Read Maddie and Wyn Online

Authors: Cameron Dane

Maddie and Wyn (27 page)

BOOK: Maddie and Wyn
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And then how he somehow makes his big strong frame fit so perfectly in my bed that surely must be too small for him…

Right then Wyn rolled over. His heat and hardness seared the side of Maddie’s body, and she jerked up in bed, yanked out of her disturbing dream.

Just as fast, Wyn rubbed his hand down her bare back. “You all right?”

Her heart beating too fast, perspiration slicking her skin, Maddie exhaled carefully and laid back down, this time on her side. Facing away from Wyn, Maddie squeezed her eyes closed and prayed she could play off how disturbing her dreams had been, and who’d they’d been about.

Pressing against her from behind, Wyn slid his arm around her waist and nudged her. “Maddie?”

“For a second I thought I heard the gate open,” Maddie said, a pit opening in her gut over the lie, “but I think this time I was just dreaming it.”

His lips pressed against her shoulder, Wyn murmured, “Be right back,” and crawled out of bed. In a handful of steps he was at the window, the light from the low hanging moon outside highlighting the savagely hard sculpted lines of his big naked body. “Gate is still closed.” His walk surprisingly quiet for a man of his size, he moved to the other window in the room and peered out of it too. “Both of them.”

A sizzle went through Maddie’s middle. “That might have been what really woke me up.” Snapshots of earlier this evening fanned through Maddie’s mind, freezing on one in particular: Wyn with his arms full of debris, and the direction from which he’d been walking.
And when I chased the ghost, I ran through the back gate too.
Oh my goodness.
Her belly fluttered ridiculously. “My dreams were replaying the course of the day and the gate was in my mind. It didn’t hit me at first, but maybe subconsciously I realized you were coming out of the back gate of the garden earlier, not the front.”

Wyn crawled back into bed behind her, and she couldn’t control the breathless catch in her voice as she said, “You fixed it.”

“Yeah.” He laid his arm around her waist once more. “I figured it was the least I could do.”

More than fixed just the gate.
Wyn had been carrying overgrowth out of that now operating gate.
He’s cleaning the space for me
. The knot in Maddie’s belly grew, along with a nervous flutter in her pulse she could not command to calm.

Staring at the sheer curtains flowing lightly away from the window upon a night breeze, Maddie murmured, “Thank you,” her heart squeezing with a burst of tender feelings but her head still sending out signals of panic to her body.

Wyn scratched his fingers gently against her middle. “Something else on your mind? You feel wound up.”

Tightness in her throat, Maddie curled her hands under her cheek and blinked the hated threat of wetness from her eyes. “I’m okay.”

Wyn fell into silence after that, and Maddie began counting backward from one hundred, praying that before she reached zero he would have rolled over and back into a deep sleep, and that the chaotic thoughts twisting tension in her body would dissipate and allow her a peaceful night’s rest. Instead he slid his hand between her thighs and gently caressed her sex. At the same time, he nudged his shaft against her rear, the length already stiffening against her cheeks.

He teased one long, rough finger over her crease, awakening every nerve ending along the way, and Maddie gasped and whispered, “What are you doing?”

Circling his hips in a slow, easy pattern against her ass, Wyn pressed kisses up the slope of her shoulder and into her hair. “Something isn’t right. You don’t have to spill your guts if you don’t want to, but I’m going to do my best to take your mind off of it for a little while. If I’m lucky, I can relax you enough so you can fall asleep afterward.”

Maddie parted her lips to promise Wyn she was all right—even though she wasn’t sure she was. He slipped his fingers into her pussy and feathered the tips deliciously against her clit, and Maddie’s protest turned into a choking cry of, “Wyn.” She shamelessly parted her thighs, a shift that put her almost fully on her stomach, silently begging for more.

Wyn growled and his cock rose to full staff against her hip, but rather than crawl on top of her and ram into her to the hilt, he kissed her nape and then teased the skin with the tip of his tongue, creating a filigree pattern across the top of her back. Each soft brush of his tongue wound its way through Maddie’s body and deep into her cunt, as if each flick touched her inside her core and ignited her need. He grazed his hand up from her sex and kneaded her breast, first one and then the other, and Maddie bit her lip as her pussy flooded for him and the tips of her breasts turned into hard, tiny points. Wyn kept up the slow, too-good play. Rolling her beaded nipples between his long fingers, from one tit to the other, he massaged the tender orbs of flesh and nibbled on her shoulder and the side of her neck.

Her breathing coming hard and heavy, Maddie undulated on her side, desperate to loosen the coil Wyn was twisting inside of her. But he merely plucked her breasts and sucked on a sweet spot he’d discovered the previous night behind her ear, and she cried out and lost her tenuous grip on control.

Rolling onto her stomach, Maddie pleaded, “Wyn…” and shoved her hand under her body to her pussy, hungry and frantic to spin out into oblivion. “Fuck me now.” Rubbing her aching clit like a mad woman, she parted her thighs for him, offering him her soaking sex. “Please.”

With a soft nip to her shoulder blade, Wyn eased Maddie’s hand out from under her body and stretched her arm across the bed. “Trust that I’ll take care of you, Maddie.” He placed her other arm wide across the bed too, but finally shifted to lie between her legs. “Just let yourself feel and respond to everything I’m doing.”

Once again though, instead of sinking into her channel, he dipped down and licked one shoulder blade, then the other, and then began planting a series of small kisses down her spine. Peck after tiny peck, Wyn worked his way down Maddie’s back. In between each kiss, he flicked out his tongue, licked a little pattern on her skin, and made her flesh sing. Every touch of his mouth corkscrewed into her body, marking places deep inside that no amount of physical release could ever erase.

The thought that Wyn would always exist inside her in some manner, no matter how things were resolved between them in less than two weeks, spiked a new wave of fear and tore through Maddie’s soul. Her pulse skyrocketing, she rubbed her body into the bedding, abrading her breasts and mound against the comforter, frantic to push this to a purely sexual place.

In an instant Wyn covered her body with his. Using his big frame, he pressed her into the bed, stilling her gyrations. He put his mouth next to her ear and slid a hand up her arm, linking his fingers with hers. “Shh, shh.” Fitting his cock to her entrance, he scraped his stubbly jaw against her cheek and promised, “It’s okay. Let me help you, baby.” He then nudged his hips. A groan slipped free. He expelled warm breath against her skin, and then slowly, too too too slowly, he pushed his length into her pussy, making them one.

Biting the pillow, Maddie moaned into the white cotton fabric as Wyn’s thick shaft stretched her inner walls with delicious, gentle force. With silent, slow command, he claimed her body, until he was in to the hilt. Her channel instantly fluttered all around him, and Maddie gasped and jolted as a small burst of concentrated pleasure exploded in her core, offering her a hint of needed release.

Wyn grunted a curse, jerked on top of her, and swore again. He reached out and covered her other hand with his, and with his lips parted against the side of her face, he breathed heavily as she trembled under him. With one more heartbeat of still silence, and a kiss brushed to her cheek, Wyn pumped his hips and oh-so-precisely began moving within her body.

No big moves or slamming his dick into her cunt, Wyn instead rocked on top of Maddie, barely sliding his shaft within her sex. And with every soft glide of his cock, each stroke so insanely good yet so very frightening at the same time, Maddie felt as if he was slowly branding his name into her body, and the terrifying thought pushed her toward a gaping abyss. He rubbed his prickly cheek against her ear and into her hair, murmuring her name in a wonderfully gritty tone that sank into her bones. He owned her body with such confident, sure ease, and she groaned, unable to accept a second more of his tenderness without losing her heart to him again—this time certain her soul would die if he hurt her a second time.

Exploding under him, Maddie bucked her hips and rammed her tail end back against him, forcing his cock deep into her pussy. She ordered, “Fuck me,” through gritted teeth. She curled her hands into fists against the bedding, her fingers still twined with his, and pulled his digits into the knot of her hands. Wyn uttered her name like a curse but drove his length into her hard and fast, the heat of which seared through her very flesh, but still it wasn’t enough. Maddie slammed her ass back and rode the steely length of Wyn’s dick as if she needed the rough penetration in order to live. “Harder.” She was like an enthusiastic mare being covered by a stallion. “Fuck me through the bed.”

Except this beast in bed with her changed this particular mating game. He dragged their tangled arms under her breasts, wrestled Maddie fully down to the mattress, and pinned her there with his dick embedded root-deep in her cunt. “Stop fighting me.” His tone cut through her, demanding she obey. “Let me help you come.”

Whimpering, strung so tightly on so many levels she could never reveal to him, Maddie whispered brokenly, “Please.”

Wyn kissed her ear and temple, and sighed against her skin. “I know, baby. I’ve been in this place with you too. I know how this need between us feels too.” He clutched her hands in the sure grip of his and eased her legs a little wider apart with his powerful thighs. “Let go and lose yourself in the way I move inside you.”

Before she panicked further, he moved on top of her with a steady, sure thrust and claimed her deep, but without manic force. Her pussy pulsated all around him; she sucked in a breath, but before she lost her sanity, he pulled out and sank into her again, gliding in along her shivering walls until there was not another centimeter for him to steal. A third and fourth time Wyn filled her with his thick heat, each time pushing in to the base of his cock, never fast or hard, and always with a squeeze around her hands that let her know he struggled with controlling his pleasure in this mating too.

One more full dip into her cunt with his prick and Wyn groaned low. “Feel the way you grip my cock, Maddie.” His voice raw against her cheek, she trembled uncontrollably inside, and he hissed and moved within her clutching channel again. “It’s ego, I know, but I swear I tell myself it’s because you want this so much too that your body doesn’t want to let me go, and that’s why you hold me so tight.”

So full of need for this man, Maddie turned her head sideways and pressed a kiss to his arm, the only thing she could reach right now. He rocked on top of her with delicious perfection, sinking his hot length into her with such masterful strokes, and Maddie lost the battle and let go. She reveled in Wyn’s arms around her and his weight on top of her and his cock inside her. She confessed, “You only have to look at me and I wake up inside like a V8 engine that’s been ignored for too long.” Her face buried in her pillow, she bumped back against him, meeting the drive of his cock, but this time worked with his rhythm instead of against it. “Only you know how to work my gears to make me hum.” Balls deep, he circled himself against her pussy, and she throbbed and cried out, “Oh God, Wyn, yes,” and ground herself back against his invasion. “I think about you and I’m wet for you all the time.”

Wyn drove them both flat down onto the bed, a jolt rocking through his whole body. “Fuck, baby.” Crushing her in the circle of his arms, his lips against her cheek, he uttered, “I love you, Maddie.” He scraped his teeth against her skin, and his voice went hoarse. “I never stopped.”

No. No. No.
Maddie’s desperate love for Wyn was trapped in her throat, fear closing her windpipe tightly.

Again, he said, “I love you, Maddie,” and with his voice and body drove the vow into her soul.

Unable to speak—
he still loves me
—Maddie shattered in Wyn’s arms, revealing her feelings in the only way she could. Orgasm slammed through her, and she exploded for him, shaking and shouting as her channel clenched around his cock and squeezed like a vise. Wyn instantly shuddered and lost himself too, pumping load after load of hot ejaculate into her body, drenching her pussy, all while she pulsed hard around him, pulling every drop of his essence he had to give.

Still sucking in air like it was about to be taken away from him, Wyn rolled over in the bed, taking Maddie with him. She ended up on top of him, facing the ceiling. He kept his arms around her, although the grip loosened, and his cock remained partially tucked in her cunt. Maddie darted her focus all over the ceiling, as if searching the corners and medallion surrounding the light fixture would show her what to say—after all, he’d just said he loved her and she hadn’t reciprocated—when his phone started dancing around on the nightstand and gave her a stay of execution.

Groaning, Wyn stretched his arm to reach the phone, dragged the device back to him, and one-handed manipulated the screen. A split second later he went tight as a drum under her, swore a string of foul words almost under his breath, and threw the phone back onto the nightstand.

Still looking at the light above, Maddie blinked hard. Her chest banded tightly for him, although she didn’t know why. She brushed her fingers across the back of his hand and asked, “Is everything all right?”

“Just nobody I want to talk to right now.” With a snort, he amended, “Ever.”

Don’t. Don’t. Don’t do it. Don’t get involved with him any deeper than you already are.
“May I?” Maddie blurted, unable to help herself.

“Knock yourself out.” Even as Wyn gave permission, he didn’t relax one bit.

After grabbing the phone, Maddie pulled up the messages. The latest one sank her heart into her stomach—on Wyn’s behalf. It was from Graham Ashworth. Wyn and Ethan’s estranged father. The message read:
You have to talk to me one of these days. If you don’t answer my calls I’m going to come back to town.

BOOK: Maddie and Wyn
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