Read Little Square of Cloth Online

Authors: Sean Michael

Little Square of Cloth (3 page)

BOOK: Little Square of Cloth
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He kissed Peter’s tears, tasting the salt on his tongue. “Tears, boy?”

“Sorry. Sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

“Don’t apologize for how you feel, for your reactions. I don’t want you hiding things from me. I do want to know why, though.”

“They just happened. It didn’t hurt too bad or anything, but they just popped out.”

Oh, damn, he knew he shouldn’t laugh, but he had to bite his lip hard, that was so adorable. “They just popped out...”

Peter nodded, looking so sincere. “Exactly. I didn’t mean to do it. I just did.”

He kissed his boy. “And do you feel better for it?” Some men did, needing the release something like a spanking could give them.

“I feel...” Peter closed his eyes, inhaled deeply. Shit, what if he hadn’t found Peter? Those men would have eaten him alive. “I feel less anxious.”

“Good. I want our encounters to be good in your life.”

“How do you feel?” Peter asked.

“Me? I am excited. I’m very glad I was here tonight, Peter. And I hope you’ll come home with me, hope you’ll promise to explore being gay and being a bottom with me.”
And only me

“I should tell someone where I’m going, just in case. I trust you, but...”

Rupert beamed at his boy. “Yes, Peter. You should -- we only just met. But not the friend who sent you in here with the black hankie. I wouldn’t trust him to really have your back.”

“No. No, he’s not really my friend, I don’t think. I’ll text my brother, Mark.”

“No, he’s not your friend. Even though we only met because of him. Your brother sounds like a much better option.” He found Peter’s phone and put in all his details, then handed the phone to Peter.

Peter typed in a quick message, sent it, and in a few seconds the phone dinged. Peter read the message, then chuckled and showed him the phone. All it said was, ‘Go you! yay!’.

“So you weren’t entirely in the closet, then. I’m glad you have someone who can support you.”

“Mark’s the least in the closet brother in the history of men.”

“Oh, your brother is gay, too?” How interesting.

“Yeah. He’s a drag queen. Miss Manners.”

“No way! I’ve seen Miss Manners. Over at the Pink Cocktail, right?”

“Yeah. Yeah, that’s him. Would you believe we’re identical twins?”

“No, you look nothing like Miss Manners.” He winked, grinning when Peter laughed for him. “But I’m not surprised you’re both gay -- from what I understand, even if they aren’t brought up together, twins are very similar and go through many of their important life moments similarly. Something tells me your brother isn’t a virgin, though.”

“No. No, we were raised by two different families. I only met him when I was in college.”

“Oh, that’s fascinating.” Even more so than the fact that they were both gay. Rupert loved that they had more to talk about than just the lifestyle.

“Yeah. It was actually neat. We grew up ten miles from each other and never met.”

“Did you know about each other? Did you want to meet, or was it by accident?”

“We were six months old when our parents died. Mark went with Dad’s family, I went with Mom’s.” Peter grinned. “I knew my parents were dead, but I didn’t know about Mark.”

“I can’t believe your grandparents didn’t tell you and let you know each other.” That seemed so... dishonest, really.

“Mark knew about me. I was with my aunt and uncle. They were...” Peter shrugged, face shuttered.

Clearly these were not good memories. “I’m sorry. I guess that’s part of why you weren’t out until now.”

“Yeah. Yeah. Churches can be... harsh.”

Rupert hugged Peter tight.

“Thanks. I’m... I’m just shy.”

“That’s okay, I like the way you are.”

“Thank you.” Peter gave him another quick, impulsive hug.

He hugged back, fingers lingering on Peter’s soft skin.

How lovely -- a new sub, a new relationship, new energy.

It was a great day.




This wasn’t happening. Peter had fallen and hit his head, and he was having the fantasy of his life. That had to be it.

Rupert put a glass of milk and a plate of coffee cake in front of him, and he could smell the cinnamon. It sure smelled real, but he was sitting here at a Master’s table. In Master Rupert’s house.

“Thank you. Thank you, Sir.”

Coffee cake. And milk.

Rupert grinned and sat with a piece of his own. “Thanks. I like cooking, baking. You?”

“I don’t do it much. We have a tiny kitchen and lots of roommates, but I do like to invent food when I can.”

“Invent food -- I like that. My kitchen is at your disposal.” Rupert chowed down on his cake, washing it down with the milk.

Peter ate slower, enjoying the bites. So yummy.

Rupert watched him -- he could feel the dark eyes like they were eating him up.

“Am I taking too long?” Peter asked.

“Absolutely not. I’m appreciating the view. I think I’m going to be doing that a lot.”

Peter’s cheeks were going to catch on fire.

Reaching out, Rupert cupped the side of his face. “You’re a sweet boy.”

“Thank you. I don’t know how to be anyone else.” He didn’t try to be sweet; he was simply who he was.

“And that, my boy, is very sexy. There’s so many people out there trying to be someone they aren’t, and trying to be someone they think other people want.”

“You say all the right things.” It was amazing. Like he really had invented Rupert from his fantasies.

“I just speak from my heart -- I want to just be me, too. Be honest with you.”

Peter nodded. Honesty was the whole thing, at least from his reading. Happy people -- couples? Partners? “What do you call people like us?”

“Gay?” Rupert asked.

“No. No, I mean, yes. I mean. Christ. I read, you know, a lot. About sex and stuff. And all the books say you have to be honest.” He wasn’t making any sense.

“I think that holds true for all relationships, but doubly so for one where trust is such an important part of the partnership.”

“Yeah, because if... if you use bindings and things, you have to believe in being safe.”

Rupert nodded. “Exactly. You’ve read a lot about this.”

“Tons. I read all the time about it.” Almost an embarrassing lot.

“Well now you can spend that time experiencing it.”

“What do you do? I mean, for a living.”

“I mentioned being a photographer earlier, but I do own a hardware store, which brings in a more steady income.”

“Yeah?” Okay, that was cool. Surprising.

“Yeah. It’s a family business. I inherited when my parents retired.What about you -- you said something about college and the internet?”

“I went, yeah. Now I’m a web designer. Freelance, mostly.”

“Oh, right. Cool. Do you enjoy it?”

“I love it. Tech and creativity at the same time.” He was good at it, too.

“I like the way your face lights up when you talk about it.”

“It’s a good job, and I have great clients.” So far he’d been lucky, and no one had tried to screw him over like he sometimes heard.

Rupert grinned, looking a little wicked. “It lit up more when you called me ‘Sir’.”

“Oh. Yes, of course. Sir.” Right. He’d have to remember that.

“If you’re finished we can move this to the playroom,” Rupert suggested.

“It’s delicious, but yes. Yes, Sir. I’m done.” Like he could possibly eat anything anyway after the mention of a “playroom”.

“Then follow me, boy.” Rupert stood and headed out of the kitchen.

“Should I put the dishes in the sink?”

Stopping, Rupert leaned on the kitchen doorframe. “Sure.”

He nodded and put the dishes in, rinsing out the milk glasses so they didn’t get stinky.

“You’d look even better doing that naked.”

He looked back toward Rupert, heat flooding him.

“Maybe a little apron to cover your dangly bits when cooking.”

“Yes, Sir. That could be scary.”

“If you come stay with me, cleaning and cooking will be included in your duties.”

“I would be amenable to that, if we...” Like each other seemed like such an insipid thing to say.

Rupert smiled. “Boy, if you become mine you’ll do as you’re told.”

He wasn’t sure about that, but he’d have to see. He liked order, sense. Logic.

“Come on. Enough cleaning.”

“Yes, Sir.” He went to Rupert, trying to keep his nerves down.

Rupert cupped his chin and tilted his head up, before bending and taking a kiss. His heart stopped, his worries disappearing with a pop.

Humming, Rupert slipped his tongue into Peter’s mouth, exploring him quite thoroughly. He found himself opening, arching into the heat of Rupert’s body. Rupert’s free hand landed in the small of his back, tugging him in even closer, letting him feel the solid muscles from shoulder to toes. A soft moan escaped him, pushing from him.

Walking backward, Rupert drew him out of the kitchen and toward the stairway. He followed, their eyes locked. It was like there was a live wire inside their gaze. Those grey eyes fascinated him, and his cock filled, raised.

There was pure satisfaction in Rupert’s smile. “You remember your safe word, boy?”

“Cobalt, Sir.”

“Good deal. My playroom is upstairs.”

“Yes, Sir.” He was so excited he ached.

It was hot that Rupert was confident enough he went upstairs backward without missing a beat. Peter couldn’t stop smiling. That was amazing. So suave and smooth.

“This is my playroom.” Rupert led him a room upstairs, flicking on the light and closing the door behind them, making it feel immediately intimate.

Peter looked around, eyes wide, taking in everything he could. He would never see this for the first time, ever again. There wasn’t much furniture, the style more sparse than anything else, but in the center of the room there was a... bench? And a bed over to one side.

“Are you disappointed?” Rupert asked.

“No. Curious. Super curious.”


Rupert waved his warm at the room. “You have five minutes to look around freely, and of course you can always ask questions.”

Peter went immediately to the leather covered bench, fingers stroking the leather.

“When you’re bent over it, all you’ll be able to smell is the leather,” Rupert told him.

“Oh, God.” His entire body rippled.

“All you’ll be able to feel is my hand.”

His cock throbbed, and he groaned, imagining himself on the bench, cock pressed against the leather.

“There’s lots more to look at. My cupboards are full.”

“Cupboards. Oh. Oh, I was so focused. Should I open one?” Could he?

“Yes. I want to see what you think of the things you find.”

Peter went over to the closest cabinet and threw the doors open. There were plugs and dildos and handcuffs, paddles, things that he wasn’t sure what they were. He knew his lips were open, eyes wide, but he couldn’t stop staring.

“Interested? Scared? Fascinated?” Rupert’s heat was right there behind him.

“Yes, Sir.” All of the above.

Chuckling, Rupert leaned past him and grabbed a large cock. “Take it, feel it.”

“Oh, my gosh. That’s huge.”

“You never know -- you might turn out to be a size queen.” Rupert slid his hand over Peter’s ass and teased his crack.

He jumped, his body tingling.

“You like that?” Rupert rubbed again.

“Yes, Sir.” The dildo was fat and cool in his fingers, firm, but with some give.

“Would you like to feel it inside you? Filling you?”

“It wouldn’t tear me? It’s really big.”

“Oh, we’d work you up to it.” Rupert’s mouth was right at his ear, heat blowing across it as Rupert spoke. “You need to feel me first.”

“God, yes. That’s on my list of things I want to try.”

“Oh, you have a list. I want to know everything that’s on it.”

“Everything?” Oh, that would be embarrassing. Some of it was extreme, some of it was things he wasn’t even sure were real.

“Everything. Especially the stuff you don’t want to tell me.”

Peter’s cheeks felt fiery. Oh, how did Rupert know?

“Tell me what’s on your list,” Rupert insisted.

“All sorts -- plugs. I want to get a tattoo. There’s a neat thing I saw online that wraps around your cock and dips in your slit a little...” That was pretty wild, right?

“And now tell me a few things you really don’t want to divulge that are on that list,” Rupert insisted.

Oh. Oh, that was hard. Really hard. “I...I read about a man p...putting his whole hand in.” He couldn’t believe he was saying it out loud.

“Mmm. Fisting. It’s a good thing to have on the list. Tell me another.”

He searched his brain for something that was kinky but not perverted.

“No thinking about it -- just the first thing that comes to mind that you really don’t want to tell me.”

“Punishments.” The word shot out of him.

“Mmm. I can be very creative with punishments, boy. Much more creative than just spankings.”

His face was going to burn off.

Rupert kissed one hot cheek. “We’re going to have so much fun together, you and I. We’re going to explore everything you want and more.”

“I hope I do it right.”

“I don’t think there’s a wrong way to do it. As long as you’re trying and you’re honest. I mean, if you do things wrong on purpose to get punished, well that’s a whole other story.”

“Is that how it works, most of the time?”

“There’s no set way that things work. We make our own rules, do what works for you and me. But there are plenty of subs out there who ask for punishment by acting bratty, deliberately disobeying.”

Peter leaned back, resting against Rupert’s strength. “You’ll tell me? If my questions start making you frustrated?”

“I’ll tell you, I promise. But I like that you’re asking them. It means you’re serious.” Rupert pushed a hand beneath his shirt, stroking his belly.

“Oh...” That was heavenly.

“So many touches are new to you. It’s intoxicating.”

“Everything’s new. I just read. I never dared to try.” He was a wuss, maybe.

“I’m going to be selfish and tell you that makes me glad.”

“So far it’s made me glad, too. Honest.” Something about Rupert was a comfort, not about frightening him.

BOOK: Little Square of Cloth
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