Read Mallory of Strange Valley (Strange Valley Immortals #1) Online

Authors: Kassandra Coley

Tags: #adult paranormal romance

Mallory of Strange Valley (Strange Valley Immortals #1) (6 page)

BOOK: Mallory of Strange Valley (Strange Valley Immortals #1)
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“I’ve been wanting to suck on these for days.” His eyes were glued to her chest. He sat up, taking a nipple between his lips, flicking the tip of his tongue over her sensitive flesh. Desire shot from her breast downward in a flash of white heat.

Mallory reached between her legs and stroked wetness up and over her clitoris. With every stroke, she swelled with need.

“I want you inside me,” she rasped.

Mark eased her off of him, walked over to the desk, and turned off the task light. His erection strained against the thin fabric of his pajama pants. He slid the elastic waist down over his hips and his pants fell to the floor in a flannel puddle. He stepped toward her and took her hands and pulled her up to standing, unzipped her skirt, and pushed it down her legs.

She grasped his cock, her fingers wrapped tightly around his shaft, and he kissed her with enough force to test her balance. She stepped back, and they collapsed to the bed. He sucked hard on each of her nipples, massaging his tongue over them until she couldn’t take it any longer.

She pushed his hand between her thighs, guiding his fingers into the growing wetness between her legs. “Take me now,” she whispered.

She swept her thighs wide just as he drove his cock deep into her.

“Oh, fuuuck,” he growled.

He thrust once slowly, his eyes closed and his tanned face pinched in a mask of concentrated pleasure, as if testing and feeling her inner contours. Then he slid one hand under her ass and started thrusting with firm, long strokes. Delicious tension began to swell deep between her hips, growing and expanding until every muscle strained for release.

“Make me come,” she whispered into his ear, and he thrust with more force, her body shifting against the bed each time he drove into her. He rocked his hips, pressing against her clit in a way that drove her nearly senseless with pleasure.

She could feel him start to come, his life force leaking into her, and it pushed her over the edge. Her orgasm burst through her as Mark’s come and life force shot into her, and the perfect synchronicity brought uncontrollable shudders of ecstasy. Everything fogged for a moment as she bathed in the sensation.

Panting a little, she stayed where she was until Mark began to relax on top of her. She rolled him over and swung her feet to the floor, and silently gathered her clothes.

She left Mark in his post-Succubus daze, and stole through the night air back to her car at Asher’s place. She grinned to herself. Mark was an incredible lay, so much more satisfying than most of her other Mead victims.

She noticed a light on in Asher’s apartment, and curiosity got the best of her. She crept along the side of the building to the window, hoping he wouldn’t sense her presence. As she neared the square of yellow light that was his living room window, she froze. The Everly Brothers played inside. The song from her dream.

Every muscle in her body pinged. This was no coincidence. She had to find out who Asher was and why he was really here.


Look for Part Two in the Immortals of Strange Valley Serial:





The Foreplay Series

a collection of erotic short stories for couples


The idea of the Foreplay Series came from the desire to help men and women enjoy each other on a deeper level. It is a series of short stories/scenes designed to arouse the reader or even to be read to a partner as part of foreplay. The mind is the most powerful and sexual part of the body and I believe if the mind can be won over the body will follow.

- Foreplay Series author Maxim Fox



Look for the Foreplay Series in the Kindle Store:

(Foreplay Series #1)

(Foreplay Series #2)

(Foreplay Series #3)


Read on for a preview of
. . . .






Preview of

ICE (Foreplay Series #1)

by Maxim Fox



Her body flexed in a slow arch and her legs straightened as her head lowered. Abby took three long breathes and let her head hang limp as the pressure ran up her arms and shoulders and stretched out her hamstrings.

Downward dog was the most basic yoga pose but one of the best in her opinion. But the harder she tried to focus on the pose, the stretch, and the way her body felt at this moment, the more she thought about the hard body to her left.

“Hold for three more breaths and then move into child’s pose,” the instructor said in a soothing voice.

Abby glanced over at the guy on the mat next to hers and followed the line of his jaw, the rough stubble and his full lips. A need in her clenched and moved up her legs and made her want to jump him right there in class.

She could see it now. She would turn to him and without thinking shove him to his back as the other people in this godforsaken hot yoga class scattered, not sure what to do. She would pull her sports bra off and let her full breasts out to play. He would be in shock at first but in a few seconds the teacher yelling at them to stop would just become so much background noise.

She could almost feel him pinching her nipples, and the electric pulse running to her now wet pussy. She’d push him to the floor, rip off his nylon shorts, and then she would fuck him, maybe even twice. Their wet bodies merging and—

“Now child’s pose, let your body relax into it and clear your mind.”

Right, how was she supposed to do that with stud-of-the-month sweating next to her?

“Now turn your head to the left and become present with your body.”

When she turned he was still facing her, and she caught his eye. The corner of his mouth lifted a little and she smiled at him and bit her bottom lip.

Shit, what was she doing?

Before she knew it the class was over and the door opened. The cool air made her nipples hard but she didn’t try to cover her breasts like she usually did. She was horny and whoever this guy was, he had sparked something in her. She liked to pretend she could be uninhibited, but it never left her head. Maybe that would change. She’d like it to.

Rolling up her yoga mat, she stood and just about ran the poor guy over.

“Hey,” he said, apparently not minding that they’d nearly collided.

His smile was even better full on.

“Hi,” she said, pleased that she met his gaze and didn’t sound nervous or look away self-consciously.

This lame exchange made her like him even more—it was only a couple of words, but she could tell from his open smile that he was normal, well not boring-normal, but not a player like so many guys who hit on her.

He hesitated, clearly wanting to say something to her. “I never do this, but there is just something about you.”

“Never do what?” Abby felt the urge to pull him to her, kiss him hard and fulfill her fantasy right here and now.

“Invite a woman over when I don’t even know her name.”

Abby didn’t know what to say. Was he asking her what she thought he was asking her? “Uh, well…” Her mind ran through the possibilities. The heat made her brain work slower and there was this gorgeous guy basically asking her over so they could do what they both wanted to do, and here she was trying to rationalize it all and— “How about you come over to my place.”

“Okay, I better just go before I change my mind, like I said this is not me, but—” His eyes flickered down her body, and she liked the way he looked at her.

“I know, this is crazy, but there is something here… I can’t think just come over…
,” she said.

Abby was in a fog when she texted him her address. The car made it home without her even thinking of the turns and stoplights. Somehow she made it to her bathroom, where she dropped her clothes and turned on the shower.

Just don’t think about it, this is a once in a lifetime deal.

Nothing exciting like this had happened to her before, and it didn’t matter how stupid and insane it was, for once she was going to just go with it.

Her phone vibrated and she saw a text from his number.

Turn the heat up, we can have our own hot yoga class

Abby ran her hand over her naked body and smiled. This was going to be fun.



ICE by Maxim Fox

 Get the full story, now available in the Kindle Store:


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Night Orchid Publishing specializes in

adult paranormal romance

erotic paranormal romance

erotica for couples

erotica for women

romantic erotica






Mallory of Strange Valley © copyright 2012 Kassandra Coley

ICE © copyright 2012 Maxim Fox

All rights reserved as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to a real person, living or dead is coincidental and not intended by the author.

Published in the United States of America by Night Orchid Publishing


Table of Contents










BOOK: Mallory of Strange Valley (Strange Valley Immortals #1)
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