down on his knees in front of the children. Donovan shot Daniel an evil glare and then stepped over to join Jim, standing right behind him. When Joey held up his arms, Jim smiled and scooped the little guy up.

“Hey, Joey,” he said softly, hoping his voice didn’t break. He also hoped that Joey couldn’t sense the devastation eating away at his control. “Alpha Nash says you’re getting a new mommy and daddy.”

“I didn’t exactly say that,” Daniel said. “I believe I said that a suitable family in the pack has been chosen for them.”

“But—” Donovan’s jaw dropped when both Daniel and Maryann began to smile. A sudden feeling of something profound began to spread through him. He reached down and patted at Jim until the man swiped at him. “Get up, Jim. I think your father has something to tell us.”

Jim stood and turned toward his parents, Carried cuddled in his arms. Donovan could feel him shaking as if he couldn’t bear to hear what his father had to say. He edged closer to Jim until their shoulders brushed together.

“After careful consideration—” Daniel began, only to be interrupted by his wife.

“And because the children can’t seem to go an entire day without seeing either of you,” Maryann added.

Daniel smirked. “It is in my best judgment that Carrie and Joey be placed with you two.” Daniel quickly held up his hand before Donovan could speak the words that had been on his tongue. “And before you ask, yes, they are yours for keeps. You can come over tomorrow and fill out the adoption paperwork.”

“Can we just adopt them like that?” Donovan asked. He needed to make sure that there were no obstacles in their way before he let himself start to believe that Carrie and Joey could be theirs forever. “What about the six month waiting period, or child services? Doesn’t a judge have to approve our adopting them?”

Daniel gave Donovan a knowing smirk. “Luckily for you, not only do I have some clout as the mayor of Wolf Creek, but the director of child services in our little town happens to be a pack member. Not only has she signed off on your adoption, but she has waved the six-month waiting period.”

Donovan’s mouth dropped open. He wanted to say something, anything, but he just couldn’t get his throat muscles to work correctly. How could he possibly thank a man for handing him something as precious as two children?

“They’re ours?” Jim whispered. “They are really ours?”

“They are.” Daniel’s grin grew even bigger. “And I can’t tell you how happy I am to be able to say that. The Jenkins family applied to be Carrie and Joey’s parents. With their other children and their farm, I thought I might have to choose between the two of you. And then Sarah Jenkins discovered that she is pregnant again, and they decided they couldn’t take on two young children plus the new one.”

“Did any other families apply?”

“No.” Daniel shook his head. “Just you and Jim and the Jenkins family.”

“And relatives?” Jim asked. “Were you able to locate any relatives?”

“Actually, yes.”

Donovan felt his heart pound in his chest.

“Carrie and Joey have a second cousin living in a pack in California where their mother was born. She’s eighty-two years old and already has six children, twenty-three grandchildren, and five great grandchildren. While she’d like to keep in contact, she isn’t in any position to take custody of the children nor is anyone in her family. I have a letter from her signing away any rights her family has.”

“Face it, boys,” Maryann said. “Your free-loving days are over. It’s early mornings, late nights, and less sleep in a single night than you’ve had on a night out at the bar.” Maryann wagged her finger at Jim and Daniel. “And as of now, bars are out of your future, too. You have two children to put through college. You can’t afford bars.”

“Yes!” Donovan hugged Joey to his chest and reached out for Jim, drawing Jim and Carried into his arms as well. He pressed his forehead against Jim’s, grinning through the tears he could feel trickling down his face.

“We’ll need to start looking for a house first thing,” Donovan said. “Our kids can’t grow up in this little place. They need more space.”

“And a yard,” Jim added.

Donovan grinned. “And a yard.”

“They need a puppy, Jim,” Maryann said. “Every child needs a puppy.”

Daniel cleared his throat. “I believe it is the duty of every grandfather to buy his grandchildren a puppy.” He looked so stern, like the alpha Donovan had been so intimidated by the first time he met him. If it wasn’t for the tears sparkling in his own eyes, Donovan would have thought Daniel Nash had no feelings at all. But, now, he knew better.

“Okay, Grandpa, you can get the kids a puppy.”

Donovan was so happy he could burst. The glow on Jim’s face shouted to the world how happy his mate was, and that made Donovan happy. He pretty much had everything he could have ever dreamed of wanting right there in his arms.

“James?” Daniel asked. “Are your toenails pink?”










Stormy believes the only thing sexier than a man in cowboy boots is two or three men in cowboy boots. She also believes in love at first sight, soul mates, true love, and happy endings.

Stormy lives in the great Northwest region of the USA, with her gorgeous husband and soul mate, six very active teenagers, two boxer/collie puppies, one old biddy cat, and one fish.

You can usually find her cuddled in bed with a book in her hand and a puppy in her lap, or on her laptop, creating the next sexy man for one of her stories. Stormy welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website at

Also by Stormy Glenn

Siren Classic ManLove: Wolf Creek Pack 1:
Full Moon Mating

Siren Classic ManLove: Wolf Creek Pack 2:
Just a Taste of Me

Siren Classic ManLove: Wolf Creek Pack 4:
Blood Prince

Siren Classic ManLove: Wolf Creek Pack 5:
Love, Always, Promise

Ménage Amour ManLove: Wolf Creek Pack 6:

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?

Siren Classic ManLove: Wolf Creek Pack 7:
Pretty Baby



For all other titles, please visit




Siren Publishing, Inc.

BOOK: Man to Man [Wolf Creek Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)
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