Mace (Cocky Cage Fighter #4) (3 page)

BOOK: Mace (Cocky Cage Fighter #4)
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I laugh and turn back around, usin’ the excuse of seekin’ out the baggage claim so I don’t have to look him in the eye. Who goes around talkin’ about his cock like that? I can't recall a time when any of my far right, conservative exes ever used that term, even in the bedroom. It was usually,
Go down on me
Are you ready for me?
This man talks about his appendage like his penis is so important it’s a separate entity, rather than just a part of his attached anatomy. That could be the difference in presentation, since none of my exes were anything more than average. Unimpressive lengths. Unimpressive lovers. And this man looks like he’s packin’ some serious heat in his Calvin Klein’s or Joe Boxers. 

After standin’ in front of the baggage conveyor belt for ten minutes, thinkin’ about mediocre penises of days past, I see the same pink piece of luggage for the fourth time. Obviously my bags are not gonna magically appear. Son of a bitch.

"Um, are you just captivated by the incredible engineering that makes this thing keep going 'round and 'round, or is your luggage MIA?" Mason asks after being quiet and patient the entire time I was lost in my own head.

"Missin’," I sigh. At least my bridesmaid dress wasn't with it and is safely in Cape Hatteras with the seamstress, who I sent my measurements to weeks ago. So all I have for the week is the stuff crammed into my purse, and my toiletries and makeup that's in the overnight bag.

"Does this mean we get to go shopping for panties?" 

I bark out a laugh at his unexpected question. "I was just gonna go commando for the next seven days, but sure, if you want, after we report my lost luggage we can go buy me some panties," I tell him.

"Ah, sweetheart. Why you gotta go and say shit like that to me?" Mason closes his eyes and continues to grumble. "That small, hypothetical piece of fabric between your legs is the only thing keeping me on my best behavior since you're about to become my sister's sister. Now that you've theoretically yanked it away? Well, I can't be held accountable for anything I say. Or do."

"So your dirty mouth is capable of gettin’ even filthier?" I tease.

"Oh yeah," he says with a nod. His eyes suddenly seem darker, absent of gold and now an army green underneath his thick lashes. The slow swipe of his tongue across his lower lip mesmerizes me. "You would be fucking amazed at all the filthy things my mouth is capable of. In fact, if you change your mind and decide to go commando this week, it would be incredibly easy for me to give you a very... thorough demonstration."

I let out an audible gasp after he...did he really just...
Quit freaking out
, my inner caveslut huffs with a roll of her eyes.
He just offered you oral sex, no biggie. Drop your wet panties and sit on his face.
I gasp again at her audacity. The warmth spreadin’ across my cheeks and...other body parts shoot straight up to thermal nuclear levels.

"You...ah...that's..." When the familiar ringtone pipes up from my purse, I almost jump for joy at the distraction. I dig it out, seein’ that it's Linc.

"Hello?" I answer and turn away from the big, handsome man to see if my brain will start workin’ again.


"Hey," I echo, since words are failin’ me. 

"Did Mace’s slack ass finally find you?" he asks.

"Uh-huh." Yeah, he found me all right, and he is well on his way to findin’ out if my bikini waxer missed any spots.

"Everything okay? Are you on the road yet?"

"Um, no. Luggage lost." Yay, I'm almost capable of speakin’ in full sentences again! 

"The airline lost your luggage?" Linc is thankfully able to interpret. "Shit, sorry, Hailey. Are you gonna just grab some things on the way down?"

"Yeah, goin’ shoppin’."

"You could just go by Mom and Dad's. Don't you have some clothes and all there?"

Oh yeah! Why didn't I think of that? Probably because the sexy giant turned my brain to mush. All the clothes at my childhood home are five or more years old, but I can make do.

"Good idea. That should save some time and money."

"Okay. So if it's a little after eleven now, you should be here by five or six at the latest, right?" he asks.

"Yeah. What's on the weddin’ agenda tonight?"

"Nothin’, just hangin’ out around the pool and cookin’ out. We’re beat after the rental, caterin’ arrangements, and all the other shit we had to do today."

I shiver at the thought of a dreaded pool because that means havin’ to put on a swimsuit. "Well, go have fun with your bride and I’ll see ya’ll in a few," I tell him.

"You, too," he says, and then, "Wait, put Mace on the phone real quick."

"Okay," I reply and then turn around to offer my cell to the tall, smilin’ man. Or at least he
smilin’ until my brother said somethin’ to make it disappear.

Chapter Three


(But I really like when she calls me May-Son)


"Hello?" I say into Hailey’s phone. No matter how hard I try, I’m unable to lift my eyes from the most delicious pair of tits I’ve ever seen. I want to lick them and suck them. Get them nice and wet before I fuck them. Hey! That sounds like a killer song.
I wanna lick ‘em, suck ‘em, get ‘em nice and wet before I fuck ‘em.

"Don't even
of fuckin’ with Hailey," Linc warns me without preamble. What the hell? Is he psychic? Did I accidentally sing my new song aloud?

"Um, okay?" I reply. What else is there for me to say besides
too late
? After I spotted her, I lied about how long it would take to make it over to her because I wanted to see if she would have any sort of physical reaction to me. It was so fucking worth it too, seeing those big blue eyes of hers gobble me up in obvious appreciation of my years of kicking ass in the cage. Her nipples turned on the high beams and she couldn’t even speak to me or her brother in full sentences. Her brother who is not even close to being done with his warning.

"She's better than all those cage cunts in your harem put together and she’s…emotionally fragile,” he snaps. “I don’t care how goddamn big you are; if you lay even a fuckin’ finger on her, I will kick your ass all the way back to Durham!" 

I've given the protective brother speech plenty of times, but never as ferociously as Linc.
. He's serious, so much so that I'm pretty sure he just threatened to boot me out of training at
if I mess with his sister.
is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me to get good enough for an IFC contract where the real money is. I could never have afforded the fees and shit for all the one-on-one time with some of the best coaches in the country if Linc hadn't taken a chance and given me a free ride at the gym where he's half owner. The fact is, before my sister met Linc, I was fighting underground for chump change and selling weed on the side. Now that I’m training full time, I’ve given up the pit fighting and dealing. So how do I pay the bills? Well, let’s just say that all my hard work in the gym during the day pays off late at night.

“I’m fuckin’ serious, Mace,” Linc says, like I hadn't figured that shit out yet. “You were the
option for gettin’ her here, otherwise I wouldn’t even leave you in the same room with her.”

Damn, that’s harsher than a knee to my balls.

“Look, I’m not tryin’ to be an asshole,” he tells me as I silently absorb his brutal words. “But you know firsthand what it’s like to worry about your sisters gettin’ hurt by dickheads.”

“Yeah, I do,” I admit. It sucks when you realize that you can’t protect them from the world. And apparently, Linc thinks
one of those “dickheads.” I'll be the first to admit that monogamy has never really been my thing, but I don't fuck and run. That means I
do one-night stands. My girls get what they see with me, a good time whenever they want, but definitely not exclusively. That much is always clear up front before I sleep with them the first of many, many times. Like the song claims, if I hit once, I hit twice. Or a hundred times. What can I say? I like repeat performances. The sex is better when the girl knows exactly what I like because she’s done it a few times before.     

“Good, I’m glad you understand,” Linc says. “Now get your ass on the road and be careful.”

“Will do,” I assure him, then hand the phone back to Hailey. “Ready?” I ask, figuring we need to get this road trip over with as fast as possible. The longer I’m near her without any buffers, the harder it will be to keep my hands off her. Or my mouth. I really want to put my tongue between those long, gorgeous legs; and based on her flirting and ogling, I’m pretty damn sure she wouldn’t mind spreading them for me.


After Hailey fills out all the necessary forms and shit for her luggage to be returned when found, if found, we head out to the parking lot. Sally’s chrome fender winks at us in the sunlight as we approach. I fucking love my car, a 1966 model that I rebuilt myself. It took three years and more money than I planned, but she’s finally perfect from fender to fender.

“This is me,” I tell Hailey as I unlock the trunk with the key to put her one small bag inside next to my duffle.

“Oh my God. You drive a
Mustang convertible?” Hailey asks and then slaps a hand over her mouth, trying to muffle her sudden outburst of giggles. My body instantly reacts to the sweet sound like it’s a light, playful stroke grazing my cock. The tickling sensation even makes its way up through my lower belly, making me cough up my own laugh before she says, “Only an uber-masculine guy can pull off a freakin’ purple convertible.”

“I don’t just pull it off,” I tell her as I open the passenger door for her, and then whip out my dark shades from my jean pocket to slide them on my face. “I make it look damn good.” With my eyes hidden, I take the opportunity to dive head first into the deep end of all that luscious cleavage. I’m pretty sure I could drown in between her perfect tits. My dick is begging to take his own dip.
I wanna lick ‘em, suck ‘em, get ‘em nice and wet before I fuck ‘em.
I shake the lyrics and the erotic fantasy out of my head. “So, are you ready to ride my pony or what, sweetheart?” I ask, intentionally heavy on the innuendo when she continues to stand frozen in front of me. 

It sounds like she makes some sort of quiet squeak of agreement before she turns away, finally climbing in the car so I can shut her door. Hopping into the driver side, a quick twist of my wrist later and Sally roars to life. Best. Sound. Ever. Hailey’s tinkling laugh and the way she says the word Mustang heavy on the “stang”, and my name, stretching it into two words, “May-Son” are now right up there with it. My cock twitches just imaging how good it would sound if he could make her scream out “
Oh May-Son!
” while buried balls deep inside of her. I decide then and there to
let her shorten my name and start calling me Mace like everyone else except for my sisters.
. There’s only one now.

Trying to distract myself from the aching hole in my chest that has been there since losing Mandy, I reach over and turn on my satellite radio. I love being able to listen to all the great classic rap and R&B jams, back when Biggie and Tupac were still alive. Jay-Z’s “Big Pimpin’” is the current hit blasting out of my custom
speakers. I turn the song down for Hailey’s sake, and then order my eyes to not look down to see how far her dress hitched up now that she’s sitting. Nope, it doesn’t matter. I don’t care. She’s off limits.

I’m not even able to put the car in reverse before I glance down at her lap.

Fuck. Me. Sideways.

Good thing the car wasn’t in gear, or in all probability, I would’ve just creamed another vehicle and dinged up my baby. Speaking of which, I’m about to cream all over something else like a motherfucker. There's so much golden brown thigh showing that I want to jump on top of Hailey right here with God and everyone watching, and then use my cock to whip up some cream in between those gorgeous legs. I'm so turned on that just the mere thought of being inside her has my heart racing and chest heaving with panting breaths like I just went three brutal rounds in the cage. I have
and I mean
wanted a woman as much as I want the one beside me. Is it because Linc told me not to touch her? Hell no, my mouth started watering like a fat kid smelling bacon as soon as I laid eyes on Hailey.  

“Um, you do know how to drive this thang, right?” Hailey asks. An uncontrollable grin spreads across my face when I hear her say “thang.” I want her to play with my
and then maybe we could
, in the backseat of my ‘
. Boom! More perfect lyrics. I really should be writing this shit down. Too bad I don’t have a pen in my pocket, although, looking down, the outline of my hard as fuck cock against my zipper kind of looks like one of those chubby pencils we had to use in Kindergarten. Okay, so now I
need to concentrate on getting this chubby under control.    

I inhale a deep breath and let it out slowly while I stare straight ahead at the rows of parked cars, trying to think of engines, spark plugs and brake pads to calm down my hormones and erase the fantasy of mounting and fucking Hailey from my brain. Hard to do though since she’s still sitting right beside me, a constant, beautiful temptation smelling absolutely edible. Her cock teasing dress is practically begging for a mouth to dive right underneath the short hem to get a taste of those white, cotton panties with goddamn cherries on top. As if she wasn’t sexy enough, the woman went and made her pussy a fucking banana split. I’d love to go straight Pac-Man on her ass and eat my way right through her.

  Fuck, my cock is so achingly hard and contorted in my jeans that I’m gonna be sustaining permanent damage if I don’t do something soon.

“Holy shit, a plane!” I exclaim, pointing over to the airport terminals on Hailey’s right. As soon as her head turns, I tug on the crotch of my jeans and shift my chubby buddy to give him a little breathing room.

“What? Whare?” Hailey asks, pulling out a pair of big, white, cat eye sunglasses from her purse and shoving them over her eyes to search the sky.

“Must’ve missed it landing,” I lie.

Hearing her say
, I actually have to reach up with my thumb and index finger to lower my lips to stop smiling before she sees. If I tell her the twang is cute, she’ll just get pissed off and think I’m making fun of her, which I most definitely am not. I think her accent is really damn adorable. And if she didn’t look like a pin-up girl before, she sure as hell does now with the vintage accessory covering her eyes, bright red lips shining, and all around classic beauty.

This is gonna be a longgg road trip. Hell, the way she looks right now, I’ll even be endangering our lives trying to sneak peeks at the taunting gaps between her thighs and tits.

“We need to find you some more clothes and get you covered up,” I grumble before finally putting the car in reverse and driving us out of the lot.

The silent current under the noise of the radio is epic for whatever reason. I glance over, but Hailey’s head is turned away from me, her sunglasses shielding her eyes so I can’t read anything from her expression.

“So, where we going? I ask her when we hit the highway.

“My parents’ house.”

Well shit, I guess we won’t be shopping for panties together after all.

“Okay, I’ve been there a few times,” I tell her, and it’s a good thing I know the way, since she doesn’t offer up any directions.

The rest of the fifteen-minute drive to the upper-middle-class neighborhood is just song after song, no chitchat. I miss our flirty bantering that was so fun and easy from the second we met. Now, with Linc’s threat hanging over me like a black, angry cloud, I’m not sure what to say to her if I can’t tell her how sexy she is or that I want her.

When I come to a stop in the middle of the semi-circle driveway, I offer to go inside the house with her, but Hailey simply grabs a set of keys from her purse and mumbles for me to wait in the car before getting out and slamming her door. Probably best I stay here and keep my seatbelt on to restrain me. I’m too weak-willed to be near her in that dress with access to beds. I’d have no choice but to fuck Goldilocks on all of them to find the one that’s just right.

Once she’s out of sight, I realize that there’s something I just can’t shake about her prominent frown and lack of eye contact since we left the airport. I get the feeling that she’s giving me the cold shoulder for some reason. And again, she doesn’t exactly seem pissed at me specifically, but she just seems…deflated.

What was it that Linc said on the phone about her when he was reaming me out? Oh yeah, that she’s “emotionally fragile.” What the fuck does that mean? Growing up in a house with three women, I thought “emotionally fragile” was pretty much par for the course for all females. Why else would they boohoo during movies that are based on fictional characters, and god-forbid, flood the house with tears if the news showed a military man surprising his wife and/or children with his homecoming? Okay, so I tear up at those stories too, but women are by nature more emotional and more sensitive than men are. Knowing this fact is how I’ve managed to juggle my rather…full social life. Another reason I can’t go inside and fuck Hailey is that I would have a hoard of angry women to deal with afterwards.


When Hailey steps out of the front door of the house, I suddenly have a pretty good guess about what Linc was referring to. Rolling a big black suitcase down the sidewalk, she’s now wearing jeans and a baggy, navy blue University of North Carolina t-shirt. Oh, you have got to be kidding me! Did she actually take my words above covering up literally? Now I sure as fuck regret that I said them, mostly because she took the statement the wrong way, but also because now, as I asked, all that lovely tan skin of hers is covered up from my perverted viewing pleasure.

BOOK: Mace (Cocky Cage Fighter #4)
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