Love Behind Lies (14 page)

BOOK: Love Behind Lies
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Chapter 27

“So, what are we doing today?” I asked Brent.
“Not sure yet, Cat.” Brent replied. “Come over here, on the couch, by me.”
I walked over to him and sat next to him. He put his arm around me. I rested my head on his shoulder, and we just sat there.
“How you doing?” Brent whispered.
“Good. How about you?” I replied.
“Missing you. I feel like I haven’t seen or had anytime with you lately.”
“I know what you mean, Brent.” I moved my head so I could see him. He sat up more and moved his hands so one was on my chin and the other on my neck. He was pulling me even closer now. I could feel his breath on my face and there were butterflies in my stomach.
When our lips met, it felt like the first time I kissed Brent. It was amazing. I put my arms around Brent’s neck and pulled him closer to me.
Brent’s hand on my neck was strong too. He wasn’t letting me go anywhere. I never wanted this kiss to end. It was a real kiss, from my real boyfriend. It felt good and I was happy.
“I’m going to keep you safe Cat,” Brent whispered to me before kissing me some more. I had nothing to say to that, so I just kissed him back.
I don’t know how long we were kissing, but when we were done I basically collapsed in his arms. We were still on the couch and I had my head on his chest. His arms were around me and I didn’t ever want to move.
“Promise me that no matter what happens after this trip you will always be my friend and love me,” Brent whispered.
“I promise,” I replied a little confused.
“Cat, I love you,” Brent said, telling me for the first time.
“I love you too,” I responded.
About ten minutes later, Thomas and Sam arrived. They brought our food in and put it on the kitchen table.
“You guys ready to eat?” Sam asked as he walked into the living room area.
“Yeah, I think we are,” Brent replied. He kissed me gently on the lips before letting me go, allowing me to stand up.
“What did you guys do while we were gone,” Thomas asked.
I looked Brent and we smiled. “Umm, we just…talked.” I replied.
“Oh, sure,” Sam replied, smiling at me.
“So, what do we have to eat?” I asked Thomas and Sam.
“Oh, a little bit of everything, Kate,” Thomas replied.
“Good! I am so hungry,” I said. Brent’s hand was intertwined with mine, as we walked over to the kitchen.
We ate breakfast fairly quickly. After that we finished settling into the hotel. We all unpacked our bags and got ourselves ready for our first day at work.
Our first stop was where my dad was called into work the first time; before he was kidnapped.
“Okay, I’m going to talk. The rest of you please be quiet. Oh, and if something goes wrong everyone fights for themselves, except Cat. Sam I trust you to keep her safe.” Brent was getting down to business.
Brent looked at me and then to Sam, who nodded. Sam then looked at me and smiled and I smiled back. Sometimes boys were so confusing.
We walked into the tall building and Brent talked to the guy at the front desk. He seemed to recognize my dad’s name and gave us new directions.
We went around the city; from person to person. We didn’t find any new information until our last stop. It was the restaurant that my dad was supposedly last seen in.
It was an old Chinese restaurant. The man behind the counter in the back of the room was older. As we approached him he looked up at us. Brent slowed down his pace, and I suddenly felt like I was in danger. Sam moved closer to me and so did Thomas.
“Hi, we have a couple questions for you,” Brent said cautiously to the Chinese man behind the counter.
“What questions could you possibly have for a Chinese man?” The man spoke with a strong Chinese accent.
“We were wondering if you have ever heard of a guy by the name Richard Stone.”
“Why do you need that information?” The man tensed up and looked away.
“We are just trying to find him.”
“Yeah, I have heard of the name,” the man paused, as if he were trying to choose his words. “He left my restaurant without paying. One second he was here and the next he was gone.” So that’s why the man tensed up. He seemed like he was lying though.
“Oh, okay,” Brent seemed disappointed. “Do you have any idea where he is?”
The man didn’t make eye contact with Brent and shook his head.
“Do you mind if I look around the place?” Brent asked.
“Yeah, actually.” The man’s head snapped up. “You can’t do that. It’s against the rules.”
“Why? I don’t see any of the rules written down,” Brent was testing the man.
“Do they have to be written down to be followed? Just listen to me!” The man was getting very mad.
Suddenly, another man came from the back of the store.
“What is going on out here?” The man asked. I didn’t realize until then, that Brent and the Chinese man were yelling.
“This man wants to search our restaurant, because he is trying to find Richard Stone,” The older man exclaimed.
“Why does he need to do that?” The other man said. This guy was much younger, maybe in his thirties. He was Chinese too.
“Apparently he knows him.” The older man said.
“You know who Richard Stone is?” The younger man asked Brent.
“Yes, actually,” Brent replied. “Do you know where he is?”
“Yes, I know where he is!” The young man yelled. Then he looked at me and started smiling. Sam and Thomas took one more step towards me and then stopped. Brent backed up keeping an eye on the two men.
The younger man started walking towards me and I began moving back towards the door we walked in. Brent’s hand moved around to his back signaling me to stop moving backwards.
“Where is he?” Brent asked the men.
“We’re afraid we can’t give you that information.”The older one replied.
“Why not?”
“Why would we tell some random guy where he is?” The younger man was still yelling at us.
“We know who he is!” Brent yelled back. The two men gave Brent a questioning look. They had stopped walking towards us, but the younger man never took his eyes off of me.
“Prove it!” The young man shouted. Brent hesitated, how could he prove that Thomas and I were Richard Stone’s children? Our passports! That was why Brent wanted us to bring our passports.
Brent fumbled around in his pocket until he found something; my passport. He handed it over to the younger man who hesitantly took it. The young man opened it and he read over the information. A piece of paper was folded up inside the front cover. The man took it out and unfolded it. My birth certificate; that should do it. Then Brent handed over another passport; Thomas’s. The man did the same thing and looked at his birth certificate too.
The man looked at Brent and then at me and Thomas.
“I see,” the young man said; quiet now.
Brent just nodded his head. I felt like I was missing something.
“If you come back here with those two,” The man pointed at Thomas and I, “tonight around 5:30P.M., we will tell you where Richard Stone is, and that is it.”
“Why do they have to come with?” Brent asked the man.
The man gave Brent a questioning look before answering. As if, Brent should already know the answer. “We think they should answer some of our questions. We won’t hurt them if that’s what you mean. You can come too if you want.” The man was pointing at Sam. “But, I am pretty sure that you already know why we want them to come back…”
“Okay, promise me that these two won’t get hurt and we will all come back here tonight.” Brent said. Brent seemed to ignore what the Chinese man had just said.
“We promise.” The two men said at the same time. I believed it. Maybe I was the only one, but still.
“Okay. We will see you later then.” Brent said and then slowly turned around and began walking back towards where the rest of us were standing. “Let’s go,” he said under his breath.
We quickly walked as far away from the restaurant as possible. None of us talked. It wasn’t until we were in the car driving back towards the hotel that someone spoke.
“So, are we going to go back there tonight?” It was Sam who asked the question.
“Yeah, I think we should. I believe them, I think.” Brent said. If he believed them, then we all could.
“Okay. So we have to be back there in an hour and 45 minutes. What do you guys want to do? Go eat dinner? Go back to the hotel?” Sam was throwing out options all over the place.
“I think that we should go back to the hotel.” Brent said. “We can get something to eat there.”
“Okay, that’s good with me,” I said, still a little confused on what just happened.
“Kate, are you okay?” Thomas sounded concerned.
“Yeah, I think I have some questions though.” I replied.
“Ask away,” Brent said. He smiled at me, but this smile was different. This smile almost made him look scared or worried. I wasn’t used to that smile.
“Why was that Chinese guy staring at me?” I asked. “And why do they seem to want me?”
Brent took a deep breath before answering my question. “Look, Cat, he obviously knew of your dad. Whoever kidnapped your dad did it for a reason.” Brent took another breath. “Cat, please don’t get mad at me.” I looked at Brent and then nodded my head. “The only reason your dad was kidnapped was so the kidnapper could get to you, but you already knew that. I told you before we left. Right?”
“Yeah, Brent. I knew that. Tell me more.” I was about to explode. I think that the truth was about to be revealed.
“I am the delivery man. It was my job to bring you to the kidnapper.” He paused but the car was silent. “The company really needs your dad back. We don’t even care about you, to tell you the truth. The first time we met, that was a big lie. Evan wanted me and you to get close. Close enough for you to trust me. That way, the whole exchange would be easier.” Brent stopped talking. He was letting everyone soak it in. “But it’s actually harder, because I actually fell in love with you.”
I stared forward. I was mad. I know that I promised Brent that I wouldn’t get mad, but how could I not? “So the only reason I ever met you was so that you could free my dad. This whole thing was just a joke?” I was so angry now. There were tears running down my cheeks.
I turned around and looked into the back seat where Sam and Thomas were sitting. They both looked as surprised as I did. The only person that knew this information was Brent.
“Cat, I’m really sorry. I’m still not going to let that happen to you! You still have to trust me!” Brent reached across and tried to wipe my tears off my cheek. I slapped his hand away and moved as far away from him at possible.
“Why would I trust you when you have been lying to me all this time?”
“I don’t know! Promise me you still trust me.”
“I don’t think so Brent,” I said, lowering my voice. “And the only reason that I am going back to the restaurant tonight, is to free my dad. Not because I trust you, and not because I love you, Brent. Not anymore, at least.”
It was a good thing that we were in the parking lot of the hotel. I got out of the car as fast as possible and made my way to the front door.
Sam caught up with me. He put his hand in mine and slowed me down. We stopped walking and
he forced me to look at him. “I am so sorry Katie. I had no idea that’s what the plan was.” His hand was resting on my cheek. Sam actually looked sorrowful. I turned and looked at Thomas, who was standing to my left; he was almost in tears.
“I can’t believe he tricked all of us!” I yelled.























Chapter 28

We had all made it back into the hotel room except for Brent, he decided to stay in the car for awhile. I was so mad at him. I couldn’t believe what he did.
I stomped off to my room and I think that Thomas and Sam did the same. After a while I heard the hotel door open and someone come in. My guess was that it was Brent. He went straight to his room.
About five minutes later there was a knock at my door.
“Who is it?” I asked, hoping it wasn’t Brent.
“Sam,” Sam’s voice was low.
I went over to the door and opened it slowly. Sure enough, Sam was standing outside my door.
I opened the door wider and let Sam slip inside. I shut the door and then turned to look at him. I could tell that he was upset. Before he said anything else he gave me a big hug.
I buried my face in his shoulder and began to cry again. I squeezed him hard, never wanting to let go. Sam was the one that really cared about me. He had been right this whole time. I should have followed my heart from the beginning. I knew that this whole thing was a scam.
“I am so sorry, Kate. I had no idea.” Sam’s voice was muffled by my hair. He kept telling me how sorry he was and I hugged him back. I was crying and Sam was holding me. I don’t know how long we were standing there, but I didn’t care. I was safe and being comforted by someone who truly loved me.
When it seemed that no more tears could leak from my eyes Sam pulled me over to the bug comfy chair that was in the corner of my room. We sat down and I let him comfort me. I felt much better after those fifteen minutes.
“Thank you,” I whispered to Sam.
“You’re always welcome, Katie,” Sam responded.
I don’t know how much longer we sat there, but awhile later there was another knock at my door.
“Catherine, we have to go back to the Chinese restaurant.” It was Brent’s voice.
I looked at Sam and we both stood up. We walked to the door and Sam opened it. Brent didn’t look surprise that Sam was in the room with me.
I didn’t say anything to Brent as we walked to the hotel door. I didn’t even look at him. Thomas must have gotten the memo because he was right behind Sam and me.
I was now in the back seat, between Thomas and Sam. I didn’t want to be in the front with Brent anymore. Sam held my hand the whole way, making me feel a ton better. It was a long time before someone finally talked.
“Okay, so we are going to go in there and just listen to what they have to say,” Brent acted as if nothing ever happened. No one in the back seat responded and I surely wasn’t going to say anything.
We arrived at the restaurant and we walked in silently. The restaurant had been closed for a little bit by the time that got there. The two Chinese men were waiting in the back of the restaurant. Brent lead us to them.
“Well, it is nice to see you again,” the older man said to our group. “By the way, my name is Chang and this is my nephew Kang.” Chang smiled.
“So let’s get down to business. Where is Richard Stone?” Brent was serious.
“The only thing that I can tell you right now, it that he is still in the city. He isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.” Chang laughed and then stepped towards Brent. “I could give you more information,” Chang said to Brent, and then he looked at me. I took a step back into Sam’s arms. I felt safe there. Sam wrapped his arms around my torso and squeezed tight.
“She has nothing to do with this.” Brent said to Chang.
“Then why is she here?” Kang asked.
Brent hesitated before answering. “Well, I was told that the kidnapper wanted her, so he kidnapped her dad.”
“Oh, I see,” Chang smiled.
Brent didn’t smile back. Inside I knew Brent still cared about me, but there was no way I could forgive him for putting my life in danger and keeping his plan from me.
No one spoke for awhile. It seemed that everyone was thinking.
“You are right,” Chang told Brent. “But it’s not me that wants the girl. I was the kidnapper, but I was hired from someone else. He is the one that wants the girl, but he doesn’t really need the boy.”
“Well you don’t get either,” Brent said.
“Why not?” Chang asked.
“There is no point in having her.”
“But she is so pretty that I just want to eat her up. I also know that someone else wants her too.”
“Too bad,” Brent said smiling.
“How am I going to get my father back?” I asked.
Everyone turned and looked at me. They didn’t expect me to talk. Chang began walking towards me. Brent stepped in front of me, but Chang pulled out a knife. I gasped because Chang had put it at Brent’s throat. I was so scared I couldn’t talk.
“Move away from the girl,” Chang said. Everyone around me took a couple steps away from me except Sam. His arms were still around me.
“Please let go of the girl.” Chang asked Sam.
“No, she doesn’t deserve this.” Sam replied.
“Yes, she does. She was the one who showed up. If you don’t let go I will kill him right now,” Chang was talking about Brent.
I flinched but stayed in Sam’s arms. Sam squeezed me one more time, kissed my head and then slowly released his arms from around me. “I’ll be back. I’m not leaving without you,” Sam whispered. He took a couple steps back.
“Thank you.” Chang paused and then looked at Kang. Without talking, Kang moved towards me. I was too scared to move. He grabbed me so hard I gasped again. He had both of his hands on my shoulders and he pushed me to the back of the restaurant.
When he got there, he turned me around so that I was facing Brent, Sam, and Thomas. One of his
hands was holding both of my wrists behind my back. The other hand was holding a knife which was positioned at my throat. I could barely breathe. This was the scariest thing I have ever been through.
“Don’t touch her,” Sam screamed.
“Why not?” Kang asked.
“She has nothing to do with any of this!”
“Well I can tell you that you are lying. If she has nothing to do with this then why is she here?”
“It’s my fault,” Brent gasped. Chang let go of Brent and Chang began walking towards me, smiling.
“Why?” Kang asked.
“I tricked her. I made her come without her knowing why.”
“Well that wasn’t very nice,” Kang said to Brent. “Are you mad at him?” Kang asked me quietly.
I moved my head up and down as I stared at Brent
“Too bad she might die because of you,” Chang announced.
“She will not be dying anytime soon,” Sam replied.
“What makes you so sure,” Chang responded.
“I won’t let it happen,” Sam said.
“Oh, okay!” Chang replied laughing.
“Where is Richard?” Brent asked.
Kang’s grip on me tightened and Chang was standing next to him now.
“Actually, he is here, in this building,” Chang said smiling.
I fought against Kang’s grip, but he only tightened his grip and pulled me closer to him.
His head was resting on my left shoulder and I could hear him breathing. He was sending shivers down my spine.
“How do we get him?” Brent asked.
“You don’t, unless you let us keep the girl. Or, we will keep both for awhile before giving them back. That is, if they aren’t dead.” Chang said.
“That’s not fair!” Sam yelled.
“Fine! We keep the girl and you can have Richard right now!” Kang yelled back.
“How do we get her back?” Thomas asked, saying something for the first time.
“I don’t know yet. We don’t want anyone else, so maybe we will just kill her.” Chang said. “Otherwise, we could talk to our boss.”
“You can’t kill her!” Sam screamed.
“Try me,” Chang said.
Then Kang twisted me and began pushing me towards a door in the back of the room.
“We didn’t make a deal!” Brent exclaimed.
“Too late,” Chang said. “You can have Richard though.”
Brent was about to argue when Sam walked up behind him.
“Let her go. I know it is hard, but if we have Richard he can help us get her back,” Sam whispered into Brent’s ear, talking to him for the first time since Brent told us the truth about the
Brent just nodded his head trying not to show any emotion.
“Fine. Bring Richard to us,” Brent said to Chang who turned around and left the room.
“Nobody say a thing,” Brent informed the group. “They might have camera or voice recorders. Just stay quiet until he comes back.”

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