Read Love Again Online

Authors: Christina Marie

Love Again (2 page)

BOOK: Love Again
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I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly walking toward the bed.  My toes sank into the plush carpet as I tiptoed across the room, Justin quietly snoring from his side of the bed.  I pulled the covers back and eased into the bed and curled up on my side with my back to him. 

The alarm clock displayed 3:00A.M. I had been locked in the bathroom for over two hours while he kicked and hit the door screaming at me, telling me how big of a whore I was.  All because I was reading Ana and Christian’s story.  I loved reading romance novels; they were my only escape from what I was dealing with in life.  The bed moved as, Justin rolled over and wrapped his arm around my waist and curved his body against mine.  I waited for an apology, but like usual there wasn’t one. 

My eyes popped open at the rapid beeping coming from my alarm clock.  I reached over and shut it off before it woke my Justin up.  He didn’t go to work until ten and hated if my alarm woke him up.  With only three and a half hours of sleep, my day was going to drag by.  I sent up a silent Thank You to the Starbucks Gods before I slid out from under Justin’s arm that was wrapped around me still. 

After showering and getting dressed, with my heels in hand, I rushed out of the apartment to the elevators.  I stepped inside and put my shoes on, I couldn’t wear them in the apartment because Justin hated the “clickity-clickity” across the hardwood flooring and tiles.   

“Good morning Mrs.  Ericson!” the doorman Keith said joyfully. 

I stopped, “Keith how many times do I have to tell you to just call me Lennie?” I asked him with a big smile.

He shook his head, “Good Morning Lennie, busy day today?”

I laughed, “Good Morning Keith, I’m sure hoping for a busy day.  Right now I need some caffeine ASAP!”

He nodded his head and laughed and hailed a taxi for me, “You have a wonderful day.  Your car is back at the office, all fluids changed and new tires.”

“Great!  I’m sorry that Justin wouldn’t give the mechanic the garage code.  Have a great day!” 

Keith was somebody I actually considered to be a friend.  Even in front of Justin he would talk to me without fear that Justin would think he was flirting with me.  Maybe because Keith was in his early sixties Justin didn’t feel he was a threat, but I was glad to have at least one person that acknowledged me each time we passed.

Once inside the taxi I asked the driver to stop by the Starbucks a couple of blocks down. I had been a regular there ever since Justin and I had moved to Chicago.  He pulled up in front, I rushed in and smiled at Marylou that was working and ordered my normal Dirty Chai Latte with two shots of espresso blended in.  I handed her a ten-dollar bill and told her to keep the change, “Be careful in those heels Lennie—have a great day!” she called out with a laugh as I rushed away. 

“You too!” I waved over my shoulder. 

James and Henry were both walking in when I arrived. 

“Morning.” They both grumbled like they were only half awake.

“Morning guys!” I walked back to my office, put my purse in the drawer and powered up my computer to check my emails. 

The first few emails were from clients thanking me for helping them get into their beautiful home.  After checking a few more one caught my attention.

[email protected]

Subject:  Wilson Property For Sale

Dear Lennie,

My name is Tracie Miles, I am the attorney for Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson.  I was given your name as an outstanding realtor from a dear friend of mine.  If you could please contact me at the number attached I would love to talk to you about being the lead realtor for the property I have.  If I don’t hear from you by tomorrow I will continue my search.  Have a great day.

Thank You,


I clicked on the attached document and dialed her number.

“Tracie Miles office how may I direct your call?”

“I need to speak to Tracie please?  This is Lennie Ericson in regards to the Wilson property she contacted me about.” I told the secretary. 

“Oh, great!  Let me put you through.” She said cheerfully.

“Thank You.”

Soft music played for a minute before Tracie’s voice filled the line.

“I’m so glad you called Lennie!”

I smiled at her smiling tone, “I wouldn’t miss an opportunity to help somebody.”

“Good, you sound very efficient.  Let me tell you about the property.  It’s ten thousand square feet located on North Clark and its move in ready.  Eight bedrooms, eight full bathrooms, two partial.  There’s a heated indoor-outdoor swimming pool.  Three years ago it was updated, and if I must say so myself it’s a very beautiful property.”

“When can we meet so I can get some pictures?” I asked as I wrote down the details she had given me.

“This afternoon I have a couple of free hours, will that work for you?” she asked.

“Absolutely, how about after lunch?”

“I’ll send you the address and meet you there shortly after one.”

“Great, I’ll see you then.  Thank you so much for giving me a call.”

She laughed, “See you then, I can’t wait to meet you!”

After the call was finished she emailed me the address, I Googled the location and my mouth fell open in shock.  “JAMES…HENRY!” I yelled.

Henry was the first to come running into my office, “What?” He looked around frantically.  James ran in, “What?!”

I smiled, “Glad to know you guys are so quick, I received an email about a property this morning.  I’m going to meet with the attorney this afternoon.” I motioned for them to look at my computer screen.  They both walked around each end of my desk and looked over my shoulder.

“No fucking way!  That’s the Wilson place, it’s been vacant for almost two years…” Henry said but was interrupted by James.

“That’s at least a fifteen million dollar house—AT LEAST!  How did you land that place?  I think every single realtor in Chicago has been salivating over it since the Wilson’s passed away.”

“All Tracie told me was that she was given my name by a previous happy client.” I smiled big. 

“Wow!” They both said in a whisper. 

“Can we go with you?  I want to see the place too.”

“I think you can wait until I’ve got the listing.” I told Henry.

“Fine!” He said in a pouty tone.

They both left my office, I entered the location into my cell phone GPS then returned calls from a few people wanting to look at some of the other listings I had. 

The rest of the morning flew by, Henry asked if I wanted to join him and James for lunch but I declined.  Justin had text me and wanted to have lunch so I was going to meet him at the restaurant not far from my work place. 

He was just pulling into a parking stall when I arrived, while talking on his cell phone he got out of the black Range Rover and didn’t see me standing a few feet from him.  “I know, I’ll see you tomorrow.  Love you too.” He hung up the phone then looked in my direction. 

I raised one eyebrow at him, “Who was that?”

“Mom.” He held his hand out for me to take. 

After we were seated, he continuously checked his cell phone, and would smile then type out a reply.  I was being ignored and growing very frustrated.  “How has your day been?” I asked him. 

“Busy, how about yours?” He asked but never looked up from his phone.

“Pretty good, busy.” I said and shrugged a shoulder even though he wasn’t looking at me.  Since we were seated in a back corner booth I decided to ask him why he did what he did last night.  “Can you explain why you went off on me?  I’m really tired of the verbal abuse I’ve been getting from you Justin.”

He looked up from his phone, “I told you, I don’t approve of that fucking porn you read.  I haven’t even read the books and know it’s disgusting!” he whisper yelled.

I shook my head, “When will things ever be normal between us again.  I remember when you used to enjoy relaxing on the couch together; I would read while you watch TV.  Now you act like I’m the most…”

“Shut the fuck up I’m not having this conversation here.  I better not catch you reading anymore of that shit either.  I’ll burn every book I find!” He gave me a pointed glare. 

We ate our lunch in silence, I checked my watch, “I need to leave I have a new client I have to meet with today.” I finished my cold glass of water and grabbed my purse.  “I guess I’ll see you this evening.” I stood to leave. 

Justin jumped from his seat and stopped me, “I’ll give you a ride back to the office.

“It’s five blocks, I’m sure I’ll make it just fine.” I argued. 

“You’re riding with me, your fucking husband.” He growled in my ear.  Then placed his hand at the base of my spine and gently pushed me to the front of the restaurant.  I didn’t wait inside, I stepped out and let the sun warm my face and hopefully send some energy through me.  My short night combined with the meal was finally catching up with me.  “Get in.” Justin unlocked the Ranger Rover and walked around the front to the driver’s side.  Part of me wanted to roll my eyes and walk away but I knew that would make him even angrier, and probably make for another short night.  

Traffic was heavy with people rushing to get back to work, Justin blared on the horn and yelled at taxi drivers that cut us off and almost clipped the front bumper of our vehicle.  I stared out the side window and looked at the pedestrians on the sidewalk as they talked on their cell phones and made more ground than what we were.  I broke the silence in between us, “I miss the old days, the old us.” I said then looked over at him. 

He rolled his eyes, “Nothing’s changed, we’re both under more stress.  The first couple years of marriage are the hardest Lennie.  I’m working my ass off…shame on me.”

“No that’s not it!  You used to enjoy spending time with me, you said that we would be the envy of every couple.  I miss that—I miss you!” tears filled my eyes but I blinked them away. 

“You’ve changed too you know, it’s not just me.  You read those stupid fucking books you call romance reads but everybody knows they are just porn in writing.” He shook his head. 

“So that’s what the big problem is?  I enjoy reading romance books, did you ever stop to think that maybe it’s because I feel alone all the time?  At lunch you couldn’t even stay off of your phone long enough to have a conversation with me!  When you’re out of town you never say you miss me, you never talk sweet to me like you used to.  You belittle me over the dumbest shit just like last night!” I knew the very second I said it that I shouldn’t have. 

Justin’s icy blue eyes glared over at me his jaw set tight, “Have a great rest of the fucking day Lennie.” He reached across me and opened my door.  We were still two blocks from my work, I didn’t even try to argue with him that he could drive two more blocks.  I unbuckled my seatbelt, looped my purse strap over my shoulder and got out of the vehicle.  Justin barely waited for me to get the door shut before he pulled away. 

When I got back to the office I hurried to get my digital camera then told Henry and James goodbye.  The drive would take me about thirty minutes maybe more depending on traffic, luckily for me it wasn’t as busy as earlier.

I pulled up to the black iron gate and entered the code and the gate eased open.  Immediately I was in awe of the property.  The lawn was perfectly manicured along the short driveway up to the house.  The house was stunning, light brown brick with large floor to ceiling windows.  Beautiful flowers and other greenery lined the front of the massive two-story house.  After parking in front of the three-car garage I took my camera out of the carrying case and exited my car.  I decided to start taking pictures while I waited for Tracie to arrive. 

About ten minutes later she showed up.  “I am SO sorry I’m late!  Let’s go inside and you can do what you need to do.  God where are my manners?  I’m Tracie it’s so nice to meet you.” She laughed and extended her hand, I shook her hand. 

When we got inside the house I was completely blown away, it was by far the most gorgeous house I had ever been inside of.  It made Justin’s parent’s house look boring and cheap.  Tracie’s cell phone rang, “I need to take this call, go ahead and roam around to get some pictures and I’ll find you when I’m done.” She said with a smile. 

The entire main floor had an open floor plan, light brown hardwood floors shined throughout the entire space.  Large pillars painted a deep brown separated the rooms, an open staircase led to the second floor, and the kitchen dazzled with white cabinets, chocolate granite countertops and stainless steel appliances.  I snapped numerous panoramic pictures of each room then walked towards the back where the pool started about six feet from the back doors.  There was a fairly good size back yard with the pool on the other side and a decent sized lounge area.  After taking more pictures I went back inside and went upstairs.  All of the rooms were huge with their own on suite bathroom, walk in closets and large beds centered against the wall.  Just as I was finishing up in with pictures Tracie found me.  “This place is breathtaking!  Should we discuss what price to list it at?” I asked her. 

“Sure, let’s go down to the kitchen.” She smiled. 

Once we were each seated at the large island I took out my laptop so I could show her what other properties in the area had sold for.  I showed them to her then took out my pen and paper.  “None of them are remotely close to this place but this gives you a general idea.  I think a great starting point would be fourteen million that leaves room for negotiations.” I told her. 

BOOK: Love Again
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