Love Behind Lies (8 page)

BOOK: Love Behind Lies
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Chapter 16

When we got in the room I could see that there were two chairs and one table. The walls were bare and the main part of the room was a square. In the back left hand corner there was an opening leading to another room. There was only a desk in that room, that I could see from where I was standing.
Nate brought me over to one chair and sat me down. Then he got some rope and tied my arm around the back of the chair. I couldn’t move at all. I struggled, but that only made my wrists hurt more. Margaret was tied to the chair across from me, and unlike me she didn’t struggle at all. How can she be so calm?
“Ok. Well now that this is all settled, we are all going to class. Well, except for you two. We will come and get you after school is over. Don’t try to get out because the rope will never be able to untie. It has wire through the middle,” Loren said, sounding strong.
I didn’t reply to him as he walked out the door followed by the others. Sam didn’t say anything else to me, which was good. They had taken our cell phones and anything they thought could help us get out. Everything, but the ring.
After they left, it was silent for a little while and then I saw tears run down Margaret’s cheek.
“What’s wrong,” I asked her, sincerely.
“What’s wrong?” She asked, screaming. “We are tied to some chairs and are going to be kidnapped! What do you mean what’s wrong,” Margaret sounded stressed out. I ignored her. She needed to relax before anyone could talk some sense into her.
I wriggled my hands so that I could get to my ring. My fingers brushed up against the diamond. My heart was beating so hard, that I thought Margaret could hear it. My fingers finally grasped the stone and I rotated it clockwise three times. I then rotated the whole ring so that it was facing the rope and not the ground. Suddenly I heard sizzling coming from behind me and I could feel the heat from the laser through the back of my chair. Finally the ropes came loose and my wrists were free. I stood up and walked over to Margaret.
Margaret was amazed at what I had just done that she was speechless. My laser burned through here rope too and she stood up. I looked at my ring and then rotated it counter-clockwise once. I needed to call Brent. The ring made a small noise and then Brent’s voice was being projected throughout the room.
“What’s wrong?!” Brent’s voice was frantic.
“Margaret and I are locked up in secret room at our school. The ring helped us untie ourselves from the chairs, but we can’t get out of the room. Loren somehow locked it from the outside. He said that he was going to come back for us at the end of the day. Margaret and I don’t know what to do!” My voice got shakier as the conversation went on. By the time I was done talking I was crying and Margaret was trying to comfort me.
“Ok. Cat, it’s ok. You’re going to be fine. Don’t worry. I’m in my car on my way to you and Margaret. The ring has a tracking device on it, so I know exactly where you are. I’ll be right there. Ok?”
“Ok.” I was still crying.
“I will see you in about five minutes. Stay calm and take deep breaths. Don’t make any loud noises because we don’t want the boys to come back.”
“Okay.” I hung up and began to cry again. Margaret hugged me as we sat back into the chairs that we were just tied up to. We sat in the room and waited.
“Who was that,” Margaret asked. I had totally forgotten that she had no idea about Brent and the spy organization.
“He is just a good friend of mine. He is going to come and help us out,” I replied, still trying to relax.
“What’s his name?”
“Brent.” I said.
I stepped away from Margaret and took a deep breath. I had finally stopped crying and I was walking around. I wanted to see more about this room. I have never been in this room and it was basically empty. I wonder why the school doesn’t know about this room.
There was one desk on the opposite side of the room and I walked over to it. I was trying to find my cell phone. I was pretty sure that Loren put it in one of the drawers.
I began opening drawers. I found my cell phone in the first one. I kept looking through though just to see if there was anything else. In one of the filing drawers there were some papers. I read through them and then kept them on the table. We could give these to Brent.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door and I looked at Margaret. She looked worried. Then there was another knock on the door and I began to walk to it quietly. Once I got to the door I touched the handle, but waited. There was one more knock at the door and I slowly pushed down the handle. I opened the door very slowly and little by little.
“Aren’t you supposed to be tied up right now?” Sam scared me. I jumped back letting the door go. I grabbed it quickly before it shut.
We were screwed. Sam made no move toward me or toward the door, so I didn’t try to shut the door. “What do you think you are doing?” I didn’t answer his question. Brent should be here soon.
“Where is everyone else,” I asked Sam.
“In class. They just sent me down here to check up on you.”
“Then why did you knock on the door, especially since you knew that we were tied up.”
“Because, believe it or not, I knew that you were going to find a way out. I knew that you would probably be up walking around.”
“I thought that we were locked in here though. How was I able to open the door?”
“I unlocked the door before I knocked.” Sam was smiling and I had nothing else to say. Sam took one step towards the door. I reacted quickly and attempted to shut the door before he got in. I knew that nothing would help him stay away. Sam let the door close all the way. All he had to do was lock the door again, and I wouldn’t be able to get out.
Sam had tricked me. I had never heard the door lock and Sam didn’t try to open it. Now, the only thing that I heard on the other side of the door, was voices. Did Brent finally arrive?
“Who was that,” Margaret asked from behind me.
I hadn’t known that she was there. She had scared me since my heart was still racing.
“Sam.” I replied. “He came to check up on us, and just as I shut the door I heard voices. I think that maybe Brent showed up.”
“Ok. Good. Let’s hope we can get out of here then.” I walked back towards the door to see if it was still unlocked. I tested the handle and the door opened a little bit. There was no one in the hallway, but the door across the hallway that was just shutting.
I ran across the hall and caught the door before it shut. I walked into another room and I could hear Brent’s voice. I followed his voice down a hallway and then to another door. Brent was on the other side of the door, and he was yelling at Sam. I pressed my ear up to the door. I wanted to hear what Brent was telling Sam.
“You need to leave them alone!” Brent sounded really angry.
“No, I can do whatever I want!” Sam sounded strong, but deep down I knew he was a scared.
“If you lay your hands on either one of them you will go to jail for many years. Do you understand?”
“I don’t care what you say. I want Catherine!”
“You can’t have her! Why don’t you understand? She doesn’t want you!”
“How do you know that? Have you asked her?”
“Yes, I have. Now can you just take my advice and leave Catherine and Margaret alone?”
“I can’t make any promises. I only listen to what Loren tells me to do.”
“Then you better tell him that you are done with him! Do you understand?”
“Yeah, sure whatever.”
“Now, leave these guys alone. I am going to bring Catherine and Margaret home, after I talk to the front desk.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t do that.” Sam said.
“Why?” Brent asked.
“Loren said, that if anyone finds out about what happened today that he was going to send people to Catherine’s house. And that he was going to make sure that Catherine’s dad was going to die.”
“Fine, then. I won’t tell anyone about today.” Brent said, defeated.
Brent started walking and I ran back to the hallway and then back into the room that Margaret and I had been in all afternoon. Margaret was still in the room, sitting on a chair, when I came back.
“Where were you,” she asked when I came into the room.
“I found Brent yelling at Sam in another room, and they are on their way back,” I replied.
“Oh, so we are going to be able to go home soon?”
“Yeah I think so, but make sure that you tell no one about what happened today.” I didn’t want to tell Margaret why, but she listened to me.
We sat their waiting for Brent to come back for about 10 minutes. Then there was a knock at the door and I walked over to it. I opened the door and Brent was standing there. He didn’t even say hi as he walked into the room.
“How are you,” he asked.
“We’re fine. How are you,” I asked.
“Fine. Let’s get you out of here.” He sounded mad still. He didn’t even smile when he saw me.
“Wait.” I said, making Brent stop walking towards the door. He turned around. “I found some papers in this desk.” I finished off.
“Oh. Good.” Brent smiled at me for the first time. “Why don’t you bring those and I can look over them when I get home.” I grabbed the papers and then followed Brent out the door. Margaret followed me quietly.
We all began walking down the hallway towards the main entrance of the school.
“Do we have to check out or something,” Margaret asked.
“No, I already told the main office, that you were leaving, and they are all ok with everything,” Brent said.
We walked out of the school without saying anything else. There was only 45 minutes left in the school day. We walked into the parking lot and all got into Brent’s car. The drive home was very slow and quiet. Brent dropped us off at our house. Margaret was the first one out of the car.
“I’ll talk to you later. Ok?” Brent asked.
“Ok, and thanks for helping me out and not saying that you are sorry. Don’t tell William what happened,” I said.
“Anything for you, Cat. I promise that I will keep you safe from this point forward. Keep in touch, ok?”
“Ok. Bye!” I got out of the car.













Chapter 17

I went straight to my room when I got inside my house. I didn’t even stop to see what was going on. No one was home except for mom, but she as probably in her office. She wouldn’t see Margaret and me come through the door.
When I got to my room I looked at my cell phone. William had texted me.
How is your day going?
The text said.
It is going great! : )
I replied, lying. He was going to find out soon enough and I would never be able to see Brent again. I wonder when, if ever, I was going to see Brent again. My phone vibrated again. I looked at the text, but I didn’t recognize the number. I read it.
Where r u?
Why would someone reply to that? I wonder who it was. Then my phone vibrated again.
This is Sam btw :)
How did he get my number? I never gave it out to him.
Im not talking to u! Leave me alone. Wait until Brent finds out you are textin me, you JERK!
I replied to him. I was angry because Brent was right. If Brent had never liked me, I would not be in this situation right now. I didn’t want to see what Sam would say. I turned my phone off and went to lie down on my bed. I needed to relax and think.
I had been home for almost a half an hour and I haven’t talked to Brent since I was in the car with him. He didn’t even text me. I was still confused; on whether I was going to school tomorrow and if I was going to see Brent anytime soon. I decided that I need to go and do something though, so I decided to go downstairs.
I walked down stairs quietly. I didn’t know what time it was, or when everyone would be home. I really hope that William doesn’t find out anything from today. William would be so mad at me. Hopefully, Brent won’t say anything to him about it.
When I got downstairs, Margaret was watching T.V.
“Hey, how are you doing,” I asked, sitting down next to her.
“I’m doing ok. I’m still shaken up a bit, though,” she replied.
“I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s not your fault. I brought this all on you. If I didn’t bring you into this we would both be fine.” This was annoying. She doesn’t even know that I was kidnapped by the same guys that tried to make her do drugs. We were on totally different pages. She has no idea what has been going on in my life since the end of last week. The worst thing is that I can’t even tell her about it.
“Trust me. It’s not just you,” I said.
“What do you mean?”
“I can’t tell you. If I could tell you, trust me, I would. I could only tell one person and I chose William. Sorry.”
Margaret looked confused. She had the right to be confused though.
“It’s ok. Don’t worry about it. Seriously. I have it all under control. Trust me,” I ensured her.
“Ok. But promise me that if it gets out of control that you will tell me?” Margaret was serious.
“Yeah, I promise.” We sat there in silence. Hopefully mom won’t come downstairs before everyone gets home. I don’t know how long we sat there. Maybe 15 minutes, but it felt like forever. The next thing I knew William was standing over Margaret and I. He looked so angry.
“Would you like to explain something to me?” He asked. I was scared to look at him. I decided to stare at my fingers.
“No, I don’t think so.” I replied keeping my head down. Then suddenly I was yanked off from the couch by my arm. I didn’t scream. I knew it was coming. William basically dragged me up to my room. Why didn’t Margaret have to come with us? That’s not fair.
“Catherine! Explain to me why you were home before us.” William was yelling at me. I was sitting down on my bed and he was standing right in front of me. I didn’t know what to say. I could lie, but William would know, or I could tell him the truth and never be able to see Brent again. “Now!!” William yelled.
“I don’t know.” I whispered.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” William said, sounding very mean.
“I said, I don’t know!” I said it a little louder.
“Stop lying to me Kate. Tell me the truth.” William had relaxed, and wasn’t yelling at me anymore.
All I did was shake my head. I didn’t want to talk about what happened today. I wanted to see Brent. That was all.
William sat next to me on my bed. He put his arm around me. I tried to shrug it off, but William insisted.
“Sorry I yelled at you Katie. I am just worried about you and I was scared when neither of Margaret or you showed up at the end of the day. You also lied to me when you responded to the text I sent you. Something happened and you’re not telling me.” God, why was he so smart. Now I am really screwed. I should just call Brent and tell him never to talk to me again. I took a deep breath.
“You’re right.” I said, exhaling.
“About what?” William asked.
“Ok. Good. Now will you tell me what’s going on?”
“I will, but you need to promised me that you won’t get mad and Brent.” I held my breath and waited to William to explode again.
“I promise.” William said very relaxed. He even gave me a small smile. I was so surprised. “I know how much he means to you, so I am not going to get angry at either of you. I know that you are safe and that is all that I care about. Now, please tell me what happened from the exact moment I left you this morning.”
I took another deep breath and began to tell William about my intense day.

BOOK: Love Behind Lies
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