Lost Innocence (38 page)

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Authors: Susan Lewis

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance

BOOK: Lost Innocence
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Whether they were or not wasn’t particularly relevant in itself – everyone who walked the planet bore the scars of previous experience – what the issue was doing for Lisa, however, was firming up her belief that Annabelle Preston had triggered something in Nathan Carlyle that had turned her into the victim of a spontaneous, and fairly violent rape.

The following evening just after five o’clock Bevan was in DI Caroline Ash’s office, updating her on the Holly Wood case, when a call came in from the labs with the DNA results.

As he listened Bevan’s expression went into shutdown. DI Ash watched him intently, her flinty lichen-coloured eyes raking his face as though trying to find a way in. She was a formidable woman of ample proportions and a fierce ambition that might have hoisted her several rungs higher by now, had Craig Carlyle QC not brought her promotion trajectory to a sudden and tragic end. The fact that she’d screwed up over an accused’s civil rights, allowing Carlyle to get him off on a technicality, was not the issue, as far as
she was concerned. It was the fact that Carlyle had known full well that his client was a compulsive arsonist with three previous convictions and should, for society’s sake, be behind bars. However, instead of doing the right thing and overlooking the procedural gaffe, he’d used the miserable specimen of pondlife to slap her down for having got one over on him during an earlier trial. The pondlife had then walked, and less than a month later Caroline Ash had been one of the officers called to the scene of a fire on Fishponds Road, where a mother was screaming hysterically because her two children were trapped in a blaze set by Carlyle’s despicable client. Both had subsequently perished.

‘Well?’ she prompted when Bevan tucked his mobile back into an inside pocket.

When he gave her the answer a frown line deepened between her eyes.

Bevan got to his feet and returned to his desk. After filling in the rest of the team he picked up a phone to call Lisa. ‘The results are back,’ he told her.


‘Turns out they’re both lying.’

Chapter Sixteen

‘I’m not sure about this,’ Alicia was saying to Nat. ‘We’ll have to cover the carpet and find somewhere to put all the furniture.’

‘We can get plastic sheeting for the floor,’ he suggested, ‘and why don’t we just let the furniture go? No one ever comes in here, and it’s not valuable, is it?’

As Alicia shook her head she was gazing round the disused wing of the Coach House that used to be her father’s waiting area and surgery, until her mother had turned it into a playroom for the children with a small study for herself at the garden end. ‘I think we should keep Grandma’s things,’ she said, opening up a wooden chest to check what was inside. Old board games and books. ‘But the toys and play furniture can go.’

Since it would have been too awkward for both Nat and Robert to go to the cricket, as planned for today, Nat had insisted that he and Alicia make a start on turning the wing into a temporary studio until she could legitimately use the one at the shop. It would mean transporting her workbench and a few materials back to the Coach House, but Nat was certain Simon and a couple of other friends would help out.

‘You have to focus your mind on something else, Mum,’ he’d told her last night, ‘or you’re going to drive us both nuts, the way you keep worrying.’

‘You’re right,’ she’d agreed, ‘and I’m sorry. I know everything’s going to be fine, it’s just hard to think about other things while it’s all still up in the air. I hope they don’t make us wait till Monday to hear the results.’

Now, as she watched him moving about the room, so like
a man in his build, and attitude, and yet still her precious boy, she felt a sob of pure love forming in her throat. He was so much a part of her that sometimes it was as though they were still joined. Her blood ran in his veins, he saw the world through eyes identical to hers, and he shared a sensitivity with her that his father had adored in them both. Only the mother of a son would ever really understand the complexity of the relationship she shared with him, and know how utterly indestructible the bond was that secured them.

‘What?’ he said, realising she was watching him.

Smiling, she resisted the urge to go and hug him, and gave a brief shake of her head.
Please God,
she murmured inside as she carried on sorting through dolls’ clothes and Action Men,
don’t hurt him any more. He’s a good person who’s never caused harm to anyone. He doesn’t deserve what’s happening now, especially while he’s still trying to get over losing his dad.

Hearing a car pulling up outside, she glanced round to check if it was someone coming into the Coach House. They weren’t expecting anyone, but with any luck Rachel had found a few spare minutes to drop in. However, when she saw who it was she felt the bottom drop out of her world. Why was DC Croft here again, with another man she didn’t recognise? Surely they wouldn’t come in person to deliver the results. Something else must have happened.

Sensing Nat coming to stand behind her she glanced up at him, and for one disorienting moment she felt as though she’d been struck. He was so white it was as though the blood had been sucked from his veins. His eyes were burning and wide, and his mouth was disappearing in a thin, tight line.

‘It’s all right,’ she said, squeezing his arm, ‘they’re probably just in the area and have a couple more questions they need to ask.’

By the time she reached the front door DC Croft was already there, but it was the other man who spoke.

‘Mrs Carlyle,’ he said, his tone as grim as the Reaper’s. ‘I’m Detective Sergeant Bevan. Is Nathan at home?’

‘Uh, yes, he …’ She turned as Bevan’s eyes moved past her.

‘Nathan Carlyle,’ Bevan said, stepping in through the
door, ‘I am arresting you for the rape of Annabelle Preston on the twenty-ninth of July…’

‘No!’ Alicia cried. ‘It’s not true.

Bevan continued. ‘You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.’

Stricken with horror, Alicia watched as Croft went to take Nat by the arm. Nat’s face was a mask. It was as though he’d withdrawn deep inside himself, leaving only a shell.

‘Don’t worry, darling,’ she said, hearing the roar of a distant storm as they led him past her. ‘We’ll sort it out. I’ll call Jolyon now.’

Nat mumbled something to Bevan, who nodded, then he turned round and drew his mother into an enveloping embrace. ‘I love you,’ he whispered into her hair, ‘I really love you.’

Alicia stayed at the door, watching the Focus drive away. She could see Nat in the back seat with Croft, but he didn’t look round. As soon as it disappeared from view she dashed into the kitchen and snatched up the phone. Her hands were shaking so hard she couldn’t dial the number. She took a breath, pressed her hands together and tried again.

‘Is Jolyon there?’ she said when the telephonist answered. ‘I have to speak to him. It’s Alicia Carlyle.’

‘I’ll put you straight through.’

‘Alicia,’ Jolyon said moments later.

‘Jolyon, they’ve taken him,’ she cried, her voice ragged and shrill. ‘They’ve charged him…’

‘Hang on, hang on. Tell me the wording they used.’

‘They said they were arresting him for the rape of…’

‘OK, that’s enough, it’s not a charge. I’ll find out what’s going on. Do you know where they’re taking him?’

‘I didn’t ask. I … It happened so fast. Jolyon, they’re making a terrible mistake…’

‘Try to stay calm,’ he advised firmly. ‘Obviously some new evidence has come to light.’

‘Do they have the DNA?’

‘I don’t know. Leave it with me.’

‘It can’t be that. He didn’t do it.’

‘I’ll get back to you as soon as I know what’s going on.’

As she rang off Alicia tried to make herself breathe deeply, but her chest was too tight. She was seeing Nat in the back of the car, lonely and afraid, the victim of an injustice too terrible to contemplate. She shouldn’t allow anyone to do this to him. Wasn’t he already going through enough? What was to be gained from destroying his life? Nothing, unless you were an adulterous bitch avenging herself on his mother.

She was out of the door and across the village without allowing herself any time to think. The gates to Robert’s house were open. The three strikes she gave the knocker were so forceful they might have splintered the wood.

When the door opened Sabrina’s eyes dilated with shock. ‘What the hell…’

‘Where is she?’ Alicia seethed. ‘I want to speak to her.’

‘How dare you…?’

‘She’s lying and you know it. You put her up to it. You’re…’

her,’ Sabrina cut in furiously.

‘You’re ruining an innocent boy’s life because you can’t stand the fact that Craig didn’t leave me,’ Alicia yelled. ‘He’s Craig’s
, for God’s sake. Why do you want to hurt him?’

‘You should be asking him why he wanted to hurt my daughter. He attacked and assaulted her, then he forced himself on her like a wild animal.’

‘I want to speak to Annabelle.’

‘She’s not here.’

‘You’re a liar. You’re…’

‘I don’t need this,’ Sabrina cut in and started to close the door.

Alicia jammed a foot against it. ‘Where is she?’ she screamed. ‘I have to…’

‘You stay away from her,’ Sabrina hissed. ‘She’s suffered enough from your family.’

‘Why don’t you think about what this is doing to her? Using her like this…’

‘No one’s using her. She’s got the injuries to show what he did to her.’

‘She didn’t get them from Nat. You’re sick, Sabrina, do you realise that? You’re obsessed and
. This should be between you and me. To drag the children into it…’

‘Your son did the dragging. Now get away from here before I call the police.’

‘I’m not leaving until I’ve seen Annabelle.’ She was walking backwards, looking up at the house. ‘Annabelle!’ she shouted. ‘Please. I need to see you.’

‘How many times do I have to tell you, she isn’t here. Now go home and don’t come near us again.’

Before she could slam the door Alicia threw her weight against it. ‘If my son is found guilty of a crime he didn’t commit, I’ll come back here and
you,’ she raged.

‘That’s it. I’m reporting you for threatening me. My God, it’s no wonder Craig couldn’t wait to be free of you. You’re crazy. Crazy or dull, that’s what he used to say about you.’

‘And do you know what he used to say about you? That you were only good for one thing, and you weren’t even very good at that. Now it seems you’re teaching your daughter to be the same, because everyone knows she’s a slut…’

She drew back as Sabrina raised a hand. ‘I should never have let him stay with you,’ Sabrina snarled. ‘It was only because of the children. He couldn’t wait for them to grow up so he could be free of you. Do you know the last words he said to me? They were, I love you. That’s how he felt about me. What were the last words he said to you?’

Alicia started to shout back, but Sabrina couldn’t stop.

‘You’re the reason he was so stressed that his heart gave out. You killed him, you bitch, and now you’ve got the audacity to come round here, accusing me of lying and my daughter of …’ She broke off as a car swept into the drive.

‘What the hell’s going on?’ Robert cried, leaping out.

‘Why don’t you ask her?’ Sabrina shouted. ‘She came over here trying to force her way in…’

‘Alicia?’ he said, turning to his sister.

‘They’ve arrested him,’ Alicia said brokenly. ‘They’ve taken him away. Oh God, Robert, I can’t bear it. You’ve got to make her stop. She ruined my life once, please don’t let her do it again.’

* * *

‘We’ve brought him to Bath,’ Bevan was telling DI Ash on his mobile. ‘We couldn’t get him into Trinity Road.’

‘OK. I take it Jolyon Crane’s on his way.’

‘So I believe.’

‘That boy’s not getting out of this,’ she stated. ‘That’s not a threat, it’s a fact.’

Knowing she was right, Bevan said, ‘The father’s dead, ma’am, it’ll be a pyrrhic victory.’

‘All I care about, Sergeant, is that justice is done. Learn from my mistakes, no cock-ups in procedure, everything by the book. Where is he now?’

‘Being processed. Kevin Wheeler’s on today, so we know he’ll be thorough.’

‘Good. Get back to me when the interview’s over.’

After ringing off Bevan turned towards the custody desk where Nat, ashen-faced and mute, was listening to the custody sergeant asking him if he understood the rights that had just been explained. As Nat nodded Bevan’s mobile rang again.

‘Bevan,’ he barked into it.

‘Sarge, I’ve got a very irate Mrs Paige on the line, the mother of…’

‘I know who she is. What’s her problem?’

‘I’m not sure. She’s insisting on speaking to you…’

‘Patch her through,’ he interrupted, and walked away so Nat couldn’t hear.

A moment later Sabrina’s hysterical voice came down the line. ‘Sergeant, I have just been threatened in my own home by Nathan Carlyle’s mother,’ she seethed. ‘I want to press charges and I need to know…’

‘Hang on, hang on,’ he said. ‘What do you mean, threatened?’

‘Exactly what I said. She came round here like a mad woman, accusing my daughter of lying, and then saying she was going to kill me. I hope you’re going to arrest her, Sergeant, because she’s…’

‘Where is she now?’

‘My husband has taken her home. She was completely out of control. She’s insane. Dangerous.’

‘OK, I’ll send someone round there.’

‘Thank you. And I hope you’re going to impose some kind of restraint on her…’

‘Mrs Paige,’ he interrupted, ‘I take it you haven’t received a call from Lisa Murray yet?’

There was a beat before Sabrina said, ‘No. Should I have?’

‘She’ll probably be in touch sometime in the next hour,’ he told her. ‘We need to speak to Annabelle again.’


‘Lisa will explain when she rings. Now, I’m afraid I have to go. Someone will be round to deal with your complaint,’ and before she could go off on one again he cut the connection.

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