Read Logan's Rattler Online

Authors: A. J. Jarrett

Tags: #Romance

Logan's Rattler (10 page)

BOOK: Logan's Rattler
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“There.” Finn waved a hand toward his nightstand. The man’s body was so loose he barely had control of his arm. It pleased Logan to know he caused this strong, sexy warrior to fall apart at the very seams.

Logan grabbed the tube and squirted the clear gel in his hand. He covered his dick then smeared the remainder between Finn’s ass cheeks. Logan teased a fingertip in the opening but didn’t go any further. He wanted his cock to be the first thing to sink deep into Finn’s velvety depths.

Scooting up close behind Finn, Logan guided his cock toward Finn’s hole. He cautiously pushed forward then retreated. He repeated that movement until Finn’s body gave way. He pressed all the way into the hot channel until his balls smacked against Finn’s ass. He grunted his relief at finally being burrowed tight inside his lover.

Finn on the other hand was mumbling uncontrollably for Logan to move his ass. Gathering his control, Logan thrust his hips forward, plowing into Finn’s silky warmth.

“So fucking good,” Logan said as he reached forward to sink his fingers into Finn’s shoulders.

Finn arched his back, pushing his ass up higher for Logan to plunge into. Logan gasped for breath at the way Finn’s body fit to his cock like a glove as if this man was made just for him. And if what Finn said were true, he was.

“Harder, honey,” Finn said breathlessly. “Faster!”

At his lover’s request, he did just that. With sweat dripping off his body, he snapped his hips forward so hard Finn lost his gripping for just a moment, but Logan never let up. If his man wanted hard and fast, then by god he wouldn’t disappoint him.

Just as the mind-numbing tingling started in his lower back, he felt Finn shift a little bit to grab his own cock. They worked in sync with one another, climbing the mountain to the best orgasm Logan had ever experienced. The smacking of skin against skin was the final straw.


Logan’s Rattler


Logan’s orgasm ripped through him so hard it almost hurt. He shouted out Finn’s name as he filled his lover’s abused hole with his cream.

“Yes, yes, yes,” Finn chanted as he his body shook beneath Logan’s. Logan could smell Finn’s seed as it was wrenched from his body.

They continued to rock back and forth until Logan collapsed from sheer exhaustion over Finn’s back. He wrapped his arms around his man and kissed along his neck. Finn tilted his head to the side, giving Logan better access.

“That was amazing. Will it always be this good?” Logan couldn’t help but ask. Was it just great sex or was it a mating thing?

“Better,” Finn purred, the sound vibrating through his chest to ripple against Logan’s.

“Well then, my mate, I just don’t know how I will survive an eternity of all this awesome sex,” Logan teased Finn.

“Then I would suggest a new exercise routine so you can keep up with me.”

He shifted off Finn so they could lie facing one another. In all his life he had never felt so in love. Granted Logan was still young, but he knew this was it. No other man would ever compare to Finn, and if he were being honest, he didn’t want anyone else, only his rattler.



AJ Jarrett

Chapter Nine

An hour later Finn started to complain that he was hungry. So they took a quick shower which turned into mutual blow jobs, then got dressed and headed out of the bedroom.

Finn led Logan down a long staircase to the kitchen. Logan could hear the voices and laughter long before they reached the door.

Nervousness caused his hands to shake. Finn said there were other types of paranormals living in the house, and Logan had to wonder if they were all good.

“Hey, lovebirds. It’s about time you emerged from the room of sin,” Trevor teased as he sipped from a mug.

“Shut up, motormouth. If I wanted any lip from you, I’d pull your pants down.” Finn spun around with a finger to his lip, fighting back a smile. “Oh that’s right. You’re not a girl, you just act like one.”

Laughter rained out along the table as Trevor’s cheeks beamed a bright crimson. “Whatever, snake boy. I’m still extremely fuckable with or without a vagina.”

“He’s got you there,” Lawson said from where he sat at the table eating his lunch. “Hey!” Lawson shouted.

Logan saw Quinn pulling his hand back. The older man had smacked Lawson upside the head. But why? Was the loud mouth Trevor his boyfriend? Trevor did say he wanted to bite Quinn, and since they were all paranormals, maybe it was a sexual thing. Logan even felt the need to bite Finn in the throes of passion.

The kitchen door swooshed open, and Logan turned to see a thin man with bright-pink hair saunter in. He wore black from head to toe

Logan’s Rattler


and was in desperate need of a tan. Logan assumed the man was a vampire.

“Oh we have a newcomer,” the man said as he walked up to Logan. He held out a hand for Logan to shake. “I’m Carter.”

“Hey, I’m Logan. I’m Finn’s boyfriend?” He took the offered hand.

“Sweetie, are you asking or telling me?” the pink-haired man asked.

Logan let out a nervous chuckle. “I’m just not sure what to call him. We’re mates, but that seems so awkward to say.”

“I know, right?” Trevor chimed in. “It’s like this Warriors of the Light business. Could that name be any drabber? I feel like I should be wearing a full set of armor when I announce who I’m with.”

He looked at Trevor and nodded his agreement. “I was thinking the same things when Finn told me.”

“Oh shit,” Lawson said from where he sat at the table staring between Logan and Trevor. “Finn, your boy is thinking like Trevor.

You better keep them apart. I don’t think this house can handle two Trevors. Ouch,” Lawson said as he looked to Quinn. “Would you stop hitting me?” He stood up, collected his plate, and walked to the kitchen sink to deposit his dirty dish. “Jeez, I’m getting out of here before Quinn inflicts brain damage on me or some shit.”

“Too late,” Carter spoke up as Lawson left the room. He turned back to Logan. “So you’re Finn’s mate? That’s cool. He’s quite the hottie. I think for me it’s the allure of that snake tongue of his. I bet he can lick all those hard-to-reach places.”

Logan stood there stunned as heat overcame him. He didn’t know how to respond to such frankness. A part of him wanted to rip off the guy’s head at such a lewd remark about his boyfriend, but a part of him wanted to brag about his lover’s expertise in that department.

“Carter, shut up,” Finn said as he took a seat at the table. “Honey, just ignore him. We all do.”



AJ Jarrett

“Yeah,” Trevor agreed. “I think it’s the witch in him that makes him a dickhead.”


Without thinking about it, Logan grabbed Trevor by the shoulders and positioned the man between him and the witch. Finn said witches could be evil, and he didn’t want to take any chances. This was all still so new to him.

“What the hell are you doing?” Trevor asked.

“He’s a witch. Finn said witches can be bad.”

“So you put me in front of possible danger?” Trevor’s voice rose an octave as he turned to look over his shoulder at Logan. “Nice to know you’d just throw me under the bus like that. And I thought we were friends.”

“I’m sorry, Trevor, but you’re a vampire, and I’m just a human.

You got better chances of survival against witches. Right?” Logan felt bad by the hurt expression on Trevor’s face. He honestly thought Trevor could protect him against danger if need be. The sound of snorts and laughter had him turning toward the table. Quinn and Finn both wore red faces as they tried to not look at him.

“Logan, sweetie, I’m a witch, yes, but I’m not evil.” Carter held up a hand as if swearing an oath to god. “On my honor, and if I’m lying, I’ll never dye my hair again.”

“Now that’s a promise I’d never thought I’d hear,” Quinn said, never looking up from the table.

Logan stepped out from behind Trevor to talk with the witch. He seemed normal, well as normal as a man with pink hair could be.

Talking with Trevor and Carter was fun. It was almost like being around Leo.

“Hey, guys.” A large man offered a greeting as he walked into the kitchen. The man wasn’t fat large but tall and ripped with Incredible Hulk type muscles. But he had a soft, inviting face. Logan didn’t fear the giant of a man. His smile seemed genuine.

“Abner, how’s it going?” his mate asked.


Logan’s Rattler


Logan watched as Abner looked over to Carter, who was acting like he didn’t notice the big guy entering the room. Which was an impossible feat since the man was larger than life. “It’s been better.”

Abner grabbed one of the premade sandwiches off a tray then left the room.

Why can’t he look at me? Can’t he see that I’m hurting, too? I just
want him to love me like I love him.

Logan looked over to a downtrodden Carter. He laid a hand on the witch’s shoulder and gave a soft squeeze. “Have you told him how you feel?”

“Huh?” Carter’s faced paled. “What are you talking about?”

“You said that you’re hurting, too, and that you l—”

Carter covered Logan’s mouth with both his hands and eyed him warily. “What are you?”

Logan’s eyebrows drew together in confusion at the question.

Carter still had his hands covering his mouth, and Logan couldn’t speak.

“Carter, what are you talking about?” Finn asked as he got up to come stand by Logan.

“He knew things I was thinking. That’s not common.” Carter moved forward into Logan’s space and took a deep breath.

“Yeah, we discovered that earlier.” Finn looked to him. “Logan can hear people’s thoughts. I was going to ask him about that, but we got distracted.” A blush flooded Finn’s cheeks.

“I smell magic on you,” Carter said as he leaned back against the counter and took a drink from his cup.

“Magic? I have no magic. I’m human.” Logan looked to Finn.

“Well maybe it’s the mating thing.” He looked back to Carter.

“Maybe that’s what you’re smelling.” Logan lowered his voice. “Or maybe from us, you know, having sex.”

“That might be true if he currently had his dick up your ass and was fucking you at this very moment.” Trevor began to laugh. “And


AJ Jarrett

from the sounds I heard coming from your room earlier, it was the other way around.”

“What the hell!” Finn shouted. “Have you ever heard of a thing called privacy?”

“Yeah I have.” Trevor took another sip from his mug. “But I don’t get out much, so overhearing all you mated couples go at it is my only source of entertainment. Well, that and online porn.”

“Dear god,” Quinn mumbled.

Logan watched as Quinn rubbed his temples in earnest as he held his eyes shut. Stress was apparent in his tight hand movements. Logan could relate. Nothing ever seemed to bother Trevor. He’d say anything that popped into his head, and now Logan felt embarrassed because his new friend overheard him and Finn making love. The house Finn lived in might be big, but maybe not big enough.

“Being mated and having sex with Finn wouldn’t leave a trace of magic in you. Finn was turned into a shifter by magic, but it doesn’t make him a magical being.” Carter never broke eye contact with him as he spoke.

“What does that mean?” Logan shook his head. His skin began to prickle, and the hairs on his arms stood on end.

“It means you have magic in you.” Carter pointed a finger at him.

“I’m guessing passed down from a distant relative or something. I can feel the magic just barely, but it’s there.”

“So what you’re saying is that Logan has witch blood in him?”

Finn asked Carter.


“And this is why my mate can hear voices?”

“I’m not sure on that.” The witch turned his attention back to Logan. “Do you hear voices or thoughts often?”

“Not really. I mean I hear stuff, but not every little thing,” he confessed. “It’s only like personal stuff.” Logan dropped his eyes.

“Like what you said about Abner.”


Logan’s Rattler


“What did he say about Abner?” Trevor asked as he leaned forward on the counter, enthralled in the conversation.

“Shut up!” everyone in the kitchen shouted at Trevor.

“I think you might be an empath.” Carter reached out and grabbed Logan’s hand. “I’m a past reader. Would you mind if I flip through your memories to see if anything is hidden in your mind that might help us figure out what’s going on with you? Or in the very least what witching family you descend from.”

Logan shrugged his shoulders. What did he have to lose? Finding out he might be a witch had knocked him off balance. It was like being on a rocking boat and the waves crashing against the side sending everything scattering out to sea.

Carter took Logan’s hands, then the witch closed his eyes. A feeling of warmth jolted through Logan, but he didn’t let go. He watched as Carter’s face pinched together. Logan looked over to Finn who just nodded his head.

After a couple of minutes, Carter opened his eyes and dropped Logan’s hands. “I didn’t see anything. I mean I saw that your parents died and you grew up in foster care but nothing else. No witches at all in your past. That’s kind of weird. Usually witching families like to keep it all in the family if you know what I mean.”

BOOK: Logan's Rattler
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