Read Love on Site Online

Authors: Neil Plakcy

Tags: #LGBT, #Multicultural, #Contemporary

Love on Site (20 page)

BOOK: Love on Site
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“You’re wrong, then.” He leaned back on his hands and watched me work his dick. “Sal said, ‘You want to touch mine?’ and I reached over and grabbed myself a handful.”

“Like I said, you were a horny bastard.”

“I still am,” Walter said.

I was still wearing the elephant jock, though my precum had soaked through the fabric. I stood up and slipped it off. “Me too,” I said. “Let’s lie down together.”

I carefully lifted his legs as he turned sideways. As he rested against the pillows, I scrambled onto the bed next to him. “What was it like?” I asked. “Having another boy’s dick in your hand for the first time?”

“I wasn’t thinking. I don’t think he was, either. His dick was hotter than I’d expected, like it was burning up from the inside. I swiped my hand up and down a couple of times, and he moaned. I realized he wasn’t touching me, and I said something.”

I turned on my side and slipped my arm beneath his shoulders. Then I leaned over and we kissed again, our naked hips touching, both our boners waving madly in the air. Walter was learning to take things slower. He’d kiss my lips for a long moment, then my chin, my cheek, my throat.

It felt more like making love than any encounter I’d had before. I was so into Walter—not just because he was handsome and sexy and into me. Things were so much more intense because I knew the kind of man he was—smart, caring, scarred by the past, but eager for the future.

I pulled back and leaned on one arm, facing Walter. “You were telling me about your first time with Sal,” I said.

Walter quirked up one side of his mouth. “He was rough. Jerking my dick up and down hard. I did the same to him, and we both shot off fast. It was a mess.”

“I’ll make sure to clean you up before we’re finished.” I reached down and stroked his dick lightly. “Was that the only time?”

Walter shook his head. “We beat each other off whenever we could after that. In the bathroom; in the lake, hands inside our swimsuits; back in the woods.”

I leaned down and took his dick in my mouth again.

“Jesus, we were horny that summer. But then when we got back to Miami, Sal started going out with this girl, and she took over from me. And then Chucho grabbed my dick in the shower, and you know the rest.”

I scooted around so that my dick was at Walter’s face. As horny as his story was making me, I wanted to stuff his mouth and hear the rest later.

Reflexively I tightened my mouth around his dick, and that was enough to set him off. I swallowed his cum and then focused on my own pleasure. I reveled in the warmth of his mouth around my dick, shivered at the sandpaper of his tongue against my shaft, and felt my balls tightening as they slid against his five o’clock shadow. When I couldn’t hold back any longer I pulled back, gave my dick a final jerk, and sprayed Walter’s hairy chest.

I said, “Be right back,” and jumped up. I returned to him a moment later with a warm, wet washcloth.

I cleaned his chest gently, then used the other side of the cloth for my own. I could smell the faintest trace of his cologne as I did. Folding the cloth, I wiped his crotch, where his dick lay curled in the thatch of his pubic hair.

I tossed the washcloth aside and clambered up to nestle against him. I was surprised that I was more sexually experienced—or at least more adept—than Walter was. I had always assumed that all older men would be much better than I was and have something to teach me. The switch with Walter was interesting. He knew so much more than I did at work—but in bed, I could see I was going to have to take the lead.

I rested my head against his chest hair, and Walter put his arm around my back. “I ought to regret all the mistakes I made in the past,” he said. “But I can’t because that path brought me to you.”

“And I’m glad it did.”

We snuggled for a while until Walter said, “Manny? I’ve got to take a wicked piss. You think you can help me up?”

“Sure.” I scrambled off the bed and walked around to Walter’s side. I put my arm around his shoulder and helped him turn sideways, then stand up. Just being next to him made me hard again.

I handed him the cane, and he balanced against me as we walked, bare-ass naked, out into the hallway and into the bathroom. I flipped the toilet seat up and Walter began pissing.

Remembering our joint venture at the hotel in Naples, I had the urge to do the same thing. I crowded next to him and aimed my stream beside his into the bowl, wrapping my right arm around his smooth waist and guiding my dick with my left. It was painful peeing through a stiff dick, but there was no way my stiffy was going away while I was naked beside Walter.

I’d never been into the kinky stuff like water sports, but right then I could see the appeal. I could see the two of us in the bathtub, spraying each other, then rubbing our sticky bodies together, then showering clean.

We finished pissing and Walter turned his head. We kissed there as the toilet flushed. “We ought to get back to my house,” Walter said when he pulled away. “Just in case Dolores does have someone watching me.”

“Sure.” We washed our hands, then went back to my bedroom. I helped Walter get dressed, strapping the ankle brace on once more, and then dressed myself.

When we walked out, Larry and Gavin were in the living room watching TV. “This is Walter,” I said. “Walter, my roommates. Larry and Gavin.”

“So you’re the hunky boss?” Gavin asked. He nodded. “You got good taste, Manny.”

I reddened with embarrassment. “And you have no tact. I’ve got to move in with Walter for a few days to help him until his ankle heals.”

“We’ll miss you,” Larry said. “Be sure to e-mail with all the details.”

“Find your own porn source. Come on, Walter, let’s go.”

I dragged my suitcase and he maneuvered with his cane, and we took the elevator down to his car. “You’re lucky,” Walter said as we walked through the garage. “To be able to live openly with your roommates.”

“My parents don’t know,” I said.

“They don’t? Do you think they suspect?”

I shrugged. “Don’t know. I doubt it, though.”

“They pressuring you to find a nice Cuban girl and settle down?”

I beeped his car open and clicked the hatch as well. As I lifted my suitcase inside, I tried to remember the last time my parents had expressed interest in my dating life. “Not recently.”

“Then they know,” he said, maneuvering himself into the passenger seat.

“No, they can’t.” I got into the driver’s seat and turned the car on.

“I’m not arguing,” Walter said. “But Cuban parents? They’d be wanting you to get married and move in next door, and give them lots of grandchildren.”

Walter pulled out his phone to answer some messages, and I thought about what he’d said as I drove back west, toward his house. Did my parents know I was gay? If so, then why hadn’t they said anything?

Then again, why hadn’t I?

A Ripe Peach

We stopped at a drive-through on the way back to Walter’s and picked up dinner. As I pulled into his driveway, he said, “In case anybody’s watching, let’s exaggerate. Come around this side and help me out of the car.”

He hobbled along with his arm around my shoulder. It felt so good having his body next to mine. I could tell he knew I was hard again from the casual way his free hand passed over my groin as we stepped into his house.

I helped him over the threshold and returned to the car for my suitcase and our dinner. When I got back inside, he was already sitting at the kitchen table. I hustled around, getting plates, glasses, beverages, and silverware. “I could get accustomed to this kind of service,” Walter said when I sat down opposite him.

“I thought it was the other kind of service I provide that you liked.”

“I like the whole package,” Walter said. “Especially your package.”

“You really are a horny bastard.” I shook my head. “Am I going to have to put out again tonight?”

“If it’s a chore…” Walter said.

“I can force myself.” I smiled at him, and when he smiled back with that wolfish grin, my insides melted.

We finished dinner, and I cleaned up. Then Walter stood, grabbing the edge of the table for balance. He sniffed under his arm. “I could use a shower,” he said.

“You need help with that?”

“Well, I could probably manage on my own…”

“But I’m supposed to be here to take care of you,” I said.

Getting up the stairs to the second floor was tough. Walter was a big guy, and since he couldn’t put his weight on his bad leg, he leaned on me. We struggled upstairs, and by the time we got there I was beat. I had only a few hours of sleep under my belt, and it had been a long day, including the sex we’d had back at my place.

“You still want that shower?” I asked.

“If I don’t shower tonight, I’ll have to do it in the morning. And that means getting up a lot earlier.”

“Then we’re going into the shower.” I pulled off my clothes and tossed them on a chair by the bed. Then I turned to Walter, naked.

“You really are gorgeous,” he said.

“Oh, come on.”

“Look at yourself in the mirror and tell me what you see.”

He pointed toward a full-length mirror behind the bedroom door.

“I’m too fat,” I said, pinching my waist the way I’d done with Estefani.

Walter guffawed. “If you think you’re fat, you must think I’m a whale.”

I turned sideways. “I have a nice ass.” I put my hands on the sides and pushed inward. “A bubble butt. Good legs, though I think they’re too hairy.”

“You don’t know what you’ve got,” Walter said.

I turned back to the mirror. “Average dick, if I’m being honest. Not the longest or the thickest I’ve ever seen.”

“More than a mouthful,” Walter said.

“I wish my arms were stronger. I’d like bigger biceps and pecs.”

“I’ve created a monster.” Walter crossed the room to me. “I want you to see yourself the way I see you.” He raised his hand to my forehead and pushed a stray lock of black hair away. “Thick, lustrous hair.” He traced a finger down the side of my face. “Deep, soulful eyes; long, delicate eyelashes; smooth cheekbones. A mouth made for kissing.”

He kissed me lightly, then backed away. “Your body reminds me of a ripe peach. Sensuous and smooth—perfect for sinking my teeth into.” He leaned down and bit at my shoulder, and my dick pronged.

“Let’s get you into the shower,” I said.

I helped him take his clothes and the ankle brace off once more, and when he was naked, I made him stand there in front the mirror as he’d done with me. He leaned on his cane as I said, “Here’s how I see you. I love the flecks of silver in your hair—I think each one represents something you’ve learned, something you can teach me.”

I ran my finger down his face as he’d done with me. “Your eyes are as green as the ocean off the Bahamas,” I said. “Your jaw is square and strong—just like the rest of you.”

Walter smiled at me, and the lust in his eyes matched the stiffness of his dick.

“Broad shoulders. A body I can hold on to or cuddle up to. Your dick is beautiful—whether it’s stiff, like now, or curled up in your pubic hair. I want to explore every inch of your skin, and I want to feel your dick up my ass, pressing against my prostate and making me wild. But for right now, I want to get you into the shower.”

He laughed. “Your wish is my command.”

“Remember that thought.” I took his cane from him and slipped my shoulder under his arm, and the feel of his hot, smooth skin against mine was mind-blowing. With every step, our hips pressed against each other and our dicks wagged in the air.

I led him into the big shower stall, and he leaned against the wall while I adjusted the temperature of the stream. When it was perfect, I turned around and used the handheld attachment to spray him up and down.

His soap was lemony, and the fragrance filled the stall as I lathered his skin, working from his feet up each of his legs. When I got to his dick, I soaped up my hands and leaned forward to kiss him as I jerked him off.

The shower was steamy, and it felt so good pressing my chest against his as I worked his dick and dueled his tongue with mine. He came quickly, squirming under my touch. I rubbed my soapy hands up and down his chest, then rinsed him off.

“Turn around.” I helped him maneuver so he was facing the wall, and soaped the back of his legs, his ass, and his back. I lathered my hands again and soaped my body, including my stiff dick. Then I pressed my body against his, nibbling on his neck and shoulders as I rubbed my dick against his ass cheeks. I reached around to tweak his nipples, and he moaned. “Manny, Manny.”

“I’m right here,” I said into his neck. “Right where I want to be.”

My body seized up with a massive orgasm, and I shot off against Walter’s hairy ass cheek. Then I cleaned us both up with the shower attachment.

I reached out and grabbed a bath sheet and dried him off. “I think we’ll both sleep well tonight,” Walter said, and he yawned.

“You bet.” After I grabbed another towel and dried myself, I led Walter back to the bedroom, where I helped him slide between the sheets of his king-size bed. I padded around the house, making sure that the doors were locked and the lights off. By the time I slipped into bed, Walter was already asleep. I kissed his shoulder and snuggled up next to him.

The next morning set a pattern. I woke before Walter and laid out his clothes. By the time he was up, I had finished in the bathroom, and I helped him get ready. We had a quick breakfast—croissants or English muffins or bagels—and then I drove him to work. We got there a few minutes before the morning meeting, and I helped him into the conference room, then returned to the lobby to make Cuban coffee.

The punch list for warehouse one was finished, and the building inspector for the city of Doral showed up. I accompanied Adrian as he walked the guy around, and after a thorough review, we passed and got the certificate of occupancy for the building.

Adrian called the first tenant, a company that imported clothing from Argentina, and made arrangements to turn over the keys after the contractors shut down for the day.

The owner was a friend of Heriberto’s, and I met Walter’s father-in-law for the first time when he came over with his friend at three thirty. He was smaller than I expected, only about five-six, though he had a booming voice and a big personality.

BOOK: Love on Site
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