Love Redeemed, Book 4 (14 page)

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Authors: Love Belvin

BOOK: Love Redeemed, Book 4
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I walk and walk and walk. Rayna crie
s and sobs and weeps. I hold her close, protectively, needing her to get it all out. The front of my shirt is stained with tears. And when I feel a new tremor, one that comes from her body temperature lowering, I finagle my way out of my jacket and swath her chilled back like a baby.

I walk the beach with her in my arms for over an hour. There
are times when my arms go numb, but I still clutch my lady, sensing her need for this; lulling her restless heart, calming her tortured spirit by way of the water. Water that at this time of the year supersedes the billowing of her troubled soul. 

She crie
s for about thirty minutes and after she’s done and there’s nothing left but the hyper-activity of her diaphragm from the strong sobs she’s endured, I walk for an additional thirty minutes before returning a zombie Rayna to the Wrangler, strapping her in with the seatbelt, and covering her with my jacket before getting in and heading home. I don’t understand what freaked her out over dinner, but decide not to pry it out of her tonight night. Whatever it was spooked her. And I just want her past it.

Once at the marina, I r
un her a bath, sit and soak with her, meditate on her breathing. After that, I put her to bed and she drifts off almost immediately. I lay and watch her sleep for a while. So many questions running through my mind about this woman who holds a part of me that I didn’t know was available, leaving me so fucking vulnerable. I take some time to consider Samantha’s words of being patient with Rayna. I’ve asked her to spend the rest of her life with me; I’ll be nothing short of patient. She’s a rare treasure and I know this is a fragment of what completes the woman that I’ve fallen in love with.

Ha! Listen to me
all sentimental and shit!
That’s what loves does to even a G.




The next morning, I awake to lugging, and licking, and warm breaths hitting my chest, down to my abdomen. Then I feel tempered chomping on the shaft of my cock. Initially, it feels like a dream—a wet dream, but within seconds, I know it’s my girl, with a warrant for my arousal. Once I’m able to grasp consciousness, I rise from my pillow, flip her onto her back, and make way to the junction of her twiddling thighs. Rarely does she initiate morning love. This is my thing, but I’m prepared for this. I dip between her swollen lips, coating my tongue with her nectar. I drive into her canal, bringing her sweet lubrication onto her folds. I suck and spar until her legs judder.

I kn
ow this isn’t the way she wants to ascend. I know she needs to be rocked…and hard. My girl desires to be fucked; and that’s what I do well. I fuck Rayna until she loses consciousness. I don’t want her taking flight this morning; I just want to push her to the edge to help her remember. Remember that I am here and will provide for. For whatever her needs are. That her emotional breakdown last night does not deter me.

“Turn over and
grip the top of the mattress,” I instruct.

Rayna skitter
s onto her knees with anxious anticipation. I hear her hum with pleasure before I shift behind her. She’s ready. I smack her right cheek and pop my hand back.

“Uhhhhh…” she moan

I smack the left cheek, but my palm remain
s to grip this one.

!” she yelps a little louder.

Removing my left hand, I wait a few seconds before making my next move. It
’s apparent that I’m taken too long for Rayna when she rears into me, wiggling her ass. My lady is begging for it. I have to fight for control after seeing her mounds in the air, wagging for my cock. Damn it if she hasn’t come a long way from that cool, take-charge lover that I encountered on my birthday, when we first fucked. Now she understands who controls her pleasure. She needs me. And this is how she knows how to express herself. To love. She’s come a long way. She’ll probably talk about her ails later, but right now she wants to be fucked.

joggles her ass again, but I don’t touch her.

“Wait for it
!” I bite out.

She whine
s her impatience. I don’t want to exasperate her, but I enjoy seeing her in this position. I can smell her arousal. I want to feel it now.

“Open your legs,” I growl.

Instantly, she spreads her knees and her hips open up.

Without warning
, I gingerly smack her pussy with my left hand, being careful not to use too much force, but applying the perfect speed, angle, and impact. It feels like slapping into a puddle of gel.

“Ah…DIVINE!” Rayna crie
s out as her shoulders shutter her head leaps ahead and left cheek slams against the headboard.

I kn
ow she hasn’t climaxed and I don’t want her to. I just want to get her off the ground. Rayna shoulders and back heaves over heavy breaths. I give her a minute to collect herself as I examine her trembling caramel torso.
. Once she’s able to gather herself, she wiggles her ass again, trying to reach me, but I back away.

“Do it! Now!” she demand
s through gritted teeth. And I know, that quickly, I’ve taken her as far as I can.

I pull her hips back to me
. “Hang on, okay?” I growl.

nods her head with gusto. My lady’s fucking ready.

I br
ing the head of my cock to her slickened folds and once I assess her entryway, I slam into her.

“Uhhhhhhh!” she crie
s and I feel myself pulsating inside of her. Fuck! She’s fucking dripping wet. So warm. And so damn snug.

After calming myself, I start to move at a steady pace. I t
ake my time stretching her, filling her to capacity.

“Harder! Faster!” she croak
s on a cry.

for this, I deliver.

I move
swiftly and with urgency, slamming into her soft ass. I know what she needs. I understand that she’s telling me that she no longer needs kiddie glove handling. She doesn’t want me to regard her with the level of compassion that she required last night. Today’s a new day for her. And today she wants her femininity affirmed. She doesn’t want to be nurtured. She needs to be fucked. And that I will do for her whenever and where ever she needs it. 

I stroke her long and strong. Grind hard and fast. I plummet with power and purpose. Grip her hips with might and fervor. Taking my body into a zone to be sure to handle her before I explode, I thrust into her until her body quak
es violently, and she sings my name with so much force that I’m sure in this moment she can’t remember hers. When her face slams into headboard and shoulders collapse in the same manner, my mission is accomplished and her frenzied tremors causes a vibration in my groin as her walls grip my cock. I explode inside of her and watch my sweat drip onto her curved back while shivering above her.




“Azmir, I’m sure you’ve guessed I’m not out here with you just for golf,” Terry notes as he attempts a bunker. The ball is hit high and travels over the lip, staying in the green. He glances over to me. “I know you better than that.”

“Yeah, I figured
what was afoot when I got your text a few days ago,” I answer, admiring his swing. Terry’s had practice in his leisure.

Terry’s posture straightens and his face tightens against the blaring s
un. We’ve been out here for about a half an hour. “He’s not doing well, Azmir.” 

I raise my soft wedge club and swing. “I wouldn’t guess so,” I
murmur as I watch my ball not fly as high as his. “He’s facing hefty time.”

“I don’t believe a word of what he’s accused of
.” He shifts to his hip.

“I don’t think you do, hence the sole reason I’ve met with you today, T.”
Terry has always been extremely naïve, in my opinion. Never the baleful speed as Big D.

“Then you can appreciate his circumstances.”

“Fuck him.”

Terry regards me closely as I hand the caddy my club and begin to the next hole. “Azmir, you hardly mean that.”

“I do,” I say after a beat. “Whole heartedly.”

“Azmir, you and Darryl have had a long standing relationship
. That has to account for something.” I can hear the pleading in his voice.

This I know.”

“Well, then you can appreciate the bind his family is in financially. Hell, my income isn’t as fluid, but I’ve given Tara a few bucks to keep the creditors off their back. They need you, young brother.

I turn to face him. “Terry, I’ve always respected you as a man…even when I questioned your affiliation with Big D. But right now, I doubt your morality. Th
at fucker had my father killed, had my mother sent to prison, and if that wasn’t enough, he’s used me to make him millions without that disclosure. That’s diabolical in my book.” I find myself out of breath.

I’m under enough stress with finding this motherfucker who is capable of hurting my
fiancée and family. I don’t need any pushback from excluding Big D from my life from his right hand man.

Terry gazes at me with what appears to be sincere empathy. “I understand your position, Azmir, I do. I’m just hoping to have cooler heads prevail here.”

“I only invited you up here out of respect for the level-headedness you’ve always shown. Terry. You’ve always pulled me to the side to express your concern about my desolate lifestyle. You used to say that you were concerned about me disposing of my potential.”

“Yes, Azmir
, you know me.” His large frame, just about an inch shorter than me, but more than twice my width with flabby muscle faced me with persistence. “You know I’ve always pulled you to the side with discretion and told you there was more to your mastermind than the streets. I’d always been concerned about your wellbeing. You’ve always been alone regardless of what Darryl, Patricia, or Tara perceived. You know me, Azmir.”

“Yes, I do. Remember how you cautioned when I dropped out of
Stanford? Huhn? Remember when you all but begged me to reconsider that shit, saying that was my way out of the game. You said you wanted more for me, that you saw more in me. You’ve played the background since I’ve known you, but I knew you didn’t approve of Big D’s guidance,” I recap, losing my patience.

He scratches his head then softly mutters, “But that didn’t influence you, son. You still remained with Darryl and cultivated some semblance of a bond. You and Tara remained together for around…what…six years? Time does something to bond people.”

“My time with them was spent being used, Terry.” I shake my head at his persistence.

I need to go, but respect Terry enough to entertain his ignorance. He’s Big D’s one
good-hearted friend, a retired attorney. Terry had been the only one asking me
about me
. I’m not in touch with him, per se, though I’d see him sporadically at Big D’s crib and other family events. He’d whisper words of caution and wisdom in passing. He’s had to have known about Big D’s mask. I wonder if he’s ever expressed them to his friend.

“I hear you’re engaged now
.” Terry’s mouth that’s surrounded with salt and pepper stubble curls into a genuine smile. “I know if you’ve given a woman a ring, you’ve found happiness. I’m happy for you, son. That alone should motivate you to be the bigger person and lift the burden off his family. You’ve won already.”

“Yeah, I am engage
d,” I snort. “Did he tell you he visited my girl’s job and attempted to blackmail her to get her out of the state?” I observe Terry’s grimace. “And did he tell you that he…commissioned…” I’m careful of my words in this public place. “…Tara’s alleged baby’s father to burn down my home, creating street cred for his punk ass? Huhn? Oh, the bloggers are whispering it and the streets are screaming it. I’m paying for fulltime security for my lady and our mothers.”

Terry’s head drops. I may have just given news, but he
should know how sick of a tyrant his boy is. “Yeah, Terry. It’s good that D’s on the inside. It’s
a safe place from my wrath. But be sure to tell him, one more act of treason and I’ll make sure the last time he closes his eyes will be in that same cell he’s fucking stewing in.”

I give Terry a final parting glance, to which he nods his head solemnly and I leave for a meeting.

Chapter 6



A few hours later, while sitting in bed, Rayna enters the
master suite.

“You know…” she mumbles with a mouthful
, reading her cell phone in one hand. Her expression is of disgust.

She’s gloriously naked, exposing her smooth caramel skin that
’s become my favorite delicatessen as of late. Her nipples are perked, skin is flushed, and hair is in sweaty disarray. She’s holding a dessert saucer with some concoction she’s trying out for the dinner party with a few of my boys from New York City in the other hand. Rayna looks good as fuck in nothing. It doesn’t matter that she just fucked me in several ways—even in the face—I could easily devour her ass again.

“Why are you regarding your phone like it’s pissed you off?” I ask as she types away before placing it on the nightstand.

“It’s that designer Dawn Taylor recommended.” I flinch at the cordial mention of Dawn’s name by Rayna. She’s been doing well at accepting Dawn as a business associate of mine, but I’ll never forget the hurt that I caused with my selfishness and recklessness in kissing ol’ girl, some shit that will never happen again. “She’s sending me awful pieces to gauge my taste.” Rayna shrugs, “I just told her to bring them to my office tomorrow, I’d rather see them up close.”

As she mounts the elevated bed, I can’t help but ogle her lush breasts.
Her round mounds are beautiful with nipples the shade of milk chocolate. And what I love most is that she doesn’t try to cover herself up, being self-conscious. She’s just as comfortable as if she were completely sheathed in clothes.

“Here. Try…” she offers me a forkful of
some unfamiliar custard. I mask my awkwardness and let her put it my mouth.

“Not bad
,” I nod. “And it would be better if I knew what it was.”

She perks up, happy about the circular compliment. “Have you not been listening all night? It
’s a mini custard fruit tart that Boyd has been distantly coaching me on preparing. And I think I’ve got it!”

“Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it was hard to concentrate on custard or crust when you were stripping me and pulling my cock in your mouth before I was able to cross the frame of the
front door,” I explain wryly.

Not that I
’m complaining. Rayna’s menstrual ended a couple of days ago and she is a nympho on methamphetamines the first few days after her last spotting. When she left the room for the kitchen after our last romp, I decided I was worn out. Now that she’s returned wondrously naked, I’m not too sure.

ile I’m expecting a punch in the arm or an aghast expression, I’m met with mild chiding of, “Azmir,” she warns. Her voice husky and riddled with desire.

Goddamm, Brimm!

“So,” I say, needing to change the subject before we end up at it again. “…do you like it? Has the recipe been perfected enough to replicate this weekend?”

Her eyes abstractedly scan the room as she con
siders her answer. “I think so, but Boyd will sample it in the morning for a final assessment.”

“When did you have time to make this?” I ask with my fore
head wrinkled. I’m curious. I’m sure it took hours.

“I took a half day today,” she
answers before placing the last piece into her luscious little mouth.

“You? Took time off work?” I ask in mocking incredulity. “Anytime I ask you to, you always decline, saying it’s not feasible.”

Rayna sighs, relaxing her head on her shoulder as she lay on her side facing me. “I know. It’s just that I need to make a few changes in my
operandi modus
,” she giggles. More soberly, she murmurs, “I feel like I’ve been in a shell, a weakened state over the past few months. I need to get back to me.” She takes a pregnant pause before continuing, “I feel like since being knocked on the ass—pardon my expression—by meeting you, I’ve been operating with kryptonite. You know?”

“So, I’ve weakened you?” I ha
ve to get this straight.

“In a roundabout way, yes. But in a suppressing manner, no. I guess that’s what happens when you…”

“Fall in love?”

Her chestnut irises shoot up to meet mine as though I’
ve helped complete her thought. “Yes,” she breathes.

“Indeed,” I sa
y with a nod because I know that more than I care to admit. Rayna has fucked up my world and made it beautiful just the same. I can’t imagine breathing without her sharing it with me.

“So, what about these wedding plans did you want to discuss? Or did you bring me here under false pretenses, Ms. Brimm?” I say in jest.
She wanted to talk wedding plans, which was news to me. I’d begun to worry about her lack-luster enthusiasm over planning her big day. I mean, isn’t that what women did from the time they were able to cognize the concept of prince charming?

Rayna gasp
s, “You would have been here at this hour anyway,” then delivers the shove of my arm.

I scoff
, “No, I would not have. I have far more important things to do with my evenings than having you sitting on my face.”

“Azmiiiiiiiir,” she
groans sheepishly, burrowing her face into my arm.

“Rayna, if you want to smash again tonight, I’m
gonna have to start charging you for my stamina.” We both laugh at that. I love teasing her about sex. She still seems to be shy about discussing it for some strange reason. She’s an easy target for embarrassment. Once we’re able to slow our laughter, I continue, “About the wedding, little girl.”

“Oh, yeah,” she rebound
s, bringing her head from my side, exposing her heavily blushed face. “About that…I’ve met with the wedding planner that you passed to me a few weeks ago.” I make a quick reference of who she’s referring to before recalling. I don’t want to mention this planner is someone Dawn threw to me in passing and I’d, on a half a mind, tossed to Rayna, figuring she’d appreciate a reference. “Just like the two before him, I became overwhelmed with all the options and trying to figure out my “wedding personality” as Geraldo phrased it.”

She exhale
s. “I don’t think I have a wedding personality. I sure as heck don’t have enough people to invite that will fill a church. I’m not even sure I’m a
wedding in a chapel
type of girl.” Rayna waves her hand in gesture. “I don’t know how or where I want to express my nuptials or take my vows.” Her eyes slowly dance up to me. And just when I thought she’s going to deliver a hard blow she mutters, “I only know who I want to take those vows with.”

My heart race
s in my chest and I hope like fuck she can’t sense it. I quietly expel the air holding in my lungs. This conversation could have gone either way with her. I’m still building my faith in Rayna wanting this
thing with me.

Rayna sigh
s as she takes to her pillow. “I just don’t know, you know? And I don’t have girlfriends to help decide.” With her eyes adrift, she murmurs, “I mean, it can just be you, me, and the officiate out it the middle of the Pacific for all I care. We can exchange our vows, let him or her off, and sail to the middle of nowhere—alone.” After a beat, her eyes make their way up to me. “You know?”

Slowly nodding my head as the visual builds in my mind, I mutter, “Indeed.”
Whatever Rayna wants for the day she becomes mine will be exactly what I’ll push for, because joining lives with her, for me, is the ultimate goal. “Now put your plate away so that we can go to bed...unless you’re calling out in the morning,” I speak tentatively.

shakes her head. “No. I’ll be in the office for my regular hours.”

“Good and so will I, if you don’t force me to smash you once again”

The heartiest laughter belts from Rayna’s vocal chords. “Azmir, shut up!” she shouts in between her giggles. “My god! You miss your insanely sexy fiancé throughout your busy day, express it when he comes home, and you’re accused of being a nymphomaniac!”

“Well…” I say,
pleased with her mirth as she’s still laughing.

“Well, let’s see what your complaint is when I stop expressing.” Rayna
shuffles underneath the blanket.

“I wouldn’t go that far. We
saw how well that went over when you attempted that shit in Tahiti.”

As Rayna finds her comfort in the
bed, she sucks her teeth, “All right, Mr. Jacobs. Whatever!” and then issues me a warning glare.




The following morning, I’m in a meeting with a long-term friend of mine who, today, is serving in the capacity of a business associate. We’re going over the fine print of the
contract, the company that I’ve agreed to partner with on their brandy line. Although the signing party is being planned, there’s an amendment that Steve has suggested that I include in the final contract. I’ll have my attorney, Chesney, go over the changes that Steve and I have agreed on today.
Bacote & Taylor’s Planning and Public Relations Corp.
worked their asses off, packaging the deal and seeing it to fruition however, Steve is the mastermind behind the arrangement. He’s the person responsible for bringing our names together in concept only, then proposing the idea to me and the Moreau Brothers, separately.

“You’re a genius at this, you
know that, Stoute,” I say as I proffer my hand, preparing to see him out.

“Nah, man. You know I’d do anything for you, Divine,”
Steve returns the love. “Few know you were the one who got me from
. I’ll never forget that, man.”

“Yeah, but your ingenuity is what got you to your
mogul status. Proud of you, duke.”

“Same here, man. You’re making big moves, D. I don’t know why you didn’t just come over to us for
PR services period.” With his smile in place, I see as his brows narrow.

“Double S, you know me. I march by the beat of my own drum. I wanted to try this firm out, seeing they were fresh and innovative, but…” I f
ind myself scratching my chin.

“But what?” he ask
s and before he can finish, my phone beeps and Peg’s announcing Tara’s visit. I can’t say I’m surprised, but I wasn’t exactly expecting her today.

“Hold on
one sec,” I call out as I cross the office to my desk and ask Peg to not only have Tara wait, but to call over to
Smith, Katz & Adams Sports Medicine Center
and see if Rayna can meet me in my office right away.

When I return, Steve
, being the scout that he is, picks right up where we left off.
“But…?” he asks expectantly.

“Ehhhh…let’s just say that I am fielding for
standby public relations services,” I admit.

“Really?” The sleek grin that form
s on Steve’s face can’t be ignored. “I mean, I hate to say I told your ass so, but I told your black ass so!” he trills. “What’s going on? Lackluster connections? Mediocre attendance—that’s, by the way, the piss poor excuse you gave us when we first approached you years ago about taking you on.”

I exhale
deeply, “Nah, the girls are grinding. Let’s just say that the attention has been too…especial.”

Steve’s face deforms into an expression of disgust. “Ah, man! Don’t tell me you smashed one of them—or both
…I know how trifling you can get.”

…no. No, man,” I sputter, taken by his accusation. “My cock runs up in just one set of lips now a day. It’s just one of the ladies—”



“Yeah. If you’re talking about one of the two humping your leg, in heat, it’s Dawn.” Steve
is clearly picking up my bewilderment. He’s always had a knack at reading nonverbal cues, which is likely why he’s soared in his craft. “Let’s just put it like this, she’s said some things that read a little outside of her contract with you. Just be careful, man.”

Strongly considering his words and with my forehead creased with concern, I nod.
After bidding him a good day, I take the contract to my desk and start looking over the notes Steve and I agreed on. When I’m done, I ask Peg to have the latest intern come to my office to courier the edited contract over to Chesney.

Chris, the intern, from CS
LBU retrieves the documents and is just leaving when Rayna appears at my door knocking, though it was open. Her brows are pinched and understandably so. I reach for the phone and asked Peg to send Tara in. Then I rise from my seat and cross the room for Rayna. When I reach her, I scoop her in my arms and inhale her neck. Though she’s still beyond sexy, I miss her long and wild hair. Sometimes I want to tug on it, like today, to loosen her up.

“Hey, baby,” I murmur as I observe her elongated neck
, stretching to gaze into my eyes.

“Hey, to you,” she whisper
s, jarred by my affection. Not even I’m accustomed to being so touchy feely with a woman in public. But with Rayna it’s different. I always want to feel on her, caress her. Shit—sometimes I can’t help groping her. “Everything all right?”

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