Lucifer's Daughter (16 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

BOOK: Lucifer's Daughter
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I shivered in his arms at his words. I wanted to feel sad that my love for him had already changed him, made him colder; but truth be told, I found this mercenary side of him exciting.

I faked a yawn.

“Muriel needs to rest,” announced Auric with authority. He stood, cradling me in his arms. I saw my father whisper something in Auric"s ear, and I frowned. I didn"t like secrets.

But Auric smiled down at me and I forgave them. Hey, at least my father was talking to him instead of trying to kill him.

I said goodbye from the comfort of arms that refused to let me go, and Auric strode out of the bar.

“You can"t carry me all the way home,” I said.

“Be quiet. If I had my way, I"d never let you go again.”

Auric called forth his new shadow wings. They were beautiful: charcoal colored, with silky looking plumage. When he beat them, their massive breadth spreading wide behind him, we left the ground and the bar behind. Auric swooped through the air like an angel of the night, and I smiled up at him. “Are you sure my dad didn"t make you promise anything stupid in exchange for them?”

“I wouldn"t call promising to take care and protect you stupid. I"d planned on doing that anyway.

He just gave me the tools I needed to do so. I meant what I sang to you.” Auric sang to me softly again the words to the song, our song.

When he finished serenading me, I leaned my head on his chest. “I love you, Auric.”

“My soul belongs to you, Muriel. I will not let you down again.”

“You never did.” It made my heart hurt to hear him say that. He"d done more for me than I"d ever expected from anyone. I"d never expected to find a love so great that I would be willing to die for it, let alone have that love returned in same measure. I made a promise to my self–I would do everything I could to be worthy of Auric"s love.

I kissed the edge of his jaw lightly, not wanting to inflame him „til we"d landed, but at the same time needing to touch him. Thankfully, we soon landed on a fire escape outside his building.

“Shouldn"t we go to my place? It"s demon proof.” Azazel and his master were still loose, and I wanted no interruptions with what I intended to do to Auric.

“Your dad had the place spelled; it"s what he was whispering to me before we left. No one can get in at all, not even him. He said it was his gift to you, for,” and here Auric blushed, “for–um–

finally losing your virginity.”

I laughed as Auric opened the door and slid us into the vast space of his loft.

I was still chortling when he deposited me on his gi-normous bed. But I stopped laughing and watched with interest when he stripped off his shirt.

“I know you probably want a shower and are hungry and tired, but I need to touch you. I need to feel you and know you"re safe, with me.”

“That"s good, because I need the same thing.” I opened up my arms to him and he fell on me, the weight of his body welcome.

His lips caressed mine tenderly, and his hands cupped my face. He paused to look at me, and I could have sworn I saw a shimmer in his eyes. “I almost died when I saw you plunge into the abyss. If I hadn"t saved you, I would have followed you.”

“Oh, Auric.” I covered his face with kisses, reaffirming to him that I lived while reassuring myself of his wholeness.

Frantic with need, a need based on more than just lust, he stripped us both; and when we lay skin to skin, he entered me slowly, my sex already damp and ready for him. Gently, he claimed me, his hands cradling my face as his eyes bored into mine. I didn"t close my eyes. I wanted to see him, to reassure myself this was no dream. We"d both survived. We could be together.

His pace increased and I met him thrust for thrust, the blood pounding through my veins, power starting to build inside of me, energizing me. Our bodies intricately joined, we rode the pleasure wave high and higher. When we orgasmed, both gasping at the same time, I could swear I felt our souls touch. And for one glorious moment, we were one.

When we came back to reality, I snuggled him, already feeling so much stronger.

He kissed my temple softly. “I love you, Muriel.”

“I love you, too, but if you ever do something so dangerously stupid again, I will kill you myself.” I said, leaning up and frowning at him.

“I wasn"t going to let you die,” he said stubbornly.

“I wasn"t just talking about that. I was talking about your deal with my father. You made a deal with the Devil.”

Auric leaned up on his elbow and met me, glare for glare. “I would do anything to protect you.

So get over it.”

“Get over it?” I almost gasped. “Because of your deal, now you"ll never go back to Heaven.

You"re damned now, Auric.”

Auric lay back on the bed, hands laced behind his head, a huge smile on his face. “Yes; yes, I am. So stop your bitching and get back to sinning with me. Or,” he said with a promising glint,

“I might just have to put you over my knee and punish you for putting yourself in danger and disobeying me in the first place.”

Oh, my. I"d truly corrupted him. How wickedly lovely.

I didn"t let him spank me--that night--although I did torture him quite a bit with my tongue „til he screamed for mercy. After all, no one told me what I could or couldn"t do. Then he tortured me back, in such delicious ways that I promised to obey him. Of course, I lied–I did have a reputation to maintain.

When all was said and done, our mutual punishment lasted two glorious days. The lesson I learned? I needed to be bad more often.


A week later

“I don"t see why we have to do this,” grumbled Auric, setting the table.

“He"s my father. If we"re going to be together, you"re going to have to get used to him,” I said, pulling off the lids of the Chinese food I"d ordered.

“I agree with the angel,” said my father"s voice, as he suddenly appeared.

“Daddy,” I said running over to hug him.

“I thought you told me this place was demon proof?” Auric said, frowning at my dad.

“I lied,” grinned my father.

I hid a smirk behind a hand. It was nice to know some things never changed.

“What"s this all about, Muriel?” asked Satan, intentionally sitting down at the head of the table.

“What, can"t a girl have dinner with her two favorite guys?” At their sour looks, I sighed.

“Listen. I love both of you, and I can"t stand it that you guys can"t even be civil to each other.”

“He"s the Devil,” muttered Auric.

“You"re sleeping with my daughter,” glared back my father.

“Enough,” I shouted. Satan and my angel looked at me with hurt expressions. “I really don"t care if you don"t like each other. You will be civil to one another or I will take action.”

Auric grimaced, and with a pained voice said, “I"ll make an effort if he does.”

“Why does everyone always blame me?” ranted my father.

“Because you"re Satan!” sputtered Auric.

My father laughed. “Boy, you are way too easy to get going.”

Auric open his mouth, and shut it. Then opened it again. “You mean you"re doing this on purpose to rile me up?”

“Of course I am,” grinned my father devilishly–an expression he"d coined after too much infernal grog one night.

“So you mean, when you told me you were going to string me up by my intestines over the abyss while letting crows peck at my eyes for corrupting your daughter, that was a joke?”

My father slapped his knee and guffawed.

I bit my lip, but the giggle came out anyway. “Dad, you didn"t?”

“I said it, but I don"t intend to do it. Much as it pains me, I can see my Muri loves you and you love her back. Why do you think I allowed you to be with her?”

“What?” I exclaimed, closely echoed by Auric.

“Oh, please,” said my father. “You"re my daughter, Muriel. If I didn"t think Auric would care for you as much as I did, I"d have had him killed after your first meeting.”

“Oh, Daddy,” I said getting up and throwing my arms around his neck. “That"s the most beautiful thing you"ve ever said to me. I love you, too.”

When I sat back down, dabbing at the tears in my eyes, I saw Auric looking at my father and me, shaking his head, but a ghost of a smile hovered on his lips.

Satan grinned at him. “Welcome to the family,

Auric blanched for just a second before recovering, and with a smile that spelled payback, said,

“Well, I"m glad you feel that way sir, since Muriel and I have decided to move in together.”

My father razzed Auric for a bit about this, but I could tell he did it out of habit. He"d accepted Auric as my boyfriend, and when he left later on, he hugged me and whispered, “I"m so proud of you, Muri, living in sin.” I think he might have even choked up a bit. For my part, I was glad I"d finally done something Dad approved of.


In another dimension, hidden from Heaven and Hell, someone watched the dinner via a scrying mirror. At its conclusion, the heavily cloaked figure paced the cave it called home, musing what it had learned. The plan to capture Satana and the secrets she hid within her mind had failed, although the power it had drained...
Mmm, delicious
. The addition of the fallen angel to the mix had been an unexpected wrinkle. But perhaps this would work to its advantage. Muriel"s powers kept growing. She"d make a formidable weapon in the right hands, especially with the right leverage. Perhaps it was time to deviate from the original plan and time line. Time to put in motion something more daring. Something that would make both Heaven and Hell take notice.

And if that failed, there was always next time.

The End

About the Author:

Eve Langlais, who is in her mid thirties, has been married 11 years to a wonderful man who gave her three beautiful, but distracting children aged ten, seven and four. A military brat, she was born in British Columbia but ended up living all across Canada. She now resides with her family, that also includes two cats and a guinea pig, in the historic town of Bowmanville, Ontario. If you want to get to know her better visit her website a
or friend her on FaceBook.

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