MakeMeShiver (14 page)

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Authors: Aline Hunter

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: MakeMeShiver
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“You’re so fucking gorgeous.”

He pulled his fingers free and took the opportunity to taste the honey he’d denied himself. This was to take the edge off, to make sure that when she arrived at the party she wasn’t so wired she’d jump the gun and do whatever he wanted just to alleviate the ache. He reattached the clasps on her garters, skimming his fingers over her stockings, and pulled her skirt down. She turned to him, placing her head in the crook of his neck.

“Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me.”

When she lifted her head and frowned, he grinned. It was wrong to show her so much so soon, but he couldn’t prevent the rate at which things were progressing. He wanted her completely. If things went as he hoped, this was the start of the journey.

“I expect to be compensated. I won’t tell you how or when but I’ll expect you to do whatever I ask, whenever I ask.” She blushed again and uncertainty returned to her gaze. “Do you remember what I said about trust?” he asked. “You have to trust me or none of this will work.”

After a moment she nodded and rested her head against him.

“That’s my brave, brave girl,” he whispered into her hair and settled back, getting comfortable for the trip to Trevor’s lush estate nestled on the outskirts of town.

Chapter Ten


The euphoric feeling left over from the orgasm, which had almost put her to sleep in Michael’s arms, vanished the instant he nudged her slightly and pointed in the direction of oncoming lights. It hadn’t been an extremely long trip, but once they’d left the city Michael had adjusted a knob along their seat and it had become dark in the limo. Now a flood of soft white glow hit the window on her side, the tinted glass struggling to keep out the light.

Lacey sat straight and moved closer, gaping at the sight. The light came from the brick housing for a wrought iron fence. Even from the distance she could see the home the fence protected was extravagant and expensive. The gate opened and they passed through. A row of cars was parked inside the looping circle that created the driveway. A large marble fountain was directly in the center, complete with spouting water.

“Don’t worry,” Michael said, as if he could sense her anxiousness. “The house isn’t entirely an indication of the owners. Trevor likes nice things but he comes from a white-collar family. His partner, Brian, is a computer programmer who designed software that netted him several million. Aside from their kink, they’re far more average than you might think.”

When the car stopped, she began smoothing her skirt and wished like hell that she’d had the foresight to wear something longer. The length wasn’t indecent, hanging just an inch or two above the knee, but without panties it felt as if she was wearing a mini and flashing the world.

“When we go inside don’t talk to anyone unless you’re directly spoken to. Although this is a relaxed party, it is still a play party and there are rules. You’ll address all Dominants as Sir and Mistress. Keep your eyes down unless told otherwise and follow my instructions. What are your safe words, Lacey?”

“Yellow and red.” She hated how insecure she felt and she sounded.

“Yellow and red what?”

“Sir,” she whispered, becoming hot using the term.

Michael cupped her chin and forced her to meet his eyes. “Trust me, angel. That’s what tonight is about, remember?”

Gathering her courage, she nodded, determined to take the plunge and learn more about her deviant appetites once and for all. The door to the limo opened and Lacey gasped when she saw Jacob. Since Michael had exited the vehicle to knock on her door like a gentleman, as well as assisted her in and out of the car, she hadn’t been aware who the driver was. He was dressed similarly, in a nice suit with a silk tie.

“Hiya, Lacey.” He stepped back and held the door open.

Keeping her hands on her dress and her knees locked firmly together, she managed to squirm off the seat without showing any unnecessary skin. Michael exited behind her.

“I’m going to park around the back.” Jacob looked at Michael and waited for his nod before he took off, leaving them alone. She lifted her head, peering into Michael’s face. Her stomach rolled as she realized she’d already broken one of the rules—eye contact—and quickly looked down.

“Good girl.” He sounded pleased. “You’re learning.”

Instead of becoming angry at what might have been construed as an insult, she felt tingles in her stomach. Michael placed his hand at the small of her back and guided her toward the house. The noise coming from inside was muted but the windows revealed the shadows of people. The door swung open before they had the chance to ring a doorbell or knock.

“Well, well, well, isn’t this a pleasant surprise?” The voice was deep and slightly accented with a hint of what appeared to be a Scottish or Irish dialect.

“Shouldn’t Trevor have you on a leash somewhere?” Michael asked good-naturedly.

“He wouldn’t dare. I might be his bitch but not to that extent, and never in public.”

“Lacey, this is Brian.” Michael gently nudged her forward and uncertainty overwhelmed her. Did she extend her hand and say hello? Or did she just stand there like a mindless twit?

“You already have her tied up in knots. That’s not nice at all.” She felt fingers surround her chin and she lifted her gaze and peered into the most exquisite pair of gray eyes she had ever seen. He wasn’t as tall as Michael but he was broader, and his coloring and notable brogue told her that she’d been correct in her first guess of his ancestry.

“What a pretty little thing you are.” Brian smiled, his full lips parting to reveal a perfect smile. He ran his finger along her jaw and brushed his thumb across her lower lip, eliciting a startled intake of air. He grinned and glanced at Michael. “You’re a lucky bastard. Do you know that?”

“Yes, I do.” Lacey found herself out of Brian’s hold and in Michael’s arms in the same second. “Keep your hands to yourself.”

“Still not sharing?”

“Hell no.”

“It’s a shame, greedy sod.” Brian sighed and moved aside. “Come in. The night’s not getting any younger.”

Even though her gaze was lowered, Lacey was still able to see the submissive men and women seated at the feet of their masters and mistresses in the living room. Most were entirely naked with the exception of collars and cuffs, although a couple of the women did have sheer outfits that resembled something that would be suited for a harem. A few of the subs sent sidelong glances in her direction, but it was only obvious because she was studying them as well.

“We’ve sectioned off the entertainment room on the second floor for open play, which I’m sure you’ll want to avoid this evening. Vaughn is in the kitchen doing a lesson on temperature and fire cupping, if you want to step in to take a look.” Brian walked ahead, as if giving a tour. “The basement is set up with several play areas, if you’d like to watch and observe or play yourself. There are stations, including a few booths.”

It was impossible to block out the moans from above as they exited the living room and passed under the archway of a double staircase. As they walked past an ornate dining room, Lacey glanced to the right and saw several people crowding the door to the kitchen. Muted whimpers came from the area. She blushed and kept moving. A woman or a man could be tethered to the kitchen table, naked as the day they were born, while all kinds of wicked things were performed on them in there.

After what seemed like an eternity Brian stopped and stepped aside, leaving them beside an enormous staircase that led down. “Before you leave tonight,” Brian said, becoming serious, “you need to speak to Trevor. He’s downstairs.”

“It can’t wait?” The hand at her back became firm and Michael’s tone shifted from relaxed to guarded.

Despite Michael’s earlier instructions, Lacey looked up to witness the exchange. Brian’s friendly smile was gone, and when she looked at Michael he appeared angry. Brian peered over at her and shook his head before he took off in the opposite direction. Turning until they were facing each other, she placed a hand on Michael’s chest. He glanced at her, and she could tell he was torn about something.

“Tell me what’s wrong.” She moved closer, until they were pressed against each other.

He didn’t meet her gaze, focusing on their interlocked hands. “The day Aly showed up at my place, I told her that I was going to speak to Trevor about taking her on as a full-time submissive. She wasn’t very receptive to the idea but she didn’t argue. I assumed that meant she was going to do as I asked but now I’m not so sure. If Trevor wants to speak with me then something had to have gone wrong. Doms don’t usually meddle in the affairs of submissives and their former partners. If they want answers they go directly to the source.”

The mention of Aly’s name revived anger and jealousy she’d almost forgotten. When she saw just how conflicted Michael was, she bit back the evil green monster.

“Should you talk to him now?”

“Probably.” He lifted his head. “Trevor wouldn’t have asked otherwise.”

She felt her cheeks heat as she pictured Brian and Trevor intimately. She’d met plenty of gay couples in California but none of them had been so masculine. Usually she could tell when men were into other men.

“What is the deal with them? Are they a couple? Like a
couple?” Although she’d yet to meet Trevor, Brian had made it clear at the door that the other man was in charge.

“Are you asking who’s the top and who’s the bottom?”

“Brian doesn’t seem like much of a submissive.” She pictured the heat in Brian’s stare when he’d touched her earlier. There was definitely a Dom vibe.

“That’s because he isn’t—not technically. He’s a submissive, but only when it comes to Trevor, and they never play that way in public.”

“How would something like that work?”

Michael’s sexy grin made the warm champagne fizzle in her abdomen return. “They invite thirds into the mix when they’re at the club, with both of them dominating.”

“Oh.” The flush that had started in her belly crept all over her skin, covering every single inch of her body.

“That’s why I thought Aly would work for them. They don’t have a permanent third but they’ve been searching for one for a long time.”

“Two men at the same time?” She tried to wrap her head around two men telling her what to do and how to do it. As exciting as it was, it was also terrifying. With Michael it felt right. With someone else?

She shuddered.

“I’m glad to see that thought doesn’t turn you on. As much as I want to fulfill all your fantasies, I don’t share.” His eyes slitted, going ice blue. “

He drew her into his arms as his mouth covered hers. His hand moved to her dress, delved beneath and raised the thin material until she felt the tepid air on her ass just before his palm covered it. He squeezed the bare skin as his tongue slid past her lips and stroked, the forceful plunges strong and deep. When he pulled away she dimly noticed her fists were clenching his jacket and her legs were almost as liquid as water. He smiled and pressed a kiss to her forehead before he playfully slapped her ass, removed his hand, readjusted her dress and took her hand.

“Come on.”

He guided her down the stairs, keeping his grip snug around her fingers. There were actually two sets of stairs, but these were three times as wide as the ones at Michael’s home. As they came down the final set, Lacey heard a soft moan followed by a sharp gasp. There was also the distinctive crack of a whip. It wasn’t until they came into full view of the enormous room that she grasped the magnitude of what she was witnessing.

If Michael’s basement was a playroom, this was a full-fledged dungeon.

The room was at least one hundred feet wide and possibly just as long. There were several areas being used, ranging from a spanking bench to a St. Andrew’s Cross to a table where two men were engaged with one woman. One had his cock buried in her pussy. The other was driving his entire length deep into her mouth. Their leather pants were pulled down to their thighs and they were moving in tandem with each other, clearly demonstrating this was nothing new to them. Just as one withdrew from her lips the other rammed into her sex. The woman didn’t seem to mind, bent over and utterly willing, eyes closed and tied hands forming limp fists at her back.

Michael’s chuckle brought her out of her trance. “I knew you liked to watch.”

He guided her past a girl bound in rope. Her eyes were closed and she was panting against the red ball gag in her mouth. Her Dom stood over her as he spoke to another man, their tones hushed. Lacey couldn’t help but gape at the sight.

“Does the thought of being in her place excite you?”

She ripped her gaze away from the couple. “Uh…” She glanced at the woman and tried to imagine herself in her place. Naked, bound, gagged. No, it definitely didn’t excite her.

“I see that it doesn’t.”

“I just… I don’t know if…”

“Cat got your tongue?” He laughed and guided her forward. “Some people like to watch. Some people like to be watched. It doesn’t always go hand in hand.”

“It doesn’t make you angry?”

“Not at all.” He slid his hand to her ass and squeezed, using enough force she hissed. “I don’t like to share, remember?”

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