Love Me to Death (16 page)

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Authors: Sharlay

BOOK: Love Me to Death
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“Look, babe, it’s not what it looks like,” I say.

“No, then you weren’t about to have sex with some random girl?!”

Mercedes’ mouth falls open.

“Ok, maybe it is what it looks like,” I say.

“Brennan, who is this?” Mercedes asks looking at Ned’s angry face.

why don’t you tell her who I am? Better still, I will.” She marches up to Mercedes and shakes her hand. “Hi, I’m Brennan’s girlfriend. I’m so sorry that I interrupted you when I should have still been away on business. It’s just that finding out you have crabs is a reason to come back home early and confront your cheating boyfriend.” I see the corner of Ned’s mouth twitch and I know she wants to laugh. I cannot believe she just told Mercedes that I gave her crabs. I only wanted to get rid of her for the night. I guess I won’t be seeing her again now. Why does the idea of never seeing Mercedes again not bother me in the slightest?

“He gave you what?” Mercedes asks jumping up from my couch. It’s in that moment that I take a chance to look from Mercedes to Ned. They actually look a little alike except Ned is way prettier. Strange.

“Crabs, sweetheart, you know those disgusting creepy craw—”

“It’s ok, I know what they are,” Mercedes says in disgust. “Brennan, we’re done here,” she says marching past me.

“No, Mercedes wait, I’ve been having treatment. They’re almost gone!” I call after her as I hear the sound of Ned’s laughter. I love that sound.

“You disgust me!” Is the last thing I hear from Mercedes before I close the door behind her. I walk back into my living room and cross my arms across my chest.

“Crabs? Really?” I ask Ned with a smile on my face.

“I was being creative.” Ned shrugs, still laughing.

“Yeah, you may have just ended my sex life permanently with the little show you put on.”

“Good, let that teach you a lesson for breaking the terms of my contract.” She raises her eyebrows at me.

“True and I am sorry. Do you forgive me?”

“For what? Breaking the terms of the contract, the way you behaved at the restaurant or for kissing me?” Her breath hitches toward the end of the sentence.

“The contract. My behavior at the restaurant was warranted, Jerkson deserved it and I’m not going to apologize for kissing you, Ned.”

“His name is Jackson,” she says with a little smile and I know that she likes my new name for him. She’ll probably even start using it in secret. “And yes he has his ways but I expected you to be the bigger person. And you shouldn’t have kissed me.”

“I can accept that maybe I shouldn’t have but the guy just gets under my skin … something about him. And I didn’t see you pulling away,” I say.

“This conversation’s over,” she says as she goes to walk past me. I hook an arm around her waist and pull her back. I stand her right in front of me and look down into her eyes.

“Ok, I’m sorry. You were right, I shouldn’t have kissed you but in my defense, you did kiss me first.” I smile.

“I was in character, Cole.” She huffs.

“Really? I guess that explains why it wasn’t a great kiss,” I say, holding back my laughter.

“Excuse me?”

“It was basic but nothing spectacular, but now I know that it was because you were acting I understand,” I say before walking around her and into my bedroom. I hear her following behind me.

“What do you mean it wasn’t spectacular? I have never had anyone complain about the way I kiss before.”
And they never should.

“That’s because you’ve only kissed guys like Jerkson.” I shrug my shoulders before turning to face her.

“And what’s wrong with guys like Jerkson … I mean Jackson?” She says trying to ignore her mistake. I laugh. “Come on, stop messing around. Elaborate?”

“I’m just saying that you’re a basic kisser if tonight’s anything to go by but it’s not your fault. You’ve never had a
kiss before.”

“How the hell do you know that I’ve never had a real kiss before? I have had some great kisses I’ll have you know and not once has one guy complained,” she says in frustration.


“What does that mean?”

“It means ok. You think you can kiss then it’s all right with me. It’s not as if I have to kiss you for real anyway,” I say, turning around and heading toward my closet. I feel her hand on my arm and that one touch turns me on more than anything that Mercedes tried earlier. She spins me around.

are being a moron. And I’m pretty sure that you were probably intoxicated during most of your kisses so how you even remember them is beyond me.”

“Oh, I remember the good ones that’s how I know yours is not one of them.” Her eyes widen and her face goes red.

“You’re a jerk.”

“No, I’m honest. I never said you were bad, just below average.” I want to laugh so badly but I am not done yet.

“I am not below average! I am a good kisser!” I let out a small chuckle at her words.

“Ok … then prove it,” I say holding her gaze.

“I don’t have to prove anything to you, Cole.”

“True. Oh well, I guess I’m right.”

“You are not.”

“I am. It’s not a big deal don’t worry.”

“This is ridiculous!” She screeches.

“If you don’t want our kisses to look genuine in front of the public then it’s fine. I’m only trying to help.”

Her face is the reddest I’ve ever seen it, and before I know what is happening she has dragged me toward her and her lips are on mine. I don’t even get the chance to take a breath but right now I really don’t care.

My hands are tangled in her hair and all I can hear is the sound of our frantic breathing filling the room. Gosh, this girl can kiss. I take it back … the pancakes did not make love to my mouth, that was just foreplay. Ned is making love to my mouth. Right. Here. Right. Now. Ned may claim to be the one with a year left to live but if she keeps kissing me like this — stealing my body’s oxygen — then I won’t be far behind. I groan into her mouth seconds before she gently pulls away.

We don’t speak for a moment. We stand in silence. I’m not sure what Ned’s doing but I’m trying to remind myself to breathe and find the oxygen she just stole from me. My hands are still in her hair and her hands are firmly wrapped around my neck. I push her back a little so that I can look at her face. She opens her eyes and looks up at me in a daze. Then in a breathy voice, she says, “How was that?”

I smile. “It was great the first two times; I just wanted to kiss you again.”

“You jer—” I cut her off by pressing my lips against hers again. I leave them there for a couple of seconds before pulling away.

“You tricked me,” she whispers.

“I did.” I smile.

“Then I’m not a bad kisser?” she asks softly.

“The best I’ve ever had, babe.” I untangle my hands from her hair and step back. Things are a little heated and I need to put a little distance between us before I give Ned my “crabs.”

“Let’s watch a movie,” I say.

“Huh?” She looks perplexed.

“A movie.”

“I know what a movie is, Cole. I’m just not sure why you want to watch one.”

“It’s what people in relationships do with each other,” I say as if she’s crazy.

“But we’re not in a relationship,” she states.

“No, but we need everyone else to believe we are so we need to start doing things that couples do. If we don’t start creating some memories then we’ll have none to lie about.”

“You’ve got a point,” she says. Only Ned would understand the logic behind the crap I just said.

“I’m going to the store to grab a couple of movies and some snacks. You get comfortable.”

“But what if someone comes while you’re gone?” She looks cute right now.

“Don’t answer. Only Layla has a spare key and I doubt very much that she will be around tonight.”

“How long are you going to be?”

“Not long, why? Are you going to miss me?”

“No, I’m hungry now hurry up and feed me.”

“You just went to a restaurant, woman.”

“Yeah and I didn’t get to finish my meal.”

“You didn’t?”

“No, it was cold by the time I got back to the table so we just left.” She squints her eyes and I smile.

“Sorry,” I say knowing it was my fault.

“It’s fine, but can you apologize with food, I’ll forgive you a lot quicker.”

“That I can do,” I say before giving her a quick peck on the lips and walking out of the room. I’m pretty sure I just caused Ned Waters to blush.
I grab my shirt off the couch, slip it on and head out the door.





I buy the two movies along with some potato chips, candy, popcorn, soda, and a couple of sandwiches before heading back to my apartment.

“Honey, I’m home!” I shout as I step through the door. Ned comes racing out and running toward me with a huge smile on her face. I like that she’s excited to see me. I stand and stare as she makes her way to me.

“What did you get?” she asks, peeling the bag out of my hand.
So, it’s not me she’s excited to see after all.

I scan her body from top to bottom.

“You got changed?”

“Yeah, you said to get comfortable,” she says shyly.

“You’re wearing one of my shirts?”

“I’m sorry I just thought it would—”

“Ssshh.” We stand in silence for a few seconds as she watches me in confusion. “Sorry, I just needed a minute of silence to acknowledge how hot you look in my shirt. Can you just twirl for a second?”

“Seriously? You’re an idiot.”

“What?” The smile on my face gets wider.

“Look how much time you just wasted. Now please, can you just tell me what food you bought?”

“And there I was thinking you were happy to see me,” I say, scanning my eyes over her bare legs again.

“Of course not, I told you, I’m hungry. And eyes up, Cole.”

“The legs are a major distraction. And apparently hungry Ned isn’t a very nice person.”

“A ham sandwich! Yes!” She fist pumps the air before bringing the sandwich up to her lips and taking a bite. “Oh, this is good. This is really,
good.” She hands me the bag.

“Did you really just fist pump the air?” I ask in shock.

“Yes, do you have any idea how good this tastes? I would let you try some of mine but I don’t want to waste any,” she says, taking another bite.

“You are a mean woman when you’re hungry,” I say, heading to my room. I empty the contents of the bag onto the nightstand and then slip my shoes off my feet.

“What movies did you get?” she asks as she falls back on my bed. “Oh this is good,” she repeats, taking another bite of the sandwich which may I add is half finished already.

“You eat like a dude, babe. I got some rom-com movies, the guy in the shop said they’re good.”

“Which ones?”

The Ugly Truth

“Oh, I want the one with Gerard Butler,” she says all dreamy eyed.
The Ugly Truth it is then.

“What is it with you women and this guy?”

“He’s hot,” she states as if I should know this already.


“In fact,” she says sitting up on her knees and analyzing my face, “you kind of look like him.”

“I do?” I ask a little chirpier than I intended for it to come out.

“Nope, not at all now put the movie on,” she complains.

I grab my pillow and throw it at her head. I am pleased when she falls back with a thud.

“Hey!” She laughs.

“Teaches you to lie to me,” I say before slipping the DVD in. “And I cannot believe you’ve finished that sandwich already.”

“I told you I was hungry.”

“Yeah, you weren’t kidding.”

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