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Authors: Sandra Leesmith

Love's Miracles (44 page)

BOOK: Love's Miracles
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engine sounded out front. Zane was home. Quickly she went to the bathroom, ran
a comb through her hair, and put on more lipstick. The raglan-sleeved neckline
of the orange sweater slid off her shoulder as she returned to the living room.
Margo let it remain there. The wool skirt swished around her legs as she opened
the door.

strode up the walk, his expression tired but peaceful. Part of her relaxed –
the psychologist part that had been worried about the trip into his past.

face lit up when he saw her, but between greeting her mother and mother-in-law,
she didn’t have an opportunity to do anything but smile reassuringly at Zane.

an hour the two women retired to one of the guest cottages Zane had built for
their future retreat. Vinnie and Sara would occupy another when they arrived
later that afternoon. But for now they had some time together.

grabbed her by the waist and gave her a hug. “Alone at last. I want to tell you
what happened.”

sounded good, no signs of strain. “Give me a kiss first. I missed you today.”

swung her into his arms and lifted her high enough that her feet didn’t touch
the ground. As he walked her to the couch, he nibbled at her neck.

smell good, Margo Zanelli. Like something spicy to eat.”

made the pies, and you’ll be glad to know they turned out perfect.”
And how
was Rita?
she wanted to ask.

yet knowing she had to be patient, she waited until he’d hung up his leather
jacket, checked out the pies, and then finally settled on the couch. She sat
beside him, admiring the handsome look the blow-cut hairstyle gave him.

the first time a frown creased his brow. “It was hard. Telling her what

you did.”

nodded and sipped the iced drink she’d set out for them. Before he started
talking he put the glass down.

did she say?” Had she flung accusations as he’d feared?

placed his right arm on the back of the couch and stretched his legs under the
table. He looked tired now as he recalled the ordeal. She wanted to curl
against him, but she remained still, waiting.

didn’t say much about what actually happened. She cried.” He rubbed his left
hand along his jaw. “And to be honest, for the first time that I’ve told that
story, I cried too.” He took a deep breath. “We both sat there and just let it
all out.”

news had her sagging against the back of the couch in relief. Crying was a
release. He’d finally admitted to Rita what had happened and then let the
emotions flow out of him. It would make a difference. The therapy sessions had
been rough on him these past two years. But Ray had done wonders and, combined
with Zane’s determination, Zane had made tremendous progress – even to the
point that he was leading sessions at the V.A. Center in Eureka. But this was a
new conquest for Zane. The psychologist part of her was elated.

listened as he continued to describe his visit. “Finally, at the end, she told
me she was glad to know why I had broken up with her. I guess the way I did it
left a lot of loose ends.”

nodded, knowing how she’d react. He sat silent and contemplative. Margo
fidgeted, debating whether to ask the questions she really wanted answered. Her
curiosity won out.

you sorry you broke it off?”

gaze slid to hers. “What?”

under the scrutiny, she shrugged. “You know. Do you have regrets?”

that was years ago. A lifetime ago.” He lifted his hand off the back of the
couch and slid her hair behind her ear. She had to force herself not to act
like a kitten and nuzzle for more. But she really felt foolish when he started
to chuckle.

aren’t jealous, are you?”

shook her head in denial.

here.” He pulled her into his arms, exactly where she wanted to be.

do love me?” she asked.

can there be any doubt?”

that was what she wanted to hear.

about that first day you saw me, and be truthful. Didn’t you fall madly in love
at first sight?”

be honest, Margo, when I saw the determined look in your eye, the set of your
chin, and sensed the woman power in you, I was scared to death.”

sat up. “What? You weren’t scared.”

proves how good I was at hiding my feelings. Lady, you had me shaking in my

reached up and cupped his face with her hands. “Good. That’s exactly how I want
you, because we have lots to do for tomorrow’s dinner and you promised to help
with the turkey.”

kissed her hand. She melted against him.

what I need. A tough boss,” he said.

so you remember
who’s boss
,” she murmured as she kissed him back.

he stood and pulled her up with him. “Let’s go upstairs.”

made no objection. His loving was exactly what she needed.


patted his full stomach before he joined his family in the living room. The
Thanksgiving dinner had been delicious and the company enjoyable.

glanced around the room. Vinnie and Sara were sitting on the hearth enjoying
the fire. His niece and nephew were sprawled on the floor, heads together in a
world of their own, while his younger nephew, Dom, napped in his portable
playpen. In the two chairs across from the couch, Bettina and his mother sat
chatting about the last opera they’d gone to. Margo had invited Fred, but he
had a new woman in his life and was spending the holiday with her.

settled into the cushions. His service to his country had exacted a costly
toll, but like his fellow Americans, he had a lot to be grateful for on this
Thanksgiving Day. He was with his family and surrounded by people who cared. He
had meaningful work preparing to open the retreat with Margo, and he honestly
felt he’d helped others face their demons as he had learned to do. It was a
good day to celebrate.

he sipped his coffee and placed his mug on the table. Margo entered the room,
her presence as always bringing warmth and sunshine. He smiled and patted the
seat beside him, beckoning the number-one reason he was thankful.

scent wafted around him when she sat down. “What did you and Vinnie have to
talk about so seriously after dinner?”

question dimmed his glow of well-being. Vinnie had followed him outside while
the women volunteered to clean up. His brother had pointed to the shed and
asked if Zane had decided to finish the statue. “He thinks the statue should be
part of the retreat in one of the redwood groves.”

knew he was going to ask you.”

knew?” He eyed her pleased smile. “Why didn’t you stop him?”

smile disappeared.

felt like a heel, but she had to know. “I can’t finish that statue.”

it’s all done. Except for Al’s eyes. Surely now you can finish them.”

pain crept in, reminding him of how far he’d come. He didn’t want to travel
back in that hell. He’d have to make her understand.

could I put in his eyes, Margo? Hatred? Condemnation? Regret? No one wants to
be reminded of that.”

that what you saw, Zane?” She grabbed his hand and shared her strength.

closed his eyes as the memories focused. He tried to picture that last instant
when he’d sung the song. Its refrain echoed in his head.

shudder tore through him as he traveled from the jungle back to the security of
his home. He looked at Vinnie and at his mother and saw them looking at him.
Their loving smiles brought warmth back into his heart.

hand covered his. He stared into her dark-eyed gaze. He stared and stared and
suddenly he knew. Like a flash of light the answer came and he knew what he had
to carve. Now he remembered what he’d seen in Al’s eyes. The same thing he saw




want to thank all those who serve in the Armed Forces to protect this country.

About the Author

Leesmith loves to travel in her RV and explore all of nature’s beauty, discover
America’s history, and fellowship with the wonderful people she meets while on
the road. She enjoys reading, writing, hiking, swimming, and pickleball. Learn
more about Sandra and her books at

can connect with Sandra on
, and
. You can also
find her and her talented writing buddies at the
Seekerville blog

Other Romance Novels by Sandra Leesmith

The Price of Victory
, Published by
Montlake Romance (2011)

Available in
, and
Kindle e-book


Current of Love
, Published by
Montlake Romance (2012)

Available in
Kindle e-book



















BOOK: Love's Miracles
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