Magic and Mayhem: Witch and Were (Kindle Worlds Novella) (3 page)

BOOK: Magic and Mayhem: Witch and Were (Kindle Worlds Novella)
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around and looked at Mick who'd hung back and given me space after we walked in.

"He's kind of hard to miss, huh?" The fact he had me twisted up with his mate hang up made him fifteen thousand times more complicated too. "Maybe he's what's messing with my aura." I turned back to Francine to find her frowning up at me.

"I don't think so. This looks far more serious than a lovesick fox."

Oh my Goddess, it unnerved me how well Francine could read a situation with or without her Tarot cards. Her earth magic seemed to take on new levels of creepiness every time I visited.

"Come. We'll do a reading and see if we can get to the bottom of this." She dragged me toward the reading room and pulled the red curtain shut after we both entered, making sure Mick did not follow.

"You do know he'll hear every word, right?"

She nodded. "Yes. Yes. But that doesn't men I need some sexy man sitting in the room with me causing a distraction."

I laughed at Francine's reaction to Mick. He apparently had a way with women of all ages and types. First my mother, then me and now Francine. Clearly that Shifter magnetism everyone talked about wasn't all hype.

"Sit." She motioned to the gold velvet chair and then sat on the opposite side of the table where a deck of cards sat stacked neatly in the middle.

"You know the drill. Shuffle and cut."

I picked up the cards and half-heartedly shuffled them around. I'd tried over the years using different methods for mixing up the cards, but no matter how I did it, the readings were always painfully accurate.

A strange sense of foreboding washed over me and I half wanted to bolt from the room and drive away. This wasn't my life anymore. Not really. With a thriving business I'd finally started to put all the shame and inadequacies I suffered as a witch behind me.

Until now.

"Since I can tell you don't want to be here, we'll keep it simple with a three card reading."

I didn't bother denying my need to run. Francine had a sense about anyone who walked into her space. You could run, but you sure as hell couldn't hide. I cut the deck into three stacks and watched Francine turn over the cards.

"The Two of Swords for your past. I don't think either one of us is surprised. You've been in some sort of denial about who you are forever."

"That's not fair. I've accepted my limitations." I objected strongly to the denial part.

She turned over the second card. The judgment card appeared. Naked people coming out of graves. Great. That did not look promising at all.

"Your present is complicated. It seems you've finally reached your crossroads. You'll have a decision to make about whatever is troubling you if you hope to move past this."

"What kind of decision?" I asked, staring down at the cards as if they would magically turn into written directions on how to fix this Shifter thingy.

Francine shrugged. "Hard to say without knowing more. Care to share what's changed with me? We could get more in-depth if I knew what you are looking for."

As much as I loved Francine, I did not want to admit I'd begun shifting into a wolf on my fiftieth birthday. There had to be some sort of adjustment period for that kind of thing.

I shook my head and tapped the third deck. "Might as well get on with it."

Francine sighed and did as I asked, turning over the card that represented my future.

The Lovers.

"Are you freaking kidding me?" I dropped my head in my hands. "That's ridiculous."

"Yeah, if you're current hook up is that fox out there then yeah I am going to have to agree. Shifters and Witches. That's some messy shit, Patience. Just ask your mother."

I didn't know exactly what incident she was referring to with my mother, but I could certainly imagine. We all knew my mother had a knack for trouble. A pattern I had no desire to follow.

So there I had it. Denial. Decision. Love. What kind of bullshit was that supposed to be?

I placed my palms on the table and pushed up. "Thanks, Francine. I guess I have some thinking to do."

"Don't try to hand me that BS. You're only here because your mother sent you. She thought I could give you some peace of mind about this situation you're in. Of course she should have known better. Whatever mess you've wandered into, it's serious. The decision you have to make is going to change your life forever."

My head was beginning to ache from the seriousness emanating from Francine. "I got it. This journey I'm about to take is important. Don't worry, I'll be fine." I wasn't sure if I believed that or not, but I didn't want Francine to see my fear.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me back down into my chair. "Wait. I have something to give you."

"Okay," I said, tapping my fingers on the table as Francine disappeared through the curtain. I heard her mumble something to Mick I presumed and then nothing.

A few minutes later she rushed back into the room and pressed something into my hand. "Take this. Keep it close. It has healing powers that I think you're going to need."

I looked down at the object to see a beautiful tear drop crystal about the size of my thumb on a thin velvet rope. "Oh, that's beautiful."

"It's a lot more that pretty, my bebe. It has the power to help you if you keep it close to your heart."

"Okay," I said as I began tying the rope around my neck. "I'll keep it close."

"Good girl. Now go on and get out of here and take that Shifter with you. Keep an eye on him too. He's too good looking to trust."

I laughed even though Francine was dead serious. "He's not that bad. A little pushy maybe."

"Mmm hmm. You'll see. Shifters love to take, but they rarely give."

I paused for a moment, staring into Francine's eyes. It didn't take witch power to sense a layer of bitterness there. It would seem my mother wasn't the only one who got taken in by a pretty Shifter man."

To ease her worry I reassured her again that I would keep my eyes open and not do anything crazy. "Besides, I'm the normal one, remember?"

"Let me know how this quest goes. I'll be curious to see what you decide."

Francine confused me. She claimed to not be able to see any more details than she gave and yet she spoke as if she knew exactly what was coming my way.

"Bye, Francy. See you in a couple of weeks."

"Goodbye, my sweet bebe," she sad, sadness infused in the words.

I left the reading room with a bad feeling. I hated bad feelings. They were a clear sign something wasn't right in my world.

"Let's go," I said to the waiting Mick as I passed him by. I'm sure he'd heard every word based on the dark look stamped on his face. Not that I blamed him. I wasn't completely blameless in this distrust of Shifters. He'd done nothing as far as I knew to deserve the hassle.

Just like all witches weren't alike, I imagined Shifters were the same.

When we got to the car, he grabbed my elbow and turned me around and pressed my back into the door. "Is that how you feel too?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to delay my answer.

"Do you hate Shifters too?"

"To be honest, I don't know. Until now I avoided them. My mother's had a run in or two that didn't go well and that drama spilled over onto me. I hate drama."

He took a step forward, invading my personal space until he was a mere inch or two from touching me. "I hate drama too," he said, his voice lowering to a deep growl that vibrated across my skin. "But whatever issues you have against us you might want to get over. Last time I checked you were shifting into a pretty white wolf."

"Witches can't shift. There has to be some sort of dark magic at work here."

"Or maybe your true self is finally coming out." He bent forward and pressed his warm lips to my neck, sending a shiver racing along my skin.

"That seems a little absurd at my age." When it came to Mick I was feeling a little more secure about my age, considering he was older than me.

"Age is just a number, sugar. I mean look at you. You're gorgeous."

My insides turned a little jelly at the compliment. I really liked the way he looked at me. The hunger in his eyes revved me up.

"You aren't so hard to look at yourself."

He smiled a moment before he bent a fraction more to capture my lips. His tongue swept across my skin before he pulled me flush against his extremely hard body and deepened the kiss.

I think I whimpered. Although I couldn't be sure. Not when my body and head were exploding with new sensations. The man could kiss and kiss well. Fucking A.

By the time we came up for air, I could feel every last inch of him tight against my frame. Lucy wasn't kidding when she said he packed large.

"We should probably go," he said, slowly putting some space between us. "We've got a long drive today."

I wasn't sure if I was disappointed or relieved. Although now that I was again aware we still sat in the parking lot of Francine's, the heat of embarrassment crept up my neck.

"Yeah let's get out of here," I agreed.

Mick went around to the passenger seat and I hopped in the driver's side. It was a refreshing and unexpected benefit that he didn't try to insist on driving. Maybe all Shifters weren't alike. I checked my rearview mirror and pulled out of the parking spot.

"Why are you grinning?" Mick asked.

I glanced over at my silver fox. "I didn't realize I was."

He laughed and reached for the radio. "I guess my witch girl doesn't hate all Shifters after all."

"Maybe." I said, turning onto the highway and gunning the engine. Either way, we had a long way to go and plenty of time to get to know each other. Maybe once I figured out how to fix this mess I was in, I could consider a relationship with a shifter.



cannot believe
for half a minute I actually considered dating you. You are an ass."

Mick looked at me with that same damned grin he'd been throwing me since we met. Admittedly, it had worked--a lot.

Not so much now. Two days into this ridiculous trip and I was contemplating burying his body on the side of the road. I mean we were in the middle of nowhere Kansas where we went through long stretches of absolute nothingness.

"That's a lot of attitude you're throwing at me just because I made you let me drive your car."

My mouth dropped open as I gawked at him in total disbelief. "This has nothing to do with my car." Well, maybe a little. It was MY car. I shook my head. No. No. This was far more serious than something that trivial.

I grabbed the collar of my shirt and yanked it down to reveal my neck. "You marked me!" Yes, I was screaming, but I couldn't help it. I had woken up this morning and found this little gem without so much as a warning from Mick the Prick.

"I told you it was an accident."

My mouth opened and closed repeatedly. I couldn't speak I was so upset. This little shifting problem of mine was getting worse. I didn't know what I was going to do if this whisperer woman couldn't help me.

"It happened so fast, sugar."

"Don't sugar me. I am not your sugar, your baby, your girl or YOUR MATE!"

"I had to protect you. When you shifted to wolf the clerk at the hotel nearly tore the place down to get to you. Who knew your pheromones were that strong. You're not even in heat."

I glared at him for a half a second before what he'd said kicked in. "And what the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Shifters can scent these things, sug—I mean, Patience."

"Great. Now you're telling me that you've been sniffing my butt too? This is not making your case any better here. What does this thing mean anyway? I have a guess, but I might as well hear it from the donkey's mouth."

He gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white. "Now you're just being mean. Trust me I would have preferred to do that after obtaining your permission. But when that asshole's pack filtered in it was the only thing I could think of at the moment. I just reacted."

"You still haven't said what it means." I reminded him. It seemed he was avoiding that topic like the plague.

"It means I've marked you as mine. The laws of nature among Shifters means no other male Shifter will touch you. You've already been claimed."

"Claimed? What am I property? Here fill out these forms and bite my neck and bam I'm yours to do with what you want?"

He stared at me for two heartbeats before he broke down, laughing so hard he snorted.

"This is so not funny."

After a few more childish guffaws he got himself under control and sobered. "You're right, it's not. But the idea that you're my property and I would do anything I wanted is pretty damned ridiculous."

"Damn straight. I am in no way anyone's property. You should get that through your thick skull now."

Mick sighed. "This is not how I imagined this conversation would go. Nor did it need to be while we're driving down the highway. In fact..." He paused, flipped on the turn signal and swerved across the highway and onto a rest stop exit.

I grabbed the dash and dug in my fingernails. "Holy shit. What are you doing?"

"We're going to hash this out right now." His lips were compressed into a grim line and the determination across his face alarmed me.

Maybe getting a full grown Shifter male angry had not been the right move.

Mick chose a parking spot far away from the crowded areas and completely in the dark, making me even more nervous. Had I gone too far?

"Isn't there some kind of rule that you can't hurt your mate?" I asked.

He turned in his seat and grabbed my hand. "I'm never going to hurt you, Patience. We treasure our mates above all else." He shifted in his seat. "Am I angry? A little. But not just at you. I'm still full of rage for that clerk and his pack that forced me into taking this drastic step without your permission. Would I change what I did? No. I would do whatever I have to to keep you safe."

"How permanent is this mark?" I asked, a little afraid of the answer.

"For a Shifter? Absolutely permanent. For you? I don't know. But I can tell you this. I'm not going away. It's not in me to turn away from my beautiful," he kissed my fingers, "absolutely frustrating," he kissed the inside of my wrist, "perfect in every way mate."

Some of the anger inside me melted at his tender touches and sweet words. I was still mad, but not so much I wanted to kill him and leave his carcass anymore. Still, I couldn't just let this slide. The great unknown of what was happening to me with the shifting thing could definitely be affected by something so reckless.

"I think I need some fresh air." I pulled my hand free and jumped out of the car. The night air out here felt fresh and clean on my skin as I walked onto the grassy area next to the car."

"Nice night for a run." Mick had come up behind me on silent feet. Chalk that up to a serious advantage for Shifters. Of course, if I took to wearing something other than heels I might be a tad stealthier as well.

"I wish I could try it. You know, shift and then maybe walk through the woods instead of running. Running sounds a little ambitious for someone who hasn't been to the gym in six months."

Mick laughed and I wondered if I would tire of that sexy rumble. Probably not. He lit up my body with simple moves like that. It so wasn't fair.

"Well," he said, running his finger along my neck. "You seem to shift when you get extremely flustered or stressed out. How about I see if I can trigger one."

Before I could respond, his hand cupped the back of my neck and pulled me in for a kiss. His tongue licked at the seam of my mouth until I opened and gave him entrance.

Most of the thoughts fled my mind. My focus solely on him and his magical tongue. Okay, I was being dramatic again, but the man had kissing down to a freaking science.

My heart raced and my body heated, but when his hand slipped under the edge of my shirt and touched my bare skin I felt the warmth of magic slowly fill me. I didn't quite feel like I did when I shifted, but something magical was definitely happening.

He broke the kiss and looked me in the eyes. "Shift," he said.

"I can't. I don't know how."

He reached behind me and slapped my ass. "Shift." This time his words came out on an unmistakable growl with a thread of compulsion I couldn't deny. "Shift," he said again, this time even louder with more force.

To my surprise the magic flowed hot over my skin and I looked down to watch the orange glow. My body began to change and I tipped forward onto my hands and knees. A moment later my vision sharpened and fur burst across my skin. The wolf inside me had emerged.

For a moment there I had the sensation it had nothing to do with a spell, but had come about as an intrinsic part of me.

"Good job," he said. I looked up to find that Mick too had shifted and he wasn't what I expected.

I drew back, shocked to find an oversized fox with silver fur standing in front of me. "Holy shit. That's why they kept calling you a silver fox?"

"Why else?"

I snickered. "I thought they were referring to the gray in your beard and the little slivers of silver at your temples. It makes you a silver fox in every way. I had no idea it was so literal."

"A silver fox, huh? Should I be worried about my hair color now? Or my age?"

I tried to smirk and failed. "Touché."

"If it's good enough for me it should be good enough for you."

I began walking around Mick's fox so I could get a better look. He was much larger than an ordinary fox. Maybe four to five times. He was bigger than my wolf. "Easy for you to say, you're a man. Humans are weird about age, especially when it comes to women, and that affects me when it comes to my business."

"Your skin care line?"

"You've heard of it?"

"Your mother talked about her friend Patience all the time."

I sidled up to Mick so that I could get an idea of what his fur rubbed against mine would feel like. I was actually curious about everything. And really grateful that we could communicate easily in either form.

"So what's so great about being a Shifter? You don't have magic to use like we do."

"Well, for one. Our senses are heightened both as humans and as animals. We often get the best of both worlds. I can use my sense of smell for many things that come in handy. I can scent lies, or track people, and I can scent my mate when she's close."

"And the heat thing? That's still a little weird."

"But very handy when it comes to procreation."

A light bulb went off in my head. "Does that mean you don't have to wear protection when you have sex?"

He nodded. "Only if the female is in heat and you want to prevent pregnancy. And like witches, we don't have to worry about diseases. So when we have sex together it's going to be amazing."

"When huh? Not if. You're pretty confident."

If he did
as well as he kissed I was doomed.

"Are you going to try and tell me you aren't interested?"

Remembering that he could smell lies, I refrained from answering and moved on to my next question. "What else do you like about being Shifter?"

He smiled and allowed me to evade. "My strength is ten times that of a human. My speed is off the charts and it's easy to hide in plain sight."

I had to admit that did sound cool. Not being a powerful witch, I did have to work extra hard for the simplest of spells and was left wiped out afterwards.

He nudged my side again. "C'mon, let's go for that run."

I scoffed at him. "I did not agree to a run. But I'd love to go for a walk."

"No. Don't underestimate what you can do as a wolf. Whatever human limitations you think you have. Follow me and keep up." At that he took off in a full out run, forcing me to follow him or get left behind.

I have no idea how long we ran like that, but we must have covered miles. I was beginning to worry how far we were from the car. If I shifted back to human now, it would be a long hike back to the rest area.

"Mick!" I called, slowing down.

To his credit, he turned and circled back immediately. Thank goodness because I was ready to drop. My breathing came in short, hard pants and my damp fur was beginning to itch.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Need a break," I panted.

"Okay. We should probably start heading back soon anyway. We'll need to find a new motel for the night."

We sat together in silence as our hearts thundered and we dragged air in and out of our bodies. I studied his heartbeat and the sound of air going in and out of his lungs. As well as the sounds of nature around us. A nearby squirrel made a racket and an owl in a tree sounded far off.

Eventually our hearts beat slow and steady and the sounds of nature grew louder. There was a strange thumping noise I didn't recognize that continued to grow louder.

"What is that sound?"

Mick lifted his head from his paws. "What sound?"

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking. It's a rhythmic pounding that keeps getting louder."

"Shhh." Mick put his ear to the ground and after about fifteen seconds he leapt to his feet and yelled for me to run.

"What is it?" My heart raced in fear at the alarm in his voice.

"Cattle stampede!"

I nearly tripped over my paws before regaining my balance in the nick of time. I could not have heard him right.

"A what?"

"A heard of cattle coming this way and coming fast." He stopped explaining for a few heartbeats. "Just run as fast as you can. We've got to get to the river before they reach us or we'll be trampled."

What? Was he freaking kidding me? A real heard of cattle? Good Goddess.

He picked up speed and I struggled to keep up. This could not be happening. Why exactly had I left the comfort of my condo in my gated community in fun Las Vegas? For a cattle stampede?

"Wait. How do you know we're headed toward a river?"

"I can smell it. Now stop talking and run like your life depended on it."

Now scared out of my mind with thoughts of being trampled to death by big, vicious cows, I ran as hard as I could force my body to go. But they were getting louder despite how quickly we moved.

"Are we going to make it? What should we do?" I was starting to panic. My body was hot and—

"Oh shit." I was glowing orange in the dark. This was not happening.

Mick looked at me in alarm. "Keep going. We're almost there."

I couldn't stop the magic no matter how hard I tried. I pumped my little legs as fast as I could until I felt my body change mid run. Fur disappeared and I began to fall when Mick scooped me up in human arms and flung me in the air ahead of him.

I'm pretty sure my heart stopped as I imagined my body breaking into a million pieces when it slammed into the ground. My muscles tensed and I tried to brace for the fall with my eyes squeezed shut.

The shock of landing in ice-cold water took my breath away as I sank under the surface. For a few immobilized seconds I considered whether I was about to die. Fortunately, I discovered that I did have instincts to survive as I kicked and flailed in the water until I broke the surface and gulped for air.

I twisted from side to side and searched for Mick. He wasn't there and I hadn't heard him hit the water behind me. I strained to see the bank of the river and could only make out shapes moving around. Had to be the cattle.

"Mick!" I screamed.

"I'm here." He splashed the water about fifteen feet from me and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank the Goddess."

"Come here, sugar."

We swam to each other and I sank into his embrace, not caring for a minute that we were both naked in the middle of a freezing cold river.

"Hey, are you two okay?" Someone called from the water's edge and we both turned to find hundreds of naked people standing there staring at us.

BOOK: Magic and Mayhem: Witch and Were (Kindle Worlds Novella)
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