Man Seeks Woman 2, Man Seeks Wife (20 page)

Read Man Seeks Woman 2, Man Seeks Wife Online

Authors: Stephanie Franklin

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #love, #sex, #sexy, #story, #book, #coffee, #bbw, #sensual, #cunnilingus, #evocative, #victoria, #provocative, #seductive, #mouth, #lips, #custard, #sebastian, #food play, #falacio

BOOK: Man Seeks Woman 2, Man Seeks Wife
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“Hey, my man,
Bruce,” I placed my hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze as I
handed the fob over to him. “How’s it going?”

The old man
cleared his throat again and blinked rapidly as if trying to erase
me from his view or maybe his memories, now. “Very well, Victoria.”
His eyes flicked over me again then quickly looked away. “Aren’t
you going to catch a cold wearing...just...well...that coat?”

“Probably,” I
answered with a nod. Hopefully though, it would be worth it.
Though, I didn’t tell him this because he would have no doubt
fallen to the ground clutching his chest.

“Let’s get you
inside then.” He said sternly, taking hold of my elbow and leading
me into the building. He passed on my fob to another— almost
chomping at the bit— man waiting to take my car to the underground

heat flushed against me, making me realise how freaking cold it was
outside in the first place. I could feel my nipples budding almost
to the point of pain with the chill. The urge to rub them until
they stopped squeezing together so tightly made me wring my hands

The moment I
stopped inside the lobby, every pair of eyes turned to me. Silence
descended, making the place eerily quiet for how big and shiny it
was. It was as if no-one had ever seen a woman wear a Mac coat
before. When the staring didn’t stop, I sighed with annoyance and
placed my hand on my hip. “Can I get you something?” my pissed off
voice echoed through the busy lobby.

As I glanced
at every person, giving them my piercing “fuck off” stare, I
noticed the women’s upper lips curling into a sneer as their eyes
raked me up and down. What the hell were their problems? However;
the men were a mix. Some were looking at me with open wonder whilst
others clearly knew what I was wearing underneath my coat or should
I say, not wearing.

Bruce cleared his throat for what seemed like the millionth time in
the last ten minutes and pulled me along the marble floor to the
lifts. The people gathering created a space for us to walk as if we
were tainted. God, it bugged the shit out of me.

Once the lift
arrived, Bruce pulled me inside but not before I ran back out of
the lift, seeing the entire lobby still watching where we stood. I
turned around and quickly pulled up the back of my Mac, bent over
and slapped my right arse cheek as hard as I could. The sound of my
hand meeting my flesh reverberated through the lobby. The sting
made me shiver. “Ohh,” I moaned and bit my bottom lip as I looked
over my shoulder at the outraged gasps from the stuck up bitches in
the lobby whilst the men groaned and very quickly shifted on the

“Now put that
in your pipe and smoke it, pricks.” I laughed, pulled my coat back
down and ran back into the lift just in time for the doors to

Bruce stood
leaning up against the lift, his wrinkled face pale, his weathered
hand pressed against his chest. “Dear Lord, Miss Victoria. Please,”
he shook his head and took a deep breath, “no lady should ever do
that again.”

I snorted and
patted his leathery cheek with my hand. “Never said I was a lady,


Get at it.


I closed the
door to the dining room behind me and faced where Sebastian sat at
the head of the dining room table. He was slouched back in the high
backed dark wooden seat with his hands folded across his lap; his
blue eyes were burning into me as they flicked up and down my

From where I
stood, I tried to read the look on his face but as per usual, it
was completely closed off. The only thing that gave him away to the
state of his mood was his eyes. They were a mix of all three states
they usually resided in. A mix of light blue with denim then the
sea blue thrown in as well. Damn, that was a nice, heavy mix.

“That’s your
fault.” I mumbled as I moved further into the room and placed my
bag on the table. My eyes flickered over the layout seeing plates
of food in strategic places covered with silver lids obviously
keeping whatever had been cooked, warm.

Okay, so I
felt a tad guilty that someone—probably Rosa—had cooked a very nice
meal for us and I’d probably ruined it.

head cocked to the side, his eyes still insistent doing that thing
he did where they bored into me. I shifted on the spot, suddenly
becoming uncomfortable. In fact, the confidence I had had
downstairs was slowly dwindling from me the longer I stood under
Sebastian’s burning gaze. I chewed on the inside of my mouth as my
fingers tapped against my thigh.

“How is you
being late, my fault?” he finally asked.

I licked my
gloss covered lips and shifted again on the spot. “Because I
couldn’t find anything to wear and you kept on texting and emailing
me,” Damn man. “Every time my phone dinged, I knew it was you. Do
you know how off putting those little dings are? Therefore,” I
waved my hand around, “it’s your fault.”

In answer, I
received an eyebrow raise but he said nothing. His eyes flicked
down to my bare legs and settled on my feet. Sebastian then raised
a hand and crooked his index finger at me, signalling he wanted me
to move to him.

Taking a deep
breath, I moved slowly towards him and stopped at the side of his
chair. My hands subtly shook and my breath came out in pants.
Honest to God, I didn’t know why I was so nervous. I didn’t know
whether it was because this was the first time we’d been in the
same room since Monday or maybe it was because it was our first
time talking properly as in person to person since that fateful

reached out as he shuffled his chair backwards, bringing me to
settle in between the V of his spread legs. His hands rested on my
waist, his head tipped forward and pressed into the front of my

“I’ve missed
you.” He whispered against my Mac.

Biting my lip,
I reached out and carded my hands through his loose hanging hair
feeling the softness slide through my fingers. “I’ve missed you
too.” I admitted.

head tilted backwards so he could look up at me. His eyes were wide
and wary all of a sudden. Damn, the man was like a rollercoaster.
One minute he was up and the next he was down. “Seriously,”

I nodded and
smiled. “Seriously,”

“Good. “ He
took a deep breath and let it out of his nose then his hands slid
up and pulled my belt off, letting it dangle to the side before
slowly opening the front of my coat. He sucked in a breath when the
two parts fell apart revealing my semi naked state.

Again, I bit
my lip wondering what he would think about the way I looked. I knew
that six months ago, I was a size smaller. In the last six months
because of working, I’d been eating a lot better due to being able
to afford it but I’d also been drinking a lot more and not the
healthy kind of drinking either.

“Stop thinking
so much, Victoria. Just relax.” Sebastian muttered as his hands
fanned inside the material and slid up and down my sides, his
thumbs brushing over the sides of my boobs which wobbled
uncontrollably with my erratic breathing. I moaned when Sebastian
leaned forward and licked at my bellybutton.

Relax? Since
stepping foot inside of his apartment, my nerves had electrified
and made not only my body feel like it was on a tense thin wire but
made me nervous as hell and when that happened...accidents happened
and that was putting it mildly.

“Relax.” He
implored, his voice soft and calm as his hands roamed over my body,
his throat making appreciative sounds that put me somewhat at
ease...a little.

My head moved
from side to side when his breath moved to the front of my mound.
His nose pressed against the lining of the thong I wore then his
tongue dipped out and licked along the same seam line he’d inhaled
along. His hands drifted around to my bum where he squeezed and
kneaded my cheeks then pulled them apart.

I sucked in a
breath and placed my hands on Sebastian’s shoulders, my nails
tightening against his muscles. The shirt in my hand was silk soft
and thick but still, my nails scraped against the material. I
needed to feel flesh.

“Take your
shirt off.” I said quietly, my fingers drifting around to the front
where the buttons were already part way undone.

pulled back, looking up at me with that eyebrow raised but he did
do as I asked. He stood and his nimble fingers worked at the shirt
and within seconds it was being pulled off and tossed to the

My teeth found
my lip as I stared at the bronzed chest in front of me. There
wasn’t a single hair in sight no matter how close I looked. I
reached out and went to touch him but for some reason I stopped at
the last minute and glanced up at Sebastian’s face, asking. I
didn’t know what I was asking but he seemed to understand. He
nodded and grabbed my hands, placing them on his chest. I walked
into him so we were chest to chest. Scrunching my hands up, my
nails scraped against his bare chest and sailed over his fifty
pence sized nipples, feeling the erect buds. I scraped subtly but
not hard enough to do any damage just enough to make him hiss.

reached up and brushed my Mac from my shoulders, making me have to
remove my hands from his chest. I shucked off the coat and
immediately placed my hands back on his heated flesh. I ignored his
eyes roaming over my nearly naked body, not wanting to see any if
there was any disgust there.

Sebastian grabbed my chin in his hand and tilted my head back so I
to look at him. “What’s the matter?”

“Nothing,” I
shook my head, taking my chin from his grip.

sighed irritably and grabbed my face in his hands. My lips rolled
on themselves with how tight his hands became. His body closed in
on mine, pressing against the length of me. My head tipped
backwards so I looked up at him. “Victoria.” He warned sternly,
“what is the matter?”

Nothing, oh
God, everything was the matter. Okay so he’d seen me naked on more
than one occasion and he hadn’t said anything about it but men
changed their minds just like women did, maybe not as often but
they did do it. What if I wasn’t what he actually wanted? It was
ridiculous really and totally not me. Normally I wouldn’t have
cared what a man said or thought about me but Sebastian was
different, he made me feel different—sometimes good—but he also
made me feel self conscious like I had something to worry about and
I didn’t like that feeling. Maybe it was because he saw pretty and
thin women everyday at work and dealt with women throwing
themselves at him whereas not many or next to zero men threw
themselves at me. Really, come to think about it, Sebastian had
nothing to worry about on my side, did he?


“Okay, okay,
okay.” I sighed and rubbed at the frown building between my
eyebrows. Both my hands slid down over Sebastian’s which were still
holding my cheeks and curled around the edge to remove them. “Why
me,” I blurted.

Sebastian went
back a step as if I’d slapped him right across the chops. “Come

My arms went
wide and I waved gesturing to my body that was lit by the subtly
lighting in the room. I so wished it wasn’t. “Why me,”

He scratched
his head and his face formed into a complex frown. He planted his
hands on his hips and his right peck ticked. “Is this a trick

“No.” I
crabbed. “Just answer the question, will you. Why me

“Okay.” he
said slowly. He moved back to his seat and sat down, crossing his
right leg over the left one, his chin settling on his hand. “Why
you? Mmmm,”

I licked my
lips and shifted on the spot. The heels were beginning to make my
feet throb in time with my heartbeat. I wished he would just hurry
up and tell me because I really wanted to sit down and believe it
or not, I was beginning to get hungry. The food smelled really good
from where I stood. “Well?” I asked when he was taking forever.

thinking.” He muttered, his eyes still watching me. Now his fingers
tapped along the edge of the arm of the chair.

“Well, think
quicker.” I snapped, irritably.

An eyebrow
rose but still he said nothing. Then
he spoke.
“Because I love you,”

I made a face
and rubbed the back of my neck, flicking my hair over my shoulder
with the movement. “That’s not what I wanted to hear, Sebastian.”
Man, I sounded whiney. Yeah, it was nice to hear and there was
honesty to his voice, so I believed him but I wanted to hear
something different. I didn’t know what exactly it was but it was

His brows drew
together, confusion written all over his face. “It’s not?”

“No.” I said
quietly. “I want to know why you want these.” I held my bra covered
boobs in my hands then moved them to my belly. “Why this?” slowly,
I moved them further to my thighs, circling them then settled my
hands back on my hips. “Why these? What has made you change

“You make it
sound like I was gay before you.”

A snort left
me along with a little chuckle. “You might have well of been. I
mean you switched from super skinny women that were if you admitted
it and them as well—were at least seventy percent plastic to curvy
goodness. I mean, the countable differences would use up all of my
ten fingers. Again why me?”

There was more
than seventy percent plastic but who was I to banter over a little
thirty percent. I think Sebastian got my point.

sighed and rubbed at the space just above his brow with his thumb.
“Honestly?” he sighed again when I nodded. “There was something
about you that made everything in my head stop dead. You’re like a
whirlwind. I don’t think you intentionally do it but you have the
ability to breeze into people’s lives and ruffle—“

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