Love Begins in Hell (The Moon Journals: Part 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Love Begins in Hell (The Moon Journals: Part 1)
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“I don’t want to control these feelings I have for you.”  He gathered me up in his arms.  “I don’t know where they came from.  Maybe it was the wolf chant that did it.  I don’t know for sure, but I know I feel this.”  A slight smile crossed his lips.  He embraced me tightly and then picked me up in his arms.

Without saying a word, I placed my hand over his heart as I wrapped my legs around him.  “True love,” I finally whispered, the words expelling out of my mouth in the form of a few short breaths. 
Could it be?

“This can’t be wrong, Elana.  I don’t want to deny the possibility of the love we can have.  Say you agree?”

“I think I already love you, Dante.  I’ve never known anyone like you.  You’re a glorious, magnificent person.  “I’m yours,” I cried out.  “I’m yours!”  The warmth of his blood raced through my veins.  I rocked back and forth in his arms, letting my head fall backwards and my blonde hair swirl around me.

“Shh,” he said.  “Don’t listen to my blood.  I don’t want you to be my servant or blood source.  Equal.”  With his muscular arms, he deposited me on the ground again.  “I want us to be equals.  I want to cherish this moment, our first kiss.  If we are never to be together again we had this one moment, out here in this wasteland.”

I smiled up into his striking emerald eyes, watching how they radiated in the low light.  His eyelashes fluttered now and again, but he refused to take his eyes off of me.  I returned his gaze, letting my eyes communicate my intent as I delighted in witnessing the desire in his stare.  I couldn’t look away.  There was an inherent strength in his features, almost a haughtiness I could visualize him giving to others he disliked.  For me, in that moment, that strength was etched across his face with a look of devotion and confidence I had never seen before.  The light green of his eyes had turned dark from his growing passion for me.  I could see that it was all for me. 
This could be my destiny, being with Dante forever.  If I was as bold as I had just been taking him in my hands, a future with this guy could be in my grasp.  But it meant sacrificing everything.  Just for him.  Born enemies.

I let him kiss me a second time and delighted in the ecstasy of his deliberately slow pace.  Waves of warmth rushed through my body. 
I’ll remember this moment forever. 
I blushed and returned his hug, hoping to stay forever in his protective arms.  “I don’t know what came over me.”

“Oh, I do,” Dante replied.  “I think you like my blood.  But it can be very dangerous.  Don’t listen to it if it tells you to do bad things.  That’s the demon side of me, not the warrior side.  Do you understand?”  Delicately he tapped me on the nose.

I nodded, immediately afraid of how delicious and addictive I could already tell his blood was.  I wanted more.

After he swung me into the circle of his arms again, I rested my head against his strong shoulders and snuggled into his neck.  I also realized the enormous power of Dante’s blood.  It had spurred my actions.  I had never thrown myself at a guy.  With Dante, I hadn’t considered not assuming control.  He captivated me.  He ignited my primal desire.  I didn’t regret it for one second.  I’d savor the memories of our first kiss as much as the taste of his blood.  I also realized the raw complication of Dante being a demon in Hell.  He was a good soul struggling daily with his inner duality, fighting against the darkness that waited to take him if he allowed it.  He was on the front lines, keeping the darkness from consuming his honor and humanity.  And my mere presence had brought him to life.  I shuddered at the notion as I remained in his arms.  I would rejoice in those words of his for eternities.  “
The minute I laid eyes on you, my heart came to life.  It beats now and it beats for you alone

Under the red moon, I basked in the newly awakened sense of life I felt, the confidence, the assurance that I was indeed on the right path being here in this horrible place in this warrior’s quite exquisite embrace.  The delightful smell of his masculinity hit my nostrils again.  Nutmeg.  Honey.  Salt.  I still couldn’t define it, but I knew that smell.  I knew I’d never forget it, I mused.  I breathed the scent of him in fully, hoping to steal some away, hoping I’d have some clinging to my hair, my face, my body so I could remember this moment forever.  As if I’d be able to ever forget…

I looked into his eyes, unashamed of my boldness.  I met his gaze.  His blood had shown me his sadness, his longing, his search for something he thought he could never have.  Love.  He was no different from me.  He wanted the same things I did.  In that instance, as we crossed this wasteland together, I understood that I had unlocked this man’s heart and could claim it for my own.  The knowledge took my breath away.

When I faced him again, Dante gazed at me with an expression of dangerous desire and I felt like he was already making love to me with his eyes or he was about to break me in half.  I became concerned.

“You tempt me to the brink of insanity.  I’ll never be able to say no to you,” he declared.  His dark expression changed in a blink of an eye and was replaced with one of undying, yet newfound adoration for me.  There was a gleam of amusement in his green eyes.  The magnitude of understanding how deadly and yet how gentle he was sent shivers down my spine.  He was truly an enigma.

A warrior’s desire knows no bounds.

Out of nowhere, the Wolf’s words shot into my mind.

Do you know what rules you are breaking?

For the second time, I refused to acknowledge the Wolf’s threat.  Instead I decided I could make my own future. 
You, nor my father owns me
, I mentally replied.  Grabbing Dante’s hand in mine, I kissed the top of his flesh.  “I’m ready.”

“Let’s go,” he replied.

Then a silence surfaced in my veins, a dull humming noise that blocked out Dante’s footsteps, a voice I had never heard before.

Offer.  Offer yourself to this warrior, little wolf.

“Dante, something wrong,” I said, not being able to hear my voice.

I saw Dante’s lips moving as he reached for me.  I tripped over his coat and fell forward up against the rock.  I blacked out.

The voice returned.  A sea of red piercing lights invaded my eyes.  I had lost sight of Dante or where I was.  I saw nothing, but red and heard nothing but a sinister voice.

Small wolf.  Small disgusting, dirty little wolf.  You will worship this warrior.  You will give him your blood or I will destroy you.  Do as I say.  Do you hear me?  Do as I say.

“Dante, Dante!”  I screamed.  I cried out Dante’s name over and over, praying I could break the hold this demon creature had on me. 
Was this Dante’s blood talking to me?  Help, Dante!  Help!

Chapter 6

The Change

When I came to, I saw Dante before me.  He had balled up his trench coat and place it under my head.  The red moon’s light shown on his face.  I was so happy to see him.  Once he wrapped me up in his arms, I buried my body in his embrace.  “Thanks be to the Moon Goddess, it’s you.  What happened?” he snapped.

His intense anger scared me and I instantly flinched.  “I don’t know,” I mumbled and pushed away from me as I realized my head was hurting and my upper back was wet.

He sighed loudly.  “I apologize.  Tell me what happened,” he said more calmly.  He situated me up against the rock like I was a china doll, fussing over the whole time.

“Someone started talking to me, telling me to offer myself to you.  It called me a dirty little wolf.”  I held my head in my hands.  I couldn’t stop the rising pain.

“What’s wrong?” Dante asked.

“My head.  Did I hit something?”

“The rock when you fell.  Let me look.”  He crouched near me and examined my forehead.  “You’re bleeding.”  He paused for a moment, and then added, “That’s a bad gash.”

“I think I’m going to pass out now.”  My vision became to swim and several images of Dante’s face danced before my eyes.

“Wait, hold on.  Don’t do that.”  He flashed his fangs suddenly at me and sank his teeth into the palm of his hand.

My eyes widened and it was probably the only thing keeping me alert, seeing the severity of the bite.  Blood shot forth and spilled over his hand.

“Hold still and breathe please,” he said.

I let Dante put his bloody hand to my temple.  My eyesight blurred again and played tricks on me.  I saw two rocks, then four, three red moons, then a few more. 
Passing out would be a good idea
, I thought to myself. 
Passing smooth out.

“Elana, you’re going to feel this rush, this insanely rapid rush.  Hold onto me.  Here, grab my arm.”

The minute Dante said ‘arm,’ I felt my body zoom to the top of the moon and then fly back down again.  My head didn’t hurt anymore and a feeling of euphoria took me over, divine, lovely bliss.  “Wow.”  I paused as another wave of energy hit me.  “Wow!”

“Keep breathing.  Elana, listen to me.  Channel that energy.  Channel it into defending yourself.  Lucifer’s demons aren’t far now.  Remember.  I’m on your side.  Rein those hormones in now, my sweet.  We must move!”

He picked me up and dusted me off.

I watched as he buttoned his overcoat around me.  Another feeling was surfacing.  I twitched my nose disapprovingly.  “Phooey.”  Playfully I smiled up at him as he wrapped his overcoat around me.  “I’m not a mare, Dante.  I’m a tiger and I wanna roar.  Roar.”

“We’ll play circus later, Tiger lady.”  Dante scratched his head as he stared at me.

I whispered the word again.  “Roar.”  I held up my hands like I was showing off a set of claws.

“Oh damn it,” I heard Dante say.

“What’s going on?” I screamed.  My eyes widened when I witnessed that I did have claws, long ivory Wolfen claws, claws that I was showing off to the red moon above.

“You drank too much I think.  I told you just a few drops.  Or maybe my healing that bump on your head.”  His voice was laced with a tone of alarm as he wrung his fingers a time or two through his hair.  “This is not good.”

A second overwhelming jolt of electricity slammed into me again, more intense than before.  I screamed again.  I ripped Dante’s coat from my body and this time fell into a heap at Dante’s feet.  My back arched into a high forward bend.  My muscles flexed and expanded.  I felt the soreness from my shifting into a wolf tear past any point I thought possible.  My arms, legs, calves, all my extremities increased to a well-proportioned size.

A rush of energy and overwhelming emotions collided and I howled at the top of my lungs.  I couldn’t stop it.  I huffed over and over, trying to catch my breath.

You will give yourself to the warrior.

“Dante, the voices.  Make them stop,” I yelled, and then I felt my jaw break and a massive amount of sharp teeth fill my mouth.  I reached for him, seeing the length of my hands elongated and bony.  My claws were five inches long if they were an inch.

Wolf, what have you done?

Elana, what have YOU done?  Welcome to the Fanged Realm.

Finally Dante’s voice came to me.  “I’m here.  I’m here.  It’s okay,” he announced.  He was immediately by my side.

My heart flip-flopped and I clung to him.  The Wolf’s words sent me into a panic.  The Wolf’s voice frightened me to pieces.  Hearing Dante’s explanation only furthered my mania, but having him near me helped to calm me some.

“The magical elements in my blood, from my mother.  That may be what you are experiencing.  Or did my demon blood talk to you?  Could you hear my dark side?” Dante asked.

I shook my head.  I didn’t speak for fear of lashing my tongue or worst.  I didn’t want to try.  Dante saw my hesitation.  I groveled at his feet, undeniably bare except for a thin layer of blonde fur now covering my body.  I felt like I was wearing a transparent suit of fabric, a mouth of teeth and gloves with razors attached to the end of every finger.  My hair whipped around my body.  It appeared as if it had grown several feet in length during this transformation.  I debated using it to cover my body, but feared I’d only cut myself in the process.

This can’t be happening.  This can’t be happening.  This can’t…

Can you hear me

My eyes locked with Dante’s.  I heard his words without seeing his lips move.

”  I responded telepathically, telling him I could understand him. 
Yes, I can understand you.

Are you a chosen werewolf?

Hearing his words, exasperated any reason I had left.  I extended my mouth and breathed outwardly.  Gritting my teeth, as I wanted to do, would surely slice apart my tongue.  Mentally I threw a response to him.  “
I’m called a Werewolf Princess because my father is called the Werewolf King.  Zeus cursed him.  However, the curse wasn’t passed down to me.  I don’t shift unless the Wolf comes to me and then it’s just into a white wolf.  I don’t know if I’m chosen.  I’ve never howled at the moon before.  I just howled at that moon.”
  I pointed an unbelievably long claw at the sky.  “
That red moon right there.  What does it mean to be chosen, Dante?

He ignored my question.  Instead he stood up, thrusting his fists on his hips, clearly aggravated with himself.  “This is my fault.  I should have consulted Orlando first.  If you’re chosen this is bad,” he exclaimed.  He left my side and stomped around the ground, clearly upset with himself as he voiced his concerns.  “I didn’t realize that.  I didn’t know that.  My blood has shifted your path.  By the moon and stars, what have I done?”

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