Love's Deadly Touch (4 page)

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Authors: W. Lynn Chantale

BOOK: Love's Deadly Touch
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Dana shifted.

“Don’t move.”

She stilled.

Her intruder—her rescuer—lifted a large hand and snapped his fingers. A box materialized. One side opened. Loud sucking filled the air and after a moment the container door slammed shut.

He snapped his fingers again and the box disappeared. Silence descended on the room.

Dana studied the man standing before her. He’d been in her dreams for so long that to have him standing before her now was hard to believe.

He was light-skinned; not white, not black, maybe a little red? She pursed her lips. No. More bronze. Native American, she decided. She drifted her gaze over his square jaw, the full sensual lips that curved into an arrogant smirk beneath high cheekbones. What drew her attention the most were his eyes, a brilliant shade of emerald green.

“You seem surprised to see me?” A teasing note hung in his deep rumbling voice, which was almost hypnotic in pitch and cadence.

“You’re real. Not an astral projection?”

He grinned. “Did you think I was a figment of your imagination?”

She nodded.

“So what was that?”

“I have no idea.” She stared at him a moment. “How did you know where I was?”

“We have a connection.”

The Council meeting. When she touched him. A part of her remained, so that could only mean...

She stepped forward only to have white-hot pain spear her middle. She clutched her side, looking down, and saw that a large splinter stuck from her between her fingers.

Simon was beside her, but she stumbled backward before he could lay a hand on her.

“No.” She shook her head. Touching her in her dreams was one thing and even in his astral form it was safe, but in real life he couldn’t get anywhere near her.

“Trust me.” His voice was pitched lower as he extended his hand.

She jerked to comply, then shook her head. A soft smile crept over her lips. He was good and on anyone else his compulsion or push would’ve worked. She had her own powers.

Aside from telepathy and telekinesis, along with her prowess at persuasion, she had one gift. One that had become erratic and dangerous in the last several months and that was why she couldn’t allow him to touch her.

She swayed on her feet, blood warm and sticky seeping between her fingers. “I’ll be okay.”

“You need help.” He frowned, stepping forward.

She lifted a hand, and her power pulsed and crackled. “Don’t come any closer.”

When he flashed a toothy smile, she flinched and thought no good could come from that. He was fast. He grasped her by the wrist, jerked her to him and brought his mouth down on hers.

At first she was too shocked to protest or fight. It had been so long since she’d had actual contact with another living being she lost herself in the spicy taste of him. The solid reality of this man left her clinging to his muscular arms. His lips were cool and commanding as they moved over hers, plundering the sweet recesses of her mouth.

Dana moved closer. A sense of belonging, of peace, stole over her and she felt...whole. Safe. Loved.

His hand skimmed her full breasts, now heavy and aching with need. Her nipples puckered, straining against her shirt, begging for his attention. Simon drifted a hand down the curve of her spine, molding her to his thick erection.

She moaned, wiggling her hips, but he pressed a hand to her buttocks to hold her still.

Hold on to me.

Without thinking, she complied. The walls she’d erected around her heart crumbled. She accepted his touch, his love, as she had before. How many times had she wished to feel his kisses for real, instead of a dream?

Fingers brushed her side. He grasped the wood and snatched it out.

“Ow!” She tore her mouth from his, shuddering as piercing waves of needles danced through her system.


She blew out the breath she’d been holding and as she did, warmth radiated over her skin. Her side no longer burned, but tingled as skin mended itself. She glanced down and realized a pale golden light glowed from beneath his hand.

Simon stepped away, but one hand remained to cup her cheek, his thumb sweeping her kiss-swollen lips.

“You touched me.”

“I’m holding you.”

Tears spilled down her cheeks. “And I’m not dreaming?”

So much time had been spent longing for this day, and Dana had to be sure. The last time she touched him, things hadn’t gone well. She had to know. Holding his gaze, she jerked off her gloves.

He never wavered, a silent question in his eyes, while reassurance wrapped around her as easily as his arm. Her hands trembled as they hovered inches from his chest. She tilted her head back, gauging his reaction to her proximity. Heat warmed her palms. Dragging a steadying breath into her lungs she sent up a prayer, then laid her hands on him. His heart beat strong and sure. She felt each thud as it vibrated and seemed to sync with her own heartbeat.

Encouraged, she skimmed her fingers up and over his pecs, down his broad shoulders and sinewy arms. Not once did he flinch or cringe. Each stroke of her hands was a gift. She tangled her fingers in his hair, closing her eyes to savor the silkiness of his ebony tresses.

She trailed her fingertips along his jaw, where stubble prickled and teased her skin. Her lips followed the same path until she met his mouth.

When she stepped back, he stared at her, eyes half closed.

He grasped her around the waist and drew her to him. “Satisfied?”

She shook her head. “I still think I’m dreaming.”

He tucked two fingers beneath her chin and tilted her head to meet his emerald gaze. “Do I feel like a dream?”

“You feel like paradise.”


Simon smoothed her short dark hair from her face. This wasn’t his first time seeing her. He’d been watching her almost as long as he’d visited her in her dreams. Ever since she was summoned to Council, he wanted to gather her close. He hadn’t touched her since she saved his life and he savored his first time holding her in his arms. She was a familiar and welcome fit. He could rest his chin on the top of her head.

Even in his embrace, he could feel energy snapping and crackling, surrounding and embracing him, ready to be released. He stroked her hair.

“Are you free for dinner?”

Her chin rubbed against his chest as she moved her head back and forth. “I have to get ready for tomorrow’s dance.”

Warning bells shifted in his mind. “Tomorrow? Tomorrow’s All Hallows Eve.”

She nodded. She stepped away, but retained his hand.

“You.” He searched her heart-shaped face. If he ordered her about she wouldn’t listen to him at all. A smile brushed the walls of his mind.

You are so correct.

He tamped down on his instinct to scurry her away. “Let me help with the preparations and when we’re done, we’ll grab a bite to eat.”

Movement caught the corner of his eye a moment before he was hurled away. Simon caught himself just before he hit the cinderblock wall, spun on his heel to retaliate. Dana stood between him and his attacker, her hands raised.

“Stop.” She looked from one man to the other. “Have you lost your mind?” This was addressed to the newcomer.

Simon took his time straightening his leather trench coat and dusting off his jeans, while he perused the man glaring at him from the doorway. Power emanated from him as easy as the scowl twisting his lips. He could feel it pulsing and bending to snap at him, even as Dana stood between them.

“He was touching you.” Arrogance and annoyance oozed from his voice.

“I was holding his hand,” she snapped.

The walls undulated with the excess force. The man stood about six feet and was compact, like he played football or some other sport.

“You don’t hold hands.”

Energy bubbled, threatening to explode. Sweat beaded on Dana’s forehead as she struggled to stay between them.

Enough of this. With a crook of his fingers, Simon yanked Dana out the way and shoved her behind him. He’d put an end to this once and for all.

Don’t! He’s my brother.

Simon held up a hand, halting the other man in his tracks. “I know who he is.”

“Dana?” Warning edged aside the question in his voice.

Crack! Cement chips splintered and fell to the floor.

“Stop it, Danny.”

Simon stared at the other man, and a hint of a smile creased the other’s lips. Shelves rattled and the chair rolled across the floor.

“I’m warning you.”

Both men ignored her. Instead the building shook, muffled screams could be heard and footsteps scuffed against the floor beyond the door.

“I said, stop!” A loud rumble rippled through the room and both men fell away. They looked at each other, then at her.

“Dana?” Angelo called.

“Close the shop. We’re done for the day.”

Shaking her head she stalked from the room.

“Damn. I forgot she had a temper.” Danny rose to his feet, dusting off his pants. “You’ve eloquently defended my sister on several occasions.”

“And?” Simon stood and shook the man’s hand. “I wasn’t hurting her.”

“It wasn’t her I was worried about.” Danny looked him square in the eye. “You seem totally unaffected by her gift.”

He shrugged. “Why shouldn't I? I love her.” He eyed the room a moment. The ceiling was crumbling and several cracks appeared in the wall that hadn’t been there before. The least he could do was fix her office. With a wave of his hand and a few muttered words, the room repaired and righted itself.

“Neat trick.”

“Nifty little thing I learned when I was six.” Simon paused. “Why do you think Dana was going to hurt me?”

Danny sprawled in the rolling chair, his feet on the desk. “She almost killed you the first time. The one thing she can’t seem to control anymore is touch. How the hell are you still standing?”

“Told you, I love her.”

“Does she know that?”

Simon paused. Did she?

Still the weight of Danny’s stare followed him around the room. “Seriously? How are you still standing? It can’t be as simple as that.”

“You really believe your sister is capable of hurting me?”

Danny was silent.

“She saved me, and in doing so showed me exactly who she is.”

The other man’s eyes widened as realization dawned.

“Yeah.” Simon brushed a speck of dust from his jacket. “And something else. Someone is trying to get you to withdraw the protection of the Council from your sister.”

Chapter Five


Dana drummed her fingers on the countertop. Of all the times for her brother to get protective, he picked now. With a sigh she tapped her fingers on the glass and sleeves of foam cups and plastic lids bounced through the air.

Bags of coffee beans danced around before making their way to the shelf beneath the coffee grinder. She nodded and a broom pushed itself across the floor. A smile creased her lips and promptly faded when her eyes fell on the newspaper headlines.

‘Serial Killer Promises One More.’

A chill wandered down her spine and the supplies stood still as she picked up the newspaper and continued to read.

Murders didn’t happen often but over the last week several women had been killed in an almost ritualistic manner. She didn’t think it was a coincidence that the deaths occurred almost a day after she touched that man. A packet of napkins floated past and with a flick of her wrist she sent the levitating items to their proper place then sat down to read.

Killings didn’t just happen in her city. Sure, people died, but for the most part it was due to fatal accidents or old age. For someone to deliberately seek out women left her with a bitter taste in her mouth.

She studied the photos of the women who’d died. Something about their pretty, smiling faces nagged at her. The long tangle of honey-blonde hair. Something about the eyes. Blue eyes.

Her jaw went slack. No. It couldn’t be.

A flutter whispered through her mind while the sensation of strong arms wrapped around her. The feeling was so real she had to look around to be sure she was still alone.

What’s wrong?

Dana didn’t know how to answer his question. For a moment she was transported back to that dreadful rainy night. She shook her head, clearing away the memory.

Gentle fingers caressed the curve of her spine. She turned to find concern-filled green eyes staring at her.

“I know who’s doing this,” she said, pointing to the paper.

Simon twined his fingers with hers.

She held his gaze. “I think I’m next.”


Angelo stared at the shop from across the street. He kept hoping to find some way to get inside her head and see what she was thinking, but she was strong, stronger than he’d anticipated. A presence brushed his shoulder and he resisted the urge to shudder.

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