LOVE AND HATE (A Billionaire Romance) (6 page)

BOOK: LOVE AND HATE (A Billionaire Romance)
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Unless a beautiful woman in a bewitching yellow dress was pulling you towards a private, quiet room.

We didn’t talk much on the elevator ride up to the thirty-sixth floor. The elevator opened directly into the room. I hadn’t closed the curtains, and the lights from the strip lit it in a flashing melody of bright colors. Pinks from the Flamingo, blues and purples from Bally’s, dignified golds from Paris.

I kissed her again. Her hands found the back of my neck, and I ran my hands across her back, feeling the warmth of her skin through the thin material of the dress. I wanted it off and crumpled on my floor. But I wasn’t going to push.

She parted her lips for me, and I almost died tasting her. She tasted like Corona and strawberry lip gloss with a little hint of tequila. Gently I teased her with my tongue. She pressed her body against mine and lowered her hands to my back. She pulled my shirts out of the way and ran her fingers across my skin. Her touch was like an electric torch.

“God, I want you so badly,” I whispered into her neck. I kissed her from her ear down, but the neckline of the dress was frustratingly high.

She nodded and made a sound of agreement. Outside the window, the lagoon was dormant, the crowds dispersed, and from here the fountain mechanisms lay clearly visible. I liked seeing them naked and quiet. Like I said, I love this city.

She grabbed me, and I could feel her trembling with nervous energy. She pushed me onto the leather sofa, and it hit behind my knees, knocking me off my feet. I held onto her, so she fell on top of me.

Her hands snuck inside my button down, shoving it off my shoulders. She caressed my biceps, working her way up inside my t-shirt. Then she slid off me to the floor, landing on her knees in the gaudy, bright, Vegas carpet. Mackenzie undid my belt and unbuckled my pants, and at her command I raised my hips so she could slide my shorts down to my knees.

“You don’t wear underwear?”

I shrugged. “It’s too hot. They’re not comfortable.”

Speaking of uncomfortable, my cock stood at attention, rock hard. She hesitated again, escalating my need for her. She wasn’t like most women I’d been with in recent years, who were like automatons, one eye on whatever they thought would please me, the other on my money. It was such a relief to be with someone like Mackenzie, who knew I had cash but didn’t realize the extent of it. She liked me for who I was and wasn’t with me for material gain.

I shuddered with delight as her lips touched the head of my cock. Her careful, exploratory touches sent thrills down my spine, and I dropped my head back on the couch and closed my eyes. She used her mouth to discover all the contours of my dick, lapping here, sucking there. She trailed her tongue from my balls all the way to my glans, where she wrapped her lips around me and sucked greedily.

Was this how last night had gone? I wished I remembered. My fingers tightened on the couch cushions, and I experienced the sensations of her mouth all over me. God, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had my dick sucked like this.

Finally I had to stop her. I didn’t want our lovemaking to end too soon. I reached for her leg and ran my hand up the smooth, warm flesh. Her skin was so soft and felt electric under my fingers, and I couldn’t remember ever being this aroused. Not even ecstasy made me feel the way Mackenzie made me feel. Again, I wondered what I’d missed out on the night before.

Only one way to find out. My questing fingers found the edge of her panties, which were drenched. “My God, you’re so wet.”

“I want you so badly, Scott.”

I grunted in agreement as I pushed the billowy skirt out of my way. Her panties were tan, flesh-colored, so they blended in under the light material of the dress. I pushed them to one side, smelling the piquant, intoxicating scent of her wetness. My first touch was heaven. I was like a boy with a new toy. I didn’t want to use it all up at once, so I ran my finger up and down the sopping slit, teasing with shallow, light touches. Her hips were like a washing machine, thrusting at me, wanting me so badly. My head spun. Had the strip club turned her on that much?

Tearing myself from her, I stood up, kicking my shorts the rest of the way free. “Come to the bedroom,” I ordered.

She nodded and followed me.



I’d never done this before. I mean, I had the night before, but other than Scott—twice now—I’d never fucked someone I’d just met. But I guess it wasn’t a sin and I wouldn’t be going to hell because we were married. That’s how it works, right?

Hold on, Kenz.
I told myself to think about Lucas. I didn’t want to jump into anything right away, even this short-lived, faux marriage with a handsome billionaire. I didn’t want anything to do with men.

Scott pulled off his t-shirt, offering a view of his bulging biceps and a glimpse of the phoenix tattoo.

You only live once, right? It was just sex. Nothing more. I let him lead me into the palatial bedroom, and I lifted the dress off over my head. Scott moaned with pleasure.

“Turn around. Let me look at you.” Self-consciously, I turned a circle. “You have an amazing body.”

I’d seen some of the women he’d been with… He had to be pulling my leg. I looked into his brown eyes, though, and couldn’t see any mirth or derisiveness. I’d never heard words like those from Lucas.

“One more time,” he said. “God, that ass.” He pulled my panties off. He dropped to his knees, pulled me close, and deeply inhaled my pussy. He groaned like a man who’d smelled a delicious meal. “I want you to sit on my face.”

“Okay.” You can’t argue with a request like that. He lay down on his back on the bed, and I climbed on, holding the headboard of the California king to steady myself. Scott devoured me like a sweet treat, drinking my nectar. He was lost in a desert, and I was his oasis. He sucked and licked my folds and probed at my center with a cautious finger. I moaned, wanting him to fill me. Wanting any part of him I could get inside me. He pushed into me gently.

“Another finger,” I ordered.

He moaned into my pussy, an amazing sensation, and accommodated my wish, sliding another finger into my slit. He started slowly, working faster and faster. I banged his hand with everything I had. He let me use him, rocking back and forth on his digits. He was a tool for my pleasure.

The orgasm built deep in my center, hurtling forward like an inevitable freight train, slamming into me so hard I cried out, gripping the headboard of the bed and rocking back and forth. My body shuddered and spasmed. I couldn’t catch my breath, and I saw stars. It felt so good.

Limp, I slid off him, landing beside him, twitching with the aftershocks of the orgasm.

“Take this off,” he said.

I felt silly, naked save for my bra. I glanced at his monstrous erection. Desire plowed over me, and I couldn’t wait to get on top of him. That handsome cock bobbed enticingly at me, beckoning my sopping gash. I straddled him, ready to guide his swollen head inside me.

“Wait.” I froze. Shit, was this where I got to hear about some STD, or another marriage? “Safe word,” he said.

We needed a safe word? I racked my brain. I’d never used one with anyone before. “Lilacs,” I said, the first thing that came to my mind.

“Lilacs,” he agreed. “If I’m ever too rough, or if you’re ever uncomfortable. Lilacs.”

“Okay.” I lowered myself onto his girth. I gasped at the pleasure of it, sinking onto him. He filled me, stretching me. We both sucked in our breaths.

Lucas and I hadn’t had a lot of sex by the end. He told me his workouts made him too tired, but I knew the truth now. His lack of sex left me with my vibrator and a lot of steamy romance novels about pure women and bad boys.

Now I had one of my own.

I rode him for all I was worth, slamming my body up and down on top of him as he grasped my breasts, squeezing them, manipulating them, twisting my diamond-hard nipples in a way that skirted the border between pleasure and pain.

I came again riding him, releasing a gush of delighted wetness all over him. He pulled out, shoved me down on the bed, and flipped me onto my stomach. “Hips up,” he commanded. Still shaking from my second orgasm, I rose up to my knees. He ran his hand up and down my pussy, spreading my wetness over my ass and teasing at the puckered rosebud there.

I froze. No one had ever touched me there before. Lucas said it was gross the one time I cautiously broached the topic. Said some stupid immature thing like he wasn’t going to ride the Hershey highway.

Scott felt my hesitation. “Do you not want me to?”

Not want him to what? Fuck me in the ass? I didn’t know what to say, it all felt so good. “I, uh, I’ve never done it before.”

“Oh.” He sounded surprised. “I’ll just do a little with my finger. I think you’ll like it.”

Scared and excited, I gave my consent. He lowered his face between my spread legs and ran his tongue from my gaping pussy to my ass. Okay, that felt really good. Like, amazingly good. Oh my God. The whole area was dripping wet. He thrust his cock into my hungry snatch. In and out, in and out, long, firm strokes.

Anticipation about the butt consumed me. He gripped my hips, and I wondered if he had given up on the idea altogether. Then he let go with one hand, and I felt him teasing my ring of muscle.

“It’s easy because you’re sopping wet.”

I was too caught up to respond. His finger entered me gently, his cock still pumping in and out of my pussy. Oh my God. The pleasure ratcheted up a notch, everything felt more intense. I couldn’t even specifically tell what he was doing to me other than that it was amazing. I’m pretty sure he wasn’t even doing anything other than holding his finger in me. I had no concept of how deep, but then he started to fuck me hard from behind.

I felt bad for whomever had the room next to us. Surely the Bellagio penthouse would be clever enough to soundproof their walls up here. I couldn’t contain myself, couldn’t stay quiet as he pounded his cock into me. His thrusts came faster and faster, and I could hear his breath coming in quick little gasps. I was so close, and I could tell he was too… I wanted to hold on and come with him, both of us climaxing together.

Everything around me created a heavenly sensation: the softness of the bedspread, his sweat dripping onto my back, the sounds of his delighted grunts. His thrusts intoxicated me, and I wailed under him like a cat in heat.

“Baby, I’m coming.”

I panted, “Yes!” over and over again.

We exploded together, and I felt his seed spraying the inside of me, the sensation blending with the tremors of my delicious orgasm. Oh my God. I’d never felt anything like him.

I collapsed onto my stomach, and he landed on top of me in a controlled descent, easing the finger from my bum but leaving his cock in place. We lay in a trembling heap, drinking in each other’s warmth and energy.

Holy shit, we were married.

Finally, he pulled himself free of me and rolled onto his back.

“Wow,” I said.

“Yeah. Do you, uh, remember last night? Was it that good?”

“I don’t. I was really drunk.”

“Me too,” he said.

I laughed. “Well, I guess I’m glad neither one of us remembers. It would be really weird if you did and I didn’t.”

“Or vice versa.”

He wrapped his arms around me and drew me to him. We fell asleep on top of his giant bed, holding one another.



We woke up in the morning and did it again, from the shower to the bed, dripping wet. Mackenzie had promised to meet her friend Susie for lunch at noon, though she’d offered to blow her off, but I told her to go and have fun.

We still hadn’t addressed the elephant in the room, the fact that we were not only married but had consummated the wedding in positions that would make Cosmo editors blush.

I met Ryan for lunch at the buffet. He dropped down into a chair at the table I’d grabbed us and slapped a manila folder down in front of me.

“What’s your wife’s name?”

Uh oh. I didn’t like where this was headed. “Mackenzie Taylor.”

Ryan shook his head at me. “Where’s she work?”

“Don’t mess with me, dude. You know I don’t know. What’s in the folder?” Ryan always knew how to push my buttons.

“You sound like Brad Pitt in
.” I didn’t dignify that with a response. “She works for the Brunvand Accounting Firm.”


“Moore and Golden, Inc. have hired Brunvand to make sure you’re clean before the Hall merger.”

“So?” I knew it was stupid as soon as it came out of my mouth. Those assholes wanted me ruined.

“She didn’t just run into you in that bar.”

Impossible. My mind cataloged her tight ass, her brown hair, her smile. The way she sounded when she orgasmed. The way she tasted, the way her wetness felt on my fingers and my tongue. Moore and Golden would stop at nothing to prevent the Creed-Hall merger from passing. I’d had an eye on another firm and the P.I. they’d hired to watch me. It was part of the Giuliana plan. But Mackenzie?

“Annul that shit.”

“It was consummated,” I said.

“Yeah, everyone on the top floor of the Bellagio knows you consummated that shit all last night and a bunch more this morning. But it’s fraud. She misrepresented herself. She lied to you.”

BOOK: LOVE AND HATE (A Billionaire Romance)
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