Maiden and the Lion (8 page)

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Authors: Lizzie Lynn Lee

BOOK: Maiden and the Lion
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Alex grunted and fucked her faster and harder. He had barely hammered her with a dozen strokes when a violent climax ambushed Bea in its path. She shouted and came. Long and hard. Her pussy gripped his shaft tight at the height of her rapture, but it didn’t slow Alex from battering her with torrential fucks until Bea climaxed again.

She shook and thrashed wildly. She panted as the pleasure catapulted her onto cloud nine.

Alex thrust once, twice, three times and came. He roared and jerked. His cock swelled and spurted inside her. He filled her with spasm upon spasm of fertile seed until he had nothing more to empty.

He panted along with her. “My sweet.” He kissed her hard.

Bea wrapped her legs around his waist, not wanting to let him go. It felt so good to have him inside her, this intimate.

“Babe, I’m heavy.”

“I don’t mind. I like it.”

Alex stroked her hair lovingly and kissed her softly until the ache in her pussy returned and he was hard again inside her. “Sweet, I want more.”

“Yes, yes, yes.”

Chapter Five




Bea stirred in the morning before Alex. Her pussy was so sore, she wasn’t sure that she would even be able to walk. Alex had wakened her twice during the night and had made love to her until she had come multiple times. Just when she’d thought she hadn’t been able to come any more, Alex had squeezed one or two orgasms out of her until she had been utterly exhausted. He’d also bitten her. On the shoulder. He’d said he was claiming her, marking her as his mate.

His mate!

That sounded so deliciously primal. It made her feel more than just his girlfriend.
Do lions mate for life?

She rolled over and watched him sleeping. Her heart thrilled when she saw the naked man beside her. Alex was perfect. He was handsome and sexy as hell. Now that she knew him intimately, he was also a gentle and kind, yet passionate lover. She was one lucky girl to have him.

Her gaze drifted to his chest. There was a scar on his pectoral. The bullet wound scar. What kind of business was he tangled into that someone had shot him from that bridge? And why had he popped into the gym and insisted on escorting her home? He’d said something about her safety. Nobody had threatened her. Her curiosity thickened by the second.

Bea touched his scar. Alex opened his eyes. A smile followed. “Morning, sunshine.” He took her hand and kissed it. “Up already?”

“I’m an early riser.”

“Did you sleep well?”


“Liar. I woke you a couple times last night.” He laughed and pulled her into his embrace. “I couldn’t stop myself wanting you. Are you okay?

“Of course, I am.”


“A little.”

Alex shoved the blanket down and took a peek. He narrowed his eyes. His face hardened. “Baby, you’re bleeding.”

Bea craned her neck to see what he was talking about. There were a lot of splotches of blood on her sex, thighs and on the sheet. “Shouldn’t I be? It was my first time.”

Alex looked grim. “But not this much. Bea, I’m so sorry. Let me check your pussy.”

She squeezed her thighs shut. “I’m fine.”

“Bea. Open.” He forced her legs wide apart.

She felt embarrassed being scrutinised like that. She looked away as he examined her private parts.

“I think you have a tear. Baby, I’m so sorry. I’m such a brute.” He got up from the bed, agitated. “I’m taking you to the hospital.”

“What? No.” Bea jumped to sit. “No way.”

“You need medical attention.”

She scowled. “Alex, if you take me to the hospital, I won’t let you touch me again.” She disliked doctors and hospitals. She hated the prospect of strangers poking and prodding her. Ugh.

Alex brandished his hands in exasperation. “You need to see a doctor.”

“No way. I’m fine.”

“How about a private physician? I could call Dr Adam in here and you won’t have to go to the hospital.” He sidled across the bed and suffocated her with a bear hug. “Please, Bea? I promised you I wouldn’t hurt you and I failed at that.”

She melted instantly. “I don’t need to go to the hospital?”

“No. Dr Adam will come here to examine you.”

“Well, okay then.”

Alex kissed her then rose. “I’ll take a shower then I’ll call Dr Adam.”

Bea tidied up the bed and pulled the comforter to cover the stains on the sheet while Alex was taking a shower. She retrieved her clothes from the living room. She put on her oversized T-shirt and tossed the rest in the hamper in Alex’s closet. She also picked up Alex’s clothes that were strewn on the floor and folded them neatly. His pants and sports jacket would need to be dry cleaned. His underthings—probably not.

Alex came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. He was wet and looked absolutely yummy. Bea chased away the lusty thoughts.

“You can walk?”

It was just a hazard of a hard fuck. No biggie. “I’m fine, Alex. Cut it out.”

He hugged her and kissed the top of her head. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m going to call Dr Adam now.”

“And I’m going to take a shower.”

“All right.”

Bea took a super-long shower. She shampooed and lathered twice to wash away the remnants of their love-making last night. As she got dressed in clean clothes, she heard Alex talking to someone in the bedroom. She thought he was speaking on the phone. She was mistaken. Apparently, the doctor had arrived. That was fast.

“Bea, this is Dr Adam. He’ll examine you,” Alex said. “I’ll be in the living room in the meantime.” He stalked out of the bedroom and closed the door.

The doctor was a kind-looking man, about fifty with a receding hairline and slender build. Behind his oval-framed glasses, his eyes were startling blue. He had his medical bag on the bed. “Ms Summer, Mr Larousse told me what happened. Why don’t we have a look and I’ll do a quick examination.”

Gah. This is so embarrassing.
“Okay.” Bea motioned at her clothes. “Do I need to take off everything?”

“Just your bottom half, Ms Summer.”

She took off her pants and panties. Dr Adam donned a pair of latex gloves. She sat on the edge of the bed.

“I believe this is your first sexual intercourse experience?”

Heat burned her face. “Yes.”

“Do you have any pain now?”


Dr Adam proceeded with the examination.

Damn, Alex, I want to kick his ass for putting me through this
. Bea clenched her teeth. She had never even been to an ob/gyn before. Mostly because she didn’t have money, plus she didn’t need one because she’d never had sex.

“Well.” Dr Adam finished with his examination and peeled off his gloves. “Your hymen was ruptured, but you don’t have any tears like Mr Larousse was worried about. Only slight bruises and hairline lacerations. I recommend avoiding sexual activity for at least three days to let the cuts heal on their own. You won’t need any stitches.”

“Okay. Thank you, Doctor.”

“Have a good day, Ms Summer.” He grabbed his medical bag then went out to see Alex.

Bea got dressed with a grumble. She had never thought having sex could have complicated consequences. Good lord. She slapped her forehead. They hadn’t used any protection last night. Could werelions impregnate a human female?

Alex came in ten minutes later. She didn’t think he was over his guilt yet.

“Are you all right?” he asked.

“I’m fine, Alex. Really.”

“I’m sorry, Bea…”

She tiptoed and kissed him. “It was worth it.”

Alex smiled. “Babe. Mine. My woman.”

His woman.
Bea felt all bubbly inside. Her annoyance at him melted away. “It’s ten past eight. I have to get ready go to work.”

“Oh no. You stay home today.”

“But I’m fine.”

“This isn’t negotiable. I want you to sit still and rest.”

“You’re not firing me, are you?” She stared at him with suspicion.

“You don’t need a job, Bea. You’re my mate. I’ll take care of you.”

“What am I going to do during the day?”

“Shopping or redecorate this apartment. Have fun with your friends. Listen, we’ll talk about this later, okay? I have business to attend to.”

“Who’s going to answer your calls if I’m not in?”

“I’ll have Krueger arrange a temp. Today, I want you to rest and nothing else. The housekeeper is in at nine. She’ll clean up for a couple hours then you’ll have the apartment to yourself. The fridge is fully stocked if you’re hungry. And if you’re in the mood for a takeout, I’ll arrange for my men to get it for you. Just dial nine and someone will answer. Take a nap. Watch TV. Relax, okay?”


“I love you, Bea. Wait for me until I get home.”

“Just don’t get yourself shot again.”

“You’re adorable.”


* * * *


Bea had just finished her lunch when the doorbell rang. She put the plate in the sink and hurried to answer. A woman with dark hair and a café-au-lait complexion, dressed in a two-piece business suit stood at the door. She was very pretty with large dark eyes and dazzling white teeth. Bea recognised her from the papers. She was Cat Kovac, Gabriel Larousse’s wife—the detective.

“Hello,” the woman said. “You must be Beatrice.”

“How do you know my name?”

“Oh, a little legwork. I’m Cat by the way. I’m Gabriel’s wife.”

“I know you. I mean, I’ve seen you in the newspapers and the magazines.”

Cat made a face. “That whole thing was rather overblown. May I come in?”

“God. Where are my manners? Do please come in.”

“Thank you.”

Cat brushed past her and stepped into the living room. “You know, I’ve never been into Alex’s place before, even though we live on the same floor.” She looked around. “Very neat, just like him.”

“It’s an awesome apartment. Would you like something to drink?” Bea studied Gabriel’s mate. As the wife of a powerful billionaire, she didn’t have an air of haughtiness as one might expect from a woman of her social status. In fact, Cat appeared down-to-earth and friendly. Her clothes seemed to come from a department store rack instead of designer boutiques. Her purse and shoes were ordinary, not thousand-dollar items. She didn’t appear to be a snob at all. Bea liked her immediately.

“Maybe water if you don’t mind? I wouldn’t imagine Alex has soda in his fridge. He’s a health freak. Protein shakes and stuff.”

She was right. Alex’s fridge was stocked with organic vegetables and fruits and lean meats. No cookies or cakes or fun snacks. “I’ll get you some water.”

Cat followed her into the kitchen and settled on the stool. Bea handed her a glass of water.

“Thank you,” she said and took a sip. “You must be wondering why I’m here.”

“Actually, yes.”

“Last night, I heard from my husband that Alex was going to take a mate. His receptionist. You.” Cat craned her neck and grinned wickedly. “You have that kind of glow. Did he claim you?”

Bea’s face heated. “You mean the bite?”

“Oh, joy! We’re going to be in-laws. Welcome to the pride.” Cat slid from the stool and hugged her.

Bea’s head spun. In-laws? Did that mean…? “I’m only his girlfriend. He didn’t ask…”

“Larousses don’t really ask, honey. They claim. Once you receive the bite, you’re into it forever. A proposal is only a formality.”

“Oh my.” Bea didn’t know what to say. Her? Alex’s wife? For real?

“Now, the reason I’m here. I heard from Gabriel that you saved Alex from the Harlem River.”

“I did.”

“Did you see the shooter?”

“No, I just heard gunshots.”

“Gunshots? More than one?”

“Two. I was in my van when I heard them. And then I saw someone fall into the water. I decided to look around.”

“Then you saw Alex?”

“I didn’t know it was Alex at first. I saw some guy floating in the river so I swam in and pulled him out. He had been shot in the chest.”

“From my understanding, Alex was shot on the bridge?”

“I suppose. After the second gunshot, he fell into the river.”

Cat took in the information seriously. “Okay, after you saved him, you saw Alex turning?”

“He ordered me to take him home so I helped him to my van. When I tried to stop the bleeding, he suddenly changed into a lion.”

“I bet that freaked you out.”

“I was baffled. I didn’t think shape-shifters existed.”

“That’s what I thought at first. But, yeah, they do.”

“Why are you asking all this?”

“I have no case at the moment. I thought I’d sleuth for Alex’s shooter. He won’t be happy if he knows I’m meddling in his business, but what the hell. This case is too juicy to pass on.”

“Is Alex in danger?”

“He’s the Chief Security Officer. Danger is his game. One more question, have you noticed anything weird going on in his office? Especially his men—Johnston, Danielson or Wyatt?”

Those were Alex’s go-to guys. Bea had talked to them several times and had delivered their mail. Wyatt was nice and polite while Danielson was a man of few words. Johnston was anti-social—she always tried to stay away from him. Bea thought for a second. “Nothing out of the ordinary. I’ve only worked under Alex for a month. Hold on, I remember something. A week ago, when I was delivering mail to the security department, I overheard Mr Wyatt telling Mr Danielson he was a bit off lately.”

“What do you mean—off?”

Bea shifted from foot to foot. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but I needed Wyatt’s signature, so I waited. Mr Wyatt said Mr Danielson looked as if he was under the weather. Mr Danielson admitted he had been losing track of time.”

“Losing track of time, as in, he’s been hypnotised, or losing track of time because he was busy?”

“Losing track of time like the people who say they have been abducted by aliens. I remembered it because Mr Danielson made a joke about it. He said the aliens were on to him. Next he’d be getting anal probes and memory wipes.”

“Why did he say that?”

“Danielson recalled that sometimes he couldn’t remember what he was doing. There were memory gaps and time lost.”

“Really? And what did Wyatt say?

“Mr Wyatt didn’t take it seriously. He thought Mr Danielson was just joking.”

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