Love's Destiny (Love Trilogy #2) (19 page)

BOOK: Love's Destiny (Love Trilogy #2)
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I worked hard and I played hard. I spent most of my off duty time with a few of the other single guys who stayed on base. There were always women hanging out around our weekend haunts, so I was never lacking for company but even that didn’t keep the loneliness away. I hadn’t been back to San Diego since I’d graduated from boot camp, and I knew I was missing my family.

It was just before the holidays that I found out I was being deployed, and that’s what made the decision for me. It was time to go home.

I was granted leave to head home for the holidays before shipping out. I was eager to be with my family again. Mike and Katherine had provided a loving home for me after my parent’s death and they were the closest thing to a family I had left. I was excited about seeing them again and showing them the man I’d become.

Of course I knew that Destiny would probably be home for the holidays as well, but I refused to allow myself to fear the reunion. I was not a weak boy anymore overwhelmed by childhood crushes. I was a man and I had nothing to fear.

That is until she walked into the living room of her parent’s home in San Diego and I saw her again for the first time since that Christmas in New York two years earlier. She was even more beautiful than I remembered. Her dark chestnut hair was pulled into a sophisticated braid that ran the length of her slender back. Her deliciously curved figure was showing to perfection in her snug pencil skirt that only revealed her well-toned calves. Her full breasts pressed dangerously against her thin silk blouse, the buttons strained to the breaking point with each breath she took. As I slowly took in every inch of her beautiful figure my eyes finally came to rest on her face, so familiar yet so intriguing.

Her deep blue eyes were wide with surprise. Her cheeks flushed. Her full lips slightly parted on the gasp she released when she saw me. I was overwhelmed the moment I saw her. My knees went weak and my breath rushed out as if sucked from my lungs at the shock of her beauty.

Desire flooded through me and I felt my body respond instantly. No other woman had ever had this effect on me, and there had been several other women over the last few years. It took a great deal of self-control not to cross the room and pull her into my arms right there in front of her family. So much for being over childhood crushes.


I started at the sound of my first name, I hadn’t heard it in so long and no one had ever said it quite like she did. I didn’t respond at first. I just stared at her mesmerizing face.

“Isn’t it wonderful that he’s made it home for the holidays?” Katherine exclaimed as she hugged Destiny. Destiny returned her mother’s hug but never took her eyes from mine.

“He just got here too. Such a wonderful surprise, we weren’t expecting him. Isn’t it wonderful to have everyone home for the holidays?” Katherine was overflowing with joy and Destiny finally broke our gaze to turn to her mother.

“Yes it is.” She said quietly and then hugged her again more firmly this time. “It’s good to be home.”

I then watched as she greeted her dad and brother, watching how fluid and graceful her movements were.

“Did you bring Steven again?” Chance’s question drew my attention and I couldn’t help but notice that Destiny nervously glanced my way before answering.

“No. Steven won’t be back.” Destiny answered cryptically which left me wondering who exactly this Steven guy was.

“Good, he was boring.” Chance replied and surprisingly Destiny broke into a fit of laughter at the comment.

“Yes he is.” She agreed still laughing and ruffling her brother’s hair.

“Have you eaten?” Katherine asked drawing her attention back to her mother.

“A little on the plane.”

“You go on upstairs and get settled in and I’ll go put something together for you, airplane food does not count as a meal.”

“You don’t have to do that Mom.”

“Nonsense! Go upstairs and unpack. I’ll have something ready when you come back down. You too Tyler.” Katherine said looking over towards me now.

“Both of you move along and get settled we’ll all meet in the kitchen in 30 minutes. Don’t either of you even think about arguing, let me fuss over you a little. I haven’t had you both home in too long.”

“Yes ma’am” I saluted and started to follow Destiny out of the room.

“So what’s it like to be a Marine?” Chance asked excitedly as he followed me to the stairs.

“Chance you come help me in the kitchen.” Katherine interjected before I could answer. “You’ll have plenty of time to grill Tyler later.”

Deflated Chance followed his mom toward the kitchen and I followed Destiny upstairs grabbing my bag that was still sitting by the door. Following her up the stairs put her perfectly rounded little behind right at eye level and I couldn’t pull my eyes away from it. I felt my excitement again grow and strain against my jeans.

At first I thought she might just head straight to her room without a word for me, but she stopped and turned when she reached the hallway waiting for me. I stopped just a few paces from her and could feel the tension sizzling in the air between us.

Could she feel it too? Her breath was coming quickly causing her silk blouse to strain against her full breasts and I couldn’t take my eyes off the button I was sure was going to pop loose at any minute.

“It’s been a long time.” Her voice came out in a whisper drawing my gaze from her chest back to her enticing mouth.

“Too long.” I growled and before I could stop myself I closed the distance between us and pulled her against me as I crushed my mouth over hers.

I didn’t even think about what I was doing. I just reacted to the strong animal urges that she’d inspired in me. I had to kiss her if only once. Even if she pushed me away, even if she was appalled by my advance I had to feel her mouth against mine even if just for a moment.

To my relief she didn’t pull away but instead reached up to grab my face and pull my mouth tighter against hers.

She tilted her head back on a sigh and opened her mouth to allow my tongue to slip inside. I backed her up against the wall wrapping my hands around her tiny waist as I intensified the kiss.

Everything I’d ever felt, every emotion every desire came pouring out in full force as I felt her soft body yield against mine. Her nails scraped my back as she clutched my shoulders and arched her body against me. My hands traveled up her sides to her full breasts and I heard her moan in response as I trailed kisses along her jaw line and followed it to her neck.

“Tyler” she whispered breathlessly as I began to unbutton her blouse.

“Please don’t ask me to stop Destiny,” I pleaded as I undid the last button and slipped my hands inside her blouse. Before she could respond I brought my mouth down to her breast and felt her hard nipple beneath the lace of her bra.

“Don’t stop.” She gasped as I closed my mouth over one hard nipple.

That was all I needed to hear. I straightened and scooped her up into my arms reclaiming her mouth as I carried her through the closest door in the hallway. I closed the door with my foot and set her back down in front of me as I searched for the bed.

Realizing I’d carried her into her music room I started to suggest we try another room but suddenly she was pushing me against the closed door and pulling my t-shirt over my head.

Surprised by her aggression I forgot all about the need to switch rooms and as soon as my arms were free of my shirt I reached forward to pull her blouse down over her arms as well.

She ran her hands over my chest kissing my neck and shoulders and murmuring against my skin. I reached around her back to undo the clasp of her bra and felt her breasts burst free against my naked chest. I reached up to cup her breasts as she brought her mouth back to mine.

It was all very surreal, something I had dreamt of and fantasized about for years but never really believed would happen. And now here we were frantically pulling at each other’s clothes, exploring each other’s exposed bodies. And she seemed just as frenzied as me in her exploration.

I ran one hand down the length of her back until I came to the swell of her behind. I felt the zipper along the back of her skirt and for the first time I hesitated. She felt my hesitation and reached her hand down to grasp my erection pressing desperately to be freed of my jeans.

I pulled the zipper on her skirt then knelt to pull her skirt down over her smooth thighs. I crouched in front of her as her skirt pooled at her feet and then brought my mouth against her silk panties feeling the heat of her through the thin material. She gasped again and grabbed my head.

“Tyler I want you.” She cried.

Those were the first words spoken since entering the music room and it was all I needed to hear. I pulled back to allow her to lower herself to the floor with me. As she lay in front of me I slowly pulled her panties down her long legs and then retraced the path with kisses until my mouth found hers again. She reached down between us to undo the button of my jeans then slip her hand inside to grasp me. I groaned into her mouth and then pulled away to remove my pants as she kissed along my neck and shoulders.

Once the rest of my clothes were removed I settled myself between her legs as she wrapped them up around my waist and arched toward me invitingly even as she pulled me down to her. I felt myself press against the soft warm wet center between her legs then…


“Oh no! That’s Chance!” Destiny exclaimed pushing me off of her as she scrambled for her clothing. Cursing under my breath I did the same quickly pulling on my clothes and helping her locate her own.

“Destiny?” Chance called again sounding even closer this time.

“Stay here.” Destiny whispered as she did the last button of her blouse and ran her hands over her tousled hair.

Then without another word she left me in the music room panting and frustrated.



Chapter 21: Tension



My first response to seeing Tyler was shock, I hadn’t expected him to be there. But immediately the shock was overcome by the desire that flooded through me. There was no more confusion over how I felt. I wanted him. My eyes roamed over his broad strong shoulders and wide chest, then down his muscular arms to his big strong hands. Suddenly I wanted desperately to feel those hands against me.

His face was familiar but there was no trace of the boy he had been. He was lean and hard with strong features and penetrating eyes. His dark eyes bore into me making me feel self-conscious and left me wondering if my reaction to him was so obvious.

I had spent the last 9 months in a placid relationship. I had experienced sex but only to the extent to know that I had never experienced a desire as intense as what I was feeling now.

My mother quickly urged us upstairs to settle in and I was acutely aware of him following behind me up the stairs. I debated what to do when I reached the top. At one time Tyler had professed his love for me. We had exchanged a few stolen kisses throughout our adolescence, but repeatedly I had pushed him away.

I hadn’t been ready to face my feelings for him then. I was ready now, but I wasn’t sure how to go about showing him that, and I wasn’t entirely sure that he still felt the same way. Although the intensity with which he stared at me in the living room had left my muscles twitching in anticipation. If he could make my body respond that way with just a look, what could he do with his hands?

I reached the top of the stairs and turned to wait for him. I had to speak to him, I had to gauge his reaction to me so I would know how to proceed. I began to speak but before I could say what I’d rehearsed in my head on the short trip up the stairs Tyler was taking me in his arms and kissing me with a passion I hadn’t felt since the last time he’d kissed me so many years ago.

My response was immediate and intense. Before I knew it we were in my music room frantically pulling at each other’s clothes and exploring each other’s bodies. After all these years we were finally releasing all the passion that had built up, all the feelings I had denied would no longer be subdued. This was the moment it all culminated. Until…

“Destiny?” my brother’s voice broke through the frenzied passion consuming us and I suddenly realized that we were both lying naked on the floor of an unlocked room with my little brother traveling up the stairs to find us.

Anxiously I pushed Tyler away as I scrambled for my clothes despe
rate to cover myself before we
were discovered. Tyler cursed under his breath as he helped me find my clothing and we quickly redressed.

“Destiny?” Chance’s voice was closer this time and I knew he was almost at the door.

“Stay here.” I whispered at Tyler afraid to have Chance see us both exiting the room and I quickly left him closing the door behind me as I met Chance in the hall.

“There you are. Where’s Tyler?”

“What? Oh… uh… I don’t know” I fumbled trying to steer him back up the hall.

“Isn’t that his bag?” Chance asked gesturing to Tyler’s bag lying next to the door of the music room.

“I don’t know.” I said again urging him forward and not allowing him to stop to examine it.

“Isn’t that your bag?” he asked pointing to my luggage still sitting at the top of the stairs.

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