Lizzie's Secret (24 page)

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Authors: Rosie Clarke

BOOK: Lizzie's Secret
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‘Beth… is it you?' the man's voice made her jump, but she turned round in delight to see Mark before her. It was more than two months since she'd seen him, though he'd written to her several times. ‘The other girls told me you would have finished your shift at the hospital and be home about now. So I waited here rather than come round and miss you…'

‘Oh, Mark, it's so lovely to see you,' Beth said and let him draw her close and kiss her. ‘I'm filthy after a hard day's work. I was just hoping I could get a bath, but the water will probably be cold.'

‘Don't bother about a bath,' he said. ‘You can come back to my hotel. I've got a bath of my own and lashings of hot water.'

‘Lucky you,' Beth said and kissed him. ‘I shall need some clean clothes…'

‘You can nip in and grab them,' he said, ‘but I came to tell you I'll be away for months after this leave so we have to make the most of tonight and the next couple of days…'

‘All right,' Beth said and laughed, catching his urgency. ‘Don't move an inch. I'll be back before you know it…'

Mark promised he wouldn't even breathe, and Beth was feeling excited and thrilled as she hurried to collect some clothes from her room. She thrust them into a large shopping bag and ran back to Mark, ignoring one of the other nursing students when she called to her.

‘I adore you, Beth,' Mark said. ‘I've been thinking about this for weeks, planning what we'd do and where we'd go – do you think you could get a couple of days off?'

‘It's difficult because I would miss lectures,' Beth said, ‘but I'll try. Perhaps one of the girls would let me copy her notes…'

‘You mustn't miss important lectures,' Mark said. ‘I'll be waiting for you each night and we'll spend as much time as we can together.'

‘Yes, we will,' she promised. ‘It was such a lovely surprise you being there this evening, Mark. I was feeling fed up and lonely, and now you're here…'


Relaxing in a bath of hot water scented with pleasant-smelling crystals, Beth felt her tiredness seep away. She'd ached all over, but the prospect of being with Mark soon had her out of the bath and dressed in the skirt and jumper she'd hurriedly grabbed from her room at the nurse's home. The rules said that she had to be in by eleven in the evening, unless she was working, but in reality no one checked and some of the girls ignored what they thought of as an outdated stricture.

Beth knew she dare not have done this if she were still living at home, because her parents would have been up in arms if they'd known she was planning on spending most of the night with a man she hardly knew – except that Beth felt she'd known Mark all her life. It was true they'd only met and gone out together a handful of times, but she felt she'd got to know the real Mark through his letters. He might come from another class to Beth, but underneath he was a warm, loving man and she knew he liked her a lot; he might even love her, as she was almost certain she loved him. She'd thought she loved Tony only a few months previously, but after their quarrel she'd put him out of her mind; she was with Mark now and his letters were loving and caring, giving her something to look forward to after a hard day on the wards.

Dressed in her comfortable clothes, she emerged from the bathroom and discovered that Mark had had a meal delivered to the room.

‘I thought it would be nice to be alone for a while,' he said as she stared at the array of dishes set out on a trolley. ‘You don't mind, do you?'

‘This is lovely,' Beth said, taking in the tempting green salad and the variety of seafood; prawns and something else in a pink dressing, and white rice with hardboiled egg in it. ‘I've never had food like this, Mark. What is in the pink sauce?'

‘Lobster tails… I recall you liked it at Sebastian's party.'

‘Oh yes, it was wonderful – but how on earth did you get it these days?'

‘Well, this hotel prides itself on providing good food,' he said. ‘At the moment, they're having difficulty in getting hold of enough decent meat, but they had a delivery of fresh seafood today and I grabbed our order before they ran out. The manager told me they only had enough to serve the first ten people that asked. I hope there's something you like, Beth?'

‘To be honest I've never had much of this sort of stuff,' Beth said. ‘Dad eats cockles and whelks when he gets the chance, but Mum never cared for seafood. But the salad and rice look wonderful – and I'm dying to try the rest.'

‘Here, help yourself,' Mark said, offering her a plate and looking anxious.

Beth took some of the delicious-looking rice and the salad and then the tiniest amount of seafood in pink dressing. She forked a minute piece into her mouth and tasted and a smile broke out.

‘Oh, that is delicious,' she said. ‘I should like some more of that…'

‘You can have it all, because I don't eat it; I got it just for you,' Mark said but she laughed and shook her head.

‘You spoil me..' She took two large spoonsful, whilst Mark helped himself to the salads and rice. ‘ I shan't want to go back to the hospital canteen fare of watery mash and soggy chicken pie.'

‘That sounds even worse than the food they serve us in our canteen. They say the menu on the ships is better than we get at the base, but I've yet to experience it…'

Beth paused with a forkful of food halfway to her mouth. ‘You haven't been to sea yet?'

‘Only for training and coastal work…' Mark told her, before adding, ‘I'm on the Atlantic run after this leave, Beth.'

‘Oh, Mark…' Beth had been sipping the delicious wine he'd ordered. ‘That's so dangerous…'

‘Yes, but it has to be done…'

They looked at each other in silence, because ships on that run were being sunk by German U-boats; the Germans believed that if they could stop food getting through to Britain they could starve the people into submission without a prolonged war and were concentrating all their efforts on the merchant ships for the moment.

Tears caught at her throat, because everyone knew how the ships on the Atlantic run were suffering, and now that Mark was one of the men risking his life to bring supplies to Britain, she was even more aware of the danger.

‘I didn't order a pudding,' Mark said, ‘but if you wanted we could ring down and they'll bring it up.'

‘I shan't need it after this…' Beth said and relishing her treat..

Between them they cleared all the dishes and Mark patted his stomach in content. ‘I was looking forward to a decent meal on leave, which is why I chose this place. Come here, Beth…' He patted the side of the bed where he'd perched to eat, leaving Beth the comfort of the single armchair. ‘Sit here and talk to me, tell me how you're getting on… Are you enjoying your nursing?'

‘At the moment I'm just skivvying,' she said mournfully. ‘I enjoy the lectures and helping with the patients, but we VADs don't get much of that – it's all bedpans and scrubbing.'

‘Poor Beth,' Mark said and put his arms about her. She turned to face him and her heart did a giddy somersault as she saw the look in his eyes. ‘This damned war. I love you. You must know that, Beth?'

‘I've felt it reading your letters,' she said her voice no more than a whisper. Although she hadn't spent much time with him, his warm and wonderful letters had made her realise how very much she liked him. No, her feelings went deeper and were much stronger than mere liking. ‘I love you too…'

Mark pulled her closer, kissing her first on the lips and then her throat, her earlobes and nose. ‘I think of you all the time, Beth,' he said. ‘Look, why don't we get married while I'm here? I could get a special licence…'

‘I'm not old enough,' Beth said regretfully. ‘I wish I could, Mark – but my father wouldn't consent, even if you asked him…'

‘Hell…' Mark ran his fingers through his thick hair. ‘I thought if we could have a quick wedding… I dream of us being together, Beth – you know…'

Beth nodded, his tone of voice and the look in his eyes arousing feelings inside her. Suddenly, she knew that she couldn't bear to lose him as she'd lost Tony. She pressed closer, initiating their kiss which was unlike any other kiss she'd ever known and in a reckless mood, said, ‘We don't have to be married, Mark. We can be careful. You may be away ages and…'

Mark looked down at her in concern. ‘Supposing something happened, Beth? Supposing I couldn't get back…'

‘Don't – please don't,' she whispered. ‘I love you and you love me – we can't think about anything else. Making babies isn't that easy. I know of women who have tried for years…'

‘Oh, Beth my darling,' he said and drew her tight against him. ‘I do love you so very much…'

‘I love you…'

‘I want you so much,' Mark said against her hair, his hand stroking her thigh over her skirt. ‘It wouldn't be fair to you, Beth, but I wish…'

‘Why shouldn't we?' Beth said, her need making her speak her thoughts aloud. ‘We love each other and we shall marry one day, shan't we?'

‘Of course we shall. You're the only one for me, Beth. Whatever happens, I shall never marry anyone else.'

‘Then love me. I want you to, Mark. We can be careful – I've heard that there are ways…'

‘Yes,' he said doubtfully. ‘I could pull away at the last, but that isn't always fail-safe. I didn't bring anything – I never thought you would want to before we marry.'

‘Does it make you think ill of me? It was just that you're leaving…' she said, looking worried. ‘I'm not easy, Mark…'

‘I know that,' he said and stood up, pulling her hard against him. ‘I want this more than you'll ever know and I'll still love and want to marry you – but you have to be sure, just in case…'

‘It can't happen the first time,' Beth said. ‘Not if we're careful…'

‘If anything happens let me know. I'll get leave and marry you as soon as I get back…'

‘I love you,' she whispered. ‘If you love me nothing else matters.'

Mark kissed her so sweetly that the last of Beth's doubts fled. She wanted to experience the fullness of love before he left, to know they belonged to each other – perhaps then she could be sure he would come back to her.

In that moment Beth didn't care if she did fall for a baby. All she wanted was to show Mark how much she cared so he would take the memory with him and never forget her.

Of course it wasn't just once, because once could never be enough for either of them. Beth wasn't going to worry about what she'd done yet. Their loving was tender and sweet and she felt truly loved, cherished and wanted. She knew she ought to call a halt but she couldn't bring herself to leave the warmth of their bed; it was just so lovely to be held close and stroked. Mark's hands were so gentle and they made her shiver with delight when he touched and caressed her. His kisses thrilled her, and when he reached for her again she went to him willing and eager. Several times they loved, dozed, talked of getting up and then made love again. Beth never wanted to leave him.

In the end she slept and it was getting light when a knock at the door woke her. Mark was up and dressed and he brought a tray of tea to the bed. She sat up, only now aware of her nakedness and slightly embarrassed to remember their night of unbridled passion.

‘We must have fallen asleep,' she said, slightly shocked to realise she'd spent the whole night in his hotel room.

‘Don't mind me looking at you,' he said. ‘You're beautiful, Beth, and you are mine – and I was the first. I shall never forget that and I promise I'll marry you as soon as I get a long enough leave to come back…'

‘My father might not allow it…' Beth glanced at her watch and shot out of bed. ‘I'm on duty in just over an hour. I have to get back and change into my uniform or Sister will murder me…'

‘Drink your tea and I'll order a taxi…'

‘That's so wasteful,' Beth said. ‘I can walk it in half an hour.'

‘You're already in trouble for being out all night,' Mark said ruefully and kissed her. ‘Get dressed quickly and I'll take you back in my car…'

Chapter 27

Wendy and her mother came on the Tuesday of that week to collect and pay for the hats they'd ordered, and they both bought another simple straw hat from the collection Lizzie had taken through to the showroom just that morning. They lingered for a while, talking about Wendy's wedding, which was now imminent, and Lizzie began to understand what Uncle Bertie had meant when he said selling to the public was time-consuming. At last the two ladies took their leave and she was just preparing to return to the workroom when the door opened. She turned and saw that it was Mabel Hennessy, looking very smart in a black suit with a large straw hat.

‘Hello,' she said. ‘I didn't know you were coming today?'

‘Oh, I didn't make an appointment, just popped in to see what you have new. I have to tell you that I'm very cross with you, Lizzie Larch. I've just seen some of the hats you made for Wendy and I'm jealous.'

‘Since your last visit, I've been allowed to try my wings a little – but most of Wendy's hats were fairly conventional, apart from the trimmings.'

‘Well, I loved the hats you made for me and now I want something special.'

‘Please try anything on you like,' Lizzie said. ‘Of course, I can make the designs in different colours with different trimmings…'

‘I love that black and green pointed hat in the window… May I try that please?'

‘Yes, of course, if you wish – but I should tell you that it is really just a bit of fun for display. It was a first go at that idea and may be a bit flimsy… it probably wouldn't last long.'

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