Lucien's Hell Bound Angel (Hell Bound Series) (8 page)

BOOK: Lucien's Hell Bound Angel (Hell Bound Series)
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“I promise this will hurt a lot.” Vulcan smiled smugly as he yanked the chain and Lucien fell to his knees.

Igniting his hands, fire spread up the chain and scorched Lucien skin. The smell of his burning flesh
engulfed the room. Lucien would’ve fought back, but struggling only made the searing chain dig into his skin deeper. He suddenly felt hands grab both of his arms tightly and he squirmed, but that proved to be a stupid idea. The chain squeezed tighter and he gagged as the room started to go dark.

“I’m gonna have some fun with you before I turn you over to Dezmon.” Vulcan teased.

“Chain him up.” Vulcan ordered as he walked over to Hazel and brushed her hair from her face.

Without a word the two burly warriors holding him clanked 2 shackles around his wrist. The moment that they did, he felt his power and strength drain from him instantly.

“Nice get-together. Mind if I
in?!” Athena replied jamming a dagger in one of the guy’s throats.

Eyes widening, whitish lighting seemed to cut through the demon’s body before he dropped to the floor. He was undoubtedly dead. The second dark haired demon spun to her, but got the same knife wedged into his heart. He gasped and st
ared her in the eyes as she smirked. Yanking the blade out, his black venomous blood coated the weapon. Her eyes slid over to Vulcan as her smile still teased her lips. He eyed her and annoyance was dripping from his glare, but one thing was apparent. She deserved more credit than he gave her on her combative skills.

“Isn’t this sweet,
coming to save
.” He said yanking the chain and Lucien fell straight to the cold floor.”

Her eyes slid to Lucien briefly and then back to Vulcan. Lucien wasn’t a small guy, so for him to be floored Vulcan had done some damage.

“Saving him wasn’t on my agenda. He is
kind. I’m only here because I just couldn’t pass up the chance to shove this knife in your heart, if you even have one.” She replied.

Still clutching the chain tight, she could see the tick in his jaw. She had undoubtedly thrown a wrench in whatever plan he had set in motion. There was a choice to be made and she knew it. He was gonna either battle her or keep Lucien captive where he was. After contemplating for a moment he’d obviously made his choice.  

“Fine. This’ll be fun.” He replied opening his hand to manifest a fireball.

Waving her hand, Vulcan went flying and slammed into the draws across the room.
She knew he wasn’t gonna fight fair, so why should she? Athena immediately knelt to Lucien and waved her hands over the shackles. They easily popped open and he blinked away the drowsiness before pulling the thick blistering chain from around his throat. Sucking in a breath, he nodded at Athena to say thank you.

“Can you move?” she asked helping him up as Vulcan stood up.

Giving him a once over, she saw the singe marks of the chain embedded in his skin. There was no doubt that it had to hurt hell a bad. She was glad that she went after him instead of sitting impatiently in the car. That just wasn’t her style.

“Now I can kill two birds with one stone.” Vulcan sneered
, lighting both of his hands a blaze.

“Go.” Lucien said weakly pushing Athena off.

“What about you?” She said possessively, noting the fact that he was struggling to stand on his own two feet.

“I’ll hold him off.” He simply said and she hesitated.

“Stay.” Vulcan insisted and all Lucien could think about was the threat he’d made earlier.

He had no doubt that Vulcan would live up to his words and Lucien would never let that happen. The mere thought of Athena covered in her own blood dying made him furious. Jumping in front of her, he stood protectively like a shield.

“I’m not leaving.” She said stubbornly.

Without another word, Lucien manifested an orb and chucked it at Vulcan. Exploding on impact, Vulcan was knocked off his feet. Lucien didn’t have time to play
games, he was pressed for time. Grabbing Hazel’s cold lifeless he jetted from the room.

“What are you doing?!” she screamed as he grabbed the doorknob and pulled it towards him.

He pulled until the frame snapped and wedged together. Looking through the morgue window, he saw Vulcan staring back irately.

“Let’s go!!” Lucien shouted taking off through the stairwell and up the stairs.

Making it to the lobby, he let Athena run through the doors first, then he followed. Rushing down the hall, he slammed it a nurse.

“Sorry!” he shouted still not slowing.

He followed Athena down the hall as an orderly shouted at him.

“Stop!!” the blonde haired guy ordered, but Lucien of course ignored his request.

If he was caught carting a dead body from the hospital morgue there would be no way to explain that to the humans. It was more trouble than he needed. Hustling through the emergency room doors, he was relieved to see her car sitting there and Delilah in the back seat. So she had listened, but she went back to make sure he was ok. That was good to know. She hopped in the driver’s seat as he laid Hazel’s body on the back seat near Delilah. Afterwards, he hopped in the front seat.

“Go!” he shouted as Athena revved the engine.

“This person is dead!” Delilah shouted frantically inching to the other side of the car.

looked back to see Vulcan step through the doors emergency doors and before he could think Vulcan threw a fire ball at the car, narrowly missing them. Stepping on the gas, Athena swerved off and Vulcan stood as he watched their car shrink into the distance.

“Why is there a dead body in my backseat?” Athena asked looking over to Lucien.

He was breathing heavily and unquestionably worn out. Staring at him briefly, she noted the bruise on his cheek and gashes under his eye and busted lip. The shackles they had placed on him had depleted his energy in mere seconds and obviously hindered his body’s rapid healing process. The scene in the morgue only had her begging more questions. The main one was what the hell was going on?

, I’m scared.” Delilah replied softly and Lucien glanced back at her for a split second.

Gripping the steering wheel tighter,
Athena rounded the corner.

Pulling up to her home, Lucien didn’t hesitate.
Before Athena could speak, he immediately hopped out of the car and headed to the back seat. Lifting Delilah in both arms, he carried her to the door. Fuming, Athena sprang from the car and stormed to the door before opening it. Strolling passed her, she grumbled as Delilah curled up closer to him. He went to one of her guestrooms. Waiting in the living room, she folded her arms over her chest impatiently.

“What happened at the hospital?!” she yelled as he reemerged moments later.

“I don’t have time for this right now.” He grumbled.

“Well you better make time!” she shouted again catching his arm.

Sighing frustrated, he stared at her. “Look, we’ll talk I promise.”

By his tone, she could tell he was very sincere, so she released her grip on him. He disappeared outside once more and
came back with Hazel’s body. Athena still couldn’t understand why he’d stolen her body. Walking passed her again he headed towards her room.

“Oh no you don’t!”
she shouted following him.

There was no way she was letting him befoul her personal living space with a cadaver. He was nuts if he thought that. Nudging her door open, he laid Hazel on the floor before kneeling over her. Ripping his shirt off, he took in a breath and placed a hand on her chest.

“What are you doing?!” she asked disgusted.

“Risking my ass for you—again.”
He said as his left arm lit up red and shot down to his hand.

asping, she stumbled back as the red light entered, illuminating through Hazel. She inhaled strenuously as Lucien lolled to the side and fell to the floor. Staring at them both, Athena trembled slightly hoping her eyes were deceiving her. Hazel was now breathing on her own—he’d given her life. But that was impossible because he was a demon! Demons weren’t granted with that power. One thing immediately dawned on her at that very moment.

Hazel was never her Charge. Lucien was. He was one of The Divine.




Chapter Seven


Athena nibbled on her bottom lip as confusion floated through her mind. She’d paced back and forth through the living room after putting Hazel in her other guestroom.
She contemplated calling Muriel but knew she would only make things worse. One thing was apparent, she was definitely gonna have to protect him from Dezmon and his goons. Not knowing what else to do, she went back to her room and watched him. Again, he slept like the dead. He suddenly started to stir and she sat beside him on the bed.

Opening his eyes, he saw Athena staring at him intensely and he sighed.

“What’d I do this time?” he rasped out.

“You saved Hazel.” She whispered.

“Explains why I feel like shit.” He said as a matter of

Her eyes were so beautifully mesmerizing that he could help but stare at them.

“Can we talk now?” she inquired.

He noted the concern laced in her tone and raised a skeptical eyebrow. Since they met, she’d been nothing but a hard ass.
Even after he’d saved her life—he’d woken up with a blade to his throat. If she had been anyone else he would’ve killed her by now, but there was something about her that kept him intrigued.

“About?” he asked trying to sit up but his strength was st
ill depleted.

“For starters, who are you?” she asked seriously.

“Lucien.” He answered and she sighed frustrated.

Swallowing her anger, she proceeded with the questions as
calmly as she could. His sarcasm was just gonna have to roll off of her.

are you?” she pushed.

“A demon.”
He said curt.

“You can’t be
a demon.” She modified.

Born in Hell. Raised in Hell. Trained in Hell. Live in Hell. Demon.” He corrected with a nod.

Sighing confused, she kept going. 

“Who was the girl you saved at the hospital?”

“Delilah.” He answered and his diminutive answers were getting annoying.

Not to mention the thought of him with Delilah infuriated her.

“Who is
to you?” she ground out and again he thought her words were dripping with jealousy.

“I owed her.”

“Why?” she asked narrowing her eyes.

“I left her at the diner alone and Vulcan attacked her.”

“Is she your mate?” she bit through clenched teeth.

“How is this relevant?” he asked studying her.

“Because you brought her into my house and obviously Vulcan wants you both dead.”

“I just needed to make sure she was safe Princess. I dragged her into this—” he said regrettably and Athena couldn’t tell if he was romantically involved with her.

But by the way Delilah called him by an endearing name she knew otherwise. She had no clue why she wanted him to just flat out say no.

“How’d you save Hazel?” she asked staring him in the eyes and he just sat quietly.

After a few moments she realized he wasn’t going to respond to that. Pushing her ego to the side, she swallowed hard and went to the next question.

you save Hazel?”

“For you.”
He said seriously still gazing into her eyes.

She hadn’t expected that answer.

“For me?” she asked baffled and he nodded, slightly nibbling his bottom lip and she found it sexy.

“Did I break some kind of “code” or something? Did I get you in trouble?” he asked.

“I just—”

“Look Princess, I overheard you talking to whoever and
I felt guilty because it was my fault Hazel got killed. Now you can do your job and protect her.” He offered and her heart softened toward him.

How could a demon be so—so— considerate?
He had saved Hazel for her.

“Protect you.” She mumbled correcting him.

“What?” he asked.

She answered.

“I’m gonna get out of your hair and find Dezmon.” He said trying to get up, but he nearly toppled over.

“Stay.” She said pushing him back against her pillow.

“I’ve caused you enough trouble Princess. Plus, I’m running out of time.”

“Time for what? What’s your business with Dezmon?” she inquired.

Swallowing hard, he
contemplated telling her the truth but didn’t know a thing about her.

BOOK: Lucien's Hell Bound Angel (Hell Bound Series)
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