Read Love For Hire Online

Authors: Anna Marie May

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

Love For Hire (17 page)

BOOK: Love For Hire
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“Well, I can’t tell you everything….” Matt cleared his throat, and then he lifted his gaze, blue eyes fixating all their intensity on Jayden, who felt like prey about to be devoured.

“First,” Matt implored, “promise me to take my word for it and to leave things alone.”

Jayden blinked. This he hadn’t expected. But if he had ever held any notion about making fun of Matt for his serious words, it left his mind immediately, because there was no trace of humor on Matt’s face. Only anxiety and dead seriousness showed, so Jayden quietly nodded.

What had he gotten himself into?

“Our family business sometimes involves things that might not be considered a hundred percent legal, but it is all for a good cause.”


“You’re not a part of it and you never will be. This is not negotiable,” Matt went on, and this part Jayden didn’t doubt for one second, because the steely gaze directed toward him wasn’t going to accept any sort of challenge. “I want you to promise me you aren’t going to stick your nose where it doesn’t belong. For your own good.”

“You know,” Jayden pointed out, rubbing his faint stubble, “you haven’t actually told me anything.”

“Don’t play games with me, Jay,” Matt implored, his eyes shining with intensity, and any jokes Jayden might’ve had on the tip of his tongue flew out the window there and then. How could he resist a sincere-looking Matt? “It is for your own safety. I’ve already said more than I should have. I’ve got skills you wouldn’t expect someone of my upbringing to have. You are aware of this. So please, leave it be. Don’t go asking any questions.”

Jayden needed a moment to process this. Of course he hadn’t expected Matt to bare his soul. Everyone had secrets, and if anyone said differently, they were lying! Anyway, the point was, would he be able to live with him knowing there were things he wasn’t aware of? Things he might never know?

Once the genie was out of the bottle, she couldn’t be put back. Jayden’s curiosity was growing with every single word Matt uttered, and while maybe before, he wouldn’t have come looking for answers, would he be able to simply step back now and let things go? He had never considered himself to be particularly nosy, but this was like dangling a carrot in front of a horse!

Was Matt a spy?

Was he a criminal?

And had he called it “family business”?

What it all boiled down to in the end, though, was a simple question: Could he imagine his life without Matt? Did he trust him enough to give their love a shot, regardless of these secrets the two couldn’t share?

The answer might not be a resounding “yes,” but it was more positive than negative.

Life with Matt was probably never going to be perfect; the man was just as screwed up as Jayden was. But at least he was probably never going to get bored.

And maybe it was time, for once, to stop being a coward and take a risk.

“Do I have your promise?”

, Matt was still waiting for an answer.

“Is Scott a part of this secret side of your life?” Jayden was sidestepping the question, because before he promised not to ask anything further, he wanted to be clear on this.

“Yes, Scott is a part of this. But Jayden,” Matt said, closing the distance between them and taking Jayden’s hands into his own, “my heart belongs to you.”

Jayden couldn’t quite suppress a snicker at hearing those uncharacteristically flowery words, but Matt’s gaze held firm, and eventually Jayden nodded, understanding Matt was dead serious about this.

“I’m in,” Jayden said simply, a wide smile gracing his face. When Matt leaned forward, planting a sweet kiss on the tip of his nose, he actually feared his face might break, because he was grinning like a loon. Who knew happiness could be this powerful an emotion? Right now he could move mountains, make rain, and probably reach out and touch the moon. Anything was possible.

“You won’t regret it, I swear,” Matt promised, and Jayden was about to say he shouldn’t make any promises he wasn’t going to be able to keep, but he bit his tongue and settled for smiling instead.

Why ruin a perfectly good mood with his sour outlook on life?

“I want you to move in with me. I want you there, but for now I’ll settle for you giving me a chance.” Matt rushed those words, a clear indication he was far from composed or calm about any of this.

Jayden was shaking his head. Not because he was saying “no,” but because he needed to do
, and the grip on his wrist increased, as if Matt were afraid he would bolt.

Honestly, Jayden had no clue where to go from here, so he fell back on instinct. “I love you,” he said slowly, eyes downcast, because he couldn’t look at the man, not right now. “I can’t make you any promises, but I want to try. I’ll move in with you. I’ll give this a shot.”

“Thank you,” Matt said sincerely, and this time Jayden looked up.

He meant what he had said. The only way this relationship had a possibility of working out was for Jayden to accept that Matt had a secret life of some sort he was not ready to share. It wouldn’t be easy, but Jayden thought that as long as there was no pretence between them about the terms of their relationship, maybe this time they could make it work. At least, for the first time, they were both on the same page.

They both had issues, were damaged in their own ways, and maybe instead of those things keeping them apart, they would actually help them in making this relationship stronger and steadier over time.

“I love you,” Matt said once more, and then he bounced, showering Jayden with kisses. Jayden laughed so hard tears of joy streamed down his face.

This was a new start, their new beginning, and despite the obstacles they would surely face, as long as they could laugh and find shelter in each other’s arms, they would make it.

He was sure of it.

About the Author

It all started at the tender age of twelve for
Anna Marie May
, when she decided that she didn’t like how her then-favorite book ended. She re-wrote it for her own pleasure and has been writing ever since.

She lives in beautiful Ireland, where stormy seas and unpredictable weather help her get into the right mood to create her stories.

If she isn’t writing, she is traveling, working, or studying—and hoping that one day somewhere she will find the perfect cat.

Visit her website at
. You can contact her at [email protected].

Also from Anna Marie May



Love for Hire ©Copyright Anna Marie May, 2011

Published by

Dreamspinner Press

382 NE 191st Street #88329

Miami, FL 33179-3899, USA

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the authors’ imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Cover Art by Reese Dante

This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is illegal and a violation of International Copyright Law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon conviction, fines, and/or imprisonment. This eBook cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No part of this eBook can be shared or reproduced without the express permission of the Publisher. To request permission and all other inquiries, contact Dreamspinner Press at: 382 NE 191st Street #88329, Miami, FL 33179-3899, USA

Released in the United States of America

October 2011

eBook Edition

eBook ISBN: 978-1-61372-118-6

BOOK: Love For Hire
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