Loving Lo: Devil's Knights Series (8 page)

BOOK: Loving Lo: Devil's Knights Series
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              As the final tremors worked their way through me, Lo kissed his way up my body and collapsed next to me on the bed.

              “That was fucking amazing babe.”

              “Mm, you got that right. So worth the eight year wait. I might have to wait another eight years before I recover.”

              Lo chuckled next to me and rolled over on his side to look at me. I felt his cock brush against me and I looked down. “You still have your pants on.”

              “Yeah, babe.” Lo grimaced, reached down and adjusted himself. “It’s getting a little tight in there.”

              “What about you?” I asked. I couldn’t take my eyes off his crotch.

              “I agreed to take this slow with you, babe. I just had to know what you tasted like.”

              “What if I want to know what you taste like?” I rolled over on top of Lo, straddling his hips, pushing him onto his back. I could feel his cock pushing against my core through his jeans.

              I balanced on my knees, and rocked my pussy against his bulge as I ran my hands up and down his chest.

              Lo grabbed my hips and pulled me down on him, stopping my rocking. “Ain’t got to do that, babe.”

              I leaned down to his ear and whispered, “What was it you told me before? You only do things if you want to, that no one makes you do anything. Well, I need to do this.” I was getting turned on all over again just thinking about having Lo in my mouth.

              I kissed my way down his body, stopping to swirl my tongue around his nipple. He let out a low moan and I looked up at him. “Fuck me. I can’t wait to have your lips wrapped around my dick.” He said, as he closed his eyes and bucked his hips underneath me.

              I scooted my ass down so I was sitting in between his legs and rested my hands on the fly of his jeans. “You don’t have long to wait.” I said as I popped the button on his jeans and a full body tremor ran through me.

              “I think you’re just as excited as I am, babe. Fucking hottest piece I’ve ever had between my legs”

              I slid the zipper down and worked his jeans down his legs, throwing them on the floor. I grabbed the waistband of his underwear, my hands shaking. I was so excited I felt like I was ready to cum again. Never had the idea of a blow job driven me this crazy before.

              I took a deep breath and tugged them down, watching as his cock sprung out. I gasped, staring.

              I tore my eyes off his cock and looked at Lo. “Holy shit.”

              Lo laughed, and I could feel his cock bob against me. “It’s called a magic cross babe.”

              I looked down at Lo’s cock and saw four round balls around the head. “Is that one piercing or two? Did it hurt?” I also wanted to ask why and about another million other questions, but I thought that would be rude. I also wanted to dig out the tape measure I knew I had in my purse and see how long he was. He had to at least be pushing nine inches.

              “It’s two, babe. They cross over each other, hence, magic cross. And it hurt like a mother fucker. I couldn’t fuck for a couple of months. Once it healed, holy fuck, it was unbelievable.”

              “Um, will it feel good for me?” I put my thumb on the head and circled around one of the balls.

              “Good? Nah, babe.” I took my hand off and looked at Lo. If it wasn’t going to feel good for me, then what the fuck.

              “Well that sucks.”

              Lo chuckled again. “It’s going to shatter your fucking world darling. Every fucking time.” Breathing a sigh of relief, I put my hand on the base of his cock and started stroking him. “We’ll save that for next time, babe. I told you we would go slowly. My dick inside your tight pussy is not slow.”

              I felt a rush of wetness again and tightened my hold on Lo’s cock and saw Lo’s jaw clench as I hastened my stroking. His eyes grew hooded with desire as I cupped his balls with my other hand massaging them.

              “I want your mouth.” Lo pleaded.

              I looked at Lo and licked my lips and shimmied down so his dick was right in front of my face. I ran my tongue up and down the shaft and Lo bucked his hips. “Prettiest fucking tongue I’ve ever seen.”

              I parted my lips and slid the head of his cock into my mouth and ran my tongue around the metal balls. I slid him down my throat until I almost gagged and then back out. I tasted the pre cum leaking from him and moaned around his cock.

              I started a steady rhythm with my head bobbing, my hand stroking the base of his cock that I couldn’t reach with my mouth when Lo tugged on my hair and pulled me off his cock.

              I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and look at Lo, “Why’d you stop me?”

              “Flip around. I want to eat your pussy again.”

              “I just came. I can’t come again.”

              “Bullshit. I could make you come four more times, now flip around or I’ll make you flip around.” Lo said menacingly.

              I looked down at Lo’s cock and saw it was still fully erect. “Just let me finish you this way. I’m too big to be on top of you like that.”

              “Always have to argue with me don’t ya, babe. Plus, what did I tell you I would do the next time you talked shit about yourself?” Lo grabbed my arms and pulled me face to face with him. “Now flip the fuck around and get back to sucking my cock.” Lo slapped my ass and grabbed my leg and started spinning me around.

              I decided fighting with Lo about this was pointless, because he would see soon enough that I was a ‘One and done’ kind of girl.

              I put my knees on each side of Lo’s head and jumped when he pulled my pussy down to his mouth. “Start sucking babe. I want you Cumming when I do.”

              I didn’t have time to argue because as soon as Lo’s mouth started devouring my pussy all I could think was maybe I’m not a ‘One and Done’ girl.

              I shook off my thoughts and started sucking on Lo’s dick, bobbing up and down.

              Lo stuck two fingers in me and started pumping them inside me and it made me stop what I was doing, moaning around his dick. Lo slapped my ass, reminding me of what I was supposed to be doing.

              I could feel myself starting to tip over the edge and pulled my mouth off of Lo and said, “I’m gonna cum.”

              “Keep going, babe. I want to cum down your throat.” My pussy spasmed and I doubled my efforts and got back to work.

              I felt Lo’s dick start pulsing and I knew he was about to come. I went down on Lo as far as I could and swallowed and I felt the first stream of cum coating the back of my throat. I heard Lo moan and he bucked his hips under me and then I fell over the edge of my own orgasm.

              It was the most intense thing I had ever felt. It was like lights exploding behind my eyes and all I could do was feel. I felt myself coming down, gave Lo one last lick then laid my head on his thigh.

              “Best fucking night ever.” Lo said as he ran his hands up and down my ass and legs.

              “Hmm, totally.” I was completely in the ’Lo Daze’ and I was completely content on never surfacing back to reality.

              “Best fucking view ever too.”

              Holy shit! My ass was still in Lo’s face. I tried to slide off of Lo but his hands gripped my hips and wouldn’t let me move. “Let me move.” I squealed.

              “Just came down that sweet throat of yours babe and now I’m getting hard just looking at your sweet little cunt and now you're going to start arguing with me again. I’m going to have to keep you in bed to keep you sweet and not listening to all that shit rolling around in that head of yours.” Lo swiped his finger through my pussy and a tremor rocked through my body.

              I didn’t think my body could take another orgasm so I tried rolling off Lo again and he let me collapse on the bed next to him.

              “Need sleep.” I mumbled into the mattress.

              “Crawl up here.” Lo slapped my ass and I didn’t even jump. I think I was getting used to him spanking me or I was starting to like it. Oy. Something to think about later.

              I spun around, crawled to the head of the bed and dropped into the pile of pillows. I felt Lo get out of bed and head to the bathroom.

              I had so many thoughts (as Lo liked to say, ‘shit’) swirling through my mind, I really had no idea what to think any more.

              I just had one of the best orgasms of my life and my body wanted fifty more just like it, but then my mind comes in like a freight train blaring its horn at me screaming, ‘You’re just a big fat whale who nobody wants!’ Lo wanted me now, but how long until he gets sick of me, till the fifty girls that he could get within in the hour come roaring in and take him from me.

              There were two options, I could either sit back and enjoy Lo until he realizes he could do better then go back to my life, or just end it now. Except I don’t think that my heart could handle either one of those options.

              “You’re thinking again, aren’t you?” I jumped and looked up at Lo. I didn’t even hear him cross the room from the bathroom.

              “I’m allowed to think.” I was. It was my life that Lo was invading. I needed to figure out if I wanted him there.

              “You overthink shit, babe. Just go with it.”

              I rolled my eyes at Lo and scowled at him. “What I’m thinking about is not shit, it’s my life Lo. That was pretty damn good and simple till you came along.”

              “Sounds boring. Now, scoot over. It’s almost three o’clock in the morning and I need sleep. You wore me out.”

              I grabbed a pillow and threw it at Lo as I scooted over to the other side of the bed. “Bastard.” I mumbled under my breath and punched my pillow.

              “Fucking cute when you're pissed, babe.” Lo grabbed my pillow I was punching and shoved it behind his back.

              “Hey! You have a pillow! Give me mine back.” I yelled at Lo as I grabbed for my pillow.

              Lo pinned me down the bed and said, “Stop.”

              “Bastard.” I whispered under my breath. Lo’s hand came up and brushed my hair out of my face.

              “Babe.” One word. One fucking word. That’s all he had to say for stealing my pillow and possibly my heart.

              Lo settled back into his stolen pillow and pulled me into his side. I laid my head on Lo’s chest and felt my fatigue hit me from my day.

              “Sleep, Meg. You can hate me in the morning.” My body stiffened at his words and I looked into his striking green eyes and rested my head back on his chest.

              “I don’t hate you, I just don’t know… I mean I just… don’t know what to feel any more.” I whispered into his chest.

              “Sleep beautiful.” Lo rumbled and started rubbing my back. I did the only thing that made sense.

              I slept.



              I looked down, and saw Meg’s hair fanned over my chest and felt her body relax into mine, knowing she had finally fallen asleep.

              I laid my head back down on the pillow and stared up at the ceiling.

              I had no idea what to do next with Meg. Every time it felt like I was getting somewhere with her, she pushed me back and would build her walls up even higher. I never knew what was going to send her running, hiding, from what she really wanted to feel.

              She was the most beautiful woman I had ever meet. It was amazing she didn’t see how awesome she was, all she saw was the parts she didn’t like.

              I felt like I had made headway tonight, but I was pretty sure all the drinks she had tonight had helped to loosen her up and just let her be herself without all the worries that always seemed to weigh her down. Now I just had to figure out a way to loosen her up sober.

              I looked down at her again and heard her faintly start snoring. Even snoring and passed out on me, she still gave me a hard on. I felt my dick stirring, ready to go again.

              Meg was a drug and I was full on addicted.



Chapter 12



              I was laying on top of Lo. Completely on top of him. Not having sex, just sleeping on top of him. He had his arms wrapped around me and my head was resting on his shoulder, drool dripping down. So classy. Yeash.

              I lifted my head and looked down at Lo. He looked so peaceful and so fucking hot. I was so out of my league.

              I had to be suffocating him. I looked down at his chest to make sure he was breathing. He was. Thank god.

              I tried lifting myself up and Lo’s arms tightened around me. “Where are you going?” He said sleepily.

              “I’m killing you.”

              Lo laughed. Full out belly laugh, that shook him and me. “How the fuck are you killing me?”

              “I’m laying on top of you, Lo! I don’t even know how you’re breathing right now!” I shrieked, panicked at any second he would pass out.

              “Babe, you’ve been sleeping like this the past five hours. I woke up when I felt you moving and you moved right on top of me and went back to sleep.”

              “You didn’t put me here?” I climbed on top of Lo? What the fuck?

              “Nah, babe. You climbed on top all be yourself. At first I thought you were trying to fuck me but two seconds after you laid your head down, you were snoring.”

              “What?” Not only did I decide to make Lo my own personal pillow, after I climbed on him I started snoring! Fucking classy!

              I closed my eyes and pinched myself.

              “What the fuck, babe!” Lo jerked his arm off of me and rubbed his side.

              “Oops, I was trying to pinch myself.” That’s why I didn’t feel anything, I had pinched Lo instead. Whoops.

              “Fucking crazy, babe. I never know what you’re going to do next.” Lo wrapped his arms back around me and pulled me close. Not that I could move much closer but he made it so there was no space in between us.

              “Is that a bad thing?” I said into his neck.

              “Nah, babe, keeps me on my toes. Makes me laugh too.”

              “You don’t do that much, do you? Laugh I mean.” I snuggled into Lo. I was too tired to fight the Lo Daze.

              “With you I do. Without you, no. Not much to laugh about.”

              I raised myself up on my elbows and looked into Lo’s eyes. “That’s sad. Everyone should laugh, even bad ass motorcycle guys.” I stroked Lo’s cheek and gave him a kiss.

              “I got Sweet Meg now, don’t I?”

              “Do I have Bad Ass Motorcycle Lo now?”

              “He’s always there, babe.” Which was true. Lo was constant. I, on the other hand was all over the fucking map lately.

              “Let me up.”

              “She’s gone now. Why?” Lo asked.

              “She’s not gone. I just want up.” Sweet Meg was totally gone. Out the bed, driving home and pulling into the driveway. Gone.

              Lo shook his head at me and let me go. I scrambled off the bed, grabbed my overnight bag and hightailed it to the bathroom.



I watched Meg’s ass as she grabbed all her shit and slammed the bathroom door shut. My dick tented the covers, wanting Meg to come back and play.

I scrubbed my hands down my face and sighed. I was hoping that when she woke up, things would be like they were last night. No such luck. Sweet Meg had retreated and was busy building her walls up higher. Son of a bitch.

I looked at the clock, seeing it was after eleven, and got out of bed to get dressed.

As I was pulling my jeans on, carefully tucking my still hard dick inside, there was a knock on the door. I zipped up my jeans, forgoing the button for now and swung the door open.

Rigid stood there with a pissed off look on his face. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

“Meg’s in the shower fuckwad. What the fuck crawled up your ass?” I asked as I left the door open for Rigid to come in as I looked for my shirt.

“Cyn wants to go home. She’s going on and on about shit she needs to do today for canceling the wedding and I just don’t fucking care. I told her to tell Asshat to deal with it all since he was the one who cheated. She threw her shoe at me and told me to go get you guys.”

“Yeah, well, we’re not ready yet, brother. Have Mickey load your bike in the van, then you can drive Cyn home in Meg’s car. Meg can ride home with me.” I looked around the room for Meg’s keys and saw them next to the TV. I grabbed them and threw them to Rigid. “Think you can handle Cyn for another hour?”

“Fuck yeah, brother. I still want her. I know she’s going through some shit right now. Probably gonna give her some time to get her head straight, then I’m gonna know how tight her fucking pussy is.” Rigid tucked the keys in his pocket and headed back to the door.

“Good luck brother. Text me when you get back to the clubhouse.”

“Will do.” Rigid said, as he slammed the door shut behind him.

I heard the shower turn on and had to fight the urge to climb in the shower with Meg. I had to take things slow with her. My head knew that but my dick was not down with that plan.

I imagined Meg’s wet body, soap dripping down her tits and had to adjust myself.

I had to get Meg’s head straight about us before I lost my fucking mind.

She was driving me crazy and she didn’t even know it.

Fuck me.



              I looked at myself in the mirror and screamed. Holy shit! My sexy hair was now flat and hanging limply and my makeup would have been awesome if I was in a zombie movie.

              I hopped in the shower, scrubbing the night away. I had no idea what to do when it came to Lo. I knew that if I would let him in, it would be awesome. But for how long?

              I dried off and got dressed, throwing my hair up in a messy bun and forgoing makeup. I needed coffee.

              I walked out of the bathroom to Lo pulling his boots on, dressed in his clothes from last night. He looked gorgeous as always. I looked down at myself and sighed. Sexy Meg was gone, replaced with Everyday Boring Meg. I had thrown on a vintage hot rod shirt and faded jeans. Comfy but boring.

              “I’m gonna head home.” Boring Meg belonged at home, not in a hotel room with Sexy Lo.

              “Wait for me, babe.” Lo said as he grabbed his vest and threw it on. Even hotter.

              “I’m gonna run over and see if Cyn is ready to go.” I walked over to the door and threw it open.

              “She’s gone, babe. I gave Rigid your keys while you were in the shower. Cyn and Rigid took your car home.” Lo picked up my bag and slung it over his shoulder.

              “You’re kidding.” I said.

              “No, babe, they’re gone.” Lo patted down his pockets searching for his keys. I stood with my mouth hanging open, speechless.

              I walked across the hall and banged on Cyn’s door. She had to be there. She wouldn’t leave me alone, stranded. I pounded on the door and waited. Nothing. I pounded on the door one more time hoping she was still sleeping. I leaned my head against the door and I heard my door click behind me and Lo put his hand on my hip.

              “Babe.” One word. One word that somehow made me feel better.

              “Can I get a ride home Lo? And Coffee?” I mumbled into the door, defeated.

              “Yeah babe.”

              Looked like Boring Meg was going for a motorcycle ride.


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