Love Under Two Wildcatters (11 page)

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Authors: Cara Covington

BOOK: Love Under Two Wildcatters
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“Go to hell. And you can take those two pieces of trash with you.” He unscrewed the bottle cap and sucked back Jack Daniels right out of the bottle. Like a real man. “I’ll show you. I’ll fucking show you and show them what happens when you mess with Morton Barnes.”

The whole fucking world would soon know he was a man to be taken seriously.

So Morton sat back, and he drank, and he planned.

* * * *

Susan’s heart thudded in her chest in almost perfect cadence to the rhythm of Colt’s footsteps as he climbed the stairs to her bedroom.

“You are not going to spank me!” She’d never been spanked, not even when she was a child.

“Yes, I am.”

She fought off the wave of dizziness as he lifted her off his shoulder and held her in front of him so she faced him. Her feet had barely touched the ground when she felt Ryder’s hands slide around her waist from behind. He had the snap on the front of her jeans open and her zipper down in seconds.

“Do you have any idea how easy it would have been for you to fall and seriously hurt yourself?”

She stood toe to toe with Colt, and if he’d looked mean or just bossy, she’d have fought him with unwavering grit. She’d been raised by one father who’d worked in law enforcement and another who’d been a tough-as-nails rancher. She knew how to defend herself. But as she looked at Colt, and then Ryder, who’d moved to stand beside him, arms folded in front of his chest, a couple of truths hit home.

The first was that they both appeared genuinely concerned about her well-being. The second was what she should have realized first off, right away.

They’d both been scared for her.

That fact tempered her response. “I’ve climbed ladders before. I’ve even fallen off of one before.”

“Key word here is ‘before.’” Colt’s voice softened. “That was
you mattered to us. We told you last night that you’re ours. No one threatens what’s ours, not even you.”

The fervor of his declaration stunned her, so much so that she offered no resistance when he sat on the side of her bed and then grabbed her hand, drawing her forward.

In a single motion that seemed practiced, Ryder yanked her pants down and Colt pulled her over his knee.

. Susan blinked, the surprise of the blow, of actually being spanked, a shock wave that shivered through her body.


“Ouch! Damn it to hell, that hurts.” Well, it didn’t
hurt, but that was entirely beside the point.

“Really?” Ryder’s one-word rejoinder made her want to laugh.

“One more,” Colt said.

. He left his hand on her bare ass, and in that moment, Susan recalled what she’d been trying to remember the night before. She remembered what her brothers had said to her when, inebriated and feeling sorry for herself, she’d confessed her fear that she’d never find the kind of men she longed for.

Manly men who’d take care of her and give her hell when she needed it.

She came back to the present when she felt her jeans being tugged off her body completely. Colt’s hand still caressed her naked and heated ass. Ryder’s hand soon joined it.

“My, my, it would seem the lady doesn’t mind being spanked all that much.” Ryder hunkered down so that his words became a gentle warm puff against her neck.

Her breathing had hitched, the same way it had the night before when they’d begun touching her, when they’d aroused her.

She was aroused now.

Susan felt very conscious of being half naked on Colt’s lap. She turned her head to look at Ryder. He leaned over and captured her lips with his own. He used one hand to help support her head while the other stayed caressing one ass cheek.

When he drew back, she said, “No, I didn’t mind it all that much. And I am sorry I scared you. Both of you. I just didn’t think.”

“You’ve been running wild for quite some time, I imagine, without anyone to answer to. It’ll take you a bit of time to get used to having us in that role.” Colt’s tone told her his mind wasn’t so much on the conversation as it was on her naked bottom.

She wondered how distracted he really was. “That sounds suspiciously like a future.”

“Yeah.” He pulled her up so that she sat on his lap. She slipped one arm around his neck and reached for Ryder with the other hand. He brought that hand to his lips and kissed it.

Colt began to unfasten the buttons of her blouse. “Surprises the hell out of both Ryder and me that we’re thinking of a future. Neither of us is one hundred percent sure what that means yet or what we will end up doing about it. So let’s take things one day at a time.”

“I’m all for that. One day at a time works for me, too.” She let her arms fall to her sides so the men could finish undressing her. “You guys arrived when I least expected you.”

“Good thing we’re all on the same page, then.” Ryder got to his feet. “Susan?”

She turned her attention to Ryder, who began to open his shirt. “Yes, Ryder?”

“Colt and I will finish the high work for you. Tomorrow. Okay?”

She understood the implication. There’d be no more work done today as they all had something more fun in mind. Since that was fine with her, she nodded. Then she asked, “Does that mean you found water?”

“Not yet.” Colt stroked his hand back and forth under her breast. “We haven’t drilled that deep yet.”

Susan grinned. “Sure you have.”

Colt’s lips twitched in a smile as he continued to stroke her breasts. “We can multitask.”

“Thank God.” Susan shivered as her nipples puckered tightly. Ryder continued to shed his clothes. Because she was an equal opportunity kind of woman, she decided to get to work on the buttons of Colt’s shirt. It was hard, though, to keep the thread of their conversation. “Okay, you can do the high work. Tomorrow.”

Colt reached up and stroked her chin, then turned her face into his kiss. His flavor aroused her, making her open wide to him. She sucked his tongue into her mouth, stroked it with her own. Images of cock, of having one—his or Ryder’s—in her mouth and sucking it in exactly the same way caused her slit to gush.

Ryder took her hand, kissed it, and brought it to his cock. Her fingers wrapped around him, and because the image had just been in her thoughts, she gently pulled her lips from Colt’s and moved her mouth to Ryder’s cock.

She loved the slide of him moving into her mouth. The salty heat met a need she’d only just discovered. The way he combed his fingers through her hair and then gripped her head thrilled her. She pulled her mouth almost off him, then took him in again, and then again, in a rhythm she deliberately kept languid.

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Colt watching, his eyes riveted on the way she sucked his partner’s cock. His one hand stroked up and down her back while the other continued to pet and cup her breasts.

Ryder groaned and began to gently pump his hips, letting her know how aroused he’d become. “You have a fucking

Unable to speak, she instead responded by cupping his scrotum and, her touch delicate, squeezing him.

.” Ryder’s hands trembled where he held her head, and the rhythm of his hips, as he fucked her mouth, increased in tempo.

Colt’s hand left her breast and stroked her thighs. He exerted a light pressure, indicating he wanted her to part her legs.

She did and then moaned when his fingers sought out her slit. Up and down, he stroked her, using the same cadence his friend used to move his cock in and out of her mouth, and Susan lost herself in the heady sexual play of them both.

“I’m close. Suck, baby. Make me come.” Ryder’s cock twitched in her mouth, giving truth to his words. She drew on him with a steady suction. Ryder shouted as she pulled his seed from him. When she swallowed Ryder’s first spurt, Colt inserted two fingers into her pussy and rubbed her clit with his thumb.

She’d been aroused, nicely so, but Colt’s intimate invasion catapulted her to instant orgasm. Moaning around a mouthful of cock, Susan rode the exciting wave, the spasms of rapture sharp and long. She could feel her juices running out of her cunt as her uterus contracted, her clit vibrated with rapture, and her G-spot tried to wrap itself around the fingers teasing it.

Her climax ebbed, and she realized Ryder’s hands had gone from a firm grasp of her head to a tender stroke of her hair. He gently moved his hips back just enough, and she released him but kept her head on his belly while her heart slowed. She shivered, an aftershock from her climax.

Colt chuckled. “After you come, your nipples turn as hard as diamonds.”

“Only if it’s a real good orgasm.” Susan sighed and lifted her head from Ryder, straightening on Colt’s lap. She turned toward Colt and licked his lips. Then she grinned.

“It’s happened every time,” Colt said.

“Like I said, if it’s a real good one.”

She squeaked when Ryder bent over and picked her up off Colt’s lap. They were both incredibly strong, these wildcatters, and they both seemed to like to just scoop her up whenever the impulse struck them.

A woman could get used to being treated this way.

“Let’s get horizontal.” Ryder laid her down on the bed. He followed her down, stretching out on her left.

She turned her attention to Colt, standing beside the bed, stripping out of the rest of his clothes. “I hope you’re going to make my nipples go hard again.”

He smiled and reached into the nightstand drawer. He withdrew the box of condoms, opened it, and upended the contents onto the table. “Sweetheart, they’re going to be so hard you’ll scream.”

Another afternoon and evening spent having hot monkey sex. “Oh, goody.”

Susan made a note to pick up some high-energy snack bars the next time she went into Lusty. At this rate, they were all going to need them.

Chapter 9

“Welcome to Lusty, Texas.” Susan announced.

“You love this place,” Ryder said.

“It’s home.” Her tone said it all.

Lusty, Texas, featured one stoplight, smack-dab in the middle of town. Colt let his eyes wander as he waited for that light to change. To his left, three people strolled along—a woman with two men on either side of her—hand in hand in hand. He saw another trio on the other side of the street, walking, laughing, and yes, holding hands. He shot a glance at Ryder to see if he’d noticed.

“Maybe it’s something in the water,” Ryder said.

Susan laughed. “No, it’s just Lusty.”

“It certainly is,” Ryder said.

Up ahead on the left, he could see a hardware store, a bank, a museum, and the restaurant—Lusty Appetites—run by Susan’s new sister-in-law.

They’d just passed the sheriff’s office, and he’d bet he’d personally encounter someone in uniform before they got too much further along. On his right, he’d passed a grocery, a shoe store, the fire house, and a clinic. Across from the restaurant stood a convenience store and a pharmacy.

There weren’t a lot of people on the street this Saturday near the noon hour, but there were some, and every one of them turned to give his aging Ford and them a good look-see.

Frowns turned to smiles and waves when they saw Susan tucked in between him and Ryder.

“How about lunch and then the hardware store?” Susan looked from him to Ryder. “We seem to keep skipping our evening meal.”

“We all ate last night,” Ryder said in that slow drawl he liked to use. “Just wasn’t food.”

Colt couldn’t keep from smiling at the sound of Susan’s laughter.

“Lunch first sounds like a good idea,” Colt said. “Give your sister-in-law the chef and your brother the deputy sheriff time to check us out.”

“No one’s going to ‘check you out.’” Susan’s announcement came with a token punch to his shoulder. “This is a small town and, yes, my hometown, but trust me. My family has faith in me and my judgment completely.”

There was a parking spot right in front of the pharmacy, so Colt grabbed it. Once he’d turned off the engine and pocketed the keys, he turned to Susan. “After what you told us happened a few months ago to your sister-in-law, I’d be sorely disappointed if the folks in this town
check us out.”

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