Luna Junction 1 Feasts with Wolves (W) (6 page)

Read Luna Junction 1 Feasts with Wolves (W) Online

Authors: Sage Domini

Tags: #werewolf, #older man, #college, #bbw, #alpha, #curvy, #new adult, #boyfriends father

BOOK: Luna Junction 1 Feasts with Wolves (W)
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My back was to the fire so there was
nowhere to retreat when Cade began to move closer. His eyes never
left my face as he advanced. Suddenly feeling self-conscious I
crossed my arms over my breasts. My body trembled when Cade reached
for me. My eyes travelled unwittingly to that place between his
legs I was most eager for. I could see the outline of his swollen
desire through his jeans. Cade’s hands closed around my shoulders.
His fingers traveled down the length of my arms, stimulating my
skin with his warmth. When he reached my elbows he gently pulled
them apart, exposing me to his scrutiny.

Cade Landon allowed himself the luxury
of a slow appraisal of every inch of my body. Rather than feeling
embarrassed, I was emboldened by his sensual assessment. He looked
me in the eye and said “You’re beautiful,” and I reached out,
cupping his trapped hardened passion on my palm.

A small cry escaped me as he suddenly
seized me roughly and covered my mouth with his. The shock of his
lips was enough to awaken the pulsing lust which had been boiling
within me ever since I laid eyes on him. I welcomed his tongue,
sucking and exploring. Cade’s hands gripped my hips and then
travelled to the generous flesh of my buttocks where his fingers
kneaded with deep pressure. Even as I felt him lifting me my legs
went eagerly around his waist. Our mouths stayed glued together as
he hauled me to that room I had entered by mistake hours

Cade kicked the door closed with a
crash and lightly tossed me on the giant bed. My body bounced once
on the firm mattress and I struggled to raise myself up on my
elbows as Cade stood before me. He pushed my legs wide and began
stroking my center which was already more than ready for him. I
groaned and reached for the buckle of his jeans but he pinned my
wrists to my sides. The meaning was clear. In this show, he was the

I knew he relished the way my eyes
widened as he unfastened his pants and released himself. Though no
lights blazed within the room the windows were open and the nearly
full moon offered suitable light. He was immense. The shaft rose
from his body like a fierce sword and I whimpered, spreading my
legs wider as my moist core begged for him to claim me.

Cade entered me with no preamble. My
body was not accustomed to such an invasion and I felt a brief
flash of pain as he buried himself without regard. My tightness
grew slick as he thrust again and again. From my pummeled depths a
faint glow of pleasure began to emanate, nursed by the rhythmic
lunges of Cade’s forceful battering. His hands molded my breasts,
massaging and I felt the spiraling crest of desire rising with

The climax was a blast to every
sensitive nerve ending which quivered and keened in the wave of
bliss. I dimly heard my own scream of lust as the ecstasy shattered
every other reality and then slowly receded. I moaned, spent by the
intense orgasm, but Cade wasn’t finished with me. He had brought me
to unbridled fulfilment. And now he would claim his own.

I gasped as my body was sharply
flipped facedown. Before I even had time to react my hips were
grabbed from behind and brought swiftly to meet the swollen organ.
He entered my slippery, newly pounded core with a deep grunt. The
fresh angle stirred inner places which had not yet been touched and
I felt the rise of new delights. Cade’s hands ground into the meat
of my thighs as he separated me and rode in the way that would
please him most. He had been massive even standing there in the
moonlight but swelled to impossible lengths as he lunged again and
again with the heady force of primal hunger.

I managed to rise to my elbows and
arch my back and was rewarded with Cade’s wild moan which pushed me
upwards into another devastating peak of bliss. The heat I felt
coating my insides was at first puzzling. Cade clutch me tightly,
forcing my body to rise against his chest as he came, releasing a
veritable flood of his hot seed. His howl caught me off guard for
part of my mind had forgotten that Cade Landon was not just a

He slowly loosened his grip and I fell
back to the bed. Cade’s hot climax dripped down my thighs. I knew I
should be somewhat alarmed since birthing werewolf babies wasn’t
high on my list of priorities but I was strangely excited. I
reached down and touched the sticky warmth, feeling it slide
between my fingers. Cade watched me as I tasted his salty

Suddenly he toppled me backwards, his
broad chest and shoulders hovering above my prone form. I started
to touch him but the fierce look in his eyes changed my mind and
once again I was reminded that this had not been a strictly normal
coupling. He loomed over me, securing my arms above my head. Was I
in for some sort of post coital werewolf wonder?

I told you what would
happen if I took you,” he said.

I thought for a moment.
What had he said again?
If I take you even
once, then you will be mine
. I had thought
it was a strange, possessive thing to say but at the moment my
libido was screaming more loudly than reason. “Yes,” I whispered.
Was he going to lock me away and turn me into his sex slave? Did I
mind if he did??

I want you to stay here
with me Tatum. Be my mate.”

I considered. “Like a

Cade smiled. “Yes, similar to the
marriages in the human world. You will be my companion.” He
abruptly ground his hips against mine. “In all things. You will
pleasure me and I will do the same for you.”

I was quiet for moment. I thought
about never again waking up to Julia From New York’s brash snoring,
about not rushing off to class with my teeth unbrushed, about not
suffering the uncertain fumbling advances of young men who were
little more than boys. I also thought about getting bodily rocked
by Cade Landon several times a day. No contest there. “Yes,” I
said, and met his hip grind with movement of my own.

He entered me softly this time,
tenderly. We remained quietly joined for many moments, his
movements gentle. His hardened organ grew with intensity and he
could restrain himself no longer, plunging with urgent force. My
body was opening to the pleasure once more when he suddenly
withdrew. The hot spurt across my belly startled me and I looked
down. Cade gruffly rubbed his spilled ecstasy into my skin, across
my stomach and between my breasts. I felt the fluid begin to dry
stiffly and looked at him questioningly.

He gave me another of his wry grins.
“Animals like to mark their territory.”

I smiled and raised my hands above my
head, stretching deliciously. “And I’m your territory.”

You are now.”

I clucked. “I think I’ve just single
handedly set women’s liberation back a few centuries.”

He toyed with my breasts. “And do you

I shook my head. “Nope.”

Cade’s fingers lingered over my
nipples, which hardened under his touch. Even though my legs grew
slightly numb under his heavy weight I didn’t want him to move. He
seemed to be considering my breasts with an odd degree of care. I
raised up on my elbows. “What’s wrong?”

He shook his head slightly, running a
hand through his dark hair. “You’re perceptive Tatum.”

Feeling suddenly vulnerable, my arms
covered my breasts. “Are you sorry?”

For having you?” He moved
my arms and bent low, suckling my nipples for a long moment before
raising his head again. His voice was tense but filled with
certainty. “Hell no, I’m not sorry.”

Then what is

He sighed, rolling off my prone form
and looking moodily out the window. “I told you a little bit about
Luna Junction. About the other pack families.”

You mentioned they’re not
real into humans.” I thought for a moment, understanding. “They
won’t approve, will they?”

Cade swallowed. “I’ll present you at
the Yule tomorrow.”

And then what?”

He looked at me. His large hands
cupped my face and he gave me a long slow kiss. “I’m not giving
them a choice. You belong to me and you will stay.”

Cade rested his head on my chest and
my fingers threaded through his hair. Everything had accelerated so
quickly. The prior morning I had grumpily awakened in my nearly
empty dorm. Less than twenty four hours later I was lover/wife/mate
to a werewolf. I couldn’t deny that a sort of girlish thrill
coursed through me. Fairy tales were true after all. “So the Yule?
Is that sort of like Christmas for werewolves?”

He nestled his head in between my
breasts. “Hmmm. The Yule is a very old celebration of seasons and
the earth. It’s been adapted.”

I was trying to keep up, nodding along
as if it were all completely normal. “Adapted for modern

Cade flashed a grin. “Adapted for
modern werewolves.” He ran a finger along the inside of my thigh
and I squirmed, savagely turned on by any contact with him. He
continued speaking casually as if he didn’t possess the power to
turn me into lusty puddle. “It’s celebrated during the full moon
closest to the winter solstice. The families will be here tomorrow.
You’ll be surprised how nearly human it will be all be. We will
eat, we will drink.” He loomed over my suddenly and his grin turned
devilish. “Then when the moon has fully risen in the sky we will
shed our common forms and, in the spirit of the old pagan wild
hunt, conquer the woods like the animals we are.”

Show me,” I breathed. I
had screamed bloody murder when Matthew had shifted before my eyes.
But much had changed in those few hours. I needed to see. I touched
the outline of his strong jaw. “Show me the wolf.”

Cade Landon leapt off the bed so
swiftly I gasped. He crouched in the middle of the floor, his head
down. I stared, fascinated. Before I could even register what was
happening the transformation was complete. The wolf which had
replaced him was an enormous version of iron statue which watched
us mutely from the dresser. I could scarcely breathe. Gleaming eyes
looked into mine with conviction and he nodded.

Wow.” Even to my own ears
it seemed a wholly inadequate thing to say. I was shocked. I was
awed. I was…aroused again. Once I’d read some highly academic
article about how cavewomen unconsciously sought mates who
exhibited the most physical strength because it meant they (and
their offspring) would have a better chance at survival.

Frankly I didn’t care to examine the
reasons behind the desire curling in my belly and bidding me to
open my legs once more. Cade Landon shifted back into human form
and met my want with his stiff extension. My lower body was lifted
and pierced by that swollen organ again. Though the target was
beginning to suffer some soreness I clutched his torso with my
knees and encouraged him to ride me roughly.

I groaned when I felt him finish
again. “Damn, you’re good.”

Cade chuckled. “I think you measure up
too, my dear.” He retreated to a large armoire in the corner of the
bedroom and removed a large blanket. I welcomed the warm cover as
my skin grew instantly cold when deprived of his heat. He tucked
the blanket around my body. I laughed suddenly. Cade raised an
eyebrow in question. “No fairy tale,” I managed through giggles.
“mentions that werewolves sleep in California king sized

Cade reached under the blanket and
playfully slapped my thigh. “Just because we’re animals doesn’t
mean we don’t appreciated comforts. At least the Landons do. Of
course the Ivanovs have been known to bed down in the woods when it
suits them, though they risk the wrath of the hunters.” He bent
low, whispering my name and kissing me softly.

Cade,” I answered and
touched his hard muscled chest.

We stared at one another for a long
moment, then his body stiffened and his attention focused on the
window. Dimly I could hear laughter. “The kids are back,” he

I nodded sleepily. I had almost
forgotten about them all; Benji and Zane, Claire and Matthew. My
eyes closed and right before I drifted off to sleep it occurred to
me that I was more or less going to be Matthew Landon’s

Chapter 7

The rising sun didn’t wake me, but the
thick arm flung across my neck did. I opened my eyes and found Cade
sleeping beside me, atop the blankets and still naked. I shook my
head, smiling. The room was freezing but the werewolf snored in
happy comfort. Over the blanket he had covered me with the plush
robe and, shivering, I pushed my arms through and wrapped it around
my body. I needed to find my clothes. And a bathroom.

I didn’t want to wake Cade so I crept
out of the room barefoot. I passed the room with the large
fireplace where I had literally disrobed for Cade Landon in front
of the fire and sealed my fate. The large picture window was
uncovered and the world outside looked fresh and cold. Winter
sunlight glinted off the new snow, contrasting beautifully with the
surrounding evergreen woods. I paused for a moment, gazing out at
the picturesque landscape. I had embraced my new role as soon as
Cade entered me but at some point I was going to have to explain

Hey Dad. Did Mom tell
you? I met a nice guy who’s twice my age. So I’m quitting school to
be his mate. Yeah, I said mate. Well, because that’s what these
werewolves call it…”

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