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Authors: Amy Ruttan

MaleOrder (5 page)

BOOK: MaleOrder
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“Only that you wanted a change.”

A small half smile curled his lips, but he still didn’t look
at her. “I needed a change all right.”

“Why? What caused the need for change?”

“A woman.” He looked at me then. “She broke my heart.”

A wave of remorse washed over me. “Bastien I—”

He silenced me by raising his hand. “I’m not looking for an
answer, angel. I know you’ve been hurt too. I just wanted you to know that you
were the first woman I’ve been with since my heart was broken five years ago. I
followed her here. We were happy for a while. Then she broke my heart and
returned to Louisiana. I stayed here, and I haven’t been with anyone since.”

“Five years? You haven’t been with anyone?”

“Nope. Trust issues. I needed time to heal, and I was

“Weren’t you lonely?”

“Weren’t you when you got divorced?” he asked pointedly.

“Maybe…yeah I guess I was. Though I didn’t want to admit it
to myself.”

“Me too,” he said quietly. “Honestly, I didn’t know if I
could trust another woman, let alone think about going into another
relationship. My heart was shaken to its core, and then I started delivering
mail to your house. I saw you and I felt alive again.”

“The first time you delivered to my house I was a wreck.” I
laughed uneasily. “I had been up all night, my hair was frazzled. I think I was
wearing different-colored socks even.”

“It didn’t matter to me. Besides you’re gorgeous and I saw
something more in you then, angel. I looked forward to working, thinking I
might catch a glimpse of you.” Bastien laughed and turned to face her. “The
days you didn’t get mail…well let’s just say I didn’t enjoy those days.”

I felt a blush creep up my neck. “Honestly, I liked getting
bills after you came along.”

He brushed my cheek with his thumb. “I just need to know,
was it just about the sex? Was that all you were interested in?”

As I looked deep into his eyes I could see he was hoping my
answer was no. He had been used before, and it was apparent to me he didn’t
want to be burned again. Neither did I.

“Honestly, at first I was.”

His expression saddened and he lowered his head. I cupped
his face in my hands so he was looking at me again. “At first I was. I wanted
to do something so unlike me, to force myself out of the slump I had been in. I
needed to do something bold and daring, like the women I write about, but after
being with you, I knew that it wasn’t just the sex. When I walked away from you
I was scared and stupid. I wanted more than just a fuck and it frightened me,
because I never wanted to feel this way again. Vulnerable.”

“You want more?”

“I want to get to know you, Bastien, before I decide whether
or not to walk away from you. Or vice versa. You could decide to walk away from

Bastien smiled then, drawing me up in his arms. I wrapped my
arms around his waist as he ran his hands through my hair.

“Angel, I don’t think I could ever tire of you.” He leaned
in close and pulled me into a passionate kiss that made me melt.

When the kiss ended I laid my head on his chest as he held
me. I felt so safe in his strong arms, like I belonged here.

“I’m sorry if I hurt you, Bastien. It was never my

“It’s all right, angel. It’s why I came back. I had to find
out for sure, it didn’t seem like you. I knew you wouldn’t have just run away.
Something spooked you.”

I looked up at him. “Well, I would still like to make it up
to you.”

A devious smile spread across his face. “Oh you’ll make it
up to me, angel, of that I have no doubt.”

A shiver of anticipation ran down my spine at the predatory
look in his eyes. I had no doubt he would make me pay for my foolish mistake,
and I was looking forward to every moment of it.

About the Author


Amy discovered her love of the written word when she
realized that she could no longer act out the fantastical romances in her head
with her dolls. Writing about delicious heroes was much more fun than playing
with plastic men dolls with the inevitable flesh-colored “tighty whities”.

She loves history, the paranormal, and will spew out
historical facts like a volcano, much to her dear hubby’s chagrin.

When she’s not thinking about the next sensual romp, she’s
chasing after two rug rats and reading anything spicy that she can get her
hands on.


Amy welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website
and email address on her
author bio page




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Also by
Amy Ruttan



Hard Candy

Love Thy

Masque of

Rain God


Print books by Amy Ruttan









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BOOK: MaleOrder
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