Love You Moore (11 page)

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Authors: Melissa Carter

Tags: #fiction, #romance, #young adult

BOOK: Love You Moore
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Jimmy offered Abby to go first.

I’ll have juice please. Everything
smells wonderful, thank you Margret.” Abby replied.

Juice too please.” Holly said was
asked what she wanted. “It really does smell good in

Maggie keeps us all well fed, Even
Charlie can’t stop raving about Maggie’s cooking” and he winked at
Maggie who just rolled her eyes.

Don’t you mind about what Charles
Dugan says about my cooking James Douglas Riley.” Margret scolded

Jimmy laughed and Abby’s eyes got big as
Margret used the “Mom Tone” with Jimmy.

Jimmy threw up his hands as if to

Ok, I won’t say another word about it,
but I’m just saying.” He snickered.

It’s what you’re not saying that is
going to get you in to trouble Mister.” She scolded again but not
as harshly this time and with a hint of a smile on her chubby

They finished breakfast and went to change so
they could all go spend the day out by the pool. Even though she
and Holly only had 1 more day in LA, Abby didn’t want to spend it
riding around and looking at the sights. She wanted to spend it
quietly with Jimmy. Holly didn’t mind having a low key day either,
she was excited that she could spend the day in the warm sun and
hopefully go back to Maine with a hint of a tan. Holly was wearing
her tiny red bikini under a sheer white cover up and her hair was
up in a loose twist. Abby was envious of Holly’s confidence, in her
mind, she could never pull that look off. Instead she had on a
black one piece, the kind that resembled what the professional
swimmers wore and a long pink t-shirt that covered that up. Abby
felt the less that was showing the better, plus, she tended to burn
pretty quickly in the sun, even with the SFP 30. Jimmy met them
down by the pool. He had on a pair of navy blue swimming trunks and
a white tank top. He walked over to Abby who was getting ready to
sink down into a lounge chair. Holly was already in the pool
floating on an inner tube, leaning back with her eyes closed.

You don’t want to go for a swim?”
Jimmy asked noticing Abby twisting her t-shirt with her

No, I think I will just sit here and
take it all in.” she smiled sheepishly.

Ok then I will sit here with you.” He
took off his tank top and sat down on the lounge chair next to

He was built as she thought he would be the
first time she saw him. She could tell originally that his biceps
were fairly large and guessed he had a body to match. His hairless
chest glistened in the sun as tiny beads of sweat formed from the
hot sun. He had a six pack most boys in Abby’s high school would
kill for. “My God.” She said to herself, “he is gorgeous. How he
ever became interested in me is a mystery.” She became a bit more
self conscious. She pulled her legs to her chest and stretched her
t-shirt over her knees. Jimmy took note of how Abby had reacted. He
swung his legs over to the side of the chair and pulled Abby so she
was facing him. They were in a sitting position facing each other.
Their bare knees touching and Jimmy had his hands on her thighs
looking her square in the eyes. She felt a tingly feeling rolling
down her spine.

Abby,” he started. “You are so
beautiful, you would put half of these California girls to shame.”
Abby looked away.

I’m serious” he told her. “Why you
don’t know that baffles me.”

He put his hand on her cheek and turned her
face so she could look at him.

Honestly.” He confirmed

Jimmy pulled her closer so he could kiss her.
Without stopping Abby positioned herself so she could straddle his
waist. She could feel that he was getting excited. She didn’t care
and she didn’t stop kissing him. He was holding her very tight now.
How far could this go right now? She knew he made a promise to her
parents. She didn’t want to be the reason he betrayed them but the
way she was feeling right now she wasn’t sure she could stop, if he
didn’t want too. Holly was off in her own little world in the pool
oblivious of what was going on between them. Would she notice if
they went inside.

Jimmy.” Someone shouted in an
unfamiliar voice. They both looked up, “We have an 11 o’clock.
Karma, Jimmy’s assistant was standing just outside the

Oh that’s right” Jimmy muttered,
“shoot, I’m sorry, we have a conference call with the studio to
negotiate for recording time and costs. I had totally forgotten. It
should only be about an hour or so. Are you ok out here will Holly?
When I get back I’ll have Margret fix us up something good for
lunch, ok?

He picked her up and set her back down in the
lounge chair and leaned in to kiss her.

You know,” he said quietly, “You
almost made me break my word to your parents. You are going to get
me into trouble.” He smiled and kissed her quickly again and walked
away towards Karma.

Karma Brinkley was attractive. She stood
about 5’5," athletic build, blonde hair and blue eyes. She looked
about five years older than Jimmy, late 20’s early 30’s Abby
figured. She and Jimmy looked briefly at her daily planner and he
walked inside. Abby stood up to introduce herself to Karma. She
approached her as Karma was writing something down. Karma looked up
and had an annoyed look on her face. Abby timidly offered her hand
for Karma to shake.

Hello, I’m Abby Moore and this is my
friend Holly.” Abby pointed to the girl floating in the pool that
had by now, looked up to see what was going on.

Karma didn’t reach for Abby’s hand or even
look up to acknowledge she was there.

I know who you are.” She said crassly
and continued to write in her planner.

Oh, ok then.” Abby retracted her hand,
she turned to look at Holly. Abby shrugged her shoulders. Holly
looked like she was going to come unglued that someone was so rude
to her best friend.

Karma walked back towards the house totally
ignoring them.

Wow,” Holly exclaimed. “It’s true what
they say, Karma’s a Bitch.” They both broke out in laughter at the

What did you say?” They both turned to
see Karma coming back out of the house looking quite angry. “Would
you like to get out of the pool and say that to my face?” Karma

Holly immediately slipped off the inner tube
and swam towards the pool ladder. Holly was the kindest person Abby
knew, but Abby also knew she was not one to cower when confronted.
Holly walked straight over to where Karma was now standing right
beside Abby, she didn’t even get a towel to dry herself off first.
Holly was pissed. She quickly approached Karma and crossed her arms
across her chest.

I said,” Holly started slowly,
emphasizing each word, “That you were a Bitch. How could you act so
rudely to someone who was just being nice? You don’t know her.” She
pointed to Abby.

Karma looked as though she were going to
punch Holly. When Karma went to move, Abby moved to step in between

Look.’ Abby started but wasn’t able to
finish. Before she could get completely between the two of them
Karma pushed Holly back into the pool. Holly was able to grab a
hold of Karma with one hand but the other hand swung back as she
lost her balance and caught Abby right in the face below her right
eye. All three of them screamed as the all fell into the

Jimmy came running out as he caught the tail
end of what was happening.

What is going on?” he asked in shock
and disbelief which turned to concern when he saw Abby holding the
side of her face which was now bleeding. “Oh My God” and he jumped
in the pool.

He swam over to her and helped her to the
stairs in the shallow end of the pool. Holly and Karma were still
splashing at each other as they were each trying to swim to the
ladder in the deep end. Holly was out first as it is easier to swim
in a bikini than in the jeans and a blouse that Karma was

What happened?” Jimmy asked while
inspecting Abby’s face. When Holly smacked her it had split open
the skin that covered her cheekbone.

Holly and Karma were talking when we
all fell into the pool.” Abby lied pretty

They were talking and you all just
fell?” He questioned waiting for the rest of the story.

I think I started to slip and grabbed
Holly and it was just a domino effect.” She lied again hoping it
was more convincing. It wasn’t.

Karma,” He yelled, “can you come over
here please?”

Karma was drying herself as best she could
with a towel she grabbed off the back of one of the chairs.

My blouse is ruined.” She said
screaming at Holly as she approached Jimmy.

Holly was already at Abby’s side checking out
her face.

Oh Abbs I am so sorry, I totally
didn’t mean to do that, but this crazy….”Abby stopped

It’s ok, I’m fine, no worries. I was
just telling Jimmy how I slipped and took you two into the pool
with me.” She looked at Holly with a pleading

Holly was having none of it.

You didn’t slip, this crazy…….person,”
Holly refrained from any additional name calling and pointed to
Karma, “pushed me and I took you both down with me, smacking you in
the face in the meantime. Are you ok?”

Karma was standing there dripping wet trying
to come up with a reasonable explanation as to why she pushed Holly
in the pool and causing Abby to bleed.

I had been insulted and I was
defending myself.” Karma said in her defense.

You were rude to Abby that’s why I
called you a ….” Abby interrupted her.

Ok,” she yelled “everything’s fine,
let’s just forget it. Jimmy don’t you have a meeting?” trying to
defer the attention away from her.

Yes Karma and I also have a few things
to discuss.” He shot her a look of extreme disappointment. “But
first let’s get some ice on that eye.

He led them into the kitchen where Margret
prepared an ice pack for Abby. She and Holly stayed in the kitchen
while Jimmy took Karma into his office. Several minutes later when
they reappeared, the bleeding had stopped but bruising and swelling
had replaced it. Karma looked visually upset when she cleared her
throat to speak.

I am very sorry for the way I treated
you and your friend Abby. I was rude. It was unacceptable and it
will not happen again. Please accept my apologies”

Abby looked at Holly who gave the “whatever”
look and folded her arms across her chest again.

We accept, thank you.” Abby replied
still holding the ice pack to her face, letting her off the hook
way to easily Holly had told her later.

Jimmy interjected. “We were able to postpone
the meeting, how about we have some lunch and you ladies can get to
know each other.”

I really can’t.” Karma declined “I do
have some things I need to attend to, like mainly getting in to
some dry clothes. Jimmy I will talk to you later, I need you to
sign some papers before you head out tomorrow. Good-bye Abby, have
a safe trip home.” She shot Holly a look as she walked out of the
kitchen and out the front door.

Later Psycho.” Holly retorted waiving
her hand in the air.

Holly.” Abby said disapproving. “Let
it go.”

Ok I’ll let it go, but you tell me how
well you are going to let it go when you see yourself in the
mirror. Have a peek.” She taunted.

Abby went to look at her reflecting in the
bathroom mirror.

I’m sorry for Karma’s behavior,” Jimmy
started quietly, “she is very protective of me. She was one of the
first friends I made when I came out here. She’s like an older
sister and takes that role very seriously. There have been a few
girls that only wanted to get to know me because of my bank
account. “

Abby looked shocked. “Does she think that’s
why I am here?!”

She understands why you are here, that
it has nothing to do with material things or social status. It’s
because I want you here. She will be more cordial next time you
meet I promise.” Jimmy looked at her reflection in the mirror. Abby
winced when she smiled.

Does it hurt?” Jimmy asked reaching
out gingerly to caress her cheek.

Not bad.” She answered “I can barely
feel it.” Lying badly again. She wanted to remove the sad look on
his face. “Really, I’m fine” she lifted up on her toes to kiss him.
“I am hungry though.”

They walked back into the kitchen and ate the
lunch Margret had prepared for them. They spent the rest of the day
getting ready to leave the following morning.



* * * * *



Chapter 10


As she was putting the last few things in her
carryon, Abby couldn’t help feeling dismayed. She had spent a
wonderful few days with Jimmy, back in Maine and here in LA. She
didn’t want to leave today, not so soon, but she promised to be
back before the Thanksgiving holiday. Jimmy was also expected in
Mississippi for dinner with his family. Abby was glad he was able
to meet her parents, however, she was not ready to meet his. The
ride to the airport was quiet they sat in silence holding hands.
Last night they had discussed the possibility of Jimmy coming to
Maine for Christmas but had made no definite plans. This worried
Abby. She wondered if he didn’t want to solidify plans because he
no longer wanted to see her. He hadn’t said so but she still
worried. The plan was for Jimmy to ride with them to Maine and then
he would turn and head to Mississippi.

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